East Germany

This website is written by Donna Welles in Washington, DC.

See also: About Me, Research about China, the Virginians, Ireland and Manchester, South America, the Syrian desert, German radio technology, Manchester Labor, Madrid, Eastern Prussia, London, England, The London Office, Virginia Labor, Washington, DC, the British, and England Sports

East Germany and Prussia


"The Social Democratic Party wins parliamentary elections in Romania with 29.8% of the vote after processing 95% of the ballots, Digi 24 TV channel reported citing data from the local Central Election Commission." The Russian news is reporting on Bucharest. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 7, 2020)


Vollmer is the name of a German tank designer. The A7V tank is the first German tank. It had maybe eighteen soldiers per tank. Also, German tank designers also design cars. The image is that German tank commanders are like German car drivers and they simply drive the tanks really fast as if they were driving cars. British tanks didn't begin as cars, they were larger and slower. (December 6, 2020)

NATO relies on Warsaw
NATO allows for military operations in Afghanistan
NATO means collective defense
NATO operations are costly
There was a 1948 blockade of Berlin
NATO centers around Brandenburg and Warsaw
NATO allows for German trade through Sarajevo and Venice
There might be NATO tank driving schools near Tel Aviv
(December 6, 2020)

Boston, Massachusetts

I am writing about Boston. I grew up in Texas and my last name is Welles. My grandma grew up in New England and when I was little I would talk to her sister on the telephone. She was in Vermont and I was in Texas and we would talk on the telephone. Anne Miller Collins was my grandma's sister. I played soccer when I was little. For about fifteen years I played soccer in Texas. Texas has really competitive soccer leagues and we have large soccer field complexes. During one conversation with my aunt on the telephone I said that soccer was the world's most popular sport. She said that it was baseball. New Englanders believe that baseball is the world's most popular sport. The Welles family was loyal to England during the revolution. It might be that the Loyalists in America play soccer and the patriots play baseball. I played soccer and my last name is Welles. (December 6, 2020)


This is from a Brookings Institute report about NATO. Notice the mention of Tel Aviv. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It might be that NATO allows the Germans to send tanks to Tel Aviv from Lubeck. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. There might be NATO tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. "Some suggest that the Israel-U.S. relationship exemplifies this rationale for Alliance building. They argue that the Israeli lobby within the United States has effectively finessed U.S. protections for Israel. Further highlighting this phenomenon, the Turks aligned with the Germans in World War I in part because of the influence of a German officer serving as the Turkish Army's inspector-general." (December 6, 2020)

Warsaw, Poland

"At this time, a second national rebellion in Poland was suppressed. It was followed by measures undertaken to change the situation in Poland. On February 19, 1864, Alexander II passed an edict to give Polish peasants ownership of their land. Russian money was used to pay off the former landowners for their lands." This is from a biography of Alexander II. Notice the mention of Poland. Prussia is in Germany and Poland. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. (December 6, 2020)


"'Listen, my Peri,' he was saying. 'Surely you know that you will have to be mine sooner or later-why, then, do you but torture me? Is it that you are in love with some Chechene? If so, I will let you go home at once.'" This is from 'A Hero of Our Time' by Mikhail Lermontov. Notice the mention of a Chechen. Chechnya is north of the Caucasus mountains. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. Anatolia is home to the Ottoman empire. I studied in Saint Petersburg and I took the train to Mongolia. From Saint Petersburg men travel to the Caucasus region for adventure. (December 6, 2020)

Arlington, Virginia

There is a Russian novel about how the King of Spain walked the streets of Saint Petersburg. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They arrived in Virginia from Germany in the early nineteenth century. The image is of the King of Spain working at the Pentagon or the Hoover Building. You wonder about the budget and friendly fire. (December 6, 2020)

Irkutsk, Russia

"Begone, you crazy brat! How should you think to ride on my horse? In three steps you would be thrown and your neck broken on the stones!" This is from 'A Hero of Our Time' by Mikhail Lermontov. Lermontov lived in Saint Petersburg but he is writing about the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. Notice the mention of this horse that was difficult to ride. The Gobi Desert is in Mongolia. Moscow fell in the thirteenth century to Mongolian horsemen. I have taken the train to Mongolia. Irkutsk, Russia is near the border with Mongolia. (December 6, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the German army. "Berlin protest targets German defense budget" "...and an end to weapons exports..." Notice the mention of weapons exports. (December 6, 2020)

Berlin 6

Arlington, Virginia

"After delay, Pentagon spy agencies to meet with Biden transition team" "...denying that the Pentagon had resisted giving the Biden team access to the agencies or information about their operations and budgets." The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. They might be on a labor strike. It seems like the Virginians behave as the German security services and they do this because of NATO. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 6, 2020)

Virginia 43

Saint Petersburg

This is from 'A Hero of Our Time'. It's about the Caucasus region. From Saint Petersburg men travel to the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. In 2008 Russian infantrymen crossed into Georgia. They were headed in the direction of Turkey. "You are a kindhearted man, you are a brave horseman, but my father is afraid of the Russians and will not allow me to go on the mountains. Give me your horse, and I will do anything you wish. I will steal my father's best rifle for you, or his sabre - just as you like - and his sabre is a genuine Gurda; you have only to lay the edge against your hand, and it will cut you; a coat of mail like yours is nothing against it." (December 6, 2020)


"Some measures were taken to improve the educational system. Russian universities received rights of self-government. New universities were opened in Odessa and Warsaw. The restrictions concerning the social position or religion of children who wanted to attend high schools were lifted." "Alexander II. Tsarskoe Selo. 1863." This is from a biography of Alexander II. Notice the mention of Odessa and Warsaw. Odessa is a port on the Black Sea. Warsaw is inland. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. Lviv serves as a regional hub for labor unions. (December 6, 2020)

Lafayette Park

Capitol Hill is in Washington, DC. The Hoover Building and Lafayette Square are on 9th Street and 16th Street. The Pentagon is on the other side of the Potomac River in Virginia but it's still on the metro line. Conceptually, at night and on the weekends there seems to be defense contractors in Lafayette Park and the Pentagon. It might be that there's no work but they show up anyway. The image is that the rest of the city is asleep and there are all these defense contractors at work in the Hoover Building and the Pentagon. The newspaper is reporting that a bureau attorney lied on a surveillance application. It might be that they are on a labor strike and they have formed picket lines. The Virginians are German immigrants. It's possible they are behaving as the German security services and they do this because NATO has allowed them to. (December 5, 2020)

Ramzan Kadyrov

"'How are weddings celebrated amongst them?' I asked the staff-captain. 'Oh, in the usual way. First of all, the Mullah reads them something out of the Koran; then gifts are bestowed upon the young couple and all their relations; the next thing is eating and drinking of buza, then the dance on horseback; and there is always some ragamuffin, bedaubed with grease, bestriding a wretched, lame jade, and grimacing, buffooning, and making the worshipful company laugh.'" This is from 'A Hero of Our Time' by Mikhail Lermontov. In modern times there is a famous wedding in the Caucasus region. Ramzan Kadyrov is the leader of Chechnya and his wedding resembled this scene in the novel. Whenever I mention Kadyrov I also say how beautiful his wife is because their wedding was so nice. Lermontov lived in Saint Petersburg but he is writing about the Caucasus region. I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute and I read about Chechnya in novels or in the newspaper. (December 5, 2020)

Moscow 16

Saint Petersburg, Russia

"Often enough you couldn't drag a word out of him for hours together; but then, on the other hand, sometimes, when he started telling stories, you would split your sides with laughing. Yes, sir, a very eccentric man; and he must have been wealthy too. What a lot of expensive trinkets he had!" This is from 'A Hero of Our Time'. It's a description of a Russian soldier who visited the Caucasus region. Mikhail Lermontov lived in Saint Petersburg. He is describing men he knew who traveled from Saint Petersburg to the Caucasus region. It's known as a place of adventure. (December 5, 2020)


"Of 50 British tanks, only 10 make it back to their own line." 'Age of Tanks' is a television series. In World War I there were men tanks and women tanks. Also, carrier pigeons were used to communicate between the tanks and headquarters. The messages often were that the tanks had crashed or they were in need of repair. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. The Germans might send military hardware to Tel Aviv from Lubeck. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. (December 5, 2020)

The North Sea

"A system of trenches was built from the North Sea to the Swiss border." This is a map from World War I. It's not clear about barbed wire and trenches in Germany. The Virginians are German immigrants. There are accounts about roadblocks and watchtowers in East Berlin. There are labor unions in Virginia. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. The Washington Post is reporting about the Pentagon and the new administration is having trouble getting settled in the building. It might be that there are labor disputes and labor strikes in the Pentagon. If the French can build that many trenches from the North Sea to Switzerland, then maybe the Virginians are on a general strike. (December 5, 2020)

Paris 1

Alexander II

"The Crimean War continued. In the autumn of 1855, Russian troops sustained a defeat in Sebastopol. Although it was followed by the Russian invasion of Kars, the main Turkish fortress, this didn't change the overall situation. According to the peace treaty that concluded the Crimean War in Paris on March 18, 1856, Russia got Sebastopol back in return for Kars but was refused Moldavia at the mouth of the Danube. Russia was also forbidden to have a Black Sea Fleet. These restrictions were lifted only in 1871 during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 - 1871. It was only the victory in the Russo-Turkish War that gave Russia the opportunity to restore her rights to their full extent." This is from a biography of Alexander II. Notice the mention of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. Berlin is the seat of Prussia. It's not clear about German military academies during the nineteenth century. It's possible there were military academies in Brandenburg and Sachsen in the 1700's and 1800's. There are modern accounts about tank driving schools in the developing world. (December 5, 2020)

Mikhail Lermontov

This is from 'A Hero of Our Time'. It's my favorite novel. Mikhail Lermontov and Alexander Pushkin lived in Saint Petersburg. I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute which is where Mendeleev studied. Lermontov is writing about the Caucasus region and the men who travel there for adventure. Anatolia is the home of the Ottoman empire. The Chechens live north of the Caucasus mountains. Lermontov is describing people he knew who had been to the Caucasus region and he's wanting people to know why they go there. It might be like the Sirens in the Odyssey. "'His name was Grigori Aleksandrovich Pechorin. He was a splendid fellow, I can assure you, but a little peculiar. Why, to give you an instance, one time he would stay out hunting the whole day, in the rain and cold; the others would all be frozen through and tired out, but he wouldn't mind either cold or fatigue. Then, another time, he would be sitting in his own room, and, if there was a breath of wind, he would declare that he had caught cold; if the shutters rattled against the window he would start and turn pale: yet I myself have seen him attack a boar single-handed.'" (December 5, 2020)

Saint Petersburg, Russia

"He filled his pipe, drew in the smoke, and began his story." "'YOU see, sir,' said the staff-captain, 'I was quartered, at the time, with a company in a fortress beyond the Terek-getting on for five years ago now. One autumn day, a transport arrived with provisions, in charge of an officer, a young man of about twenty-five. He reported himself to me in full uniform, and announced that he had been ordered to remain in the fortress with me. He was so very elegant, his complexion so nice and white, his uniform so brand new, that I immediately guessed that he had not been long with our army in the Caucasus.' 'I suppose you have been transferred from Russia?' I asked. 'Exactly, captain,' he answered." This is an excerpt from 'A Hero of Our Time'. Notice the description of the Russian army in the Caucasus. There is a relationship between the city of Saint Petersburg and the Caucasus region. Russian men travel to the Caucasus region to find adventure. I have never been to the Caucasus region. I took the train to Mongolia and I stayed in Ulan Bataar for two weeks. I am from Texas and I was studying in Saint Petersburg. (December 5, 2020)


"Your old Caucasian officer loves, I know, to talk and yarn a bit; he so rarely succeeds in getting a chance to do so. It may be his fate to be quartered five years or so with his company in some out-of-the-way place, and during the whole of that time he will not hear 'good morning' from a soul (because the sergeant says 'good health')." This is an excerpt from 'A Hero of Our Time'. Notice the mention of the Caucasus region. In 2008 there were Russian infantrymen who crossed into Georgia. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. The Russian soldiers were headed in the direction of Turkey. (December 5, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"In 1838, Alexander and Zhukovsky visited Europe. In Darmstadt, Alexander met his future wife, fifteen-year-old Princess Maria of Hesse Darmstadt. On April 16, 1841, Alexander married Maria who had been baptized into the Orthodox Church and became Maria Alexandrovna. They had two daughters and five sons. Alexander II ascended the throne on February 19, 1855, after the sudden death of his father, Emperor Nicholas I, at the height of the Crimean War." This is from a biography of Alexander II. Notice how many children they had. Dublin, Belfast, and Galway are ports in Ireland. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. (December 5, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. Nanotechnology is combined with radio transmissions and objects can be moved at long distances. There seems to be a way for the computers to inventory the items in a room or an apartment. There are commands. The commands then form a queue. And then the commands are given out of order and someone either drops something or falls. The undercover agents in Washington, DC drop things and fall all day." It's Saturday morning. I went to the grocery store and I am now back home at my apartment. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. (December 5, 2020)

Oxford University

Daniel Beer is a Russian scholar at the University of London. He seems apathetic toward Paris and critical of Moscow. "...of a revolutionary future, in which everyone who was on top before..." William and Kate Middleton both studied at St. Andrews. Harry studied at Eton College. The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. These people all live in London and they ignore that the men's team loses every time. It's not clear if Daniel Beer has a theory about why the men's team doesn't win. You wonder what happened to the people who study at Oxford. Kate has three children. Coleen Rooney has four children. (December 5, 2020)

London 13

Arlington, Virginia

The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. There are labor unions in Virginia. It might be that the Virginians are on a labor strike. It's possible there are picket lines at the Pentagon. Virginia is formally the 'Commonwealth of Virginia'. The Virginians make high salaries working as defense contractors. They are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. "Biden team hits Pentagon roadblock" "Pentagon officials in turn blamed Biden advisers." (December 5, 2020)

Virginia 42


The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. The Virginians are German immigrants. It's possible that the bureau uses German-made hardware for its surveillance efforts. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There are labor unions in Virginia. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. It might be that the bureau behaves as the German security services behave. Some of it resembles labor disputes and labor strikes. "U.S. seeks prison term for former FBI lawyer" "...in the surveillance application." (December 5, 2020)

