East Germany

This website is written by Donna Welles in Washington, DC. Archive

See also: About Me, Research about China, the Virginians, Ireland and Manchester, South America, the Syrian desert, German radio technology, Manchester Labor, Madrid, Eastern Prussia, London, England, The London Office, Virginia Labor, Washington, DC, the British, and England Sports

East Germany and Prussia


A few examples about the military and age, (1) there was a middle-aged federal agent that went to Iran and he was arrested. He died in prison in Iran. He had worked for the bureau. Robert Levinson was in his 50's when he was arrested in Iran. (2) more recently an American serviceman was arrested in Venezuela. Airan Berry was in his 40's when he was arrested in Venezuela. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. It might be that people don't retire when they should. The Virginians make high salaries. It's strange that these men were deployed at these ages. It's probably because of defense contractors and salaries. (January 31, 2021)

Washington, DC

"It's Sunday afternoon. I worked all day and I just got home. It's raining out and I carried my umbrella as I walked home. I have a keycard to get into my apartment. When I was walking up to the outside door of my apartment I heard a command to take the trash out. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop stuff and fall all day. I hear commands and the commands form a queue. I drop something when I hear several commands at the same time. When I got into my apartment I did take the trash out. I've learned it's easier to simply follow the commands. But, I have also learned to have windows of time when I'll do chores around my apartment. It's a command every hour or so to clean something in my apartment. I've learned to do chores at certain times of the day so I can ignore the commands. The Spanish call this robotics. Radio transmissions combine with nanotechnology and objects are moved at long distances. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Virginian women look insane because they mess around with the garbage when they don't need to. I think it's left over from the Confederate era. The women in Virginia have simply learned to feel safe by messing with the garbage unnecessarily. I sometimes hear commands to take the garbage out when I shouldn't. I know to ignore it because that's what the Virginians do." (January 3, 2021)


"DECISION IN THE UKRAINE" This is the title of a book about German military operations in 1943. 'Ukraine' can be translated as 'borderlands'. I think it's not linguistically accurate to call it 'the Ukraine'. 'Ukraine' means 'borderlands'. It seems like the publishers of this book didn't do a good job at the title. It's from "The Stackpole Military History Series". "German Panzer Operations on the Eastern Front, Summer 1943" by George M. Nipe Jr. 1996. (January 1, 2021)


"Chavez spent the next two years based in Barinas, joining a counterinsurgency battalion stationed there since the guerrilla war of the 1960s." This is from a book about Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of a counterinsurgency battalion. It seems like the Germans send weaponry to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. (December 28, 2020)

Washington, DC

"Biden accuses Trump appointees of obstructing transition on national security issues" The Washington Post is reporting on the White House. The Virginians are German immigrants. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 28, 2020)

"Remember last week they wouldn't let them into the Pentagon. They're all in there drunk and not working."

Virginia 62

Washington, DC

"It's Monday afternoon. I'm at home watching a movie. Earlier today I went swimming and I came home and took a shower. Just now I got up to get something out of my refrigerator and I tipped over a teacup. Tea spilled on my floor in front of my refrigerator. When I got back from the pool I almost dropped an unopened bottle of shampoo. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop stuff and fall all day. The Spanish military uses silent communication. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia." (December 28, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It means that we take the moral excrement that we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our cause can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absoIuteIy necessary. Do you understand? Will that be all? Stitch that up. I'm gonna put you on a plane to Yemen in six hours." This is dialogue from 'The Bourne Legacy' (2012) with Edward Norton and Jeremy Renner. Notice the mention of Yemen. They're talking about the targeted killing program. Last year there were reports about a drone strike that was aimed at a two-car convoy. It's controversial about drone strikes that are aimed at cars. (December 28, 2020)

Matt Damon

Jeremy Renner is from near Sacramento, California. He went to Modesto Junior College. In South Park there is a character named Eric Cartman. I went to high school with Kyle Johnson. Kyle's dad had served in the Korean War and he worked for Sysco Foods. We went to Lyndon Johnson High School in Austin, Texas. It's the science and math high school in Texas. It's about ten minutes from UT-Austin. The Bourne movies have Matt Damon. He is from New England. In the South Park movie there are jokes about Matt Damon. It's because our high school is a math and science high school. Jeremy Renner is similar to me and Kyle Johnson because he's from a state capital. We're from Austin, Texas and Jeremy Renner is from near Sacramento. 'The Bourne Legacy' (2012) has Jeremy Renner. A Teamster is a 'car man' or a 'cart man'. (December 28, 2020)

Jeremy Renner

"The Hurt Locker" (2009) is a Hollywood film about Iraq. A team of American infantrymen are deployed to Iraq and they each have a radio. It's about five people on a team. There is one character named Sergeant JT Sanborn. He thinks it's his job to send a radio signal to his teammates about every five minutes. Conceptually, it seems like the army sends too many radio transmissions. It might be that the Pentagon doesn't consider efficiency in radio technology. This is true about radio signals sent from one infantryman to another. How often should teammates talk to each other using their radios? (December 28, 2020)

Washington, DC

The Washington Football Team lost yesterday to Carolina. 20-13. "Wasted opportunity" "Haskins is benched, and Washington blows a chance to clinch the NFC East" The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. It's possible that the coaching staff doesn't work enough hours each week for the team to win. (December 28, 2020)

Virginia 61

Church of England

[3 SUN THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 (20)] This is from Matthew 2. "Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." Herod had spoken of a couple and they had a baby. There were people in Jerusalem asking about this. Epiphany is the first holiday after Christmas. It's about Jesus and when he was little and people coming from the east to meet him. Orthodox Christmas is the same day as the Epiphany. I am an Episcopalian. I am today a member of the White House church. St. John's Episcopal Church in Lafayette Square. Donna Welles. December 28, 2020.

Dresden, Germany

The German news is reporting on Germany's airspace. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. "A young German pilot said Sunday he traced a giant syringe in the sky as a way of marking the start of Germany's roll out of vaccines against the coronavirus. Samy Kramer, a 20-year-old amateur pilot, had carefully plotted out the route he needed to take in advance in order to create the effect in the skies above Baden-Wurttemberg. The manoeuvres included a number of 90-degree turns during the flight on Wednesday that lasted one hour and 40 minutes and covered around 280 kilometres." (December 28, 2020)


"In Germany, vaccination against coronavirus was delayed in several cities on Sunday due to a mistake in the transport of vaccines." The Serbian news is reporting on Brandenburg. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 28, 2020)


"A settlement in Ukraine will be ever harder to achieve as time flies, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has warned." The Russian news is reporting on Kiev. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. Lviv serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 28, 2020)


"The Armenian police have started detaining protesters who gathered near the parliament building in central Yerevan, TASS reports. Currently, the Armenian parliament is holding an urgent session. A clash broke out between the protesters demanding that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan resign, and one of the ruling party lawmakers." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. It seems like belligerent radio signals are coming from Anatolia. (December 28, 2020)

Lima, Peru

This is from a book about Hugo Chavez. Notice the description of the military in Peru. It seems like the Germans send weaponry to Lima from the Gulf of Danzig. "In more recent years, after 1968, Peru had been the scene of a radical experiment in government conducted by the armed forces. General Juan Velasco Alvarado, an unusually progressive officer, had seized power in Lima in 1968 and embarked on a radical programme of reform, supported by revolutionaries within the armed forces and by some of Peru's left-wing parties. This was Chavez's first acquaintance with a radical military regime, and Peru, evocatively for him, was a country where Bolivar still had an honoured name." (December 27, 2020)


"He entered the military academy in Caracas in 1971 during the first presidency of Rafael Caldera, the founder of Copei, at a time when some of the future supporters of his government were abandoning the guerrilla struggle in the hills." This is from a book about Hugo Chavez. Notice the description of a military academy in Caracas. It seems like the Germans send weaponry to Caracas from Lubeck. (December 27, 2020)


"Turkey said on Sunday its military killed 15 militants from the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, which it said was preparing to carry out an attack in a region of northeast Syria controlled by Turkey and its Syrian rebel allies. In an offensive last year dubbed the Peace Spring Operation, Turkey seized a 120-km (75-mile) stretch of border territory in northeast Syria from the YPG, which it considers a terrorist organisation linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militia." Reuters is reporting on Ankara. Mosul, Iraq is in the north. There are accounts about trade deals negotiated in Mosul. The Kurds there allow the Turks to use Iraqi ports. It's not clear about how Baghdad can defend its ports against the Turkish militiary. (December 27, 2020)

Washington, DC

"This morning I walked to the organic market and I bought soup for lunch. When I was at the cashier I dropped my credit card. I then walked to the gym. I'm a member there and I used the digital scale. I'm about 5 lbs overweight. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop stuff and fall all day. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The Spanish military uses silent communication." (December 27, 2020)

"It's Sunday afternoon. I just got back to my apartment. When I got home I dropped deodorant that I bought on the floor. It fell under a chair near my bed. It was as though the outside of the deodorant was dirty and I could think about if I wanted to throw it away. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. They use silent communication. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop stuff and fall all day." (December 27, 2020)

Caracas, Venezuela

"When it came to further education, Barinas had no university. 'All my brothers had to travel to the university in Merida, and I had to come to Caracas, to the military academy. Those who didn't leave, stayed behind and stagnated.'" This is from a book about Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of a military academy in Caracas. (December 27, 2020)

Lafayette Park

The bureau has two buildings in the federal district. The Hoover Building and the field office are on 9th Street and 4th Street. The newspaper reports sometimes about the bureau and surveillance hardware. A bureau attorney lied about a surveillance application. It might be that the bureau doesn't document what they're doing with the surveillance hardware. There might be defense contractors in the buildings at night and on the weekends. It's possible that they think a report will automatically be written but the report is never written. Conceptually, I've heard there is a 'covert ops' desk but they don't document what they do with the surveillance hardware. (December 27, 2020)

Barinas, Venezuela

"Chavez the president was actually born a few miles away, in the village of Sabaneta, but he came to school in Barinas and was stationed here for some years in the army. It seemed an appropriate place to start." This is from a book about Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of an army base in Barinas. It seems like the Germans send weaponry to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. (December 26, 2020)

Washington, DC

The US Congress has complained about robocalls. "It's Saturday evening. I just got home from work. I got home and I put my coat in the closet. As I was hanging up my coat I dropped a clothes hanger. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop stuff and fall all day. It's a hassle to leave my apartment and to get back in the door. I hear commands. The commands form a queue and I fall or drop something when I hear multiple commands at once. It's possible the Spanish military is responsible for some of the plane crashes recently in the Balkans and near the Levant. If they send these transmissions to those pilots I'm not surprised that the planes sometimes crash. Radio signals are combined with nanotechnology and objects can be moved at long distances." (December 26, 2020)


"War crimes alleged in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh" The Washington Post is reporting on the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (December 26, 2020)

Ankara 8


"Roadside bomb kills 2 Afghan army officers" The Washington Post is reporting on Kabul. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. (December 26, 2020)

Virginia 60


Ondrej Kase, David Krejci, David Pastrnak, Tuukka Rask, Jaroslav Halak, Anton Blidh, Par Lindholm. These players are listed on the Boston Bruins' roster this year. They are from the Czech Republic, Finland, Slovakia, and Sweden. It might be that the Germans recruit players for the National Hockey League. It's not clear about the logistics of how these players arrived on the team. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. (December 26, 2020)

Boston 1

Caracas, Venezuela

"Yet modernity is not altogether absent. Behind the immense statue of Bolivar in the central square stands a gigantic communications mast, tucked in behind the state governor's relatively humble palace." This is from a book about Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of a communications mast. There are accounts about a communications relay in Brandenburg. (December 26, 2020)

James Comey

When James Comey was fired he saw a news story on television. He said he thought it was a 'prank'. It's possible that the bureau coordinates with the German security services. Berlin might 'prank' the bureau. It might be that the bureau 'pranks' the undercover agents. There are tales about the bureau and the undercover agents. The undercovers might not be allowed into the Hoover Building or the field office. There are disputes about salaries and building assignments. (December 26, 2020)

Ankara, Turkey

"The Balkan Stream pipeline in Serbia (continuation of "Turkish Stream") is filled with gas and it will be officially put in operation on December 30. This was reported today to journalists by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, quoted by TASS news agency." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Ankara. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (December 26, 2020)

Lafayette Square

The bureau has two buildings in Washington, DC. The field office and the Hoover Building are on 4th Street and 9th Street. It seems like foreigners can enter into the field office. I've heard that they work for defense contracting firms and that the firms rent out the field office. It's not clear generally about defense contractors in either building. Also, the Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. (December 26, 2020)

Maracay, Venezuela

"Then the commanding officer of a parachute regiment in Maracay, an hour's drive from Caracas, he was well positioned to challenge the ancien regime by staging a coup." This is from a biography of Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of a parachute regiment in Maracay. It seems like the Germans send military hardware to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. (December 25, 2020)

Coleen Rooney

As Kate and Coleen are over there wanting another one, I had a hard time when I was little. I grew up in Austin, Texas. I'll just believe the Germans dump mustard gas on you all. It's not that you don't have any money. There have to be pretty intense cyberattacks sent to London from Brandenburg. It's famous about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. (December 25, 2020)

Jeremy Renner

"Put on your stockings baby because the night is getting cold" "Well they blew up the chicken man in Phili last night" "There's trouble busting in from out of state and the DA can't get no relief" I am watching 'American Hustle' (2013). I saw the movie when it was in the theater. Jeremy Renner plays the mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey. 'Atlantic City' is a song on the 'Nebraska' (1982) album by Bruce Springsteen. "We're heading out west because it's turning too cold." I grew up in Texas but my grandpa went to Princeton. Both my grandpa and his brother, Uncle Edward, went to Princeton. Christian Bale plays a New Yorker who is a corrupt financier. "Meet me tonight in Atlantic City" (December 25, 2020)


"The police, on strike at the time for a pay increase, were ill-prepared for an urban riot. When television screens began to show people looting in Caracas, and the police standing around and letting it happen, citizens in other cities saw this as an invitation to join in." This is from a biography of Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of labor strikes. It seems like the Germans send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 25, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"It's possible that the bureau behaves as the Spanish military. It's been said that they sit in formation. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. His army marched slowly and their uniforms didn't fit. The bureau might dress too casually and they might sit for long periods of time. It's been said that the Hoover Building is the south. They use German-made hardware in the Hoover Building because the Hoover building is the south." I have seen the United States Secret Service behave as frightening dogs. There are man agents in Lafayette Park and they act like frightening dog people. I guess it's to warn pedestrians in the park. I'm 37. I'm from Texas. That's strange behavior for anyone to act like a frightening dog person. I have witnessed that in the past few years here in Washington, DC. I guess they're told to act like frightening dogs when they're at work. (December 25, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"The Hoover Building is on watch. They sometimes watch movies when they're on watch." The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are tales about watchtowers and the East German swim team. (December 25, 2020)

Washington Capitals

The Washington Capitals list twenty two players on the roster. Seven players come from countries other than the United States, Canada, and Russia. Jonas Siegenthaler, Michal Kempny, Jakub Vrana, Lars Eller, Richard Panik, Nicklas Backstrom, and Carl Hagelin come from Sweden, Slovakia, Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland. It might be that the Germans help recruit players for the National Hockey League. It's not clear about the logistics of how these players arrived on the team. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. (December 25, 2020)

Caps 1

Caracas, Venezuela

"Enjoy Saturday lunch in one of the cervecerias, or beer restaurants, of El Rosal or Sabana Grande, and you could easily be in Barcelona, Turin or Frankfurt." This is from a biography of Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of Frankfurt. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Caracas trades in bolivar. It seems like the Germans send tanks to Caracas from Lubeck. Lubeck might serve as a regional hub for German warships. (December 25, 2020)

Buenos Aires

"A huge power cut in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires caused a blackout to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses on Tuesday and brought metro lines to a standstill. Power company Edesur said about one million people in the south-central area of the city were affected. The outage was traced back to a fire at a substation, it said." The BBC is reporting on Buenos Aires. There are military academies near Buenos Aires. (December 25, 2020)

Tirana, Albania

"According to the Albanian media, quoted by Dnevni Avaz, Rama criticized the EU because the Union left the countries of the Western Balkans waiting for vaccine stocks until the member states first provide sufficient doses for their population." The Serbian news is reporting on Tirana. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. (December 25, 2020)


"China has launched an antitrust investigation into Alibaba Group and will summon the tech giant's Ant Group affiliate to meet in coming days, regulators said on Thursday (December 24), in the latest blow for Jack Ma's e-commerce and fintech empire. The probe is part of an accelerating crackdown on anticompetitive behavior in China's booming internet space, and the latest setback for Ma, the 56-year-old former school teacher who founded Alibaba and became China's most famous entrepreneur." The Tashkent news is reporting on Beijing. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (December 25, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"The United States won't be willing to abide by collective decisions after Joe Biden takes office as president even if Washington rejoins organizations and agreements it left under Donald Trump, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a video conference meeting with participants in the Dialogue in the Name of the Future event, hosted by the Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund on Friday." The Russian news is reporting on the White House. The Virginians are German immigrants. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. It's never clear about labor strikes in Virginia. (December 25, 2020)


"China is ready to join efforts with Russia in order to spur the African countries' economic development, a Chinese diplomat said on Thursday, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry's website." The Russian news is reporting on Beijing. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's possible that the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. The Chinese have, for example, sent infantrymen into Laos. (December 25, 2020)

Maracay, Venezuela

This is from a biography of Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of a military base in Maracay. It's controversial about weaponry traded between Havana and Caracas. "Castro visited Caracas in 1959, just after his victory over Batista, to thank the Venezuelans for their moral and practical support." "A popular uprising had broken out in Caracas in January 1958, a year before Castro's guerrilla victory. A revolt at the military base at Maracay west of Caracas (later to be the base from which Chavez launched his own coup in 1992) had been followed by rioting in the capital." (December 25, 2020)

Havana, Cuba

"The close friendship of Chavez with Castro, forged over the years..." This is from a biography of Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of Havana. There is weaponry traded between Cuba and Venezuela. There are large natural harbors in both countries. Havana trades in peso and Caracas trades in bolivar. There are military academies in Venezuela. (December 24, 2020)

Havana 1

Havana, Cuba

"The event that evening was a friendly match, designed to cement the close links developing between the two comandantes of Venezuela and Cuba." This is from a biography of Hugo Chavez. Notice the mention of Havana. There are large natural harbors in both Cuba and Venezuela. There are tank driving schools in Venezuela. It's controversial about weaponry traded between Havana and Caracas. (December 24, 2020)


"Venezuela may have the world's largest oil reserves but years of underinvestment and mismanagement, plus added pressure from US sanctions, mean production is about a third of what it should be. About an hour along the coast from the beach, El Palito refinery encapsulates that demise. It is spewing thick black smoke into the atmosphere and the facilities look tired. It is a side of the economic struggles the government does its best to hide." The BBC is reporting on Caracas. Notice this description of the economy. There are military academies and tank driving schools in Venezuela. Caracas trades in bolivar. It seems like the East Germans sent tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. (December 24, 2020)

Jeremy Renner

I'm watching 'Kill the Messenger' (2014) which is a Hollywood movie with Jeremy Renner. Renner is from Modesto, California which is near Sacramento in northern California. There are scenes in a Los Angeles courtroom about narcotics. The CIA is mentioned. I'm from Texas. My degree from UT-Austin is in Russian Studies. I studied in Saint Petersburg. At UT-Austin I studied Polish and Russian. I'm an Episcopalian. My relatives arrived in North America from England centuries ago. The Virginians are Prussians. They're German immigrants. Fredericksburg, Virginia is south of Arlington, Virginia. If there are German immigrants who work for the CIA, it's not going to be recognizable about the defense of the American mainland. There are labor unions in Virginia. The defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. I think people who work for labor unions in Virginia believe that they work for the CIA. In my mind, if they work for a labor union then they don't work for the CIA. It should make sense about formal education and who works for the intelligence community. It's believable to me that people who work for a labor union are on a labor strike. It's really controversial about labor unions and the defense budget. In recent decades it's tempting to blame the labor unions in Virginia for battlefield casualties. (December 24, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"It's because they never pay you. And they never let you into the building." There are tales about the bureau and the undercover agents. It might be that the undercover agents don't collect a salary. They're not allowed into the field office or the Hoover Building. It's possible it's so the Virginians can use German-made radios. (December 24, 2020)


The bureau behaves as though the women agents are detainees. It's similar to the East German swim team. The Virginians are the same ethnic group as the East Germans. (December 24, 2020)

Lafayette Park

There are tales about the bureau and surveillance hardware. It might be that defense contractors are in federal office buildings at night and on the weekends. There might not be work to do but they're there anyway. The Hoover Building might in real terms serve as a watchtower instead of a police building. For example, it's not clear about if they watch movies with the surveillance hardware. The extent to which there is no work and they're paid anyway to operate the surveillance hardware. (December 24, 2020)

Los Angeles, CA

I really like the show 'Ray Donovan'. It's set in Los Angeles. It's an alternative lifestyle to the Virginians and the British. Everyone in Great Britain has twenty kids. Coleen wants another one. Kate wants another one. Everybody went to St. Andrews. (December 24, 2020)

Alex Ovechkin

I have this conversation with the Russian government sometimes about the hockey league. There are things that don't bother me. For example, the Russians call the NHL the 'Canadian League'. I don't mind that because there are great Canadian hockey players. There is an assumption that Alex Ovechkin is really physically fit. I tell them that the Americans are actually really smart about fitness. Alex doesn't do enough about learning American fitness standards. He's been on the team for years. They have won one Stanley Cup. It makes sense to me to suggest that Alex isn't physically fit. As the NHL is the Canadian league, I think Alex isn't fit enough and that's why the team doesn't win. The roster is saying that he weighs 236 lbs. I weigh 134 lbs. I weigh 100 lbs less than Alex weighs. I'm from Texas. Dallas has a team. (December 24, 2020)

Ovechkin 1


"Gunmen in Kabul kill head of Afghan group that monitors elections" "Rasheed was taken to Kabul's Emergency Hospital, where he died of his wounds." The Washington Post is reporting on Kabul. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. It's never clear about labor strikes and the defense budget. (December 24, 2020)

Kabul 19

Tel Aviv

The Washington Post is reporting on the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. "In the gulf, Israel sends Iran message of deterrence - a submarine" "An Israeli submarine has embarked for the Persian Gulf..." (December 24, 2020)

Tel Aviv 15


"Russian State Duma adopted a resolution Wednesday, calling on European lawmakers to condemn violations of the freedom of speech by the Latvian authorities and act against censorship in political struggle." The Russian news is reporting on Riga. Latvia is one of the Baltic States. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the Baltic States. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 24, 2020)


"Armenia's special police forces have begun to detain protesters who are blocking the government building in the country's capital of Yerevan, a TASS correspondent reported on Thursday." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. It seems like belligerent radio signals are coming from Anatolia. (December 24, 2020)


"Moscow continues to oppose Bosnia's progress into the EU and Lavrov offered various economic incentives to the Serbian entity." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Sarajevo. Sarajevo trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. (December 24, 2020)


"Two men have been arrested over a series of arson and threats in Berlin in what investigators believe are far-right motivated crimes, prosecutors in the German capital said Wednesday. At least 72 cases of arson targeting cars or threats were recorded between 2016 and 2018 in Berlin's Neukolln district." The German news is reporting on right wingers. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (December 23, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's Wednesday evening. I just got home. I worked all day and then I went to the grocery store on my way home. This morning I dropped my comb when I was getting ready. Just now when I got home I dropped a pair of leggings. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop stuff and fall all day. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The Spanish military calls this robotics. It is a sense that there is a robot soldier in my apartment making me drop stuff. Radio signals are combined with nanotechnology. I hear commands and then I hear several commands at the same time and I'll drop what I have in my hand. They probably also point the radio signals at infantrymen. They use silent communication. I think they're telling me that the Germans are trading weaponry through Spanish ports.

The Hoover Building is on 9th Street NW. I think there are defense contractors in the building at odd hours. There are often stories in the newspaper about the bureau and surveillance hardware. The Virginians are the same ethnic group as the East Germans. It seems like misconduct if they're using the surveillance hardware at odd hours.
(December 23, 2020)

Washington, DC

Last week, on Tuesday December 15 at 6:41am, an FBI agent shot someone while they were both riding the metro. It was in Bethesda, MD and it was the Red Line. Both the FBI agent and the person who was shot walked out of the metro car. The station manager called the paramedics and another passenger called the police. There are several questions:

Is anyone allowed to carry a gun on the metro?
Is anyone allowed to fire a gun on the metro?
Is anyone allowed the be intoxicated while riding the metro?
Is anyone allowed to fire a gun while intoxicated?

The FBI agent was carrying a gun and he did shoot someone. It's not clear if he was intoxicated. There are tales about the bureau and defense contractors. The newspaper sometimes reports on the bureau and surveillance hardware. (December 23, 2020)

Washington, DC

In terms of police corruption, as a matter of law a policeman cannot be intoxicated while at work. The same is true for prosecutors. Neither policemen or attorneys can be intoxicated at work as a matter of law. It's also worse to be more intoxicated. It's also worse for more people to be intoxicated. The concern is about due process. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. (December 23, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Kabul. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. "5 killed in Kabul bombing" "The Pul-i-Charki prison houses hundreds of inmates, including scores of Taliban insurgents." (December 23, 2020)

Kabul 18

Lafayette Park

The Hoover Building is on 9th Street. It's possible that the building is in real terms a watchtower instead of a police building. It's not clear about any defense contractors in the building at odd hours. If it's a watchtower there might not be work to do related to due process. (December 23, 2020)


"Russia declared two staff members of Colombia's embassy in Moscow personae non gratae in a tit-for-tat move following the expulsion of two Russian diplomats from Colombia, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday." The Russian news is reporting on Bogota. Caracas trades in bolivar. There are military academies and tank driving schools in Venezuela. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. (December 23, 2020)

Tel Aviv

"The 23rd convocation of the Knesset (the parliament of Israel) was automatically dissolved at 01:00 Moscow time on Wednesday after the deadline for approving the country's annual budget expired, the state-run Kan Radio reported." The Russian news is reporting on the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. (December 23, 2020)

Lafayette Park

Lafayette Park is in Lafayette Square. The field office is on 4th Street and the Hoover Building is on 9th Street. The Hoover Building is a large building and the field office is a small building. There are reports sometimes in the Washington Post about the Hoover Building and surveillance hardware. A few things, (1) it might be that NATO operations come from the Hoover Building. There might be a 'covert ops' desk at the Hoover Building. That's controversial because you wonder about the German security services. It's possible foreign military personnel participate in covert ops at the Hoover Building. (2) There might be defense contractors in the Hoover Building at night and on the weekends. It's possible there's no work to do but they show up anyway. I have heard that the building is the south. That means that they defend the building by only allowing entrance to southerners. (December 23, 2020)


I am writing about Europe. Prussia is in Germany and Poland. Eastern Prussia is in Poland. It's famous about the trade between Poland and Ireland. It seems like that culture comes to Washington, DC and Virginia. It's labor unions. Irish couples have five and six children. It seems overwhelming about Polish trade with Dublin. There are reports in the news about right wingers within the German police. There seem to be real dangers in Ireland. I am unsettled thinking about Ireland and knowing that Irish couples have five and six children. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Lubeck is likely a regional hub for German naval vessels. (December 22, 2020)


"These features (Custom Calling Services) included Call Forwarding, Speed Calling, Call Waiting, etc. Since that time, hundreds of more sophisticated specialized services have been developed as Digital-SPCS came on line. Many of these have presented substantial challenges to law enforcement agencies' ability to conduct court ordered electronic surveillance." This is from a book about surveillance hardware. Notice the mention of court ordered electronic surveillance. The Virginians are German immigrants. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. They might simply like using German-made radios. (December 22, 2020)

Berlin, Germany

"There were several career options open to him, but he decided to enlist in the navy in 1922. In spite of an abrasive manner, he rose to the rank of lieutenant." This is from a book about the gestapo. Notice the reference to the German navy. (December 22, 2020)

Potsdam, Germany

"In 1917, he was called up for the army, but he never saw active service. At the end of the First World War, he was discharged from service in Berlin. He stayed there for two years, moving from one humdrum job to another, including as a salesman for a brush company and a labourer in a glue factory. In 1921, Himmler returned to Landshut."

There are military academies in both Potsdam and Berlin.
Berlin is the seat of Prussia.
Frederick II founded Potsdam.
Both Berlin and Potsdam are in Brandenburg.
Germans say that Berlin is not in Brandenburg.
Himmler might not have served in World War I.
Frederick II in particular is an adversary of the tsar.
From the perspective of Saint Petersburg, Frederick II is the adversary.
Russians in Moscow might not have heard of Frederick II.
Both Potsdam and Berlin are important.
There are military academies in both cities.
Germans themselves don't believe that Berlin is in Brandenburg.
Berlin sits within Brandenburg.
Berlin is the seat of Prussia.
(December 22, 2020)

Frankfurt, Germany

"The founder of the German company behind the first vaccine to receive authorization in Europe said on Monday he was confident that his jab would also work against the new mutation of the virus that was detected in the UK." The German news is reporting on the German economy. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. Frankfurt is the German banking district. (December 22, 2020)

Washington, DC

Today I called the Serbian embassy. I asked if everyone will have the opportunity to meet with the new ambassador. Marko Djuric has arrived in Washington, DC. They said that he is still getting settled and that hopefully there will be an opportunity to meet with him before too long. I gave them my contact information and they said they'd let me know. (December 22, 2020)


I'm from Texas. I'm 37 and I'm not married. I think the British have holistically stopped using contraception. It might be because of organized labor. As they walk this earth, they are husbands and wives. We can think about how this happened. In Texas there isn't enough money for people to have unplanned pregnancies. When I talk to people from Great Britain, I think I can tell that the British no longer use contraception. Wayne and Coleen Rooney have four children. William and Kate Middleton have three children. It's no longer the case that the British have sex and there aren't unplanned pregnancies. I think it's a societal hardship. I don't know why they're like that. (December 22, 2020)


"It's not the GRU. It's the German army. They speak Russian." There are reports about cyberattacks coming from Eastern Europe. (December 22, 2020)

Dwayne Haskins

"Dwayne Haskins apologizes for not wearing mask in strip club after Sunday's game" The Washington Football Team quarterback is in the news. Haskins went to Ohio State University. The team lost last week to Seattle. (December 22, 2020)

Virginia 59


"The bureau tells the undercover agents that they're not agents. And then the undercovers cannot enter into the field office or the Hoover Building. It's because of the south." There are tales about the bureau and surveillance hardware in the District of Columbia. (December 22, 2020)