Virginia 41


"Seated by the fire were two old women, a number of children and a lank Georgian - all of them in tatters. There was no help for it! We took refuge by the fire and lighted our pipes; and soon the teapot was singing invitingly." This is an excerpt from 'A Hero of Our Time'. Notice this description of a Georgian. Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia. South Ossetia is inland. North Ossetia is in Russia. Abkhazia is a port in Georgia. It's never clear about the Turkish military and if they maintain airbases in Abkhazia. (December 5, 2020)

The Caucasus Region

"The Ossetes surrounded me clamorously and demanded tips; but the staff-captain shouted so menacingly at them that they dispersed in a moment." This is an excerpt from 'A Hero of Our Time'. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. Chechnya is north of the Caucasus mountains. From Saint Petersburg people take trips to the Caucasus mountains. It is known as a romantic outing. Men go there to the Caucasus region. I have never been. I know not to go there because it's too dangerous. I took the train to Mongolia and I was in Ulan Bataar for two weeks. Men go to the Caucasus region maybe and women travel to Mongolia. The Gobi Desert is cold and the sand is red. (December 5, 2020)


"The National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA), which still needs to pass through the US Congress, specifies that a troop withdrawal can only happen 120 days after the defence secretary presents a report to Congress analysing whether the troop withdrawal is in the US national interest. In June, President Trump announced plans to withdraw close to 12,000 of the 36,000 US troops based in Germany, citing Berlin's failure to meet its NATO spending commitments." The German news is reporting on NATO. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (December 4, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about Orlando Figes and Daniel Beer. Both of them have affiliations with the University of London and they are both Russian scholars. I live here in Washington, DC. I went to UT-Austin and then Georgia Tech for graduate school. I have a complaint about these two because they aren't critical enough of the French army in their research. They both research nineteenth century Russia. In the modern age there are accounts about the French giving their weapons to the Germans when they surrender. Also, there is sometimes dysentery near French prisons. French military standards are sometimes inconsistent with American military values. I am wanting both Orlando and Daniel to distinguish between the French army and the Russian army in terms of military habits. They are both at times critical of Moscow, I am wanting them to be more critical of Paris and the French army. I don't want there to be tales of dysentery near British prisons. I don't want British infantrymen to desert like the French did in World War I. Both Orlando and Daniel can be thoughtful about how their research is interpreted by British military officers. I don't want American infantrymen deserting like the French did in World War I. Holistically, as these two study the Russian army I am wanting them to contrast it more specifically with French military habits. (December 4, 2020)

Orlando Figes

Orlando Figes and Daniel Beer are Russian scholars at the University of London. I am a Russian scholar here in Washington, DC. I went to UT-Austin. We disagree about the Crimean War. They seem alright to side with the French against the Russians. I would side with Russia against the French. During World War I there are accounts about the French handing their weapons over to the Germans. There are things the French army does that are inconsistent with American military values. For example, there is dysentery sometimes near French prisons. I would like to caution the University of London against the French military. I don't want these Russian scholars to vilify Moscow and then align with French army values. I am opposed to France and I am in support of Russia. They are opposed to Russia and they are in support of France. (December 4, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"His tutors in military science were a brave officer Captain K.K. Merder and the Lieutenant General P.P. Ushakov who instilled into Alexander's mind an idea of gentle and humane rule. Tsarevich Alexander was a man of common sense, possessed both of a firm character and sensitive heart. Alexander and his father were interested in military science. Emperor Nicholas considered military study to be the main part of his son's education. So it was an occupation of Alexander's own heart. Moreover, at the age of 18, the tsarevich succeeded in commanding the Preobrazhensky and Hussars regiments in manoeuvres." This is from a biography of Alexander II of Russia. Notice the mention of military science. It might be that the Germans have been training people in military academies for centuries. There are tales of tank driving schools in the developing world. This is an account from the nineteenth century about military science. Tank driving schools might be the same genre of formal education as these military science professors from the tsarist times. (December 4, 2020)

Saint Petersburg, Russia

"Princess Alice of Hesse (later renamed Alexandra Fyodorovna) with her brother" "Ernst-Ludwig, the Crown Prince of Hesse. Early 1890s." "Grand Duke Georgi Aleksandrovich, Grand Duchess Ksenia Aleksandrovich and Tsarevich Nikolai Aleksandrovich on the royal yacht. 1880s." "Russian field artillery ready for combat during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05." These are excerpts from a biography of Nicholas II. Notice the mention of Hesse. Berlin is the seat of Prussia. Hesse is a German province. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. (December 4, 2020)

Moscow 14

St. Andrews

"Nicholas' education was by tutors. He did very well in history and languages, but did not seem to understand details of politics and economics." This is from a library book about Nicholas II. Notice the description of his education. It might be that William and Harry don't have much schooling either. William went to St. Andrews and Harry went to Eton College. If neither of them attended schools alongside their peers, they might seem dull. It might be that in the modern age young children cannot be tutored. Neither of them studied at Oxford and it's not really clear why they didn't. It might be that their education before college didn't directly prepare them for an education at Oxford. (December 4, 2020)

Moscow 13

Hamburg, Germany

"He was wearing a shaggy Circassian cap and an officer's overcoat without epaulettes, and he seemed to be about fifty years of age. The swarthiness of his complexion showed that his face had long been acquainted with Transcaucasian suns, and the premature greyness of his moustache was out of keeping with his firm gait and robust appearance. I went up to him and saluted. He silently returned my greeting and emitted an immense cloud of smoke." This is an excerpt from 'A Hero of Our Time'. Notice the reference to the officer's overcoat. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. There might be German warships deployed in the Baltic Sea. The 'Kursk' is a Russian submarine that sank in 2000. Lubeck and Hamburg are both ports on the Baltic Sea. (December 4, 2020)

Mikhail Lermontov

This is an excerpt from my favorite novel, 'A Hero of Our Time' by Mikhail Lermontov. The book is about Russia in the nineteenth century. The Russian economy and the Russian government were stagnant. The tsar in Saint Petersburg wasn't well liked. Young people had a hard time finding jobs. The moral of the book is that there are periods of time when nations experience economic downturns. During these economic lulls, it is up to each individual to find their own path. It is a sense of the life journey and of destiny. Lermontov is wanting people to rise to the occasion in every instance. "Arrived at the foot of Mount Koishaur, we stopped at a dukhan. About a score of Georgians and mountaineers were gathered there in a noisy crowd, and, close by, a caravan of camels had halted for the night. I was obliged to hire oxen to drag my cart up that accursed mountain, as it was now autumn and the roads were slippery with ice. Besides, the mountain is about two versts in length." (December 4, 2020)

Manchester, England

This is from 'Pygmalion' by George Bernard Shaw. I went to UT-Austin. I read this in high school. 'Pygmalion' is required reading for high school students in Austin, Texas. Both William and Kate Middleton went to St. Andrews. "Simply phonetics. The science of speech. That's my profession; also my hobby. Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby! You can spot an Irishman or a Yorkshireman by his brogue. I can place any man within six miles. I can place him within two miles in London. Sometimes within two streets." I studied Russian and Polish at UT-Austin. In Polish there are strange neuter pronouns for 'they'. William talks like he's speaking English-Polish. I complain that he didn't study at Oxford. Also, William was a helicopter pilot when he was in the army. I complain that he should have done something in the army that related to land use and efficiency in land use. (December 4, 2020)

Saint Petersburg, Russia

'Eugene Onegin' is a novel by Alexander Pushkin. It's considered the first modern Russian novel because the language is modern. The Neva River runs through Saint Petersburg. Saint Petersburg had been land owned by Sweden. The Russian army was victorious in the Great Northern War. Saint Petersburg was built in 1703 when the land transferred to Russia from Sweden. Venice, Italy is a port near the Balkans. Venice is sometimes mentioned in Russian literature because Russian people live there.
Oneguine, O my gentle readers,
Was born beside the Neva, where
It may be ye were born, or there
Have shone as one of fashion's leaders.
I also wandered there of old,
But cannot stand the northern cold.
(December 4, 2020)

Lubeck, Germany

I am watching 'The Command' (2018) which is about the 'Kursk'. The submarine was a part of the Northern Fleet and it sank in 2000. Kursk, Russia is a city. The Battle of Kursk was a tank battle in the 1940's. Lubeck, Germany is a port on the Baltic Sea. Hamburg was originally a Danish city. It might be that the German navy sank the Kursk. Lubeck was an East German city. Lubeck might serve as a regional naval hub for submarines. (December 4, 2020)


This is from a Brookings Institute report about NATO. It might be that NATO maintains airbases in the Middle East. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. "The Arab League provides another example of ideological formation: its charter of 1946 pledges all signatory nations to promote the culture, security and well being of the Arab community." (December 4, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Madrid. Notice the mention of Francisco Franco. It seems like the military academies in Madrid and Brandenburg have an overlap. There might be real integration between the Spanish army and the German army. "Spain's defense minister has asked prosecutors to investigate leaked chats of retired military officers allegedly talking about shooting political adversaries and praising the late dictator Francisco Franco." (December 4, 2020)

Madrid 20

The Pentagon

"Afghan pilot in hiding after U.S. reverses decision to help him flee Taliban" The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. (December 4, 2020)

Kabul 17


"The explosion happened in front of the RTS building in Aberdareva Street, where workers were engaged in the reconstruction of installations. Construction workers got injured." The Serbian news is reporting on Belgrade. Bosnia trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. (December 4, 2020)


"Russia will continue to explain its position on Crimea to Turkey in a patient and steady manner, this issue remains a source of serious differences between both states, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday." The Russian news is reporting on Ankara. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. (December 4, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

"The European Commission (EC) reported that it has decided to file a lawsuit before the Court of Justice of the EU against Bulgaria because it has not ensured full implementation of a decision of the European Court from April 5, 2017." The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional events. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 4, 2020)


"It might be NATO labor unions and they are on a NATO labor strike." "The Virginians now work for NATO labor unions and so they call the Germans constantly." "NATO labor unions work at night and on the weekends." The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Prussia is in Germany and Poland. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. (December 4, 2020)

Kursk, Russia

"The film follows the 2000 K-141 Kursk submarine disaster and the governmental negligence that followed." This is a description of a movie called 'The Command' (2018). Kursk, Russia is a city. The Battle of Kursk was a tank battle in the 1940's. The Russian army won the Battle of Kursk. The submarine sank and the sailors were lost. The submarine sank during the transition between President Yeltsin and President Putin. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. (December 3, 2020)


I am writing about London. I'm from Texas and when I was in college I had a boyfriend who went to the Wharton business school. I went to UT-Austin. We went on a trip to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Florence, and Venice. We took the train to Rotterdam from Amsterdam and then we flew to Venice. I am wanting to contrast that trip with these stories I read about William and Kate. They went to St. Andrews. Every photograph in the magazines is of Kate either pregnant or having another baby. It's as though British couples don't behave such that anyone can talk about them or what they do. "And then William and Kate made a baby." "And then Kate Middleton was pregnant." "And then William wanted another baby." It's not from England how they behave. Why can't they just wear nice clothes and visit Venice like healthy young people? (December 3, 2020)


"Italy initially aligned with Germany (and Austria-Hungary) because Germany was seen as the most powerful force in Europe given its recent conquests led by Bismarck." This is from a Brookings Institute report about NATO. Notice the reference to Italy. Venice is near the Balkans and Florence is near France. Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. Venice is a strategic port near the Balkans. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. (December 3, 2020)

NATO relies on Warsaw
NATO allows for military operations in Afghanistan
NATO means collective defense
NATO operations are costly
There was a 1948 blockade of Berlin
NATO centers around Brandenburg and Warsaw
NATO allows for German trade through Sarajevo and Venice
(December 3, 2020)


"NATO was formed in 1949 under the auspices of balancing against the threat posed by the Soviet Union, especially in light of the 1948 blockade of Berlin." This is from a Brookings Institute report about NATO. Notice the reference to Berlin. It might be that NATO centers around Brandenburg and Warsaw. (December 3, 2020)

Frankfurt, Germany

"German travel giant TUI secures new 1.8 billion euro aid package" The German news is reporting on the economy. It's not clear how much of the German economy is tied to organized labor. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There used to be East German mark and West German mark. (December 3, 2020)

Hong Kong

"Hong Kong activists are sentenced for protest" The Washington Post is reporting on Hong Kong. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. It might be that the Germans send military hardware to Hanoi and Taipei. (December 3, 2020)

Hong Kong 2


"U.S. to withdraw some Baghdad embassy staff" The Washington Post is reporting on the State Department. There are likely military research facilities in the Syrian desert. It seems like chemical munitions are traded between Dresden, Germany and Damascus. (December 3, 2020)

Iraq 4

Lafayette Park

The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They arrived in Virginia from Germany and Poland in the early nineteenth century. They sometimes say that they are Catholics. The Virginians are peculiar about gender roles. In Catholicism, women aren't priests but they are safe. Women might not serve in leadership roles but Catholic women are safe. The Virginians might think that women don't need money. The defense contractors in Virginia seem reluctant to pay women salaries. In the federal district there are office buildings near Lafayette Park. It's a strange equilibrium because defense contractors might make high salaries but they didn't all go to college. Lafayette Park is in the middle of the city. You wonder about secretive defense contractors when the Virginians holistically are slow to pay women salaries. It might be that in Prussia only men received salaries. That's different than Catholicism. (December 3, 2020)


"Addressing the event, Director of the Agency for information and mass communications Asadbek Khodjaev said that the state authorities are to blame for spreading unsubstantiated information." The Tashkent news is reporting on radio technology. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. (December 3, 2020)


"Chairman of the Russian Federation Council (upper house) Committee on Foreign Affairs Konstantin Kosachev expressed bewilderment at the reason why a number of countries did not participate in the Wednesday UN Security Council meeting on settlement in Donbass. He added that to hear opinions of all members of the Security Council is an obligation, not a right." The Russian news is reporting on Ukraine. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. There are reports about right wingers in Germany. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. (December 3, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"There is still enough time to extend the Russian-US Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (New START), Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said Wednesday at a videoconference organized by Washington's Brookings Institution." The Russian news is reporting on military hardware. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. (December 3, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

"The Council of Europe's anti-torture Committee (CPT) on Wednesday unveiled its latest report on the state of psychiatric and social care institutions in Bulgaria." The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional events. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. The newspaper is reporting about right wingers within the German police. (December 3, 2020)


"Stated another way, NATO is an alliance without a purpose and caught up in a myriad of contentious and costly operations that prevent it from appropriately posturing for the 21st century security environment." This is from a Brookings Institute report about NATO. Notice how NATO operations are costly. East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw is inland. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. (December 2, 2020)