Washington, DC

When I was twenty years old I went to school in Saint Petersburg. I bought a ticket to take the train to Lake Baikal. I continued on to Mongolia. "Sky of mercy sky of fear" Mongolia is in the Gobi Desert. Ulan Bataar is the capital of Mongolia. It's a frozen desert. The Mongols would have taken their horses from Ulan Bataar all of the way to Moscow. It's this image of these horsemen riding through Siberia until they got to Moscow. "May you feel your blood mix with mine" "May you feel your arms around me" It's about the skies of the American west and maybe the skies of Russia and Mongolia. (December 22, 2020)

New Jersey

"He came into the courtroom and stared poor Johnny down." "We'll call it even Johnny 99." There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. The Virginians are German immigrants. (December 22, 2020)

Manchester, England

"2 found guilty over deaths of 39 migrants in England" "German court convicts man in synagogue attack" The Washington Post is reporting on Brandenburg. There are routes to Manchester from Lubeck, Germany. (December 22, 2020)

Ireland 6

Washinton, DC

The Washington Post is reporting on the NSA. There are labor unions in Virginia. You wonder about labor strikes and labor disputes. "Proposal to split leadership of NSA, Cyber Command is unlikely to advance" "...Cybercom has not met the conditions required by law, for such a move to take place..." "They also scoffed at the notion that the proposal is motivated by politics." (December 22, 2020)

Virginia 58


"The United States Department of Commerce has published a list of 103 Russian and Chinese companies and enterprises, which Washington suspects of cooperating with the two countries' military." The Russian news is reporting on radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It might be that the Chinese use German-made radios. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. (December 22, 2020)

Lubeck, Germany

"Earlier in December, the Government allocated 50 million leva in additional expenditures on the Defence Ministry's budget for creating new and upgrading existing capabilities of the Bulgarian Land Forces' T-72 tanks." The Bulgarian news is reporting on weaponry. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It might be that tanks are sent to Tel Aviv from Lubeck, Germany. (December 22, 2020)


"From December 31, Bulgaria will start receiving natural gas from Azerbaijan. According to the signed contract between Bulgargaz and the Azerbaijani oil company SOCAR, 1 billion cubic meters of gas per year will be delivered to our country from the Shah Deniz 2 gas field for a period of 25 years, the government press office reported." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Baku. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. (December 22, 2020)


"Bulgarian Government Allocates BGN 184 Million for Remdesivir and New Emergency Call Center" The Bulgarian news is reporting on a new call center. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (December 22, 2020)

Franz von Papen

"In 1932, he was appointed Prussian Minister of the Interior by Franz von Papen and commander of the police." This is from a book about the gestapo. Notice the mention of the Prussian Minister of the Interior. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. (December 21, 2020)

Dresden, Germany

"His father decided army discipline might tame him. He attended an army cadet school in Karlsruhe and then gained entrance to a military school in Berlin. In October 1914, Goring joined the newly formed German Flying Corps." This is from a book about the gestapo. Notice the mention of the German Flying Corps. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. (December 21, 2020)

Dallas, Texas

I'm from Austin, Texas originally. I played soccer for about fifteen years. There are really competitive women's soccer leagues in Texas. Mia Hamm lived in Austin. In Houston there are large soccer complexes in Klein and Tomball. There are soccer fields in the suburbs of Houston. In Dallas there are large tournaments. Wayne Rooney even said that when he was little he had played in the tournament in Dallas. I played in that tournament more than ten times. When I was 21 years old I studied in Russia because my degree is in Russian studies. There was a student there from Ireland named Liam. He was studying at Berry College in Georgia. It's a small school that I hadn't ever heard of. I went to UT-Austin which is a huge school. Berry can't really compete with UT-Austin. It's still strange to me about men attending small liberal arts schools. He had played soccer and he was a soccer coach. I said that I knew everything there is to know about soccer. It was meaningful to me about this conversation. Liam paused and he thought and he said that he was still learning all of the time about soccer. That was fifteen years ago. When Wayne Rooney arrived here in Washington, DC his wife came with him. They have four kids. I always talk about Coleen when I mention Wayne. I talk about Coleen more than Wayne, actually. And I mention that Coleen Rooney is Wayne's wife. That is a conversation that I don't mind having with the British. Wayne is married. Coleen is Wayne's wife. (December 21, 2020)

Austin, Texas

I participated in the end of the year fundraiser at UT-Austin. I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UT-Austin in 2005.

Thank you for your gift!
What starts here changes the world - and your support helps set that change in motion.
Your thoughtful support of The University of Texas at Austin provides our students, faculty and staff with valuable resources to educate, innovate and change the world.
On behalf of the entire Longhorn family, thank you for ensuring UT will always be a university of the first class.
(December 21, 2020)


"That could be Kurt Hendricks. 190 IQ. Served in Swedish Special Forces. Professor of physics, Stockholm University. Specialist in nuclear endgame theory. Asked to resign." This is from Mission Impossible IV. Notice the mention of Stockholm. I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. Uppsala University is the oldest school in Sweden. Stockholm and Brandenburg are allies. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There are accounts about Swedish military officers observing the tests in Libya. (December 21, 2020)

Jeremy Renner

"My chief analyst, William Brandt." This is dialogue from Mission Impossible IV. Jeremy Renner is William Brandt. Renner is originally from Modesto, California. He went to Modesto Junior College. The movie is about a gas explosion in Moscow. It seems like the German security services send belligerent radio signals to Minsk and Moscow. They use radio technology to build their economy. (December 21, 2020)

Renner 1

St. Andrews

I said that Kate Middleton went to St. Andrews and she's got twenty kids. She's already been to the White House. I'm not sure if a princess has twenty kids. I don't know if princesses study at St. Andrews. (December 21, 2020)

Washington, DC

The shooting happened Tuesday morning on a Red Line train approaching the Medical Center station, but Metro Transit Police just released details in the case Friday. A man approached the FBI agent on the train as it neared the station, and "following a verbal exchange, multiple shots were fired by the agent, striking the passenger," Metro police said. Soon after the shooting, both the victim and federal agent left the train at Medical Center. Another passenger called 911 and the Metro station manager, who then called for paramedics. Officials stopped the train where the shooting happened at Tenleytown for investigations, Metro police said. Montgomery County police, the NIH Division of Police and the FBI also responded to the shooting. Metro police and the FBI are investigating the shooting separately. Metro police said they will give more information on the shooting next week. "We are committed to transparency and releasing as many facts as we can without compromising this criminal investigation," Metro Transit Police Chief Ronald Pavlik Jr. said in the release. "We expect to provide another update on Monday." (December 21, 2020)

Washington, DC

'Verbal exchange' led to FBI agent shooting passenger on Metro train in Bethesda
Passenger is in stable condition, according to transit police
BY DAN SCHERE |DECEMBER 19, 2020 | 1:02 PM

Metro Transit police say that before an FBI agent shot a passenger on a train in Bethesda last week, there was a "verbal exchange" between the two.

The shooting happened just before 6:40 a.m. Tuesday, transit police wrote in a press release on Friday.

Police said that as the train was approaching the Medical Center station, a man approached the agent, and after a 'verbal exchange,' the agent fired multiple shots at the passenger. The passenger who was shot and the agent then got off the train at Medical Center, and another passenger on the train called 911.

Police said Friday that the victim was taken to the hospital and is in stable condition.

Transit police could not immediately be reached for comment on Saturday.

Authorities have not identified the passenger who was shot, or the FBI agent. They also have not provided a motive for the shooting. Both the FBI and transit police are investigating the shooting.

Transit Police Chief Ronald Pavlik Jr. said in the press release that he expected to have another update on Monday.

"This matter is an active criminal investigation, and we are working closely with the Montgomery County, Maryland State's Attorney's Office," he said. "We are continuing to collect and process evidence, including conducting interviews, to determine what happened on that train."

Dan Schere can be reached at daniel.schere@bethesdamagazine.com

Virginia 57

Sam Welles

I have two grandpas. My dad's dad was Sam Welles and he was a diplomat at the American embassy in London. He was the Special Assistant to Ambassador John Winant. My mom's dad was Robert Edwards. He was in the army and he was assigned to escort the convoys across the Atlantic Ocean. There was a time where there were two ships leaving from the dock, he got on one and another one left later. That ship was sunk by U-boats. The Americans watched the ships sink in the Atlantic Ocean because the U-boats fired those torpedoes. Uncle Arbor was a paratrooper in the European theater. "He was the first one over the Rhine." Uncle Dave was a medic in Operation Northwind which was near the end of the war in the European theater. Arbor Davis Bottoms and David Collins were in the United States Army. (December 21, 2020)


"Rockets fired at U.S. Embassy in Baghdad: Eight rockets targeted the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone late Sunday..." The Washington Post is reporting on Iraq. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (December 21, 2020)

Iraq 6

Lafayette Park

"President redoubles efforts to defy vote" "A frustrated Trump has met with allies for more ideas, advisers say" The Washington Post is reporting on the White House. There are complaints about the United States Secret Service. It's not clear about labor unions and defense contractors in Lafayette Square. They seem to drive in from Virginia. (December 21, 2020)

virginia 56

Washington, DC

The Washington Football Team lost yesterday to Seattle. 20-15. It was a home game. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. It might be that the coaching staff doesn't work enough hours each week for the team to win. In the first half yesterday Washington only scored three points. They scored twelve points in the second half. It's not clear about fitness levels and the practice week. (December 21, 2020)

Virginia 55


"This technology would radically change the characteristics and operation of the network by integrating voice, video, and data into the operating system." "Other digital network technologies are based on the transmission of information packets (frames or cells) that route segments of the information string (a voice message, an image, or data) to individual addresses within the interconnected network in a so-called 'connectionless' mode. This is the transmission mode used on the Internet." This is from a book about surveillance hardware. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. There are swamps in Virginia. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. (December 21, 2020)


"One of the German women was detained on arrival in Frankfurt, a statement by the anti-terrorist prosecutors' office said. As well as allegedly belonging to the Islamic State group, the woman, identified as Leonora M. and aged 21, is suspected of using a young Yazidi woman as a slave." The German news is reporting on Damascus. There are reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (December 21, 2020)

Central African Republic

"The Kremlin is concerned about the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) where a standoff between government forces and rebels continues, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday." The Russian news is reporting on the Central African Republic. It might be that radio signals are sent there from Brandenburg. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. (December 21, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

"More than 140 people were detained during Sunday's protests in Minsk and other Belarusian cities, the Vesna unregistered human rights center reported." The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Both Minsk and Moscow trade in ruble. It seems like the government in Minsk imported German-made radios that they use for policing. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (December 21, 2020)


"Bulgaria has banned foreigners arriving from the UK until January 31st. The new order of the Minister of Health came into force at midnight. The reason is the newly discovered strain of coronavirus in the UK." The Bulgarian news is reporting on London. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. (December 21, 2020)


This is from a book about the gestapo. Notice the different names of the gestapo. The Virginians are German immigrants. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. "In Prussia, it was renamed Department 1A and later simply called Department 1. In 1928, the Prussian Minister of the Interior defined Department 1A as observing, preventing and prosecuting all offences of a political nature." (December 20, 2020)

Washington, DC

"The primary focus of the Prussian political police inside Germany was the surveillance of anti-government parties and individuals, particularly the communist left." This is from a book about the gestapo. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There is an anecdote about General Petraeus. He was fired for being unfaithful to his wife. It might be that surveillance hardware was used to monitor the general and his girlfriend. The newspaper has been reporting on the bureau and surveillance hardware. (December 20, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"When the German Empire was created in 1871, the huge state of Prussia, which covered 60 per cent of German territory, had its own political police (Politische Polizei), called Department V, under the leadership of Wilhelm Stieber, who was born in Merseburg in Saxony on 3 May 1818 and came from a solid middle-class background. He qualified as a barrister before joining the police force. He became known as Bismarck's 'master spy' and was instrumental in German domestic and overseas intelligence." The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. This is from a book about the gestapo. Notice the mention of Prussia. There is also a mention of domestic intelligence. There are tales about the bureau and surveillance hardware. It's not clear about due process and the Hoover Building. The Hoover Building might be a watchtower instead of a police building. Lafayette Park is in Lafayette Square. The Hoover Building is on 9th Street NW. (December 20, 2020)

New Jersey

Come on up for the rising
Come on up with your hands in mine
Come on up for the rising
Come on up for the rising tonight

"May you feel your blood mix with mine." "Sky of mercy sky of fear" It's really funny about the British and 'The Rising' album. Bruce Springsteen released the album after the attacks on the World Trade Center. They're also weird about Pearl Harbor Day. It's now thought that there are German labor unions in Manchester and maybe they help the German army or something. When Wayne Rooney was here he said that he didn't know the rules of baseball. Both me and my dad went to see Bruce Springsteen during that tour. (December 20, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's famous about the East German swim team. Here in Washington, DC there are tales about the women federal agents. The German security services work with the bureau. It becomes what the women federal agents do is illegal or maybe it's not illegal. There are disputes about salaries and building assignments. (December 20, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Sunday morning. I am getting ready to leave. I'm planning to leave at about 9am. Just now when I was getting ready I started to put my sweatshirt on before I put on deodorant. I felt an ache in my hip. It's to tell me that I need to put deodorant on before I put on my sweatshirt. This is how there are rules of my apartment. From now on, for example, there will be a small pain if I want to put my deodorant on after my sweatshirt. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. It's also silent communication." The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. (December 20, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Sunday morning. I set my alarm for 7am. I woke up at about 5am. I felt an ache in my hip. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. It's a sense that they know but I don't know if I'll be able to go back to sleep. In the 1990's there were reports from the army about sleeplessness and anxiety. It was called 'Gulf War Syndrome'. It seems like in Washington, DC people feel similar symptoms. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop things and fall all day. It might be silent communication. They might be communicating about Spanish ports. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert." The US Congress has complained about robocalls. Personal cellular phones and business telephones ring here in Washington, DC and it will be a computer that made the call. (December 20, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"Russia's Roscosmos will be able to send an additional supply of oxygen to the ISS in February, if necessary, General Director of the organization Dmitry Rogozin told reporters." It's been suggested that the Germans use satellites to test radio signals. They develop radio technology to send long distance and precise transmissions. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Moscow. (December 20, 2020)

Washington, DC

In 'Black Hawk Down' there were infantrymen, helicopters, a control tower, and a surveillance plane flew over Mogadishu. The Americans had a lot of casualties. More than one helicopter crashed. At least one American was taken prisoner. This was in the 1990's. There are accounts about Americans in the watchtower and they simply observed all of these happenings. It's been suggested that the bureau is similar. They watch the Spanish and the German military conduct NATO operations. It's controversial because they are witnessing misconduct and they don't report what the Spanish and German military personnel are doing. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radio technology. The bureau has technicians who are certified to use the radios.

Washington, DC

I'm writing about the Virginians. There are tales that during the early twentieth century people in the south would call people 'boy' and 'girl' even if they were adults. The Virginians suggest that healthy people go on disability. A woman said that to me recently that I should get a home health aide. My uncle is from Virginia. He has suggested to me in the past that I should go on disability. They're ethnically Prussian and they arrived in Virginia from Germany in the early nineteenth century. (December 19, 2020)

Washington, DC

The US Congress has complained about robocalls. Personal cellular phones and business telephones ring here in Washington, DC and it will be a computer that has made the call. It seems like radio transmissions arrive here from Madrid and Brandenburg. "It's Saturday night. I just got back to my apartment and I am about to go to bed. When I was walking I took my gloves out of my bag. I dropped one glove as I was buttoning my bag. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. They use silent communication. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. I think they're signaling about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. It's a discernable language about me dropping things. I hear commands, the commands form a queue, and then there are several commands that come at once and I drop something." (December 19, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Saturday morning. I read the Washington Post. I read the newspaper every day. I've heard that the bureau and the defense contractors at the Pentagon don't read the newspaper. It's because they use a method for policing that allows them to be impartial. The newspaper is saying that Biden's staff are wanting to enter the Pentagon and they've encountered resistance. It's possible they're all in there on a labor strike. The Virginians are German immigrants. I've heard they use pharmaceuticals when operating radio technology."

"It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. There are rules of my room. For example, at night I cannot touch the wall and I cannot sleep facing the wall. My elbows and knees aren't allowed to touch anything. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions. It's possible these Spanish soldiers are wanting to communicate with me formally. They use silent communication."

(December 19, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Islamabad. There are military academies in Pakistan. It's possible that the German army assists with the military training in Islamabad. "Pakistan foreign minister accuses India of attack plans" "He added that Pakistan was fully prepared to respond to any such attack from India..." (December 19, 2020)

Pakistan 1

Arlington, Virginia

"Pentagon chief abruptly delays transition talks" "...after the acting Pentagon chief abruptly postponed transition meetings and Biden's representatives expressed concern about the decision and described pockets of resistance to cooperation within the Pentagon." The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. The Virginians are German immigrants and they speak in a regional dialect. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. (December 19, 2020)

Virginia 54

Manchester United

I have a true story about the British government. When Wayne Rooney was here, there was a comment made by a British government official about how great the coaches are at Manchester United. It's as though the Londoners want Manchester to win the tournament. It's supposed to be that teams in London win the tournament. The British government in London wants Manchester United to win the tournament. (December 19, 2020)

Dresden, Germany

The Bulgarian news is reporting on Moscow. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There have been labor strikes in Dresden, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. "The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry said in a press release on Friday that it had declared a diplomat posted at the Russian Embassy in Sofia persona non grata and had given him 72 hours to leave Bulgaria in connection with activities incompatible with his diplomatic status. A note to this effect was served on the deputy chief of mission, who was summoned to the Foreign Ministry in Sofia." (December 19, 2020)


"Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has started to interfere openly in Bulgarian domestic politics, pundits said after he made an unprecedented video address to Bulgaria's mostly ethnic Turkish Movement of Rights and Freedoms (DPS)." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Ankara. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. (December 19, 2020)

Washington, DC

"One Russian and three Bulgarian citizens face criminal charges in the United States for illegal export of strategic technologies to Russia, the US Justice Department reported. The names of the Bulgarians are Dimitar Dimitrov, Milan Dimitrov and Mariana Gargova, and the Russian is Ilias Sabirov, TASS reported." The Bulgarian news is reporting on weaponry. The US Congress has complained about robocalls. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. (December 19, 2020)


There are anecdotes about the army in Afghanistan. The soldiers would have sleeping pills pouring our of their pockets. It's possible that the missile defense systems in Afghanistan kept everyone awake and that's why they gave the infantrymen the sleeping pills. That was in the 2000's and 2010's. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. It was called 'Gulf War Syndrome'. It might be that German radio technology is responsible for these symptoms. (December 19, 2020)


"A relentless debt squeeze caused some peasants to be imprisoned for nonpayment of taxes, others to be so harrowed by loan sharks that by 1943 almost half of Vietnam's land was in the hands of less than 3 percent of its farmers." This is from a book about the Vietnam War. Notice the mention of the prisons. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. There might be tank driving schools near Hanoi. (December 18, 2020)

Washington, DC

The US Congress has complained about robocalls. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. It seems like people in Washington, DC now experience these same symptoms. "It's Friday evening. I went to bed early. It's now 9pm and I woke up. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The undercover agents in Washington, DC hear commands. The commands form a queue and then the commands are given out of order. When I hear multiple commands at the same time I fall or drop something. It's been suggested that they do this to pilots near the Levant and Anatolia and that's why the planes crash. It's possible Spanish soldiers send radio transmissions to the pilots during the flights. Another example is that American special forces operators in West Africa have reportedly committed an act of friendly fire against one of their unit. It might be that the Spanish military kept them awake at night and that's why they behaved strangely. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radio signals are combined with nanotechnology and objects can be moved at long distances." (December 18, 2020)

Catherine II

I am writing about London and the British. In Saint Petersburg they say that Catherine II had sex with animals. I say that about Wayne Rooney. I say that Coleen Rooney has twenty kids and Wayne can't play soccer because Coleen wants another baby. I know to say it, because that's what the Russians say about Catherine II. (December 18, 2020)


"Each of the technologies or features listed in table 2-1 requires a technical modification or solution to meet the requirements of the Act." "Still other technologies are just emerging into a commercial stage of development and have not yet been widely adopted or deployed by the industry." This is from a book about surveillance hardware. Notice the mention of a commercial stage of development. The Virginians are Prussian immigrants. There are swamps in Virginia. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. (December 18, 2020)

Washington, DC

"Features such as call forwarding, speed dialing, call transfer, and specialized highspeed computer-based services add complexity to the problems of wiretapping for law enforcement agencies." "Law enforcement agencies require that the transmission facilities and formats of the information transmitted the monitoring stations be in a standard form." This is from a book about surveillance hardware. Notice the mention of law enforcement agencies. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. There are complaints that the surveillance hardware isn't used for due process. In East Berlin there were watchtowers and roadblocks. The bureau might have watchtowers and roadblocks. (December 18, 2020)

Washington, DC

This is from a book about surveillance hardware. Notice the mention of the 1950s and 1970s. It seems like as surveillance hardware becomes more complex, it is more complex for the bureau to get warrants. The thought is that now the bureau doesn't ask for search warrants because they can use the hardware they have. The US Congress asked Christopher Wray if the bureau used search warrants. He said they did. They might not as much as people would like them to. If they have this surveillance hardware, they might think they're supposed to use it even if they don't have a warrant. The Virginians are German immigrants. It might be that the hardware is imported from Germany. "Through the 1950s and into the 1970s law enforcement's wiretap requirements were easily met." "Because multiplexing breaks the continuity of the signal in the transmission phase, it places an additional degree of difficulty for electronic surveillance." (December 18, 2020)

Washington, DC

"I'm watching a movie. It's Friday afternoon. Sometimes when I'm walking I'll pass by something or I'll see something in tune with the song I'm listening to on my headphones. Just now when I was watching this movie I felt an ache in my hip synced with an event in the movie. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. There are reports in the newspaper about the bureau and surveillance hardware. The undercover agents in Washington, DC hear commands. The Spanish think of it as robotics. Radio transmissions are used with nanotechnology and objects can be moved at long distances." There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. (December 18, 2020)

New York City

"Time Magazine says you're the boss." - John Travolta in 'Gotti' (2018) Notice this quote about Time Inc. My grandpa, Sam Welles, was a Senior Editor for Time Magazine. He was a Rhodes Scholar out of Princeton. During the war he was the Special Assistant to Ambassador John Winant at the American embassy in London. (December 18, 2020)

Time 1

John Gotti

I am watching 'Gotti' (2018). I am reflecting on London and the British government. British couples seem to have more children than American couples. It might be that Irish and Polish immigrants work in government in London. The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. At work they talk about parenting and vacations. (December 18, 2020)

John Gotti

Gotti (2018) is a film about John Gotti. "The incredible true story of notorious mobster John Gotti and his rise to power as head of one of the largest and most dangerous crime organizations in North America: the Gambino Family." Notice the mention of the Gambino Family. My last name is Welles. Sophia Coppola's last name is Coppola. John Gotti's last name was Gotti. It wasn't Gambino. It might have been police corruption to suggest that John Gotti was a member of the Gambino Family. It speaks to the methods used by the bureau. The Virginians are German immigrants. (December 18, 2020)

Gotti 1

Washington, DC

The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau.
A bureau agent was involved in a shooting on Tuesday December 15 at 7am.
It's not known why the bureau agent shot someone.
They were both riding the metro on Tuesday morning near Bethesda.
It was the Red Line.
The victim was taken to the hospital but they are in stable condition.
The press queried the Washington Field Office.
It's not clear about the field office and their obligations to the press now.
(December 18, 2020)

Lafayette Park

The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. "Metro rider shot by FBI agent said to be stable" "Authorities have still not provided details on what led to Tuesday's incident" The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. (December 18, 2020)

Virginia 53


The Washington Post is reporting on Morocco. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. "French court convicts Islamic State operative in foiled attack" "...Morocco-born Ayoub el-Khazzani..." (December 18, 2020)

Virginia 52

Washinton, DC

"Biden, lawmakers elevate cybersecurity breach concerns; Trump stays silent" "...a massive and growing cybersecurity breach..." The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. Notice this description of a cyberattack. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. The Virginians are German immigrants and they speak creole. (December 18, 2020)

Virginia 51


"The arms race began when the United States withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM), Russian President Vladimir Putin said today." The Serbian news is reporting on weaponry. Bosnia trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. (December 18, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov elaborated on remarks by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said earlier that the intelligence services should keep an eye on blogger Alexey Navalny, because he enjoys the support of foreign intelligence." The Russian news is reporting on Alexey Navalny. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There have been reports about right wingers within the German police. (December 18, 2020)

"The US National Nuclear Security Administration was not affected by a recent cyberattack on the US Department of Energy (DOE), spokesperson Shaylyn Hynes said." The Russian news is reporting on cyberattacks. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Germans might have invested in radio technology as a means to build their economy. (December 18, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Friday morning. I woke up a few times in the night but I got about eight hours of sleep. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The undercover agents in Washington, DC hear commands and then the commands form a queue. I get woken up by them. There are sometimes reports in the newspaper about special forces operators and they have behaved strangely. It might be that the Spanish military has woken them up and they can't sleep. The bureau and the Spanish military seem to coordinate with surveillance around the city. They use silent communication. It's not clear if the bureau documents what they're seeing. They might think the reports will automatically be written. It's kind of a watchtower instead of a police station at the Hoover Building. A few things, (1) the bureau uses silent communication to communicate with the Spanish military, (2) either reports aren't written or the bureau thinks the reports will automatically be written. I end up falling and dropping things all day because the commands come out of order. The commands come, they form a queue, and then I fall when I am supposed to do multiple things at the same time." The US Congress has complained about robocalls. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. (December 18, 2020)

Bethesda, Maryland

"An FBI agent shot and wounded someone aboard a subway train in a suburb of Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, the agency said. The shooting happened around 7 a.m. aboard a Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority train near the Medical Center station in Bethesda, Maryland. The person who was shot was taken to the hospital for treatment, the FBI said. It was unclear exactly what prompted the agent to open fire." (December 17, 2020)

[An FBI agent shot a man as the two rode aboard a Metro Red Line train in Maryland this week, a spokesman for the transit system said Thursday afternoon as officials remained tight-lipped about the case. The victim "is currently in stable condition, and there were no additional injuries," the spokesman, Ian Jannetta, said in an email response to questions about the Tuesday morning incident that officials would only describe previously as an "agent-involved shooting." Authorities have still not provided details about what transpired before the shooting. The case remains under investigation by the Metro Transit Police, the FBI and the Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office, Jannetta said.] (December 17, 2020)

[Jannetta said that both transit police and the FBI are investigating the shooting. The FBI's Washington field office, in a statement to Bethesda Beat on Tuesday, wrote that the agency was "reviewing an agent-involved shooting which occurred earlier this morning aboard a Red Line train near Medical Center, Montgomery County, Maryland. One individual was wounded and since transported to a local area hospital for medical assistance." The statement went on to say that the FBI could not comment further because the investigation is ongoing. "The FBI takes all shooting incidents involving our agents seriously. In accordance with FBI policy, the shooting incident is under investigation by the FBI's Inspection Division. The review process is thorough and objective and is conducted as expeditiously as possible under the circumstances," it read.] (December 17, 2020)

"The statement went on to say that the FBI could not comment further because the investigation is ongoing." "Sherri Ly, another Metro spokeswoman, said the shooting happened on a train that was in the station." "An FBI agent shot someone on a Metro train at the Medical Center station Tuesday morning, a Metro spokesman said on Tuesday. Ian Jannetta, a spokesman for the transit agency, told Bethesda Beat on Tuesday that an FBI agent shot someone just before 7 a.m. at the Medical Center station in Bethesda." (December 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

"FBI still won't say who was wounded, or why, in 'agent-involved shooting' aboard Metro train" "The blackout comes as police departments nationwide are under pressure to be more transparent about shootings involving their officers and are facing scrutiny over the use of force. A police-reform group based in Montgomery County blasted the lack of details from authorities." The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. They are all really being scrutinized. They're always in the newspaper. (December 17, 2020)

Virginia 49

[A Metro spokesman, Ian Jannetta, provided some basics Tuesday morning: The incident unfolded about 7 a.m. when transit police received a report of "an FBI agent-involved shooting aboard a Red Line train near Medical Center." Jannetta also said that "a gunshot wound victim was taken from Medical Center Station." He said Metro Transit Police and the FBI were investigating. The FBI later issued a statement, which read in total: "The FBI is reviewing an Agent-Involved Shooting which occurred earlier this morning aboard a Red Line train near Medical Center, Montgomery County, Maryland. One individual was wounded and since transported to a local area hospital for medical assistance."] (December 17, 2020)

Virginia 50


"Housing: Rent prices for new Munich flats rise to over 20 euro per square metre" The German news is reporting on housing costs. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. It might be that German weaponry is traded through Spanish ports. (December 17, 2020)

Alex Ovechkin

A few years ago there was a comment made by a Russian government official about Alex Ovechkin's wife. I'm from Texas. I'm 37. I went to UT-Austin. It was as though Alex's wife was beautiful and I'm ugly. The comment was made to me about Alex's wife, who is beautiful. The inference was that, unlike Donna the Texan, Alex's wife the Russian woman is beautiful. That's just a true story. I don't know how the Russian government decided that Texan women are ugly. People don't usually call me ugly. My name is Donna. 'Donna' means 'lady' in Latin. (December 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

The US Congress has complained about robocalls. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. "It's Thursday afternoon. I am on hold. I am trying to call a local government office. The undercover agents in Washington, DC receive commands. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The commands form a queue, when they come out of order I fall or drop something. Sometimes when I try to make a telephone call the call gets dropped. I have been on hold for thirty minutes." (December 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

Colin Farrell is an actor from Ireland. He is from a suburb of Dublin and his dad was a soccer player. There was an interview with one of his coworkers and the comment was that how he talked was so funny. It's famous about the trade between the Gulf of Danzig and Ireland. It seems peculiar to Ireland a way of talking that makes people laugh. (December 17, 2020)

I know a man here in Washington, DC who works for Booz Allen Hamilton. He told me he doesn't know how to swim. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. "It's Thursday morning. I walked to the grocery store from my apartment. I keep my shoes in a box in my closet. When I was getting my shoes out of the closet I almost dropped the shoe box. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. It is similar to if there was a robot grabbing the box from my hand. The radio transmissions combine with nanotechnology and objects can be moved at long distances. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop things and fall all day. It must be that the military academies in Madrid and Brandenburg coordinate. Also, I sometimes hear, 'It's because it dropped on your foot.'" (December 17, 2020)


"Impunity is norm for Iraqi security outfits" The Washington Post is reporting on Baghdad. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and the Syrian desert. There have been reports about chemical munitions in Syria. (December 17, 2020)

Iraq 5


"Azerbaijan accused of capturing rival troops" The Washington Post is reporting on Baku. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (December 17, 2020)