Washington, DC

I have a really hard time here in Washington, DC. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They're immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. The British government people aren't much help because British couples have so many children. I've told them North Carolina was settled by Elizabeth I and she wasn't married. Coleen Rooney has four children. Kate Middleton has three children. Kate met with Michelle Obama several times. If it were up to me Kate wouldn't be allowed back at the White House. The British seem to be standoffish toward women who aren't married. It's because of the labor unions in Manchester. The labor leaders network by talking about their wives and children. I'm from Texas. Texas is the 'friendship state'. (December 2, 2020)

Dublin, Ireland

I am writing about Washington, DC. It's famous about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. I think in England couples don't use contraception much. It's a culture of unplanned pregnancies. It has to be because of Ireland. The British government seems affected by Polish culture. I am not accustomed to unplanned pregnancies. It's not clear about formal education right now in Great Britain because young people become parents so quickly. The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. (December 2, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's Wednesday morning. I slept all night. I woke up about forty five minutes before my alarm was set to go off. I have dropped several items this morning. I dropped two pieces of mail. My phone rang as I was getting ready to leave." There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The newspaper sometimes reports on the bureau and surveillance hardware. There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. The women agents might not get their salaries. It's not clear if the undercover agents get their salaries. The bureau might think a computer algorithm will deposit money into the undercovers' bank accounts but the money never comes. The undercover agents might not be allowed entrance into the Hoover Building or the field office. (December 2, 2020)


"GERMANY Raids in 3 states target banned far-right group" The Washington Post is reporting on Brandenburg. Notice the mention of right wingers. There have been complaints about the German security services. There were labor strikes this summer in Germany. (December 2, 2020)

Germany 8


The Washington Post is reporting on the United States Department of Justice. The Virginians are German immigrants. There are labor unions in Virginia. It's never clear about the prisons in Virginia. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. "Under Justice Department regulations, special counsels can be dismissed only for misconduct or some other good cause..." (December 2, 2020)

Virginia 40


"China's Chang'e-5 completed the drilling, sampling and sealing of lunar soil at 04:53 BJT on Wednesday, marking the first automatic sampling on the Moon, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced Wednesday." The Tashkent news is reporting on satellite technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. (December 2, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

"Japan's government voiced protest over the deployment of the Russian Eastern Military District's S-300V4 surface-to-air missile system on the Kuril Islands, the Japanese Foreign Ministry's press service told TASS on Wednesday." The Russian news is reporting on East Asia. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There have been tank battles in North Korea. The Germans might send weaponry to Pyongyang through Lubeck. Lubeck is a port near Poland. (December 2, 2020)


"The Bulgarian capital Sofia hosted the Southeastern Europe Security Conference for the 14th time, the Interior Ministry reported on Tuesday. The event was organized by the Interior Ministry, the Sofia-based Police Chiefs Association (PCA) and the Balkan Studies Centre at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE)." The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional security. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. There are recent reports about right wingers within the German police. (December 2, 2020)


"To explain the causes of this friction, Harvard Professor and alliance scholar Stephen M. Walt argues that, with the end of the Cold War, the probability of an attack on NATO nations' territorial sovereignty effectively disappeared and, along with it, the core purpose for the Alliance - collective defense." This is from a Brookings Institute report about NATO. Notice the reference to collective defense. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It's possible the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. It's not clear about the bureau and if they routinely coordinate with the German security services. (December 2, 2020)


"Resourcing arguments extend from capability shortfalls for NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission in Afghanistan to inadequate levels of national defense spending." This is from a Brookings Institute report about NATO. Notice the mention of Afghanistan. The Virginians are German immigrants. It's controversial about combined military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen.

NATO relies on Warsaw
NATO allows for military operations in Afghanistan
NATO means collective defense
NATO operations are costly
(December 1, 2020)


"At its origins, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established in 1949 to solidify and organize political and military support between the United States and a group of historically fractious European nations in order to deter and, if necessary, defeat a conventional attack by a single threat - the Soviet Union and, later, the Warsaw Pact." This is from a Brookings Institute report about NATO. Notice the reference to Warsaw. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are recent reports about right wingers within the German police. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (December 1, 2020)

Arlington County

The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. Arlington County is south of the Potomac River. It's controversial about the labor unions in Virginia. When meetings are at the Pentagon it seems like the policies aren't beneficial to the American economy. The Virginians are German immigrants. There are laws in Virginia that allow for organized labor. It's a sense of lawlessness in Virginia about defense spending and defense contractors. (December 1, 2020)

Washington, DC

"The undercovers fall and drop things all day. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. They behave as though the undercover agents are remote controlled cars. Radio technology is combined with nanotechnology and objects can be moved at long distances." The Germans trade weapons through Spanish ports. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. (December 1, 2020)


"Australia summoned the Chinese ambassador on Monday and demanded an apology..." The Washington Post is reporting on Canberra. It's controversial about military hardware traded between Taipei and the Xiamen harbor. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. It's possible the East Germans used to send tanks to Hanoi. (December 1, 2020)

Taiwan 12


"The Kosovo Security Force (KSF) will increase its numbers by 403 uniformed personnel next year, reaching the total number of 4.039" The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. Bosnia trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. (December 1, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"Russia is ready for any developments in the world after the US presidential outcome is summed up, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with international news agency Kazinform." The Russian news is reporting on the White House. It's controversial about the defense contractors in Virginia. The Virginians are German immigrants and they work for labor unions. The Virginians make high salaries. (December 1, 2020)


"Stoltenberg announced the presentation of the NATO 2030 report Monday, adding that the report's final version would be presented at the 2021 NATO summit in Brussels." The Russian news is reporting on NATO. Prussia is in Germany and Poland. Warsaw is inland. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. (December 1, 2020)


"The new rules do not apply to Irish citizens. The new immigration scheme will determine who can come and work in the UK after 1 January." The Bulgarian news is reporting on London. There are routes to Dublin from Lubeck, Germany and Poland. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. (December 1, 2020)


"Bulgaria's insistence on blocking EU accession negotiations with North Macedonia poses risks of creating a new rift on NATO's southeastern flank. Two of the Member States, Greece and Turkey, are already deeply divided. It seems that collisions between two other countries will now arise because of a two-century old dispute on an ethnic basis, writes in his analysis for Kathimerini Stavros Tsimas." The Bulgarian news is reporting on NATO. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It's not clear about the German army and NATO. There have been reports about right wingers within the German police. (December 1, 2020)


"...the authority to train and arm Syrian rebels righting in the region." This is a description of Syria in 2014. The Pentagon is located in Arlington, Virginia. The Virginians are German immigrants. They work for labor unions and they speak in a regional dialect. It might not be wise for defense contractors to train foreign military personnel. (November 30, 2020)

Syria 6


"2005: Private is convicted of mistreating Iraqi prisoners" "...at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq." This is a description of the military in Iraq. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. (November 30, 2020)

Baghdad 1


"On September 7, 1940, three hundred German bombers raided London in the first of fifty-seven consecutive nights of bombing." This is a description of German warplanes. There are routes to Manchester from Lubeck, Germany. The Germans tested tanks near the Gulf of Danzig. (November 30, 2020)

London 12

Belgrade, Serbia

Marko Duric is the Serbian ambassador to the United States. He went to the University of Belgrade School of Law. I went to Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. "Milos Vucevic is the Mayor of Novi Sad, Serbia. He is an attorney and he went to the University of Novi Sad School of Law." "Милош Вучевић Професија адвокат, Универзитет Правни факултет Универзитета у Новом Саду." Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. (November 30, 2020)

Serbia 4


"Chancellor Angela Merkel's government on Monday said it was planning a tax rebate for people working from home during the pandemic, to help offset higher costs for heating, electricity and other bills." The German news is reporting on the economy. This summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's difficult to know how much of the German economy is tied to organized labor. (November 30, 2020)

Washington, DC

"Christopher Wray, Ken Cuccinelli warned a Senate committee of white supremacists, anarchists and militia-style groups" This is a reference to a testimony on Capitol Hill this fall. Christopher Wray has a law degree from Yale. The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice might work too closely with the German security services. It's because of NATO. The Virginians are German immigrants and they lobby to import German-made hardware. The Virginians are more inclined to do things related to NATO. Prussia is in Germany and Poland. The Virginians work with NATO but they really work with the German security services. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. Additionally, there are reports about right wingers within the German police. It seems dangerous for the DOHS or the DOJ to coordinate with NATO about policing. I am opposed to the police in the United States using German-made hardware. (November 30, 2020)


Stargate SG-1 has a character named General Hammond. In Season 2, Episode 21 the characters travel back in time to the 1960's. General Hammond is from Texas. Sometimes people refer to him as 'Hammond from Texas'. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. They don't always read the newspaper. It might be that federal agents intentionally don't read the newspaper. The defense contractors might not have much formal education. It does resemble time travel to visit Virginia. But there are complaints about the defense budget. Prussia is in Germany and Poland. It might be that the Virginians work too closely with the German security services. The bureau seems to use German-made hardware, for example. The television show is about time travel. But in real life, the Virginians behave as Prussians and you wonder about the German army. (November 30, 2020)

Washington, DC

General Petraeus was fired because he was unfaithful to his wife. It's not clear about how surveillance hardware is used locally. The defense contractors who use the hardware might not have much formal education. They might not document what they're doing so the infantry benefits. As there is surveillance, surveillance hardware, and surveillance technicians does the infantry benefit? How does the infantry benefit from the surveillance efforts locally? The complaint is that either the surveillance efforts don't abide by due processes procedures or the hardware monitors strange happenings and it's difficult to document. (November 30, 2020)

Tehran, Iran

"On Friday, the Fars news agency reported an attempt on the nuclear scientist's life near the city of Damavand in the Tehran province." The Russian news is reporting on Tehran. Tabriz, Iran is near Turkey. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. There are likely military research facilities in the Syrian desert. There are accounts about a large communications relay in Brandenburg. The Germans might be sending radio signals to Tehran about military research. (November 30, 2020)


"Another team of Russian peacekeepers has arrived in Khankendi (Stepanakert) via the Russian-Azerbaijani border, the press service of the Azerbaijani defense ministry said on Sunday." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. Anatolia is Turkey and Asia Minor. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. (November 30, 2020)

Dresden, Germany

"Dozens of police officers from various parts of Bulgaria gathered in downtown Sofia for a protest rally to demand, among other things, higher wages in the Interior Ministry system. They insist on a 30 per cent wage increase but have failed to achieve that goal in negotiations with the government." The Bulgarian news is reporting on the police. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (November 30, 2020)

Washingon, DC

The Washington Post sometimes reports on the bureau and surveillance hardware. There are historical anecdotes about graduate school. Condoleezza Rice was the National Security Advisor and she was known locally as the 'graduate student'. You wonder if the locals don't go to graduate school. It might be that the technicians who manage the surveillance hardware for the bureau don't have much formal education. It's not clear if the surveillance efforts come with written reports. The technicians might simply observe events through the hardware and they don't write reports. (November 30, 2020)

Washington, DC

The Hoover Building and the field office are at 9th Street and 4th Street. The federal agents who work in those buildings might not read the newspaper. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. I read the newspaper every day. It's as though defense contractors intentionally don't read the newspaper so they can operate German-made radios. I am opposed to the bureau using German-made radios. It's also controversial if defense contractors are in those buildings at night and on the weekends. (November 29, 2020)

There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. It's not clear about salaries for the undercovers. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It seems like the bureau integrates 'NATO law' into its operations and the women agents don't get salaries. It's so the bureau can effectively network with the German security services. Also, it's not clear about the age of the undercovers. (November 29, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

The Washington Post is reporting on the Black Sea. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. Lviv is near the border with Poland. "Russians scamble jets to intercept U.S. plane: Russia scrambled an Su-27 fighter jet to intercept a U.S. RC-135 reconnaissance plane flying over neutral waters in the Black Sea..." (November 29, 2020)

Moscow 12


"S&P Global Ratings has re-affirmed its long- and short-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on Bulgaria at BBB/A-2, and kept a stable outlook, saying that it expected Bulgaria's economy to rebound quickly after the Covid-19 pandemic, the Bulgarian Finance Ministry said." The Bulgarian news is reporting on the economy. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. (November 29, 2020)

The Bureau

The Washington Post reported earlier this year that a bureau attorney had lied about surveillance. It's possible that the bureau relies on Europeans for policing. East Germany traded in East German mark. West Germany traded in West German mark. Paris traded in frank. Madrid traded in peseta. I'm opposed to the bureau coordinating with NATO about surveillance. It might be that the radios are imported from Europe. The Virginians are German immigrants. The bureau seems to speak creole as though they're speaking German. They do all this when they use surveillance hardware. (November 29, 2020)

The Hoover Building

The bureau uses surveillance hardware. The German security services use the same surveillance hardware. The radios were likely built in eastern Germany. The Virginians speak in creole as though it's German. They discuss what's on the surveillance hardware. The Germans send radio transmissions to Washington, DC and the bureau discusses the city. "The undercovers drop things and fall all day. The Germans communicate with the bureau by aiming radio transmissions at the undercover." The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. The Hoover Building and the field office don't accept walk-in appointments. The undercovers don't collect a salary and they're not allowed entrance into the Hoover Building. It's so the radios can remain secretive. The undercovers might be unpaid employees. Supposedly a computer algorithm will put money in the undercovers' bank accounts but the money doesn't ever come. Meanwhile, the Germans monitor the undercover's movements. (November 28, 2020)

Washington, DC

"The undercovers fall and drop things all day." The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radio signals combine with nanotechnology. Objects can be moved at long distances. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The Germans sometimes trade weaponry through Spanish ports. (November 28, 2020)

I complain about the British intelligence service. There are routes to Dublin from Poland. There are British government officials who are Irish and Polish. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Here in Washington, DC my colleagues are the Virginians who are German immigrants. And then the British government people make comments about how women in Britain now have several children. I'm from Texas. I'm 37 and I don't have any children. It's a struggle about the British and the realities of modern London. British couples have three and four children. I try to talk about the Premier League. I read Sherlock Holmes stories. They talk for the most part about their wives and what they do with their kids. (November 28, 2020)