Armenia 1


I am writing about the British. I complain that William and Harry didn't study at Oxford. When Wayne Rooney was here he said that he doesn't know the rules of baseball. If London is a banking district, that seems unfair to the Americans if everyone isn't getting a lot of formal education. I know the rules of baseball. I couldn't believe that Wayne Rooney said that he doesn't know the rules of baseball. It's a sense of the Protestant work ethic. There seems to be legitimate complaints about the British and the banks. If everyone is working enough. They might just live by the bank and spend the money in the banks. (December 17, 2020)


"Russia will continue to upscale support for Donbass, Russian President Vladimir Putin told reporters at an annual news conference on Thursday." The Russian news is reporting on Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 17, 2020)


"Russian combat engineers have defused over 6,000 explosive objects and cleared about 200 hectares of territory in Nagorno-Karabakh, Dmitry Perepelkin, a deputy chief of the Russian peacekeeping contingent's reconciliation center, told reporters on Thursday." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. (December 17, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on the army. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. "By voting conclusively amendments to the Armed Forces Reserve Act on Wednesday, Parliament provided for a voluntary service of up to six months in the armed forces reserve. The amendments, which have long been on the platform of the power-sharing nationalist party VMRO, were sponsored by the government." (December 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

There are reports in the newspaper about the bureau and surveillance hardware. It's possible that the bureau exaggerates linguistically and that's how they get more defense spending. The Virginians are Prussians and they speak creole. There are defense contractors in Virginia who don't have much formal education. It might be that the language that the Virginians use makes criminals look sophisticated. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. There was for a while a single prison in Virginia with an electric chair. (December 17, 2020)


"Compulsorily immersed in a European culture and language, they nonetheless saw little of French people outside working hours. Nguyen Duong, born in 1943, grew up with a passion for Tintin and French spy stories." This is from a book about the Vietnam War. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. There might be tank driving schools near Hanoi. Notice the mention of French language schools. (December 16, 2020)

Ben Affleck

'The Town' (2010) is a Hollywood film about Boston. The bureau is in the movie. Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner are characters. The bureau behaves in a peculiar way. It might be Prussian creole. It's seems like German bowing. Because they are investigating violent crimes and they seem to embellish the sophistication of the criminals. It might be that people have formal education. For example, someone either did or did not graduate from college. It seems Prussian and invisible that someone who didn't graduate from college would be a sophisticated criminal. It means to me that the bureau maintains a relationship with the German security services. The Virginians are Prussians. They seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. "These guys plan and execute..." (December 16, 2020)

Washington, DC

"Yesterday I got my haircut. Today I did laundry. There is a laundry room on the first floor of my building. Usually when I do laundry I will drop either one or two items of clothing. Today I dropped a pair of socks as I was folding clothes. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop things and fall all day. It resembles the East German swim team here in Washington, DC. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are commands given, then the commands form a queue, and I drop something when the commands come out of order. It must be that the military academies in Madrid and Brandenburg coordinate. They're strange about women in the military." The US Congress has complained about robocalls. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. (December 16, 2020)

Tel Aviv

"Test of 'multilayered' missile defense system" "Israel's Defense Ministry said Tuesday that it conducted a series of successful live-fire drills with its multirange missile defense system..." This is German radio technology. There are tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. The Washington Post is reporting on the Levant. (December 16, 2020)

Tel Aviv 14


"Russian hack exploited the blind spot in U.S. systems" The Washington Post is reporting on cyberattacks. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It might be that the radio signals are being sent to Virginia from the German security services. (December 16, 2020)

Virginia 48

"It's German radio technology. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are tank driving schools in Venezuela."

"They use radio technology to build their economy. They used to trade in East German mark. The German security services constantly send radio signals because that helps the Germans trade."


Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. "There is real violence in Germany's eastern provinces and Belarus. There are reports about the police in Minsk. The East Germans are acting like they are right wingers." "There are land routes to Warsaw from Berlin and there are concerns about the East Germans or the Germans and Warsaw." "Generally, Germany's eastern provinces are threatening Warsaw and Minsk." (December 12, 2020)


"Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will be in Serbia today, after yesterday's visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina." The Serbian news is reporting on Bosnia. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. Sarajevo trades in mark. (December 12, 2020)


"The parliament of Egypt ratified on Tuesday a deal on comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation with Russia, the Al Ahram newspaper reported." The Russian news is reporting on Cairo. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There were research facilities near the border between Libya and Egypt. (December 16, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

"The Senate of the US Congress unanimously approved Julie Fisher as the United States' new ambassador to Belarus, the first since 2008, according to a live broadcast of the parliamentary session." The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Both Minsk and Moscow trade in ruble. It seems like the government in Minsk imported German-made radios that they use for policing. (December 12, 2020)

Frankfurt, Germany

"At an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday the Council of Ministers passed a decision moving to Parliament for ratification a loan agreement between the EU as lender and Bulgaria as borrower under the EU's SURE instrument, the government's information service said." The Bulgarian news is reporting on the European Union. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. Frankfurt is the German banking district. (December 16, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"Permanent representatives of the 27 member states of the European Union agreed on a six-month extension of economic sanctions against Russia, which expire on January 31, 2021, a source in the delegation of one of the European countries in the EU Council told TASS." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Moscow. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like there are Russian engineers who assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (December 16, 2020)


"By 1921 the Bolshevik Communists finally won the battle for control of the Russian Empire, and the Chechens' homeland once again was forcefully incorporated into a transcontinental state dominated by ethnic Russians, now known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of the Bolshevik Communists. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. (December 15, 2020)

Ben Affleck

This is dialogue from 'The Town' (2010). It's a Hollywood film with Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner. Ben Affleck is from Cambridge, MA which is a nice neighborhood. Jeremy Renner is from northern California. The city is called Modesto, CA and it's near Sacramento. I'm from Austin, Texas. I'm from North Austin. Austin sits on the highway that runs from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico north to Dallas. Ben Affleck probably had more money than I did when I was growing up. There is desert in California. Jeremy Renner probably had a hard time also because there are the deserts of Nevada and Utah near there. In the dialogue, Ben Affleck is the toonie and Jeremy Renner and I are the townies.

Yeah, l know. Yeah, well, some of the kids
were calling me a toonie.
lt just means a yuppie. Someone who's
not from Charlestown, that's all.
-Of course it does.
-They're just being punks.

(December 15, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Tuesday evening. This morning I slept until 7am. I got my haircut today. As I was walking home I stopped and bought an apple, a bottle of water, and a bag of popcorn. I ate the apple and the popcorn as I was walking home. I got dust from the popcorn on my backpack while I was walking. The undercover agents in Washington, DC fall and drop stuff all day. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The radio transmissions are combined with nanotechnology. It must be that the military academies in Madrid and Brandenburg coordinate. Commands are given and then the commands form a queue. The commands come out of order and I either fall or drop something." There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The Germans trade weaponry through Spanish ports. (December 15, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's controversial about the defense budget. The Washington Post has been reporting on the bureau and surveillance hardware. A bureau attorney lied about a surveillance application. In terms of the surveillance hardware, it might be that the hardware isn't used in accordance with due process procedures. The bureau might maintain watchtowers instead of investigating specific crimes. It's possible that the bureau usually doesn't follow due process procedures because they use an alternative method for policing. The Virginians are German immigrants. It's not clear if the surveillance hardware was imported from Germany. (December 15, 2020)


"German Chancellor Angela Merkel's centre-right CDU on Monday said the party will choose its new leader at a congress next month that will be held online because of the coronavirus pandemic." The German news is reporting on Berlin. There have been reports about right wingers within the German police. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. (December 15, 2020)


"The French committed twenty thousand troops to securing Tonkin - northern Vietnam." This is from a book about the Vietnam War. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. There might be tank driving schools near Hanoi. (December 15, 2020)

Washington, DC

There are radio signals sent from Brandenburg. It seems like the Germans have invested in radio technology to build the economy. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Both East Germany and West Germany traded in mark. It's famous about the East German swim team. There are tales here in Washington, DC about the women federal agents. It's strange about competing between the men and women federal agents. The Virginians are German immigrants. It resembles the East German swim team sometimes here in Washington, DC about computers and engineering. (December 15, 2020)

Los Alamos, New Mexico

I am writing about my friends who are engineers. I went to Georgia Tech for graduate school but I am from Austin, Texas originally. I have a lot of friends who work as engineers. There is one who went to Stanford and he has a degree in electrical engineering. For a long time he worked for Intel. People have commented to me about how is always on Facebook. Conceptually, if the engineers at Intel are always on Facebook then those computers aren't going to be well made. There is a sense of technical expertise. If people think they can work as electrical engineers and spend the workday on Facebook, they can't. It just means what they're doing with the workday isn't valuable. I have another friend who works at Los Alamos at the laboratory. He is married and he has three children. I live in Washington, DC. I'm not married and I don't have any children. It's a sense of the workweek and what is expected of people in the job place. People who want to work at Los Alamos, they might not should also want to be married and to have three children. It's a military setting. Los Alamos is supposed to be in support of the infantry. There might be battlefield casualties because the scientists at Los Alamos have these strange values about their marriages and parenting. (December 15, 2020)

Washington, DC

"The Department of Homeland Security on Monday joined the list of known victims of a months-long, highly sophisticated digital spying operation..." The Washington Post is reporting on cyberattacks. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. It seems like the Germans have invested in radio technology as a means to build their economy. (December 15, 2020)

Berlin 10


The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. The Virginians are German immigrants. They seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. It might be that German-made radios sent Levinson on this trip. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. "Former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who would be 72 if he is alive, disappeared almost 14 years ago while on Kish Island, a tourist spot off Iran's coast, during an unauthorized trip for the CIA." (December 15, 2020)

Virginia 47


"Kabul's deputy governor Mah-boo-bullah Mohebi was killed in a bomb attack in the city on Tuesday- according to security officials." The Tashkent news is reporting on Kabul. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians are German immigrants and they speak creole. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. (December 15, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a telegram to Joe Biden to congratulate him on the US presidential election victory, the Kremlin reported Tuesday." The Russian news is reporting on the White House. The Virginians are German immigrants. It's never clear about the defense contractors assigned to Lafayette Park. They might be sending radio transmissions to Brandenburg. (December 15, 2020)


"More than 39,700 refugees have come back home in Nagorno-Karabakh since the combat actions ended in the region, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. (December 15, 2020)


"The Monitoring Group on Democracy, Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law in the European Parliament is not happy with the answers to the additional written questions given by the Bulgarian authorities. The questions were sent to them after a hearing in August." The Bulgarian news is reporting on the European Parliament. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 15, 2020)

Washington, DC

The newspaper has been reporting on the bureau and surveillance hardware. It's not clear generally about what's going on but there are some possibilities. First, the Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. They might work closely with the German security services when using the hardware. The hardware might be German-made. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. Also, the military academies in Madrid and Brandenburg seem to coordinate. It might be that the bureau, Madrid, and Brandenburg participate in surveillance efforts simultaneously. Second, it's not clear about due process in the context of surveillance efforts. It might be that the bureau uses an alternative method for policing because they are working with Madrid and Brandenburg. The bureau, for example, could look for moral behavior and the Spanish soldiers can monitor people's movements. The surveillance efforts seem to be long term. There have been long term labor strikes in Germany. It's possible that they are all on a labor strike. East Germany traded in East German mark. The whole thing might just be defense contractors misusing surveillance hardware. Finally, the newspaper has reported that the bureau investigated campaign staffers. It might be unrealistic that these people have committed crimes. It's just defense contractors aiming the surveillance hardware at people in Washington, DC. (December 15, 2020)


"Vietnam endured a thousand years of rule by the Chinese before their expulsion in 938; they returned several times, and were finally driven out only in 1426." This is from a book about the Vietnam War. Notice the mention of Beijing. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. There might be tank driving schools near Hanoi. (December 14, 2020)


"For people living in Austria's border regions, crossing into Germany to fill the tank or do a little bit of shopping - or visit the pharmacy - has been a way of life for decades. Since Wednesday, December 9th, however, Austrians have been prohibited from crossing the border to go shopping or to many any other form of purchase in Germany due to quarantine regulations." The German news is reporting on Vienna. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor strikes in Vienna. (December 14, 2020)

Langley, Virginia

I am writing about the Central Intelligence Agency. In the modern era there are complaints about the targeted killing program and the detainee program. The Virginians are German immigrants. It's an image of prisons in the swamps of Virginia. It seems like the defense budget has shifted toward defense contractors. The standards about formal education might have fallen. During the 1940's the main building was in the District of Columbia. Langley, Virginia didn't used to be the headquarters. It might be that when the headquarters was moved to Langley the agency started hiring labor union workers. Allen Dulles went to Princeton and he was around when the main building moved to Langley. I live in Washington, DC. My colleagues in Virginia are German immigrants. I'm not a German immigrant. My last name is Welles. I don't want to work near a prison system in the swamps of Virginia. My degree from UT-Austin is in Russian. I speak Russian and I went to school in Saint Petersburg. If it were up to me the main building would move back to Washington, DC from Langley. (December 14, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Monday afternoon. I dropped my comb when I started to brush my hair. And then the phone rang when I was finished. I had hair oil on my hands and so it was a little hard to answer the phone. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The undercover agents in Washington, DC hear commands. When the commands form a queue and then come out of order I fall or drop something. It must be that the military academies in Madrid and Brandenburg coordinate. It's strange about the women agents. The Germans are Prussians and they are strange about gender roles." There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The US Congress has complained about robocalls. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. (December 14, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about Facebook. I have had a Facebook account since 2010 roughly. It's my friends from high school and college as well as people I have met more recently. There are a few complaints. First, it's difficult to erase old photos. I see these photos of myself from years ago and I want to take them down because they're old images and maybe I don't like how I looked that day. It's labor intensive to edit my own photo albums even if I just want to erase all the images. Second, there are countless friend invitations from people I have never met and they seem like fake accounts. They might be real people but it seems like we would have nothing in common. It's rare to see people I know even on my friend requests lists. My own Facebook account isn't people I know. Instead, it's people I know, these old images that I don't want there, and then these friend requests from people I have never met. (December 14, 2020)

Drew Brees

I am writing about the National Football League. I'm a Longhorn. I graduated from UT-Austin in 2005. The reason that I don't participate in 'Fantasy Football' is because I would fill my team with Longhorns. There might not be a way to search the website and build a team based on alma mater. It might be that people who didn't go to college participate in 'Fantasy Football'. For example, Drew Brees went to Westlake High School which is near Austin, Texas. He's the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints. He went to Purdue University which is in Indiana. If I built a team, I would build the team based on where they had played in school. The website wants you to build your team based on statistics and performance over that season. I want the Saints to win because I enjoy the city of New Orleans. But, I also want the Saints to win because Drew Brees is from Austin, Texas. None of that seems to be a part of the culture of 'Fantasy Football'. I would feel silly building a team of players that didn't go to Big 12 Conference schools. https://fantasy.nfl.com/ (December 14, 2020)


"Beijing has touted the digital yuan as a futuristic currency that will make buying things more convenient and secure. Officials also say that it could help those who don't have access to bank accounts and other traditional financial services. While China is already nearly cashless and a lot of transactions happen digitally, they do so beyond the purview of the state on privately-owned apps and platforms." CNN is reporting on the Chinese economy. Frankfurt is the German banking district. It might be that the yuan resembles mark. East Germany traded in East German mark, West Germany traded in West German mark, Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. Beijing trades in yuan. (December 14, 2020)


"Doan Phuong Hai was born in 1944 in a village on Route 6 only eighteen miles from Hanoi, yet wholly rustic. Among Hai's earliest memories was that of wire, barbed wire, the rusty strands that encircled the French army post on a hillock near the marketplace, and the manner in which they sang when the wind blew through them." This is from a book about Vietnam. Notice the mention of barbed wire. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. There might be tank driving schools near Hanoi. (December 14, 2020)


"Explosion in the factory in Zrenjanin, there are injured" "This morning, around 5:00 AM, there was an explosion in the Water Factory in Zrenjanin. Two workers injured." The Serbian news is reporting on an explosion. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. Sarajevo trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. (December 14, 2020)


"Germans will face a quiet Christmas and New Year after the government announced stricter lockdown measures on Sunday (December 13)." The Tashkent news is reporting on Berlin. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 14, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"Attacks in the information space contradict the foreign policy principles of the Russian Federation, the US media are once again groundlessly trying to accuse Russia of hacker attacks on US government bodies, the Russian embassy in Washington, DC, wrote on Facebook." The Russian news is reporting on cyberattacks. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are use for internal security and to control infantry movements. (December 14, 2020)


"Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is only ready to resign based on the expressed will of the people, he said during an address to the nation on Monday." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. (December 14, 2020)


"The CAAC is recommending that on charter flights to high-risk countries, flight attendants wear disposable diapers so that they can avoid using the lavatories, since that's the area of the plane where you have the highest risk of infection." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Beijing. This seems like a strange story coming from the Chinese government. (December 14, 2020)


"With the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917 and the ensuing years of civil warfare between the Bolshevik Communist 'Reds' and the tsarist 'Whites,' the Chechens, like the other recently conquered mountain peoples, briefly regained their liberty." This is from a book about Chechnya. Both Chechnya and Dagestan are north of the Caucasus mountains. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. (December 14, 2020)


The Virginians live in a swamp and they work for defense contracting firms. They're German immigrants. I always say they are guilty of friendly fire and they squander the defense budget. They don't go to college at all. They're Prussian and they speak creole. They make a living operating German-made radios. And then they drive into Washington, DC and they work as security professionals. (December 13, 2020)

Jeremy Renner

"...Renner graduated from Beyer High School and attended Modesto Junior College." Jeremy Renner is a Hollywood actor. He's from Northern California and I guess he learned how to work in Hollywood. Los Angeles is in Southern California. For example, "Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio was born November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles, California". Jeremy Renner isn't from Los Angeles and it's not clear to me exactly how he was able to get these acting jobs in the Hollywood movies. Jeremy Renner is one of my favorite actors. He is so funny. My favorite movie that he is in is called 'The Town' which is about Boston. (December 13, 2020)

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck is a Hollywood film director. He is originally from Boston, MA. Cambridge is a neighborhood in or near Boston. It's a nice neighborhood. I grew up in Austin, Texas. I went to UT-Austin. My dad worked for the Texas state government. I am reflecting on how money is spent in Boston and in Texas. Texas is hard land to live on. I think Ben Affleck must have had an easier time than I did when he was growing up about money. Also, he had a brother. I had a sister. It was my parents and my sister and I. Ben Affleck's family probably had more cash on hand than we did in Texas. I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UT-Austin with a BA in Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies. My dad was born in New York City. The image is of our house and I went to public schools. But Texas is a hard place to live and the land is hard. I am different than Ben Affleck because I probably had a harder time when I was little. (December 13, 2020)

Washington, DC

"I walked to the organic market to buy soup for lunch and they had clam chowder. As I was walking out of the market a drop of soup fell on my jeans. A few times recently I have dropped something while I was walking out of a door. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The undercover agents in Washington, DC hear commands. The commands form a queue. I fall or drop something when the commands come out of order. Then it's a pattern like if I'm walking through a door or if I'm eating soup or if I'm wearing jeans." There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. (December 13, 3020)


"Western Sahara is mostly under Morocco's control, where tensions with pro-independence Polisario Front have simmered since the 1970s." The Bulgarian news is reporting on North Africa. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. Rabat, Morocco is a port on the Atlantic Ocean. (December 13, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It began as 'sit with her'. Then it was certification and clearance. I think we're back to 'sit with her'." There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. The newspaper reported that a bureau attorney lied about a surveillance application. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. It might be that the undercover agents aren't able to collect their salaries. A computer algorithm might deposit the money in the undercover's bank account but the money never comes. (December 13, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about Washington, DC. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Many of them arrived in Virginia from Prussia in the early nineteenth century. It's not well understood about German labor unions in Manchester, England. It might be the same defense contractors in both northern England and Virginia. It's strange about the federal agents assigned to Lafayette Square. It's as though everyone has to behave as a Prussian person. And then there are these reports in the newspaper about surveillance hardware. There was one instance where General Petraeus was fired because he was unfaithful to his wife. It's not clear if surveillance hardware was used to monitor General Petraeus and his girlfriend. The extent to which people in Washington, DC have to live as Prussians isn't well understood. (December 13, 2020)


"In order to secure more direct control of Irish affairs after the rebellion, Britain abolished the Irish government through the 1801 Act of Union and imposed direct rule." This is from a report about Ireland. Notice the mention of Dublin. There are labor unions in Ireland. Labor unions there sometimes regulate child labor. Dublin is a large city. There might be German and Polish labor unions in Ireland. (December 12, 2020)


"Outsiders who traveled through this newly conquered province entered a land that was to remain the most distinctly 'non-Russian' region in the entire Russian Empire right up until that state's collapse during the Russian Civil War of 1917-1923." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of the Russian Civil War. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (December 12, 2020)


I am watching 'Boiler Room' (2000). It's remarkable about the British. It's famous about the labor unions in Ireland and northern England. It is peculiar about what the British will do and what they won't do. They might have a third and fourth child when an American couple wouldn't. There has to be tax breaks in Great Britain for married couples. I think it's difficult for single people in Great Britain. It might be that married people can get better jobs. "If your wife wanted another baby you'd use the telephone." (December 12, 2020)

New England

"He spent a few months studying Spanish at the University of Vermont..." Ben Affleck is a Hollywood film director. He is originally from New England. He studied briefly at the University of Vermont but I think he didn't graduate from there. The University of Vermont is in Burlington which is in the north of the state. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn lived in Vermont for eighteen years. I went to UT-Austin. My grandma, Margery Miller Welles, grew up in Springfield, VT. (December 12, 2020)

Lafayette Park

The bureau might use surveillance hardware within the context of a watchtower. Conceptually, surveillance might be a part of due process. But in Washington, DC the newspaper has been reporting on the bureau and surveillance. If they don't use it for due process, then they use it to routinely and regularly monitor events. It's been suggested that the bureau uses surveillance hardware for security clearances and certifications. However, there might be misconduct. There are complaints here in Washington, DC about how surveillance hardware is used. It seems like the bureau coordinates with the German security services when using surveillance hardware. And then the surveillance hardware is misused. The Germans have invested in radio technology. (December 12, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Saturday afternoon. I usually go to the pool on Fridays. Last Friday I rescheduled for this Monday so I could go to the market. Today I dropped my keys down the elevator shaft at my apartment. The maintenance people said that they could get the keys out on Monday morning. It means I'll have to cancel my time at the pool this Monday. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The radios are combined with surveillance hardware. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop things and fall all day. It might be a NATO program and this is how everyone communicates. The military academies in Madrid and Brandenburg seem to work together. It's silent communication." There are radio signals that arrive in Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. (December 12, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Caracas. Notice the mention of the security services. There used to be tank driving schools in Venezuela. "Venezuela reports thwarting refinery attack" "Venezuela's oil minister said security forces thwarted an attack on a key refinery..." (December 12, 2020)

Caracas 5


"U.S. recognition of Morocco's claim is a portent of tension" The Washington Post is reporting on North Africa. Rabat is a port on the Atlantic Ocean. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. German weaponry is sometimes traded through Spanish ports. (December 12, 2020)

Rabat 1


The Washington Post is reporting on the defense budget. Notice this description of the defense contractors in Virginia. There are swamps in Virginia. The Virginians speak creole and they work for labor unions. "As part of a defense-spending bill, Congress bans anonymous shell companies" "The new law requires anyone registering a new company to disclose the name, address and date of birth of the real owners, and an identification number for each owner..." (December 12, 2020)

Virginia 46

Washington, DC

"First they established if there was a crime. Then they said they'd give me a cert or a clear. But the money never came and the defense contractors are still in the Hoover Building. There was never a crime. I simply requested my salary." There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. The Virginians are German immigrants. (December 12, 2020)

Washington, DC

The newspaper sometimes reports on the bureau and surveillance hardware. The Virginians are German immigrants and they speak creole. They seem to use creole words for what they're doing with the surveillance hardware. A bureau attorney has reportedly lied about a surveillance application. The bureau might use surveillance hardware for things unrelated to due process. For example, they might give certifications or security clearances with surveillance hardware. The Germans sometimes have long-term labor strikes and it might be that the bureau misleads people about what they're doing with the radios. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 12, 2020)


"Borissov said that the EU will not make new decisions on Turkey's actions in the Eastern Mediterranean for another three months. 'As a EU Member State, we support our friends Greece and Cyprus. We insist on finding diplomatic solutions with Ankara to this issue, which is about business: gas extraction and profits,' he pointed out." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Anatolia. There are reports about missile defense systems in Turkey. (December 12, 2020)


"Sweden's government will start exploring the feasibility of having the country move to a digital currency, marking another step into the unknown for the world's most cashless society." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Stockholm. Historically, Brandenburg and Stockholm are allies. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There are accounts about Swedish military officers watching the tests. (December 12, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used with surveillance devices. In Washington, DC the undercover agents drop things and fall all day. Spanish soldiers in Madrid aim these radio transmissions at people in Washington, DC. Nanotechnology is used and objects can be moved at long distances. In my apartment I drop things when I'm getting ready to leave. Also, it seems like long term labor strikes because it's as though they wait long hours to monitor people's movements. The US Congress has complained about robocalls. Personal cellular phones and business phones ring and a computer will have made the phone call. The Germans sometimes trade weaponry through Spanish ports. (December 12, 2020)


"Not surprisingly, with the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and subsequent efforts by the Kremlin to regain control of the breakaway province of Chechnya, the Chechens and neighboring Dagestanis have developed something of a cult of personality surrounding Imam Shamil and his nineteenth-century resistance to the tsars." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of the Kremlin. Both Chechnya and Dagestan are north of the Caucasus mountains. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. (December 11, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"It's a sense that they're army personnel deployed but they are defense contractors in the Hoover Building." There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. It might be that the undercovers never collect their salaries and they're not allowed access to the Hoover Building. They're told that their salaries will come when a computer algorithm deposits the money but the money never comes. Time passes and the defense contractors are still in the Hoover Building. The undercover never gets a salary. (December 11, 2020)

Washington, DC

There are tales about the bureau and surveillance hardware. The Star Wars program is about missile defense. It might be that the Virginians use similar hardware for policing. The newspaper has reported that a bureau attorney lied about a surveillance application. It seems like strange nanotechnology hardware and it's combined with surveillance devices. There are concerns about surveillance locally generally. The Virginians are German immigrants. "Covert ops, covert operations, ops" The Virginians speak creole. It's not clear if an 'op' is an undercover agent. Then it's strange about if the undercovers can enter into the Hoover Building. If there is an 'op', the 'op' might not get a salary. Meanwhile there are strange happenings around the city with nanotechnology. (December 11, 2020)

Dresden, Germany

"In November, more than 1,600 police officers carried out major raids against a family known as the Remmo clan over a spectacular jewellery heist in the city of Dresden a year ago." The German news is reporting on Dresden. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Sachsen used to trade in East German mark. (December 11, 2020)

Washington, DC

"There will be no more pills, no more bad food...no more destroyers of my body." "May 29, 1972. I must get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Twenty-five push-ups each morning, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred knee-bends. I have quit smoking." This is from 'Taxi Driver' (1976) which is a Martin Scorsese film. The film is in New York City. Robert De Niro plays a taxi driver in New York City. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are swamps in Virginia. The Virginians work for labor unions and they speak creole. They seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. It's never clear about the defense budget. (December 11, 2020)

North Korea

The Washington Post is reporting on North Korea. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There have been tank battles in North Korea. It's possible there are radio signals sent between Brandenburg and Pyongyang. "South Korea moves to criminalize sending leaflets to North, angering activists" (December 11, 2020)

Pyongyang 1


"Trump administration to impose sanctions on Turkey over defense purchase" "...for purchasing the S-400 missile system..." The Washington Post is reporting on Ankara. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. (December 11, 2020)

Ankara 7

Denis McDonough

"Biden has picked Denis McDonough, Barack Obama's chief of staff, as incoming secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs" The Washington Post is reporting on Denis McDonough. I know him kind of. He used to go to the same coffee place as me and one time I saw him at church. We both attended a Catholic mass one morning at St. Matthew's Catholic Cathedral on 18th Street NW. At the time there were all these reports about the targeted killing program. I thought to myself that he shouldn't go up and receive the sacrament. But when it was time for Holy Communion he went up and received the sacrament. It's a sense about people working in government and what they do with the workweek. (December 11, 2020)

Denis 1

Washington, DC

"Capitol Hill has long been pressuring Trump to impose mandatory sanctions on Turkey, after Ankara bought the Russian S-400 anti-missile system in July 2019." The Serbian news is reporting on missile defense systems. It's controversial generally about nanotechnology and weaponry. (December 11, 2020)


"Russia will take retaliatory steps following the Netherlands' spying charges against two staffers of the Russian embassy, the diplomatic mission said on Thursday." The Russian news is reporting on Amsterdam. Both Amsterdam and Rotterdam are ports. (December 11, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"Leaders of the European Union have agreed to extend until July 1, 2021, sanctions against Russia, Barend Leyts, Spokesman for European Council President Charles Michel, said in a tweet on Thursday." The Russian news is reporting on the European Union. Frankfurt is the German banking district. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 11, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

"The prices we paid for several months 3 years ago for heating, hot water and electricity are illegal - decided the Supreme Administrative Court. This decision of EWRC to increase the price of heat by 25% in April 2017 was illegal. The EWRC's decision was overturned by the court after it was attacked by the prosecutor's office. The decision of the SAC, which announces the maximum allowable prices for heat and electricity produced in a combined way, was taken on December 8. The reasoning of the court states that they were set by the EWRC on April 7 illegally, as the regulator had not previously determined the price of the main raw material of the TPPs - natural gas." The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional energy issues. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. (December 11, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"They're technicians and they are members of a labor union. They are defense contractors. They work in the federal office buildings near Lafayette Park at night and on the weekends. It might be that because they work for a labor union they can't do anything related to due process. They work for the bureau. Also, they might not be able to repair or build the machines they use." The newspaper has reported about the bureau and surveillance hardware. It's not clear about any radio signals sent from Lafayette Park to Brandenburg. The Virginians are German immigrants. They seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. (December 11, 2020)

Washington, DC

"Yes, you're a defense contractor. Yes, you work in a police building." The defense budget is controversial. Locally, there are labor unions in Virginia. The Virginians are German immigrants. In Virginia there are prisons. The prisons are sometimes upgraded with defense spending. It might be that the defense contractors want to work 'in security' but they don't want to abide by due process procedures. In East Berlin there were roadblocks and watchtowers around the city. The Virginians might put roadblocks and watchtowers around Washington, DC. There are federal office buildings near Lafayette Park. It might be lawlessness if those buildings are filled with defense contractors. They are security professionals but they might not be investigating specific crimes.