Charles Dickens

"My poor dear mother, I suppose, had some momentary intention of committing an assault and battery upon my aunt, who could easily have settled her with one hand, even if my mother had been in far better training for such an encounter than she was that evening. But it passed with the action of rising from her chair; and she sat down again very meekly, and fainted." This is from 'David Copperfield'. I enjoy the novel because it's gossip about high society in London. There are comments about relatives who have traveled to India. It's scandalous that they squandered the money. (November 28, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

The Washington Post is reporting on the Virginians. Virginia is south of the Potomac River. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are prisons in Virginia. Notice this reference to federal workers and defense contractors. "The Justice Department is giving itself wider latitude in how it can execute federal inmates..." "The United States has closed at least 10 bases across Afghanistan since the signing of a deal with the Taliban in February..." "Trump targets OMB in push to reclassify federal workers" "Majority of White House budget staff could lose job protections" (November 28, 2020)

Virginia 37
Virginia 38
Virginia 39

Lubeck, Germany

The German news is reporting on London. Frankfurt is the German banking district. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck is a port near Poland. "The ministry reminded Britons that they will only be covered by the legislation if they move to Germany before the end of December 2020. And those who intend to move to Germany after the end of the transition period on December 31st will therefore be subject to different rules." (November 28, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

"Minister of Environment and Water Emil Dimitrov warned on Friday that Bourgas could be left without water and that a water crisis is threatening the seaside city in six months. He also warned of a water crisis in agriculture." The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Black Sea. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (November 28, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's as though psychological warfare is aimed at the undercovers. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The undercovers don't collect a salary and they aren't allowed entrance into the field office." The Hoover Building and the field office don't accept walk-in appointments. It's not clear about any defense contractors in the buildings at night and on the weekends. (November 27, 2020)

Ankara, Turkey

It's possible psychological warfare resembles missile defense systems and cyberattacks. There are land positions in the Middle East that seem to have psychological warfare capabilities. The Turkish military is always wanting to import missile defense systems. The Turkish military might use missile defense systems as antiaircraft weapons. In the Middle East there is psychological warfare and missile defense systems. (November 27, 2020)

Washington, DC

General Petraeus was fired. He essentially was fired because he was unfaithful to his wife. The bureau participated in an investigation that led to the firing. The Hoover Building is on 9th Street NW. There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. There might be undercovers who are on assignments and they don't receive a salary. The bureau might not keep track of the undercovers who are on assignment but who aren't receiving a salary. This comes up because they show up to the field office and the Hoover Building and they're not allowed entrance. They're there to talk about their salaries. It's a strange concept that the undercovers might lose their security clearances for some kind of misconduct. The bureau seems to think that a computer algorithm will put the salaries in the undercovers' bank accounts. The money doesn't ever come. The Virginians are Prussians. It's as though the undercovers have to live as Prussian people to keep their security clearances. It also speaks to how surveillance hardware is used by the bureau if they were monitoring General Petraeus. (November 27, 2020)

The Hoover Building

"If the assignment is an unpaid assignment, it's better for it to not be dangerous." There are accounts about women who went to West Point. They were deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. I know a woman who went to West Point and she was seriously injured in Afghanistan and she'd already been to Iraq. There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. "If it's an assignment, it's not a paid assignment. If it's a dangerous assignment, it shouldn't be a lengthy assignment." It reminds of the East German swim team because oddly the women agents don't get their salaries and oddly the women agents can't enter the Hoover Building. The Virginians are the same ethnic group as the East Germans. It's not a leap for me to believe women federal agents have a similar experience as the East German swimmers. "Lengthy, unpaid assignments that are kind of dangerous here in Washington, DC." (November 27, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"US President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that he will leave the White House if the Electoral College votes for Democrat Joseph Biden. The video was broadcast by all main US TV channels." The Russian news is reporting on Lafayette Square. Virginia is south of the Potomac River. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. It's never clear about any radio signals sent between Lafayette Park and Brandenburg. (November 27, 2020)


"Bulgaria wants the EU-North Macedonia agreement to prescribe that Sofia may halt the EU membership negotiations with Skopje at any time if it finds that the bilateral Goodneighbourliness Treaty has been breached." The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Balkans. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. Sarajevo trades in mark. (November 27, 2020)

Washington, DC

"We don't intervene." "You're not an agent, you're an op." At the time I said that I didn't know what an op was. I said there are agents at the agency. The Hoover Building might have a covert ops desk. There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. The women agents might not get their salaries. The undercover agents might not be allowed entrance into the Hoover Building. Last year I made $25,000. The Hoover Building and the field office don't accept walk-in appointments. The newspaper reports about the bureau and surveillance hardware. It might be that surveillance hardware is used continuously, at night and on the weekends. It might be that defense contractors operate the surveillance hardware. Additionally, the radios seem to be imported. "Is my assignment to live in the city and not receive a salary?" Finally, the army reported sleeplessness and anxiety in the 1990's. More recently there have been reports about special forces operators in West Africa. There was an incident involving friendly fire. These might be modern accounts about Gulf War Syndrome. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. It might be psychological operations that are aimed at the undercover agents in Washington, DC. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. Radio signals arrive in Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. The Pentagon and the bureau don't seem to aim the psychological operations at the city. But they don't intervene to stop the Spanish and the Germans. (November 27, 2020)


"Unions are also not named in the Constitution, but have come to be recognized as an essential force in maintaining the balance between the collective power of capital in a corporation and the general population. As such unions are an essential part of maintaining what the Constitution names in its opening paragraph as one of the essential reasons for the creation of a government: promoting the general welfare." This is from a book about labor unions. Notice the mention of labor unions and federal laws. There are different laws in Virginia that pertain to organized labor. It's controversial about defense contractors who drive to Washington, DC from Virginia. The Virginians make high salaries. It's not clear about salaries as they relate to formal education. Also, there are complaints about housing costs in the federal district. The people who live in Washington, DC compete with defense contractors in the housing market. (November 26, 2020)

Washington, DC

"There are rules of my apartment. Two items cannot touch each other. My elbows and knees cannot touch anything." It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. It seems like people in Washington, DC now experience similar symptoms. Surveillance hardware combines with nanotechnology. (November 26, 2020)


The Germans use a calendar for their army. There are periods of increased military operations. During October and January there is an observable increase in German military operations. This is true also for the first and fifteenth of every month. The Germans use radio signals to communicate. 'Truppenfuhrung' describes lamps and smoke used for signaling. The radio signals can cause property damage. The Germans seem to export military radios and these are used for policing. The US Congress has complained about robocalls. Personal cellular phones and business telephones ring and it's a computer that called. It seems like the Germans have invested in radio technology as a means to rebuild their economy. (November 26, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about Washington, DC. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. In the 1990's the army complained about anxiety and sleeplessness. Here in Washington, DC it might be that people experience similar symptoms. "Every day at noon I'm reminded to brush my hair. It's a radio and I hear commands. Sometimes it's to call my workplace. Sometimes it's a reminder to buy something." It might be that surveillance hardware is used alongside nanotechnology. Spanish soldiers use German-made radios. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The Germans trade weaponry through Spanish ports. (November 26, 2020)

Capitol Hill

"The evidence we've been able to develop from the killer's devices shows that the Pensacola attack was actually the brutal culmination of years of planning and preparation, by a longtime AQAP associate." This question was asked of Christopher Wray when he testified on Capitol Hill. The Germans make missile defense systems. It's controversial generally about nanotechnology and weaponry. (November 26, 2020)

Christopher Wray

"Is voting by mail secure?" The US Congress asked this question of Christopher Wray earlier this year when he testified on Capitol Hill. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are tales about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were official cars and nonofficial cars. The nonofficial cars were searched thoroughly. There might be roadblocks and watchtowers around Washington, DC now. It's not clear exactly the relationship between Virginia and the German security services. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. It might not be secure when there are roadblocks and watchtowers. Another question is whether the bureau thinks there should be roadblocks and watchtowers around the city and that makes the city secure. (November 26, 2020)


Christopher Wray testified on Capitol Hill and he was asked about the bureau and search warrants. He said that the bureau routinely applies for search warrants. It might be that surveillance hardware is used instead of search warrants. There are accounts about surveillance hardware and misconduct. A bureau attorney lied about a surveillance effort, according to the Washington Post. As search warrants aren't used and surveillance hardware is used, the bureau might not investigate specific crimes. The Germans sometimes have long-term labor strikes. It's controversial about the bureau and labor unions. It might be defense contractors that operate the surveillance hardware. You wonder if the German security services and the bureau are on labor strikes simultaneously. (November 26, 2020)

Washington, DC

The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. The Virginians are German immigrants. The bureau is mentioned in the newspaper about surveillance hardware. The US Congress asked Christopher Wray about the bureau and warrants. It's possible that the bureau uses surveillance hardware in the place of search warrants. Additionally, there might be cooperation between the bureau and the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's possible that these radio transmissions are aimed at American infantrymen. In the 1990's the army reported anxiety and sleeplessness. "It's an ongoing inventory of the items in my apartment or in my bag. There are commands for me to stand or sit and get something out of the refrigerator. The commands then come out of order and I either drop something or fall." Essentially, the radio transmissions can be aimed at infantrymen. The bureau might use similar hardware as they police the federal district. The image is that people in Washington, DC drop things and fall as they walk. Radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. Objects can be moved at long distances. (November 26, 2020)


"When it comes to achieving this balance, Stockholm offers a rare combination: it's a global tech and start-up hub, a leader in sustainability, and big enough to make an international impact while remaining highly livable." The German news is reporting on Sweden. Historically, Stockholm and Brandenburg are allies. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There are accounts about Swedish military officers at the test sites in Libya. (November 26, 2020)


"NATO deprived Serbia from getting a radar, granting Albania the right to monitor us" "Installation of high-range aerial surveillance radars in Albania has provided the country, as well as NATO, with monitoring the sky in a range of almost 500 km." The Serbian news is reporting on Tirana. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. Sarajevo trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. (November 26, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

"Moscow hopes that the situation in Belarus will normalize soon and the initiative on the Constitutional reform will facilitate this process, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a board meeting of the foreign ministries of both countries on Thursday." The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Both Minsk and Moscow trade in ruble. It seems like the government in Minsk imported German-made radios that they use for policing. (November 26, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

"Bulgaria's Parliament Wednesday voted, 111-93 with 8 abstentions, to reject a motion to hold elections of a Grand National Assembly to adopt a new constitution." The Bulgarian news is reporting on the legislature. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (November 26, 2020)


"In fact, corporations are mandated by law to maximize shareholder value and that alone, and that means make as much profit as possible. There is no other purpose for the existence of corporations under existing corporate law. Workers with a grievance cannot appeal to the sympathy of the corporation." This is from a book about labor unions. Notice the description of corporations. The Virginians are German immigrants. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. The Virginians are sometimes guilty of friendly fire. The defense contractors seem to make more money than the civilian agents. It's not clear about salaries in Virginia as they relate to formal education. This summer there were labor strikes in Germany. (November 25, 2020)


I'm from Texas. I grew up in Austin. I was born in North Carolina. 'The Last of the Mohicans' was filmed in North Carolina. My relatives are from New England and they fought in the French and Indian War in Quebec. They won the battle. There are scenes in the movie with the English army. Back then I think it was England instead of Britain. I never know if I'm the British. I think I'm not the British. England won the Seven Years War. I think the British didn't win the Seven Years War. The New Englanders fought in the war and that's why Boston is so famous. The movie is about the war in the Mid-Atlantic states. I guess the French navy assisted with those battles. But, England won in Quebec during the war and that's why Boston is a famous city. (November 25, 2020)

London, England

I am writing about German radio technology and astronomy. I went to UT-Austin. Conceptually, as a function of distance there are messages that have content. If a message goes a long distance, then it takes time for the message to arrive. For there to be a response, it would take twice the amount of time. For example, when Wayne Rooney was here there were British government officials and they said it's common for British women to have four children. I responded that Wayne's kids might be truants. I've said that probably those are the only messages that can really be sent between London and Washington, DC for a while. From London to Washington, DC: We have large families now. From Washington, DC to London: But the kids might be truants. It's because London and Washington, DC are far apart there isn't much that can be discussed. Message, response. Message, response. This process would take several years. It's 2020 now. This conversation happened a few years ago. It also means that messages sent with German radios don't have much content because they would travel long distances. (November 25, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It's freighting about my salary because the Virginians get married when they are old. It's as though I could work without pay for decades. The British told me that British women now have several children. It was when Wayne Rooney was here. I am 37. It's hard on me about my age." The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are disputes about salaries and building assignments in the District of Columbia. The civilian agents don't make as much money as the defense contractors. (November 25, 2020)

Belgrade, Serbia

This is from Marko Duric's Instagram account. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. Sarajevo trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. "markodjuric.srb #Repost @buducnostsrbijeav We are having a conversation with the Serbian Ambassador to the United States, Marko Duric, before his trip to Washington, DC. We are discussing mutual interests between Serbia and the United States." "markodjuric.srb #Repost @buducnostsrbijeav Poslednji pripremni sastanak sa ambasadorom Srbije u SAD Markom Duricem pred odlazak u Vasington. Siguran sam da ce na tom mestu uspesno da predstavlja i stiti interese nase Srbije." (November 25, 2020)

Belgrade 1


Because there are reports about chemical munitions in Syria there are military research facilities.
Raqqa is in the Syrian desert.
It's likely the German army maintains the research facilities.
The Germans are sometimes allied with Ankara.
(November 25, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Damascus. There are likely military research facilities in the Syrian desert. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There have been reports about chemical munitions in Syria. "Violence has erupted in recent weeks in a strategic Syrian city..." "The southwestern city of Daraa..." (November 25, 2020)

Syria 5

Washington, DC

"Collective bargaining may be a discussion over a negotiating table, but usually that occurs only when other kinds of action have forced the employers to the bargaining table. Usually direct action taken by unions uses as leverage the ultimate purpose of corporations: creating profit." This is from a book about labor unions. In Virginia there are laws that allow for organized labor. Virginia is the 'Commonwealth of Virginia'. It's controversial about defense contractors who work in Washington, DC. The federal district has different laws pertaining to labor unions. It seems like defense contractors make more money than the civilian agents. Also, defense contractors might have better building assignments than the civilian agents. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. (November 25, 2020)

North Korea

"Putin calls for solving North Korea's nuclear problem through talks" The Russian news is reporting on Pyongyang. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. The East Germans might have sent tanks to North Korea. There have been tank battles in North Korea. There are accounts about barbed wire and roadblocks in North Korea. It's not clear about any radio signals sent today between Brandenburg and Pyongyang. (November 25, 2020)