There are federal office buildings near Lafayette Park.
The bureau has the Hoover Building and the field office.
Bureau buildings are police buildings.
There are security professionals in police buildings but they might not follow due process procedures.
It's controversial about the defense budget and these security professionals.
Defense contractors work at night and on the weekends as security professionals.
(December 11, 2020)


"Replace the muskets of the nineteenth century with modern sniper rifles and antitank grenades, and the following account could be a description of the Russian defeat in Grozny at the hands of Chechen guerillas in the winter of 1994-95." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of antitank weapons. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 11, 2020)


"The English Crown and Parliament continued to consolidate control over Ireland, ruling through imposed Irish institutions of government and, beginning in 1695, enforcing a series of draconian Penal Laws against Catholics in order to reduce their political and military potential." This is from a report about Ireland. Notice the mention of prisons. There are sometimes efforts in Virginia to upgrade the prisons with defense spending. It's never clear about due process or if there are people in those prisons who haven't committed a crime. (December 10, 2020)

Washington, DC

"Hello. I live in Washington, DC. There are missile defense systems in Turkey." "Здравствуйте. Я живу в Вашингтоне. Есть Противоракетная оборона в Турции." The US Congress has complained about 'robocalls'. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. The Germans make missile defense systems. It's controversial generally about nanotechnology and weaponry. (December 10, 2020)

Lubeck, Germany

"Since then North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Hamburg, Hesse, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Baden-Wurttemberg, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt have followed suit." This is from the German news. Mecklenburg borders the Baltic Sea. They used to trade in East German mark. Lubeck is a German port that traded in East German mark. Lubeck might be a regional hub for German naval vessels. (December 10, 2020)


"Bela was a splendid girl. In the end I grew accustomed to her just as if she had been my own daughter, and she loved me. I must tell you that I have no family. I have had no news of my father and mother for twelve years or so, and, in my earlier days, I never thought of providing myself with a wife-and now, you know, it wouldn't do." This is from 'A Hero of Our Time' by Mikhail Lermontov. Lermontov lived in Saint Petersburg but he is writing about the Caucasus region. He's describing people he knows who had traveled to the Caucasus region. There are modern reports about missile defense systems in Anatolia. (December 10, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the Levant. "...massive explosion at Beirut's port in August..." There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. (December 10, 2020)

Beirut 3

Abu Dhabi

The Washington Post is reporting on weaponry. The Virginians are German immigrants. Some of these weapons might be German-made. The Virginians make a living operating German-made hardware. They work for labor unions and they speak in a regional dialect. "...to block the sale of F-35 fighter jets, Reaper drones and other military equipment..." "Senate fails to block Trump administration's $23 billion arms deal with UAE" (December 10, 2020)


Washington, DC

I am writing about Washington, DC. I'm from Texas and I went to UT-Austin. Colt McCoy was the quarterback for the UT-Austin football team and then he played for the Washington Redskins. But he was the backup quarterback here in Washington, DC. The team lost and Colt still sat on the bench the whole time. Conceptually, Colt needed to "take command". "Colt McCoy needs to take command." Because it makes UT-Austin look dumb for him to be sitting on the bench and the team lose. Additionally though, the athletes that come from afar. Wayne Rooney was here. Alex Ovechkin is here. It makes the cities they come from look dumb when their teams lose. It's a sense of self and the individual. The city of Moscow looks dumb when Alex's team loses. It is his fault that the team loses when they lose. That's lost on foreigners. Moscow looks dumb WHEN Alex's team loses. (December 10, 2020)

Washington, DC

The bureau and the German security services might use the same hardware. Conceptually, it's internal security personnel and they are belligerent toward the electorate. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It's possible that the Virginians misuse police hardware and this causes battlefield casualties. The Washington Post has been reporting that a bureau attorney lied about a surveillance application. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. They seem to use German-made radios and it's not always consistent with due processes procedures. (December 10, 2020)


"His defeat of James at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 secured both the ascendancy of Protestantism within William's realm and the Plantation's success in Ireland." This is from a report about Ireland. Notice the mention of the Battle of the Boyne. It's possible that German and Polish immigrants had arrived in Ireland and that's why there was a battle. Warsaw and Brandenburg are inland but Gdansk and Lubeck are ports on the Baltic Sea. (December 10, 2020)


"President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic commented on the statement of the President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives Eliot Engel" The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. Albania, Kosovo, and Bosnia are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. Sarajevo trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. (December 10, 2020)


"The State Duma's international affairs committee will press for an impartial attitude to the case of a Russian citizen accused of spying in Denmark and also for his return to Russia, the committee's chairman, Leonid Slutsky, told the media on Wednesday." The Russian news is reporting on Copenhagen. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Copenhagen trades in krona. (December 10, 2020)


"More than 360 people in Nagorno-Karabakh have received medical assistance from Russian military doctors since the beginning of the peacekeeping operation, the Russian defense ministry said on Thursday." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. (December 10, 2020)

Lafayette Park

It's famous about the East German swim team because the women swimmers looked like they were taking steroids. Locally, there are tales about the bureau and the undercover agents. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. The Virginians are German immigrants. They're Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It might be that the German security services misuse surveillance hardware. The bureau might not let the women agents in the buildings. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The newspaper has been reporting on the bureau and surveillance hardware. A bureau attorney lied about a surveillance application. There are military academies in Germany. It might be that it's the culture of military academies to behave strangely around women officers. (December 10, 2020)


"By 1840 the Caucasus, which many Russian officials had prematurely declared 'pacified,' was on fire. As the Russians tried to confiscate their guns, the mountain people spontaneously took to the hills and commenced a coordinated guerilla struggle against the tsar's armies under the black banners of Shamil." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of the tsar's armies. Both Chechnya and Dagestan are north of the Caucasus mountains. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. There are reports about missile defense systems in Turkey. (December 9, 2020)


"By 1603 rebellion against English rule in Ulster, led by O'Neill (Earl of Tyrone) and O'Donnell (Earl of Tyrconnell) was crushed and Ulster was brought under control. After the sudden departure of the Gaelic leaders in 1607, Irish land was confiscated and given to colonists." This is from a book about Ireland. Notice the mention of a rebellion. It might be that German and Polish immigrants had settled in Ireland and that's why they rebelled. Warsaw is inland. Gdansk and Lubeck are ports near the Gulf of Danzig. It's possible that Germans from Brandenburg and Polish immigrants from Warsaw had settled in Ireland. (December 9, 2020)

Dublin, Ireland

"In 1066 the Normans conquered England. Just over 100 years later, in 1169, they landed in Ireland. Although they quickly spread across the country, they exerted greatest control over a small area of Ireland around Dublin, which by about 1500 was called the Pale. Anglo-Norman and English settlers arrived sporadically during these centuries. In time many assimilated into local culture but others, especially those in the Pale, continued to look to England for security." This is from a report about Ireland. Notice the mention of Dublin. Dublin is a large city. It's not well understood about German labor unions in Ireland. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. It might be that labor strikes and labor unions travel between Lubeck and Dublin. (December 9, 2020)


"1690 a system of Protestant English rule is imposed which is designed to materially disadvantage the Catholic majority and Protestant dissenters" This is from a book about Ireland. Notice the mention of laws. There are labor unions in Ireland. Irish labor unions sometimes regulate child labor. It's possible that the laws in Ireland unfairly benefit labor leaders. It seems like a balance between labor leaders and labor strikes and salaries. It might be that labor leaders make high salaries in Ireland and they simply organize labor strikes. (December 9, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about the British government and Ireland. My uncle was David Collins. Uncle Dave was in the army and he was deployed to Europe during the 1940's. He married my aunt Anne Miller. They lived in Vermont. Everyone really liked Uncle Dave. He drove the ambulance when he was in the army. He told stories about the Germans. He could dance and he was really nice to my aunt. He died in 1980. When Wayne Rooney was here the British government was obscene. They behaved as though Wayne's wife was also on the soccer team or something. I think it's because the labor unions in Ireland go on a labor strike by doing things related to being married. I didn't ask about Wayne's marriage. He was here to play on the soccer team. It came from nowhere all of these stories and messages that Wayne is married. His wife would go to the stadium. Wayne started to miss a few soccer games. Kind of here in Washington, DC we wanted to watch Wayne Rooney play soccer. The British were rabidly into talking about Wayne being married and his habits as a married man. I think that's not polite. I am still angry at the British government because of how they behaved during Wayne's visit. I never got to meet with Wayne. I bring it up as I can about how he was just supposed to play on the soccer team. It's a legitimate complaint that I send to London from Washington, DC. (December 9, 2020)


"Private plantation by wealthy landowners began in 1606, while official plantation controlled by the Parliament of Scotland began in 1609. All lands owned by Irish chieftains in Ulster (along with those of their supporters) were confiscated and used to settle the colonists. The counties of Ulster that were colonized during the plantations - shaded area" This is from a book about Ireland. Belfast and Dublin are ports in Ireland. There are tales about Polish immigrants in Ireland. In 'Das Boot' there are scenes on the U-boat where the sailors who slept near the sink were stigmatized. In Ireland it's as though people are encouraged to have several children. Conceptually, it's group-oriented social customs that are peculiar. Married couples are encouraged by a third party to have children. Warsaw is the capital of Poland. It's not well understood the nature of Polish immigration in Ireland. (December 9, 2020)


"Judge Ursula Mertens interrupted the speech and reminded him that denying the Holocaust is a criminal offence in Germany." The German news is reporting on right wingers. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. (December 9, 2020)

Fort Hood, Texas

It might be labor unions and bad radios at Fort Hood.
"14 Army leaders fired or suspended as systemic failures cited at Fort Hood"
Where there are labor strikes there is often property damage.
"Maj. Gen. Scott L. Efflandt, shown here during a ceremony in Iraq in 2011, was removed as leader of Fort Hood earlier this year."
It seems like the army has invested in bad radio technology.
The Virginians make a living operating German-made hardware.
It might be that the defense contractors at Fort Hood are on a labor strike.
The Virginians make high salaries.
There are swamps in Virginia.
The Virginians are German immigrants and they speak in a regional dialect.
Fort Hood is in Texas.
(December 9, 2020)

Dallas, Texas

Fort Hood is in the Washington Post today. That's an army base in Texas. I'm from Austin, Texas originally. I graduated from Lyndon Johnson High School in Austin and then UT-Austin. Years ago I applied to work for the Office of Naval Intelligence. I was living in Austin but the interview was in Dallas, Texas. Dallas is due north of Austin. It's a four hour drive north on the highway. I arrived at the interview on time. They didn't hire me. Two things, the office was difficult for me to find. Also, the men who interviewed me were middle aged. There were three of them. One of them mentioned more than once that I was wearing high heels. "14 Army leaders fired or suspended as systemic failures cited at Fort Hood" "Maj. Gen. Scott L. Efflandt, shown here during a ceremony in Iraq in 2011, was removed as leader of Fort Hood earlier this year." (December 9, 2020)

Warsaw, Poland

This is a description of German military operations in Poland. Warsaw is inland. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. "The German army sent 2,750 tanks..." (December 9, 2020)

Poland 2


The Washington Post is reporting on Libya. Notice the mention of Ankara. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. "Libya's east-based forces seize Turkish-owned vessel" "Turkey orders detention of 304 military personnel" "Netanyahu rival leaves Likud to form new bloc" (December 9, 2020)

Libya 11
Libya 12


The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. Notice the mention of Fort Hood. The Virginians are German immigrants. They seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. "14 Army leaders fired or suspended as systemic failures cited at Fort Hood" "Maj. Gen. Scott L. Efflandt, shown here during a ceremony in Iraq in 2011, was removed as leader of Fort Hood earlier this year." (December 9, 2020)

Texas 1

Ankara, Turkey

"Accordingly we turned aside to the left, and, somehow or other, after a good deal of trouble, made our way to the wretched shelter, which consisted of two huts built of stone slabs and rubble, surrounded by a wall of the same material. Our ragged hosts received us with alacrity. I learned afterwards that the Government supplies them with money and food upon condition that they put up travellers who are overtaken by storm." This is from 'A Hero of Our Time' by Mikhail Lermontov. Notice the mention of travelers. The Caucasus region includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. In 2008 Russian infantrymen crossed the border into Georgia. They were headed in the direction of Ankara. There are reports about missile defense systems in Anatolia. (December 9, 2020)


This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of Dagestan. Both Chechnya and Dagestan are north of the Caucasus mountains. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. "For in Dagestan, Islam was older than in the lands of the Chechens, and the Dagestanis had a deeper attachment to the faith of Muhammad." (December 9, 2020)

Damascus, Syria

"A government source said last month dozens of ethnic Uzbeks remained in the Al-Hol and Roj camps in the Kurdish-controlled part of Syria 'in deplorable conditions'." The Tashkent news is reporting on Damascus. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (December 9, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a package of laws establishing precedence of the Russian constitution over international agreements and decisions of international bodies, the documents were published Tuesday on the official portal of legal information." The Russian news is reporting on Moscow. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 9, 2020)


"Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro told reporters in Caracas that an assassination attempt on him, organized by the authorities of Colombia, had been plotted on the day of the parliamentary election in his country." The Russian news is reporting on Caracas. There are military academies and tank driving schools in Caracas. Venezuela trades in bolivar. It seems like the Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from Lubeck. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. (December 9, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on military hardware. Notice the mention of combat vehicles. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. "Bulgaria's Special Operations Forces (SOF) will acquire 98 combat vehicles of ten types at the cost of 49,998,000 leva. The materiel will be supplied by the Bulgarian manufacturer Samel-90 under a contract signed here on Tuesday by Defence Minister Krassimir Karakachanov and Samel-90 Executive Director Peter Georgiev, Karakachanov's Ministry said in a press release." (December 9, 2020)


"Among the most important fortresses established by the Russians to control the turbulent highlanders was a fortress city constructed in the lowlands of Chechnya named Grozny, a name that in Russian translates to 'The Terrible' or, more accurately, 'The Foreboding.'" This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of Grozny. Grozny is a city in Chechnya. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. There are reports about missile defense systems in Anatolia. Abkhazia is a port in Georgia. There might be belligerent radio signals coming from Abkhazia. (December 8, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about Europe. During the Spanish-American War the American navy sent a message to Madrid about the prisons in Cuba. The prisoners behaved strangely. There were reports about strange happenings at the prisons. There was a response from Madrid supposedly from the King of Spain and he said that he would have to speak with other governments in Europe about what to do. In the modern age there are reports about the Spanish military using silent communication a lot. It might be that Spanish soldiers use German-made radios and they have come to communicate generally without talking. They use signals communications. 'Truppenfuhrung' is the German army manual and it talks about using lamps and smoke signals to communicate. Lamps and smoke signals aren't used by American soldiers to communicate. Another noteworthy thing about Europe is in Great Britain. William and Kate Middleton both studied at St. Andrews instead of Oxford. It's famous about the trade between Poland and Ireland. William sounds like he's speaking English-Polish. The Polish language uses peculiar pronouns for 'they'. I've said that he doesn't seem to have a lot of schooling. It might be that William was on paper a truant when he was young. If he didn't attend classes with his peers he might not be able to compete with his peers in the workplace. I comment a lot that I think William and Harry don't have much formal education. It also seems odd that William flew a helicopter in the army. It seems like he should have learned how to be a land commander. Alexander and Julius Caesar were land commanders. (December 8, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's always race fight or laugh fight. I hear 'We need to show you how we fight'. At night it's race fight and during the day it's laugh fight. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. They send radio signals to Washington, DC. The military academies in Spain and Germany seem to coordinate. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. Now the undercover agents in Washington, DC drop stuff and fall all day. Radio signals can move objects at long distances. The image is that soldiers in Spain can make individuals drop things in Washington, DC. I've said they're all on a labor strike." It's Tuesday evening. I went to bed early and then I woke up to get something to drink and I turned the heater up. The US Congress has complained about robocalls. Personal cellular phones and business telephones ring and it will have been a computer that made the call. (December 8, 2020)


"In 1809 during the attack of a party of Kabardians [a noble Circassian tribe] on the village of Kamennobrodsk, 58 inhabitants were wounded, 51 people were taken captive. By comparison, in repulsing the attack, 12 soldiers died, 19 were wounded, including one officer. In the attacks on the fort of Kruglolsk on the 13th of May 1823, 50 local people were killed, 41 wounded, and 302 were taken captive (the losses to the army-17 killed, 10 wounded)." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the description of the casualties during an attack. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 8, 2020)


"Concerning that stone cross, by the way, there exists the strange, but widespread, tradition that it had been set up by the Emperor Peter the First when travelling through the Caucasus. In the first place, however, the Emperor went no farther than Daghestan; and, in the second place, there is an inscription in large letters on the cross itself, to the effect that it had been erected by order of General Ermolov, and that too in the year 1824." This is from 'A Hero of Our Time' by Mikhail Lermontov. Lermontov lived in Saint Petersburg but he wrote about the Caucasus region. Peter I founded the city of Saint Petersburg in 1703. The land had belonged to Sweden. Daghestan is near Chechnya. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. Turkey and Iran are south of the mountains. Chechnya and Daghestan are north of the mountains. There are reports about missile defense systems in Anatolia. (December 8, 2020)


"The parcels of Polish and German delicacies are being sent by the city of Gorlitz in Germany's former communist East, as part of efforts to attract Poles in Britain who are tempted to return to the continent because of Brexit." The German news is reporting on Warsaw. Warsaw is inland. There are accounts abut a large communications relay in Berlin. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. (December 8, 2020)


"Russia's feared frontier generals had no qualms about responding to these raids with an overwhelming display of retaliatory force. Thus the warfare in the Caucasus developed a rhythm that often had little to do with the court of the tsars in distant St. Petersburg." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of Saint Petersburg. In 2008 Russian infantrymen crossed the border into Georgia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. They were headed in the direction of Turkey. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Ankara. (December 8, 2020)

Washington, DC

You live in a swamp.
Aren't you in a labor union?
It's difficult to know how much land in Virginia is worth.
Did you go to graduate school?
Do you work normal hours?
It seems weird about office buildings and defense contractors.
Wasn't Virginia a slave state?
Were your relatives in the Confederate Army?
What about the infantry?
Aren't you just taking money from the infantry so you can buy German-made radios?
(December 8, 2020)

It's unique in this country about Lafayette Park and the Hoover Building. The Virginians are German immigrants and they live near swamps. Pedestrians in Lafayette Park or who are walking near the Hoover Building might have a lot of formal education. If the people working in the Hoover Building are speaking creole, normal people will wonder about the health of the army. But then it's a strange sense that nobody should walk near the Hoover Building or maybe pedestrians aren't safe in Lafayette Park. It's more and less college. And the people with less college are the federal agents. If someone has a lot of formal education, it will be clear to them who doesn't. And then you hear creole from the bureau. It's strange about the whole city and defense contractors working in federal office buildings. (December 8, 2020)

It's a unique phenomenon here in Washington, DC about Lafayette Park. There are real complaints about the Pentagon. In the 1950's the army experienced frostbite. More recently there are tales of chemical munitions and Gulf War Syndrome. Moreover, you wonder about surveillance and internet connectivity in the federal district. The bureau kind of blocks the entrance to their buildings near Lafayette Park. I wonder if they're in there on the phone with the German security services. (December 8, 2020)

Washington, DC

There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. The Teamsters Union is a German labor union. They are 'car men' or 'cart men'. The Virginians make a living operating German-made hardware. Virginia is formally the 'Commonwealth of Virginia'. There are laws in Virginia that allow for organized labor. In Canada the first labor union was registered in Montreal and it was a French-speaking Catholic labor union. The Virginians are Prussians. Many of them arrived in Virginia from Prussia in the early nineteenth century. The Hoover Building is near Lafayette Park. "We'll pay you in three years or three cycles." It's a strange phenomenon about the city because it's as though only defense contractors have access to the federal office buildings near Lafayette Park. It's so they can use German-made hardware in the buildings. The undercovers can't get into the buildings. It's not clear if the women agents ever collect their salaries. But, the bureau sometimes does say they'll pay the undercover but the money doesn't ever come. Time passes and the money is never put in the undercover's bank account. The bureau sometimes uses Prussian-sounding timeframes. They are identifying themselves as German immigrants who work in proximity to the defense budget. "Are you supposed to pay the undercovers but you don't? Or are you not supposed to pay the undercovers?" (December 8, 2020)


"After the fall of the Muslim bastion of the Crimean Khanate, the Russians began a series of advances into the Caucasus Mountains that culminated in their bold crossing of this range and annexation of the Christian land of Georgia on the southern flanks of the Caucasus." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of Tbilisi. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. South Ossetia is inland. (December 8, 2020)

Arlington, Virginia

The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. Notice the mention of airstrikes. There have been accounts about drone strikes aimed at cars. There was an incident in Iraq when a drone strike was aimed at a two-car convoy. It's controversial generally about the targeted killing program. "Biden to name retired general as defense chief" "The early days of the campaign against the Islamic State were marked by airstrikes..." (December 8, 2020)

Virginia 45

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

"President Shavkat Mirziyoyev pardons 104 prisoners" The Tashkent news is reporting on the prisons in Uzbekistan. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. The Virginians are German immigrants and they speak in a regional dialect. It's never clear about due process in Virginia or if there are people in the prisons who haven't committed a crime. There are swamps in Virginia. (December 8, 2020)


"The dialogue of Moscow and Berlin must be reconsidered, it needs a reboot, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a meeting with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party delegation Tuesday." The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. They have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There have been labor strikes in Dresden, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic. (December 8, 2020)


"Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro wants to visit Russia in April-June 2021 and meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, he said during his speech in Caracas." The Russian news is reporting on Caracas. There are military academies and tank driving schools in Venezuela. It seems like the Germans sent tanks to Caracas from Lubeck. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. (December 8, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Tuesday morning. I slept until almost 7am. I woke up a few times in the night. Yesterday was the same thing, I woke up a few times during the night. The locals talk about during the nineteenth century the Confederates would wake the Union soldiers up early in the morning. The warning is that you should sleep until 8am." It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. It seems like people in Washington, DC experience the same symptoms. Radio signals are combined with nanotechnology. Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy. The Pentagon is a stop on the metro line. In the 1990's it was called 'Gulf War Syndrome'. Now it seems like the undercover agents drop things and fall all day. (December 8, 2020)


"The Russians first became involved in the Caucasus following their conquest of the last remnant of the once-mighty Mongol Tatars, the Black Sea state of the Crimean Khanate. After absorbing this troublesome raiding state in 1783, the Russians moved eastward from the Crimean Peninsula and into the plains north of the Caucasus." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of the Crimea. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There might be ethnically German labor unions in Chechnya. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. (December 7, 2020)


This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of Dagestan. Also, there is a mention of Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. Lviv serves as a regional hub for labor unions. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. "You also find other groups who inhabit the bleak mountains of Dagestan (a region whose name translates to 'Land of the Mountains'), such as the Dargins, Avars, Lezgins, Laks, Aguls, Rutuls, Tabassrans, and countless others, who fiercely defended their lands against outsiders over the centuries. Most of these ancient groups, who continued to fight with sabers, shields, and medieval-style armor up until the late nineteenth century, were unknown to the Western world, whose ethno-geographic horizons ended in the more familiar lands of the Orthodox Russians and Ukrainians." (December 7, 2020)


"As history tells us, waves of horse-mounted Scythians, who drank fermented horse milk and wine from their enemies' skulls, Zoroastrian Iranians bringing their ancient worship of fire, savage Huns on their way to ravage Rome, Arab warriors spreading their new Islamic faith, Jewish horse-mounted Khazar nomads, world-conquering Mongol Tatars, empire-building Ottoman Turks, Shiite Persians, and many others lapped up against the mountain barrier of the Caucasus and left remnants of their peoples amid the older races already ensconced in their mountain valleys." Notice the references to Huns and Ottoman Turks. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. It's not clear about any belligerent radio signals coming from Ankara. (December 7, 2020)


"As any Chechen will tell you, their ancestors never set out to conquer Russia; the troubles with their empire-minded neighbors began when Russia's generals set their sights on the Caucasus and brought fire and sword to the Chechens' homeland in the late eighteenth century." This is from a book about Chechnya. Notice the mention of the eighteenth century. Saint Petersburg was founded in 1703. The Great Northern War was fought between Tsar Peter I and Charles XII of Sweden. Catherine II was a contemporary of the French Revolution. She is called Catherine the Great because of the wars in the south. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. The Chechens live near Turkey. It's not always clear about Turkish lands and Chechnya. But, Russia and Turkey are always rivals. (December 7, 2020)

Tbilisi, Georgia

This is from 'A Hero of Our Time'. Notice the description of the Georgian border. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. "The name 'Chertov' is derived from the word cherta (boundary-line) and not from chort (devil), because, at one time, the valley marked the boundary of Georgia. We found it choked with snow-drifts, which reminded us rather vividly of Saratov, Tambov, and other charming localities of our fatherland." (December 7, 2020)


There seems to be a modern eastern front with German and NATO airbases.

Lubeck, Germany might be a German naval hub
Warsaw, Poland seems to have large airbases
Dublin and Manchester trade with Warsaw
Turkey has German airbases
Syria reports chemical munitions
(December 7, 2020)

Lafayette Park

There is a concept of suspense. The Germans have invested in radio technology as a means to build their economy. It seems like the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. The newspaper sometimes reports on the bureau and surveillance hardware. A bureau attorney might get jail time for lying about a surveillance application. It's not clear about ongoing and continuous surveillance efforts. The Virginians are German immigrants. You wonder about the budget and friendly fire. Within the context of the bureau, there is suspense maybe. It's strange about who is allowed into the Hoover Building. There are disputes about salaries and building assignments. It's strange about the women agents and the undercover agents. The bureau might not want women in the Hoover Building. The undercover agents are told they'll receive their salaries from computer algorithm but the money doesn't come. "It'll be three years or three cycles." The bureau might lie about timeframes. They use Prussian-sounding words for timeframes. Time passes and the undercovers don't get their salaries. (December 7, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Monday afternoon. I just got back to my apartment from the grocery store. I wasn't planning on going but I bought tea and an apple. Last night I slept alright but I woke up a few times. I slept until 6am this morning and I got up to read the newspaper. On my way to the store there was roadwork and construction. The sounds were loud and there was dust as I was walking. It's not a pleasant walk to the store because of all the trucks and construction." There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. The women agents might not collect their salaries. The undercover agents might not be allowed entrance into the field office or the Hoover Building. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like radio signals arrive in Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. (December 7, 2020)


'Age of Tanks' is a television show. Heinz Guderian is a German army officer who advocated for tanks and panzers. German tanks are used in tandem with other German weapons. In the 1930's it's said that there was an exchange between Berlin and Moscow. The Germans tested tanks in Russia and in return the Russians could learn about German tank technology. The Germans put radios in the tanks. It might be that the eastern front during the 1930's was the product of these radios the Germans put in tanks. In World War I they used slower and less reliable forms of signaling between the tanks. In World War II the Germans could send radio signals to each tank. (December 7, 2020)

Heinz Guderian

"One of them was a young Prussian Lieutenant Heinz Guderian." "The worse part is the ban on any kind of modern weaponry." "Guderian came from a long line of Prussian officers." This is from a television show called 'Age of Tanks'. I have read Heinz Guderian's books. Tanks are used in tandem with other German weapons. There are modern accounts about tank battles in the developing world. There might be tank driving schools in the developing world. It's controversial generally about German weapons makers and if they are exporting tanks. (December 7, 2020)

Berlin 7
Berlin 8
Berlin 9


England developed tanks perhaps to be land ships.
They are armored but the sides aren't armored.
If you fired at the tank from the side the rounds would go through.
Tank guns sometimes can only fire straight ahead.
Tanks sometimes zigzag when they drive.
The Germans built large tanks and small tanks.
Some German tanks required eighteen soldiers.
Tanks can go a little faster than soldiers can march.
There is a relationship between Scotland and tanks because of war bonds in World War I.
There is a relationship between labor strikes and tanks because there were labor strikes in Scotland.
The Germans might see tanks as medieval armed horsemen.
Tank battles require specific terrain.
Tank warfare requires training.
It's unclear sometimes about the command structure within the infantry near tank warfare.
The tanks are vulnerable to artillery barrages.
Tanks require a lot of metals to build.
(December 7, 2020)


This is from 'A Hero of Our Time' by Mikhail Lermontov. "The next day he immediately despatched an express messenger to Kizlyar to purchase some things for him. The messenger brought back a quite innumerable quantity of various Persian stuffs." Notice the mention of Tehran. Tabriz, Iran is near Turkey. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The novel is about the Caucasus region. (December 7, 2020)

Battle of the Somme

'Age of Tanks' is a television show. In World War I there was the Battle of the Somme. The English suffered heavy casualties. After the battle, it wasn't clear exactly how the infantry should interact with the tanks. German artillery was firing at English tanks. It might be that generally, tank warfare doesn't allow for a clear command structure within the infantry. There are modern accounts about tank driving schools in the developing world. There have been tank battles in the Levant. (December 7, 2020)

Caracas, Venezuela

The Washington Post is reporting on Caracas. There are military academies and tank driving schools in Venezuela. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. Caracas trades in bolivar. "President Nicolas Maduro was expected to regain control of Venezuela's National Assembly on Sunday as the U.S.-backed opposition urged voters to boycott the country's legislative election." (December 7, 2020)

Caracas 4

Washington, DC

The Washington Post is reporting on the NFL. Today the Washington Football Team will play at Pittsburgh. The Steelers are 11-0 and Washington is 4-7. They've only won four games so far this season. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They work for labor unions and they speak in a regional dialect. It might be that the coaches don't work enough hours each week so the team can win. (December 7, 2020)

Virginia 44


"Of course, all this took place in strict secrecy, and the first volunteers in the research were CIA agents and scientists, including Gottlieb himself, who later admitted that he had taken LSD more than 200 times." The Serbian news is reporting on Virginia. This summer the Washington Post reported that federal agents in Langley, Virginia were requesting permission to take a vaccine. The Virginians are German immigrants. They work for labor unions. You wonder about labor strikes and militant picketing in Virginia. (December 7, 2020)

Venice, Italy

"11 December to see 'Italy-Uzbekistan' high-level business forum" The Tashkent news is reporting on the economy. Venice, Italy is a port near the Balkans. Sarajevo trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. (December 7, 2020)


"Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will hold talks on Monday with his Armenian counterpart Ara Ayvazyan, who has arrived in the Russian capital on a two-day working visit." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. (December 7, 2020)


"The Social Democratic Party wins parliamentary elections in Romania with 29.8% of the vote after processing 95% of the ballots, Digi 24 TV channel reported citing data from the local Central Election Commission." The Russian news is reporting on Bucharest. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 7, 2020)