"The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict does not offer any reason to expect a flare-up in Donbass, another region in the post-Soviet space, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated to journalists on Wednesday." The Russian news is reporting on Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. Lviv serves as a regional hub for labor unions. This summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (November 25, 2020)


"Recep Erdogan: Turkey Wants More Countries to Monitor Truce in Nagorny Karabach" The Bulgarian news is reporting on Ankara. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. (November 25, 2020)

Washington, DC

The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. The newspaper has been reporting about the bureau and surveillance hardware. A bureau attorney lied about a surveillance effort. There are a few historical anecdotes. First, General Petraeus was fired and the bureau had investigated his security clearance. He essentially was fired because he'd been unfaithful to his wife. Second, there are accounts about Afghanistan and land mines. It's been said that surveillance hardware allows for soldiers to be directed toward the explosives. Here in Washington, DC it's not clear about the bureau and surveillance hardware. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It might be that transmissions are aimed at American infantrymen and that this has caused battlefield casualties. The radio signals combine with nanotechnology. "The bureau aims surveillance hardware at the undercover agents and the Germans monitor their movements, additionally the undercover agents don't receive a salary and they're not allowed into the Hoover Building." The Virginians are German immigrants. (November 25, 2020)

Washington, DC

There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park. There seems to be defense contractors in these buildings at night and on the weekends. The newspaper has reported about the bureau and surveillance hardware. There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. It's as though the defense contractors are opposed to paying the civilian agents salaries. The defense contractors work in the buildings and the civilian agents live in the city. It's strange about the entrance to the Hoover Building. They don't accept walk in appointments. The field office is on 4th Street NW. It might be that the civilian agents aren't allowed entrance to either the Hoover Building or the field office. The defense contractors are from Virginia and they speak creole. They're German immigrants. I made $25,000 last year as my gross adjusted income. It's controversial about these shifts in the bureau buildings that are at night. If the civilian agents can't get into the buildings because the defense contractors won't let them then it seems budgetary. If the civilian agents arrive at the door to the Hoover Building, they aren't let inside and they can't collect their salaries. (November 24, 2020)

Arlington, Virginia

"Collective bargaining is the tool by which working people without the power of capital or ownership fight for justice against those who hold the capital and power in society. Collective bargaining is one of the ways democratic societies are built." This is from a book about labor unions. Within the context of the defense budget, it is controversial about collective bargaining. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It might be that the infantry struggles if labor unions manage too much of the defense spending. Virginians might make higher salaries because they live in Virginia. The pay for the infantry might go down as labor union personnel make higher wages. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. (November 24, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

"The benefits unions have created for their workers have also helped other workers who are not members of unions by raising the standards for all." This is from a book about labor unions. It's controversial about organized labor and the defense budget. There are historical anecdotes about friendly fire in Virginia. You wonder about formal education and labor strikes. It might not benefit the infantry if the defense budget allows for labor unions. (November 24, 2020)


"The labor movement is the historical progression of working people joining forces to bargain with their employers for better working or living conditions, such as better hours and better pay." This is from a book about organized labor. Labor unions allow for wages. If there is a labor union, then wages are affected. In Virginia there are labor unions. The Virginians make high salaries. It's not clear about salaries in Virginia as they relate to formal education. (November 24, 2020)

Berlin, Germany

The German army has a calendar. It can be described as a Prussian calendar. There is an observable increase in German military operations on specific days of the year. For example, January and October allow for an increase in Germany military operations. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. During these periods of heightened military activity, there is an increase in radio signals sent from Brandenburg. These radio signals resemble airshows. As a function of the day of the year, there are more quantity radio transmissions sent from Brandenburg. It's not clear how to describe these signals but they resemble a radio technology airshow. (November 24, 2020)


"Nowhere is this more evident than in Germany, where the wealthiest can expect to pay up to 45% in 'Lohnsteuer', or income tax. Unemployment benefits..." The German news is reporting on the economy. Frankfurt is the German banking district. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. There were reports this summer about labor strikes in Germany. (November 24, 2020)


I always try to talk about Washington, DC and London. Boston is in New England. It bothers me a lot that William and Kate Middleton didn't study at Oxford. I'm opposed to labor unions. I point out about trade with Warsaw. It's really famous about the trade between Poland and Ireland. There are tales about labor strikes in Ireland. I don't want there to be labor strikes in northern England or Ireland. I think labor unions are unethical. My grandpa studied at Oxford. I can never get past St. Andrews and Eton College and these labor unions in Ireland. (November 24, 2020)

Tel Aviv, Israel

The Washington Post is reporting on Tel Aviv. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. "Netanyahu meets with Saudi crown prince in secret visit, official says" (November 24, 2020)

Tel Aviv 13


"Vesic to file a lawsuit in Strasbourg: Pristina denied access to the City of Belgrade" The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves. Sarajevo trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. (November 24, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

"Russian diplomat calls on EU to abandon hypocritical policy towards Ukraine" The Russian news is reporting on Kiev. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. Lviv serves as a regional hub for labor unions. (November 24, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

"The West would like to involve Russia in toppling the current regime in Belarus, but currently has no idea how to do that, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko speculated Tuesday, according to the BelTA news agency." The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Both Minsk and Moscow trade in ruble. It seems like the government in Minsk imported German-made radios that they use for policing. (November 24, 2020)


"40% of Bulgarians are of the opinion that Coronavirus is a biological weapon created in order to reduce the population on Earth. Just over a third believe COVID-19 is no more dangerous than seasonal flu." The Bulgarian news is reporting on weaponry. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. (November 24, 2020)


This is an excerpt from 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. "The zeks stood in front of the gates, buttoning their coats, tying a rope around their bellies." The prisoners were asked to unbutton their coats first thing in the morning before they left and the cold air would make them cold as they left. Conceptually, it's a military tactic or a policing tactic. These were prisons in eastern Europe. There are more recent accounts about East Germany. There are reports about long-term labor strikes in Germany. There must be different tactics the Germans use to prolong labor strikes. Different things they do they'll restart or they'll repeat things they do oddly. (November 23, 2020)

Eisenhower Building

"President Trump authorized his government to begin the transition to President-elect Joe Biden's administration." The New York Times is reporting on Lafayette Square. The White House is in Lafayette Square. There are accounts about the defense contractors assigned to the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. It's not clear about any radio signals sent from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building to Brandenburg. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They might work closely with the German security services. (November 23, 2020)

Virginia 36


I've never been married or divorced. I have no children. I've never had an abortion or a venereal disease. It's a little heavy for me about William and Kate Middleton. They are married and they have three children. Wayne Rooney is married and they have four children. It might be more normal to not get married. I am always wanting my colleagues in London to consider who is married and how many children everyone has. Both William and Harry are married. Wayne is married. It might be healthier if more men in London didn't get married. I know Wayne has been arrested. He was arrested in Virginia when he lived here and played for DC United. (November 23, 2020)

Washington, DC

"It makes the soldiers fall and drop things." In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radio signals combine with nanotechnology. It's possible the radio signals are aimed at American infantrymen. (November 23, 2020)

The Hoover Building

"We're your backup." There are accounts about the bureau and undercover agents. First, the bureau might not pay the women agents. They might not pay the undercover agents. The newspaper reports sometimes on surveillance hardware. There are older stories about Langley, Virginia and there would be a researcher who would "research in the dark". It might be that the bureau uses surveillance hardware locally. The newspaper has reported a lot about surveillance and campaign staffers. The bureau might use surveillance hardware to monitor research. Another description is that researchers are unpaid labor. If defense contractors are in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park, they might not want to allow entrance for civilians who do research. It might be that the bureau sits in proximity to unpaid labor. It's how the surveillance hardware is used. The bureau might use imported surveillance hardware. This summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. This all might be a general strike. (November 23, 2020)

Washington, DC

I go to the market in Chinatown. The items come from Tianjin which I think is near Beijing. There is a young man who works there and he speaks Chinese to the women who work there. The women are older than he is. His demeanor is that it's a special power to speak Chinese. There is an elitism among Chinese-speaking people. It's a tautology because they speak whatever language there that they speak. (November 23, 2020)

Beijing 5

Tel Aviv, Israel

The Washington Post is reporting on Tel Aviv. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. Notice this reference to German-made submarines. "Defense minister Benny Gantz has appointed a committee to investigate the government's purchase of German submarines in 2015..." (November 23, 2020)

Tel Aviv 12

Moscow, Russia

"Russia will take tough response measures in case other parties to the Treaty on Open Skies share data with the United States after its withdrawal from the treaty and restrict Russia's flights over US facilities in Europe, Konstantin Gavrilov, Russia's chief negotiator at the Vienna talks on military security and arms control, said on Monday." The Russian news is reporting on warplanes. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like Russian engineers assisted the Germans to develop radio technology. (November 23, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

"Almost 350 people were detained on November 22 for violating mass gathering laws during protests in Belarus, the national Interior Ministry reported Monday." The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Both Minsk and Moscow trade in ruble. It seems like the government in Minsk imported German-made radios that they use for policing. (November 23, 2020)


The Russian security services maintain a division between internal security and external security. There is a modern cliche about the United States and the defense budget. Can the NYPD arrest someone in West Africa? For a while there were NYPD officers, so it's said, that were arresting people in different parts of West Africa. They had been in the army and then they were hired by the NYPD. It said 'NYPD' on their uniforms as they arrested people in West Africa. There are labor unions in Virginia. It might be that the defense contractors simply accept these jobs and they aren't precise about jurisdiction. The defense contractors in Virginia might not have much formal education. There are swamps in Virginia.

Can the NYPD arrest someone in West Africa?
Can the bureau arrest someone in West Africa?
Can the agency arrest someone in West Africa?
(November 23, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

"This is the fourth consecutive analysis of the Bulgarian law carried out by the authoritative international commission, which leads up to such a call." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Sophia. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. This summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (November 23, 2020)

The Hoover Building

"Sit with her." "It'll be three years or three cycles." The Hoover Building is on 9th Street NW. There are tales about the bureau and surveillance hardware. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy. There is a novel about the Battle of Gettysburg called 'The Killer Angels' and the Confederate war camp had to 'sit with' a scout who was providing them with information. First, the Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. There might be defense contractors in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park at night and on the weekends. Second, in East Berlin there were watchtowers and roadblocks around the city. The bureau might behave as the German security services. It's not clear about any long distance radio transmissions sent between Lafayette Square and Brandenburg. (November 23, 2020)


The German news is reporting on the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. "The far-right AfD party has in recent years however challenged Germany's remembrance culture, with senior figures openly calling for the country to stop atoning for Nazi crimes." "The comparison drew outrage, with Karlsruhe police calling it 'inappropriate and tasteless'." (November 22, 2020)

The Hoover Building

I am writing about Washington, DC. It's not clear about the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. There are tales that undercover agents aren't allowed into the buildings because defense contractors prevent them from entering. One explanation is that they are defense contractors from Virginia and they make a living operating German-made radios. The undercover agents might not get their salaries. They show up to the Hoover Building and they're not allowed in. Time passes and the undercovers never get their salaries. The whole time these defense contractors from Virginia are in the buildings. They gesture that a computer algorithm will put the salary in the undercover's bank account but the money doesn't ever come. The defense contractors speak in a regional dialect. (November 22, 2020)

Washington, DC

The bureau doesn't pay the women agents.
Lafayette Park is in Lafayette Square.
The Virginians are ethnically Prussian.
The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made hardware.
Defense contractors drive to Lafayette Park from Virginia.
There are different laws pertaining to organized labor in Virginia.
But Lafayette Park is in Washington, DC.
It seems like it's militant picketing because the police buildings have defense contractors.
The bureau doesn't pay the women agents so they can send radio signals to Brandenburg.
I think the bureau routinely coordinates with the German security services.
The defense contractors make high salaries.
It's controversial about labor unions in Washington, DC.
Virginia is formally the 'Commonwealth of Virginia'.
In Washington, DC there are disputes about salaries and building assignments.
(November 22, 2020)

The Levant

The Washington Post is reporting on Tel Aviv. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. "...Jonathan Pollard, the former U.S. Navy analyst convicted of spying for Israel in the 1980's..." (November 22, 2020)

Tel Aviv 11


The Washington Post is reporting on Kabul. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. This summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. "A barrage of rockets struck a handful of neighborhoods in the heart of the Afghan capital Saturday morning..." (November 22, 2020)

Kabul 16

The Hoover Building

The bureau doesn't pay the women agents. Also, the women agents don't get married really because the British have so many children. I'm from Texas. I'm not married. Last year I made $25,000 as my income. It's because the Virginians work for labor unions and they drive in to work in these federal office buildings near Lafayette Park. But the British aren't much help because British women have so many children. I like living here in Washington, DC but I don't make much money and I don't have a boyfriend ever. (November 22, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"The enemy is wear and tear." The army sometimes has high casualty rates. During the Vietnam War there were complaints about casualty rates. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are modern accounts about the bureau and undercover agents. "The bureau will tell the uncover agent that their salary will arrive on a specific date and then the money won't come. The bureau seems opposed generally to paying the undercover agents a salary." It's strange about the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. There are defense contractors in the buildings at odd hours and on the weekends. It's as though the police buildings are filled with defense contractors. It might be that the undercover agents are supposed to receive their salaries by a computer program and that the money will be transferred into a bank account. I live in Washington, DC. I can walk to Lafayette Park from my apartment. It seems really strange about salaries and the undercover agents. (November 22, 2020)

Washington, DC

The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radio signals seem to be pointed at American infantrymen. In the 1990's the army complained about anxiety and sleeplessness. More recently the US Congress has complained about robocalls. Personal cellular phones and business phones ring and it's a computer that made the call. It's likely the same radio signals that were pointed at the army are now pointed at people living in urban areas. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. Radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. Pedestrians drop things and fall while they're walking down the sidewalk. (November 21, 2020)

The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like these radio signals are aimed at American infantrymen. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. It's possible the radio signals are now aimed at urban areas. Radio transmissions arrive in Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. The radio signals are pointed at pedestrians and at people while they're working. There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park. Additionally, it seems like similar radio signals are aimed at American warships. Radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. (November 21, 2020)

"We need to show you how we fight." It seems like Spanish soldiers use German-made hardware to send radio signals. They 'Race fight' and 'Laugh fight. The military academies in Madrid and Berlin seem to have an overlap in command structure. There are two American servicemen in prison in Venezuela. It might be that Spanish soldiers have sent radio signals to Caracas telling them to arrest them. (November 21, 2020)

Washington, DC

"They're German immigrants. Virginia is swampland. They don't pay the women agents." There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. It's been suggested that the undercovers don't get their salaries and this becomes a wargame in the city. There are ongoing disputes about salaries and building assignments in the District of Columbia. It seems like ethnically Prussian defense contractors generally have better building assignments and they make more money. I'm from Texas. Last year I made $25,000 as my adjusted gross income. (November 21, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

The Washington Post is reporting on the Russian Far East. "Thousands in Russia's far eastern Primorsky region were without power..." There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There were reports this summer about labor strikes in Germany. The East Germans sometimes had long-term labor strikes. It might be a radio signal sent from Brandenburg that caused this power outage. (November 21, 2020)

Moscow 11

Georgetown University

I studied at Georgia Tech for graduate school. There was a woman in my program who had gone to Georgetown and she had studied Arabic. I went to UT-Austin and I studied Russian. This woman at Georgetown had chosen for her research topic about women wearing veils. It was her hope that people would like that women wore veils. Her thesis was, "Why do women in the Middle East wear veils?". I have heard similar stories about research in schools in London. They research human rights too much. I think human rights shouldn't be researched in an academic setting. For my thesis I researched the Russian government. I wrote my paper at UT-Austin about the Russian government. (November 21, 2020)


I am writing about German radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It's likely that Russian engineers have assisted the Germans to build the radios. There were reports during the Cold War about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are radio signals sent between Brandenburg and Pyongyang as well as between Brandenburg and Tehran, for example. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. The Spanish infantry uses German-made hardware. The radio signals seem to be aimed at American infantrymen. The signals combine with nanotechnology. Objects can be moved at long distances. Infantrymen can fall or drop weapons at long distances. The radios seem to cause property damage in urban areas. (November 20, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about Washington, DC. There are two groups of people who live locally that have strange tax returns. First, people who work within the defense budget. Does the Delta Force file a tax return? Does the Secret Service file a tax return? The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Some of them make high salaries working as defense contractors. They might think that their job is secretive and so they shouldn't file a tax return. Second, white collar Virginians file their own tax returns instead of hiring a CPA. I know a doctor who files his own tax return and a Virginian man with an MBA who files his own tax return. They're Virginians. They are ethnically Prussian. You wonder if those tax returns accurately report income and property values. Finally, it's difficult to know how much land in Virginia is worth because of all the defense buildings. It might be worth a lot and it might not be worth much. There are swamps in Virginia. (November 20, 2020)

Belgrade, Serbia

I am writing about the Church of England. My last name is Welles. My uncle was Rt. Rev. Edward Randolph Welles II. He was the Bishop of Kansas City, MO. Conceptually, what God does on Earth and the life journey. How can we describe the mystery of faith? The Serbian patriarch has died. "Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Irinej passed away, it's been confirmed for B92.net." He was 90 years old. A few things. Episcopalians blame God when people die. Because something terrible has happened, and who is to blame must be God. It is God's fault that this person has died. Second, the English are high achieving because they don't believe God will do the work. The English work hard because they know God won't do it for them. If they don't do it, it won't get done. The English don't think we can sit and pray, and the fence will get painted. For the fence to be painted, you have to get up and paint the fence yourself. It speaks to Adam Smith economics about education. The Royal Navy built the ships and sailed to different parts of the empire. The English built the ships. They didn't pray for ships. As the Serbian patriarch has died. This is the mystery of faith because it's God fault that he died. And we're all stuck knowing this. What the English do with their lives resembles achievement because it's like Thomas Hobbes, how nasty and brutish is this world. Donna Welles. Washington, DC. November 20, 2020.

Washington, DC

I'm 37 now. When I was 23 years old my friend died. This happens. There is Greek literature about people dying. Different people and different religions respond differently when people die. I get sick when someone I know dies. I live in Washington, DC. When Wayne Rooney was here there was a British government official that commented about British families and how the British have large families. The Germans make weapons like flame throwers and the German army has high casualty rates. In German literature there are descriptions of the soldiers not having enough shoes. This morning I read that the Serbian patriarch died. I feel sick that he died. Aeschylus wrote, "You now know and you will soon reveal if you are truly nobly born..." Jesus said, "I am the alpha and the omega." We are born and while we live is the life journey. We need to live in such a way that we lived well. It can be frightening to think of the German army and those soldiers not having shoes. The U-boats weren't well constructed. Whatever is the life journey, we need to live well. We need to live as though we're nobly born. (November 20, 2020)


"The situation has stabilized in much of Syria although hotbeds of terrorism remain in the country, Lavrov said" The Russian news is reporting on Damascus. There are likely military research facilities in the Syrian desert. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. (November 20, 2020)

The Caucasus Region

"Armenian Defense Minister David Tonoyan has tendered resignation and Chief Adviser to Armenia's Prime Minister Vagharshak Harutyunyan will be appointed as the new defense chief, the republic's Public Television reported on Friday, citing its sources." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (November 20, 2020)


"A 27-year-old man from the village of Kitancevo, Isperih region has died in a serious crash. The accident report was received by 112 emergency response service about 9am on November 20, but the crash most likely happened earlier in the night." The Bulgarian news is reporting on a car crash. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals sent from German airbases. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (November 20, 2020)

Washington, DC

There are radio signals that arrive in Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. The military academies in Spain and Germany seem to have an overlap in command structure. Spanish soldiers use German-made radios. The signals have probably been crossing the ocean for decades. The Germans have invested in radio technology as a means to build their economy. The signals sometimes seem benign but then they seem belligerent. They are pointed at pedestrians. The radio signals seem to cause property damage in the city. (November 19, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the Iranian nuclear program. It seems like radio signals are sent from Brandenburg to both Pyongyang and Tehran. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There have been tank battles in North Korea. It's possible the East Germans assisted the Iranian military during the Cold War. Farah Pahlavi wrote about East German security agents in her memoirs. They would occasionally visit the Shah in Tehran. (November 19, 2020)


I am writing about London and the British intelligence service. It's strange to me a few things. First of all, William didn't study at Oxford. The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. I think Londoners are culpable and negligent. I live here in Washington, DC. I speak Russian and I read about the German army. Why it's not an ongoing effort in London to assess German weaponry. I don't really get it. I complain that William went to St. Andrews. I complain that the men's team doesn't win. As I can I read about the German army and I research German weaponry. If that's not what the British intelligence people are doing. I think it's negligence but it also seems treasonous. It speaks to longstanding disputes between Boston and London about the Germans. Hessians invaded Massachusetts. (November 19, 2020)

"I'm honestly trying to do this." "I'm making an honest effort to do this." I am writing about the workplace and college and what people do for a living. I'm 37 years old. I'm from Texas. I graduated from UT-Austin with a BA in Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies. I studied in Saint Petersburg. I tried the best I could to learn Russian. I was given several awards in college for Russian studies. I can read it better than I can speak it. I can read the Russian-language internet because I can work out what everything says. I monitor Marko Duric's Instagram account and I can for the most part know what it says even though it's written in Serbian. It has to be related to the Balkans. The Balkans isn't that big of a place. I live in Washington, DC because I moved here from Atlanta. I've been here since 2013. I am trying to assess the eastern front. Warsaw and Lubeck and then south to Prague and Albania. Here in Washington, DC I am trying to conduct an inventory of the German army. (November 19, 2020)

Washington, DC

There are radio signals sent from Madrid and Brandenburg to Washington, DC. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions. It seems like the radio signals are belligerent. Radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. For example, objects can be moved at long distances. The radios are aimed at people while they're walking. Also, it seems like the radio signals can be aimed at specific telephones and laptops. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's possible that the Germans have invested in radio technology as a means to build their economy. (November 19, 2020)


"Russia's peacekeepers have escorted the first convoy of Azerbaijan's army from Shusha to the Nagorno-Karabakh village of Krasny Bazar, a TASS correspondent reported on Thursday." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. (November 19, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

"Belarus has resumed operations at a new nuclear power plant, inaugurated earlier this month by President Alexander Lukashenko, after successfully replacing some equipment, the Ministry of Energy said in a statement on Thursday." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Minsk. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There were reports about labor strikes in Germany this summer. (November 19, 2020)

Washington, DC

Radio signals arrive in Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg.
It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware.
The Germans sometimes trade weaponry through Spanish ports.
Catalonia sometimes reports inflation.
There are military academies in Spain and Brandenburg.
Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy.
The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions.
The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements.
The Germans sometimes have long-term labor strikes.
East Germany traded in East German mark.
It seems like Spanish soldiers use surveillance hardware during labor strikes.
The radio signals are sent with German-hardware.
It's a labor strike because surveillance hardware is used at length.
There are signals sent toward people in Washington, DC while they are walking or on a bus.
(November 18, 2020)

Washington, DC

Spanish soldiers use German-made hardware. Radio signals arrive in Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. The radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. The US Congress has complained about robocalls. The robocalls sometimes come when people are on the bus or train. It's as though the radio signals are used alongside surveillance hardware. (November 18, 2020)


Generally, it's difficult to assess the German economy. But the eastern provinces still are dissimilar to the western provinces. I am looking for evidence of labor strikes in Germany. Because they used to trade in East German mark. Exchange rates and trade advantages need to more benefit the American economy. "It's best to keep your mind fixed on our duty, to defeat France." (November 18, 2020)

"A new study shows that lower earners in Germany have little financial incentive to increase their weekly hours. Full-time work or an increase in hours for part-time workers is hardly worthwhile financially for single people on lower wages, according to a study published by Ifo researchers Andreas Peichl and Maximilian Blomer for the Bertelsmann Foundation." The German news is reporting on the economy. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. This summer there were reports about labor strikes. Notice this references part-time and full-time employment. It's not clear how much of the German economy is organized labor. (November 18, 2020)


"The Russian Federation Council (upper house of parliament) has passed a resolution granting consent to the Russian president to dispatch Russian military servicemen to Nagorno-Karabakh starting from November 10." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. (November 18, 2020)


"Moldovan President-elect Maia Sandu had a meeting with Russian Ambassador to the country Oleg Vasnetsov Wednesday where she spoke in favor of positive and pragmatic dialogue with Russia, the Party of Action and Solidarity headed by Sandu reported." The Russian news is reporting on Moldova. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There were reports this summer about labor strikes in Germany. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. (November 18, 2020)


"Foreign Minister: Bulgaria Can Approve EU Negotiating Framework with Albania, but Not with North Macedonia" The Bulgarian news is reporting on Albania. Tirana is the capital of Albania. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. There are strategic ports and railroads in Albania. Bosnia trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. (November 18, 2020)

SUNY-Stony Brook

The Los Alamos National Laboratory is in Los Alamos, New Mexico. There are a few concerns. My friend works there. He has a Ph.D. in nuclear physics from SUNY-Stony Brook. First, it's possible they work too much on nuclear energy that can be used in power plants. For example, Westinghouse is a company that markets nuclear energy to the developing world. There are tales about nuclear power plants in South Asia and South America. It might not be responsible for Los Alamos to send nuclear power plants to South Asia and South America. Second, the laboratory seems isolated from American battlefield casualties. There are reports about German radio technology and nanotechnology. The infantry doesn't seem to benefit from the research at Los Alamos. (November 18, 2020)

Los Alamos, New Mexico

The Los Alamos National Laboratory is in Los Alamos, New Mexico.
Werner von Braun worked at Los Alamos.
Werner von Braun invented the V2 rocket for the German army.
He was found by American soldiers after the war.
In Europe there was an effort to locate German military scientists.
Werner von Braun was found by the Americans but others were found by the Soviets.
Los Alamos built the atomic bomb and those were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
It's a laboratory in the desert of New Mexico.
Right now Los Alamos seems to be stagnant.
The Germans have invested in radio technology.
The radios can send long distance transmissions with precision.
German radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements.
They're used for trade.
It's radio technology combined with nanotechnology.
For example, objects can be moved at long distances.
The radios can be pointed at soldiers.
The Germans have developed radios that are aimed at the infantry.
It seems like German radio technology is responsible for American battlefield casualties.
The Germans maintain military research facilities in the Libyan and Syrian deserts.
Right now Los Alamos seems to not answer the telephone.
If Washington, DC calls Los Alamos, then Los Alamos might not answer the telephone.
They might communicate with radios instead of telephones.
It's not clear exactly how to communicate information to Los Alamos about German weaponry.
There doesn't seem to be a means to describe German radio technology to the scientists at Los Alamos.
Los Alamos seems isolated from American battlefield casualties.
It's kind of a lame laboratory in the desert because Washington, DC cannot communicate with them.
Los Alamos should be aware of these German facilities in the Libyan desert.
(November 18, 2020)

Los Alamos National Laboratory

I am writing about the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It seems like the Germans maintain military research facilities in the Libyan desert. In the early twentieth century the Germans tested warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. The German government seems to have invested in radio technology as a means to build its economy. The Los Alamos National Laboratory seems to be unaware generally about German weaponry. It's as though the Los Alamos scientists aren't aware they've fallen behind in the race. The Americans won the space race when we landed on the moon. NASA is in Houston, Texas. Los Alamos seems oddly isolated from battlefield casualties and the realities of German and Russian radio technology. The scientists at Los Alamos have fallen behind their counterparts in Brandenburg and Sachsen. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. The army is confronted by these German-made weapons. Meanwhile, Los Alamos seems stagnant and they are not producing scientific research that assists the infantry. I know a scientist at Los Alamos and he's married and he has three children. I live here in Washington, DC and it seems obvious that Los Alamos has fallen behind if they are competing with the German army. For example, the Washington Football Team is now 2-7. Los Alamos might not finish with a winning record this year. They seem to be unable to gauge their own successes as a laboratory. They might assume that they are competing successfully against German and Russian weapons makers. I would like the scientists at Los Alamos to really take notice of German radio technology. It's long distance transmissions and the radio technology combines with nanotechnology. (November 18, 2020)

The British Army

"It's an argument over the telephone. The British army generally has tattoos. The London office seems slow to make long distance telephone calls." I am writing about the British army. It's possible that the British army doesn't make enough telephone calls and that's why casualty rates are sometimes high. The army might require both radios and telephone calls. There are outstanding disputes between Washington, DC and London regarding communications. The Americans are wanting the British to make telephone calls. And then the British army, it seems like they all have tattoos. It's like the London office refuses to use the telephone but the soldiers have tattoos. (November 17, 2020)


The German news is reporting on Berlin. There might be inflation in Berlin. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. East Germany traded in East German mark. "As the next stage of Berlin's rental cap law gets set to begin, the local government has launched a calculator for residents to find out if they are paying too much rent. Berlin's Senate Department for Housing estimates that around 340,000 tenants are paying excessive rent costs." (November 17, 2020)

Lafayette Park

Lafayette Park is in Lafayette Square. The White House and the Eisenhower Executive Office Building are in Lafayette Square. The Washington Post reports sometimes that the White House has been nonresponsive to press queries. The United States Secret Service has jurisdiction in the park but the Parks Department is responsible for the park's maintenance. There are a few things, (1) the Secret Service seems to drive in from Virginia. They're southerners and they might not have much education. (2) It might be that the Secret Service is on a labor strike and that's why they are nonresponsive to press queries. (November 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

The army reported sleeplessness and anxiety during the 1990's. It's called 'Gulf War Syndrome'. It might be that German radio technology is responsible for the symptoms. It seems like people in Washington, DC now experience these symptoms. Radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The anxiety is a sense of urgency and then it's not clear about what is urgent and what can wait. The Germans sometimes send military hardware through Spanish ports. Long distance radio transmissions arrive in Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. (November 17, 2020)


I am writing about the island. It's new I think about contraception there because there are sometimes unplanned pregnancies. It's because of the labor unions in Ireland and northern England. An unplanned pregnancy affects a household income so much. I think maybe Londoners aren't accustomed to being without spending money. If there is an unplanned pregnancy in the family, that is kind of the end of spending money. It changes the routines of each of the immediate family members. Options that they might have had, they no longer have. (November 17, 2020)

Dresden, Germany

There are military research facilities in both Libya and Syria.
Benghazi and Tripoli are ports in Libya.
The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert.
Chemical munitions are likely transported between the Libyan and Syrian deserts.
There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany.
Dresden used to trade in East German mark.
It seems like there are radio signals sent to Libya and Syria about military research.
(November 17, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Damascus. It seems like chemical munitions are traded between Germany's eastern provinces and Syria. There are likely military research facilities in the Syrian desert. "Kurdish-led authorities released dozens of Syrian families from one of the largest camps in northeast Syria..." (November 17, 2020)

Syria 4

Moscow, Russia

"The restoration of mutually respectful and good-neighborly dialogue between Russia and Germany meets the interests of the European region, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a video address to the organizers of and participants in the Potsdam Meetings forum." The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. (November 17, 2020)


"Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva said in a TV interview on Tuesday that the Republic of North Macedonia will have a place in the European Union when it is ready." The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Balkans. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves. Bosnia trades in mark. It's controversial about German trade through Bosnian ports. (November 17, 2020)


"Every day during the lunch break the trade union members will stage a rally in front of their workplaces. If these measures don't yield results the trade union federation will organize a nationwide protest." The Bulgarian news is reporting on organized labor. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for organized labor. Lviv is near the border with Poland. It's controversial about German labor unions in Poland and Ukraine. This summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (November 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

Michael Shanks is a Canadian actor. He is in both Stargate SG-1 and Burn Notice. In Stargate there is a Sarcophagus which is a bed that the characters sleep in sometimes to heal and rest. In my apartment I have my bed and I have several blankets and an electric blanket. By the time I crawl into my bed, the covers are so heavy that I kind of cannot escape. I intentionally make my own bed in my apartment into this device in Stargate SG-1. It's alien technology in the show. But, it's also like the Princess and the Pea, the fairytale. I know that I can lose weight from sweating under the blankets. Also, I sleep through the night when other people might wake up. "A Sarcophagus is a device the Goa'uld use to rapidly heal injuries and extend their lifespans." (November 17, 2020)


There are Irish people who work in the British government. I think they're ethnically Polish also. When Wayne Rooney was here, it was as though they were excited he had four children. It's as though the Irish tell other men to have several children. I think that comes from Prussia. The whole time I sat there and thought that the English men's national team loses because the players have so many children. The British government people who were following DC United at the time were excited that Coleen had given birth to a fourth child. It was me, Wayne, and the British government. The British government officials were cheering Wayne on telling him to have more children. I was telling them that the English men's national team loses because they already have so many. "Have another kid!" and "Don't have another kid!" (November 16, 2020)


The Virginians get married late in life. Virginian couples might get married when they're fifty years old. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. It's strange to me about getting married in your 30's or 40's. I think in Texas people get married in their 20's. (November 16, 2020)

Washington, DC

"Radio signals arrive in Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. The transmissions are aimed at people. Nanotechnology is combined with radio technology. The radio signals are aimed at the women federal agents. The women drop things and fall down because the radio signals are aimed at them. There are discernable messages. Commands are sent that form a queue. It seems to be Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The women agents come and go from their apartments. There are more signals when they're getting ready to leave and when they arrive home. It means the women agents looks strange when they're walking." The military academies in Spain and Germany seem to coordinate. German hardware is sometimes traded through Spanish ports. (November 16, 2020)

The British

It's hard on me because there aren't men to date, really. The Virginians are German immigrants. The British have so many children per couple. The language between me and the British is awkward because I guess they use so many pronouns. It's as though British men have to have children if they're married. British couples generally have a few children. The army generally lives in Virginia. I look at my colleagues in London and they expect their wives to be pregnant for years on end. I live near Capitol Hill. It's a strange place to live sometimes here in Washington, DC. It's definitely not such the case that American women marry British men who work in government. It's because the British insist on having two and three children per couple. If I moved to Philadelphia or Pittsburgh there would be men I could marry. The business school is in Philadelphia. (November 16, 2020)

Lafayette Park

The Hoover Building and the Eisenhower Executive Office Building are near Lafayette Park. It seems like the federal agents assigned to those buildings don't read the newspaper. There are accounts about long-term labor strikes in Germany. There were reports this summer about labor strikes in Germany. It might be that the bureau doesn't read the newspaper so they can coordinate with the German security services. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. I'm from Texas. I read the Washington Post every day of the year. It might also be that the bureau doesn't pay to buy the newspaper. It's simply a bill they don't have to pay every year. Many of them seem to drive north across the Potomac River from Virginia. I live in Washington, DC and I pay for the newspaper. The bureau might not pay for the newspaper and they might commute to the federal district from Virginia. (November 16, 2020)

Yale University

I am writing about Yale. My grandpa and my uncle went to Princeton. Uncle Edward ran track at Princeton. "A Yale man never beat him." I have known a few people who went to Yale. I know more people who went to Penn and the Wharton business school. My relatives in New England went to New England schools. Yale is in Connecticut. I always say that it is functionally a suburb of New York City. Yale is in a New York City suburb. Both Penn and Yale have people who work near labor unions. It's been said that the Penn graduates are more Italian and the Yale graduates are more German. When Yale people talk, they use words that seem Prussian maybe. They use strange words to describe food at parties, for example. If I hear those kinds of words then I know it's going to be a specific kind of party. A Yale gathering looks like a specific kind of party with specific kinds of foods. They are enjoyable but it's a different setting than I am accustomed to. It would be a Yale-like party. It's funny to say that I would rather go to the Wharton party than the Yale party. The Wharton kids have "Party Tuesday", for example. (November 16, 2020)

Tel Aviv, Israel

"Israel strikes Hamas targets in Gaza after rocket fire" The Washington Post is reporting on the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Tel Aviv from Lubeck. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. (November 16, 2020)

Tel Aviv 10

Novak Djokovic

"Djokovic was presented with the 2020 year-end ATP no.1 trophy during an on-court presentation at the Nitto ATP Finals" The Serbian news is reporting on Novak Djokovic. The Serbian champion is ranked #1 in the world by the ATP. (November 16, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

"The Kremlin respects the outcome of Moldova's presidential election and looks forward to building mutually beneficial relations with the country's new leader, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday." The Russian news is reporting on Moldova. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There was a battle in Lviv during World War II. Lviv is near the border with Poland. It is controversial about German labor unions in Poland and Ukraine. (November 16, 2020)

Ankara, Turkey

The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. "Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during an online press conference on Monday he bore main responsibility for the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh." (November 16, 2020)


"Four people were injured after a huge fire at a Berlin metro station Sunday night." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Brandenburg. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (November 16, 2020)

Los Alamos National Laboratory

If the army is sick, is there an explanation for this? I think German radio technology is making the United States Army sick. In the 1990's there was Gulf War Syndrome. The radio transmissions seem to travel long distances and they combine with nanotechnology. Is German radio technology making American infantrymen sick? (November 15, 2020)

Washington, DC

"There are radio transmissions that are commands that form a queue. The commands come slowly and quickly. The radios are aimed at a person a long distance away. The commands are then given out of order and the person either falls or drops something. This happens a few times in a row and the person cannot stand or hold anything." I think it's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. The army has complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. It's possible that German radio technology is what's making the army experience these symptoms. (November 15, 2020)

The Hoover Building

I am writing about organized labor locally here in Washington, DC. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They're Prussian immigrants and they speak in a regional dialect. There are a few things. First, battlefield casualties have been really high since the 1950's. During the Korean War there were accounts of frostbite. After the Korean War, there were tales that federal agents would visit the veterans in rural America to ask them about the war because maybe they were traitors. In the modern age there are accounts about sleeplessness and anxiety. The army has been deployed in proximity to chemical munitions. The infantry might have trouble working after their military duties are over. There were reports this summer about labor strikes in Germany. The Virginians might form picket lines as the Germans do. It might be because of these ethnically German labor unions that the army has such high casualties. The Virginians make high salaries. They don't always have much formal education. Lafayette Park is near the Hoover Building, for example. There might be labor strikes and picket lines in both places. The locals speak in creole and kind of normal people can't enter into police buildings and federal office buildings. (November 15, 2020)

Washington Football Team

The Washington Football Team is 2-6 so far this season. They won two games and they have lost six games. They won the first game and then they lost five in a row. They won again on October 25 and they lost on November 8. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they work for labor unions. It might be that the coaching staff doesn't work enough hours each week so the team can win. There are questions about fitness levels and the practice week. They play this afternoon against Detroit. (November 15, 2020)

Virginia 35

The Levant

The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. "Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva Thursday paid a visit to Israel, her first one there in her current official capacity, Zaharieva's Ministry said in a press release." (November 15, 2020)


"Last year there were a recorded 605,000 business startups in Germany..." The German news is reporting on the economy. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (November 14, 2020)


This is dialogue from Stargate SG-1. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are tales that the bureau tries to network so they can meet high ranking members of the German security services. The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. Notice they're wanting to work so they can meet with foreigners. "KOVACEK: No. I disagree. Sir, they are open to relations with us. In fact next time, I think several members of the Taldor are going to allow us see their faces." (November 14, 2020)

Los Alamos National Laboratory

I am writing about the defense budget. There are civilians who work in proximity to the military. For example, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory there are civilian scientists. It's controversial about if they're married and how many children they have. If a scientist at Los Alamos is married and he has three children, he might not be a competitive scientist. Moreover, there is a sense of balance of mind. If the scientists at Los Alamos or here locally at the Pentagon have their work life and their home life, neither mindsets are competitive maybe. Of course there have been complaints about the targeted killing program and the drones. It might be because the American scientists who build the hardware are married. (November 14, 2020)


I am writing about the Church of England. I'm from Texas and I'm an Episcopalian. 'Episcopos' is the Greek work for bishop. The British in the modern age seem to get married and raise children. The lifestyle isn't exactly consistent with Anglicanism. It's odd because the life journey resembles married life too much. I'm not married. It's strange to hear British people talk about being married so much. (November 14, 2020)

St. Andrews

I am an Episcopalian. My uncle was Rt. Rev. Edward Randolph Welles II. I today live near Randolph Street in Washington, DC. I am writing about England and the empire. It seems like the Americans are not generally included in the ranking. I believe that I outrank Kate Middleton in the empire. I'm not married, my last name is Welles, and I went to UT-Austin. My dad worked for the Texas state government. His dad went to Oxford and he worked for Time Inc. Kate is married and she has three children. She went to St. Andrews. Either there isn't a ranking within the empire or the Americans aren't included in the ranking. I always say that.

Not married

Married with three children
St. Andrews
(November 14, 2020)


Eliot Jarrett's great grandpa was the Mayor of Berlin. Eliot went to my high school in Austin, Texas. The movie Valkyrie is about the city government in Berlin. Eliot went to the Wharton business school and he studied in Rotterdam at the business school there. In Valkyrie there are scenes in Berlin in the offices. There is a German official and he's married and his wife doesn't work, she's at home. Additionally, there are women at the office who either translate or answer the phone. It's a dynamic where the German men in the office are kind to these women who work there but then they go home to their wives. I complain about my colleagues in London because they behave as these Germans in the movie. I went to UT-Austin. I'm not married. I'm not a secretary. I'm neither of the women in the movie. It's because of the labor unions in Manchester. The men in London are married and they have several children. They talk at the office about their wives and children. (November 14, 2020)

Washington, DC

"They give commands with radio transmissions. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. Surveillance hardware, radio technology, and nanotechnology are used. There is a queue. Commands come about objects around the room. The commands will come slowly or quickly. And then the commands come out of order and someone either drops something or falls." I think it's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. There are radio signals sent to Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. (November 14, 2020)

Lafayette Park

I weigh at the gym. I'm 135 lbs. I go swimming at the YMCA. There are complaints about the federal agents assigned to Lafayette Square. "They might need a few days at the YMCA." There are tales about pharmaceutical drugs. They might be out of shape. Defense contractors work at odd hours and on the weekends. There were reports about labor strikes in Germany over the summer. (November 14, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on East Africa and Turkey. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. "Civilians fleeing fighting in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region described bombing by government warplanes..." "...tried to sneak into Iran's West Azerbaijan province, about 400 miles northwest of the capital, Tehran." (November 14, 2020)

Libya 10
Ankara 6


The Bulgarian news is reporting on military hardware. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There were reports this summer about labor strikes in Germany. "On Thursday Bulgaria signed a contract for the acquisition of two multi-role patrol ships for the Bulgarian Navy with Fr. Lurssen Werft GmbH & Co. KG. It is one of three big modernization projects of the Bulgarian Armed Forces along with the purchase of F-16 fighter jets earlier this year and the upcoming purchase of armoured vehicles for the Land Forces." (November 14, 2020)

The Levant

"I think we have to assume the Goa'uld are more complex as a society than we're giving them credit for." Michael Shanks is a Canadian actor. This is dialogue from Stargate SG-1. Madrid is the capital of Spain. Barcelona is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. It seems like Madrid and Brandenburg coordinate within their military academies. The Spanish soldiers use German-made radios. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv trades in shekel. It's also possible that Spanish soldiers attend tank driving schools in the Levant. (November 13, 2020)


"The current thinking at the Pentagon is to do nothing that would alert the Goa'uld we know they're there." This is an excerpt from a television show called 'Stargate SG-1'. Season 2, Episode 1. Notice the description of the Pentagon. The Pentagon is located in Arlington, Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There might be labor strikes in both Germany and Virginia. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. East Germany traded in East German mark. (November 13, 2020)

Washington, DC

Spanish soldiers use German-made hardware. The hardware is sometimes traded through Catalonia. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. In the modern age there are reports from the army about sleeplessness and anxiety. I think Spanish soldiers send long distance radio signals to Washington, DC. There are labor unions in Virginia. It might be the cause of the 'robocalls'. The US Congress has complained about 'robocalls'. The telephone rings and it is a computer that made the phone call. It's possible that the radio transmissions prevent the workweek and the workday from being normal. Less work might get done during the day, for example, because of these long distance radio signals. (November 13, 2020)

Houston, Texas

Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga are from New York City. Beyonce is from Houston but she now lives in New York City. I'm from Austin, Texas and I graduated from Lyndon Johnson High School in Austin, Texas. The Bush twins went to Austin High School. They're dad was the Governor of Texas. Lyndon Johnson High School is about twenty minutes away from Austin High School. My high school is the science and math public school. It's about ten minutes from the UT-Austin campus. Jenna Bush went to UT-Austin and her sister went to Yale. Jenna is older than I am but we were at UT-Austin at around the same time. I graduated from UT-Austin in 2005, after I graduated from high school in 2001. I was born in 1983. I began college when I was still 17 years old. Beyonce went to the Houston School for the Performing and Visual Arts, that's the fine arts school. In terms of Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga, they went to private high schools. A part of my high school experience was that I was in the marching band. And so the musicians resemble the football team. You learn to play music at the football games. Texas music would have more marches and it would be louder. Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga might not be as physically fit as Beyonce and me because we would have spent the years at the football games playing music. Beyonce is a dancer and a singer. (November 13, 2020)

North Africa

"...in a helicopter crash in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula on Thursday..." The Washington Post is reporting on North Africa. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There were military research facilities near the border between Egypt and Libya. (November 13, 2020)

Egypt 1


"The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that he was very clear in his statements about politics and dialogue with Pristina" The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. Bosnia trades in mark. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military. Aleksandar Vucic studied at the University of Belgrade School of Law. I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. (November 13, 2020)


"Moscow is expecting details about Baku's investigation into the Russian helicopter that was downed in the Armenian airspace, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Friday." The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (November 13, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Both Minsk and Moscow trade in ruble. It seems like the government in Minsk imported German-made radios that they use for policing. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. "The current developments in Belarus have nothing to do with a revolution but mark an attempt to stage an anti-constitutional coup, President Alexander Lukashenko told reporters." (November 13, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Balkans. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. A few months ago there were labor strikes in Germany. "Karakachanov also said that the German Presidency of the EU has only offered to broker talks that may be needed between Bulgaria and North Macedonia." (November 13, 2020)

Washington, DC

There are ports in southern Spain. Catalonia sometimes reports inflation. There are more recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. I think Spanish soldiers use German-made radios to send long distance transmissions. The military academies in Madrid and Brandenburg seem to work closely together. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. Here in Washington, DC people in the city seem to be experiencing the same symptoms. It might be because of German radio technology. It's possible Spanish soldiers have been pointing these radios at the army for decades. (November 12, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about the British intelligence service. I'm from Texas and I live here in Washington, DC. "You all live by the bank and you all have twenty kids." I sometimes have to think about what they're complaint is. There are cyberattacks and they seem to be coming from Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like the Germans used radio technology to rebuild the eastern provinces. It can be perceived as cyberattacks. But, Londoners do live by the bank and many of them have several children. I'm not married. I don't live by the bank. But, there do seem to be belligerent radio signals coming from Brandenburg and Sachsen. (November 12, 2020)

The Pentagon

"...abruptly replaced Pentagon leaders with political allies..." The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. It's disputed about the defense budget. There are labor unions in Virginia. It is controversial about organized labor and the defense budget. You wonder about labor strikes and if the hardware works. The army might struggle if the defense contractors get all the money. (November 12, 2020)

Virginia 34


The Serbian news is reporting on Aleksandr Vucic. Vucic attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. I attended Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. "Vucic met with the Ambassador of the United States of America, Anthony Godfrey, Great Britain's Shan McLeod, France's Jean-Louis Falconi, Italy's Carlo Lo Caso and Germany's Thomas Schieb, as well as the head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia, Sem Fabrizi." (November 12, 2020)


"Turkey goes ahead with preparations for activating S-400 air defense systems" The Russian news is reporting on Ankara. The Germans make missile defense systems. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. (November 12, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on warplanes. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There were military research facilities near the border between Egypt and Libya. "On Thursday Bulgaria signed a contract for the acquisition of two multi-role patrol ships for the Bulgarian Navy with Fr. Lurssen Werft GmbH & Co. KG. It is one of three big modernization projects of the Bulgarian Armed Forces along with the purchase of F-16 fighter jets earlier this year and the upcoming purchase of armoured vehicles for the Land Forces." (November 12, 2020)


The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like Spanish soldiers send radio signals with German-made hardware. The bureau receives the messages. It's about police matters. There are concerns about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. The radio signals are sent and the Spanish soldiers include hand signs. The Virginians recognize these hand signs to mean that the radio signals are supposed to be sent. In the 1990's the army reported sleeplessness and anxiety. I think people in Washington, DC now experience the same symptoms. It is possible that the bureau receives these radio signals from Madrid, included with the hand signs, and that the radio signals keep people awake at night. Radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They make a living operating strange German-made hardware. (November 12, 2020)

Bethesda, Maryland

I work in Bethesda a few days every month. Wayne Rooney lived in Bethesda. It's a really famous area. Bethesda, Maryland is a suburb of Washington, DC. Coleen Rooney has four children. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. I think it's because of Polish culture the Irish are inclined to work for labor unions. Labor unions might have begun in Ireland because children were working. There is some relationship between Warsaw and Dublin and labor unions. It's not well understood about Polish culture generally. (November 11, 2020)


I think of England as an island and a river. Ireland is another island and Scotland is in the north. It's strange to hear Londoners talk sometimes. I guess it's because London has become a large city. A person can walk from east to west across England. I mention that William didn't study at Oxford. It seems strange that Kate Middleton has been pregnant three times. The British intelligence service people seem slow to make long distance telephone calls. I think I don't know why they don't make many long distance telephone calls. (November 11, 2020)

DuPont Circle

I am writing about Washington, DC and the Virginians. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. I live in Washington, DC. I'm from Texas. The Texas Longhorn motto is "Rise and Shine". I work at a boutique and a yoga studio in DuPont Circle. The Virginians don't have a great sense about closing up the store for the evening. I am always ready to leave to get home at the end of the day and so I start closing the store as soon as I can. The store is clean and the register is counted early. To the minute, when we can all leave I lock the door and turn off the lights and we're all out of there exactly when we can leave. When the locals are in charge of closing the store, they leave late and half the tasks aren't finished. Conceptually, it's a sense they don't have about the end of the day and closing for the night. The next morning the store might not be clean because the Virginians took forever to close the store or they left late for the night. I'm an Episcopalian. There is something to getting home in time for an evening and then getting sleep. The Virginians get home later than I do. They are often late to work. (November 11, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau and surveillance hardware. Notice that the bureau was monitoring a politician with surveillance hardware. "McCabe conceded that knowing what he knows now, he would not have signed off on an application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to monitor former Trump campaign adviser..." The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It's possible that they lobby to import surveillance hardware from Germany. It might be the same hardware used by both the bureau and the German security services. (November 11, 2020)

Virginia 33


The Russian news is reporting on Sergei Lavrov. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. Chemical munitions are likely transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. There are likely military research facilities in the Syrian desert. "US displays double standards refusing to participate in Damascus conference - top diplomat" (November 11, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like belligerent radio signals are coming from Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "Officers of the National Security Service of Armenia have detained Gagik Tsarukyan, leader of the opposition's Prosperous Armenia Party, who organized a protest in downtown Yerevan along with other opposition figures following the end of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, Iveta Tonoyan, an MP representing the Prosperous Armenia faction at the country's parliament, told reporters on Wednesday." (November 11, 2020)

Washington, DC

Radio transmissions are sent to Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The transmissions seem belligerent. There is a discernable message. "We need to show you how we fight." It seems like the Spanish soldiers 'race fight' and 'laugh fight' with these radios. It might be the cause of the robocalls. The US Congress has complained about robocalls. The radios seem to cause property damage. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. I think people in Washington, DC feel the same symptoms and it might be because of German radio technology. (November 11, 2020)

The Bureau

The bureau might use German-made radios for surveillance. The radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It might be that the bureau waits for criminals to confess. The nanotechnology might scan for criminal behavior and the criminals confess. It's also possible that the bureau tells people they're Catholics and so they will confess. Another interpretation is that Catholic means labor union. There are French Catholic labor unions in Montreal. (November 10, 2020)

Saint Petersburg

"If you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave." "And though you're still with me, I've been alone all along." I am from Texas but I studied in Saint Petersburg. My last name is Welles. I am today a member of the White House church. My uncle was Rt. Rev. Edward Randolph Welles II. He was the Bishop of Kansas City, MO. I am writing about the labor unions in Manchester. They seem to be from Germany and Poland. In northern England it seems like they have children instead of working. The language there resembles Polish because there are strange pronouns. I think the tax laws in England are friendlier toward married couples. It's strange about my colleagues in the British intelligence service because they have traded so much with Poland. I tell them sometimes that I'm not a Polish Catholic. It might be that the British intelligence service people are Polish Catholics. (November 10, 2020)

Christopher Wray

The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. They seem to use German-made radios. They also seem to send radio signals to the German security services. There are tales about the bureau within the context of surveillance hardware. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radio signals combine with nanotechnology. It might be that both the Virginians and the German security services are on a labor strike. It might be hazardous to work with radio technology. The surveillance hardware might not allow for a normal workday or workweek. It's not clear about the bureau and if they use German-made surveillance hardware. The Washington Post has reported that a bureau attorney lied about a surveillance effort. It's possible that the bureau doesn't know exactly what to do with these German-made radios. There are defense contractors that work at night and on the weekends. (November 10, 2020)


The German news is reporting on the Berlin Wall. There are anecdotes about barbed wire fences and roadblocks in East Berlin. There were official cars and nonofficial cars. The nonofficial cars were searched thoroughly. Also, there were reports about a large communications relay in East Berlin. The East Germans might have traded barbed wire and roadblocks to other countries. "A member of the Politburo of East Germany's communist party, and its spokesman, this member of the inner ruling circle of the 'workers' and peasants' state', as the German Democratic Republic was known, just announced to a few flabbergasted journalists the fall of the Berlin Wall." (November 10, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radios signals coming from Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. In 2009 Russian infantrymen crossed the border into Georgia. They were going in the direction of Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "On November 9, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a joint statement on a complete ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh." (November 10, 2020)


I went to UT-Austin. Austin, Texas is my home town. I know a man named Joe who got a Ph.D. in English from UT-Austin. He was from Houston but he had attended my high school. He is older than I am. I graduated from Lyndon Johnson High School in Austin, Texas. Joe was an oil man and he moved to New York City. At some point he wanted to get a doctorate in English from UT-Austin. He earned his degree. But, he held nice parties for the English department while he was a student. I think people who know Joe wonder how great his dissertation was and if they just kind of gave him the degree because he had such nice events for the English department. He wanted the degree because of the culture in New York City. They read literature there. It had to do with his time in New York City that he wanted specifically to study English in graduate school. (November 10, 2020)

Washington, DC

The Spanish military sends radio signals with German-made radios. There is a discernible language. By the time the signals get to Washington, DC this is what they sound like:

We need to show you how we fight.
We are in charge of the military training.
It's a large scale effort.
We need to tell you about our airbases.
We need to maintain continuity about the radio signals.
(November 9, 2020)


"We need to show you how we fight." It's Spanish soldiers using German-made hardware. It seems like the Virginians send long distance radio transmissions to the German security services. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. The Spanish soldiers "laugh fight" and "race fight" with these long distance radio signals. The army has reported sleeplessness and anxiety. I think the radio signals have been sent between Virginia and Brandenburg for decades. The radio signals are combined with nanotechnology. (November 9, 2020)


The Virginians are Prussians. They use German-made radios. They receive radio signals from Prussia. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like there have been radio signals sent between Prussia and Virginia for decades. The signals might cause property damage in Washington, DC. The signals might also cause the army to be sick. In the 1990's there were reports about anxiety and sleeplessness in the army. Also, it might be that Spanish soldiers send signals with German-made radios. (November 9, 2020)

Washington Football Team

Washington lost yesterday to the New York Giants. The final score was 23-20. Washington didn't score any points in the first quarter. There are labor unions in Virginia. It's possible that the Washington coaching staff doesn't work enough hours each week so the team can win. You wonder about play calling and the practice week. Washington is now 2-6. They've played eight games they have only won two games. (November 9, 2020)

Virginia 32


"One of the founders and leaders of the KLA terrorist paramilitary will appear to get acquainted with the indictment." The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. (November 9, 2020)


"According to the Russian president, the level of violence in Syria has dropped substantially, people are returning to civilian life and the UN-sponsored inclusive political process is underway" The Russian news is reporting on Damascus. It seems like chemical munitions are traded between Germany's eastern provinces and the Syrian desert. There are likely military research facilities in the Syrian desert. (November 9, 2020)

Kabul, Afghanistan

The Russian news is reporting on Kabul. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. It's possible the Virginians are on a labor strike. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. There were reports this summer about labor strikes in Germany. "At least 23 people have been wounded after a car stuffed with explosives detonated in Afghanistan's Kandahar Province, Tolo News TV reported Monday, citing local authorities." (November 9, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's Monday morning. I set my alarm for 8am because I worked last night. I woke up at 6:30am and I felt nauseous. I got up and I went to the store to buy fermented teas and cottage cheese. There are reports about people with irritable bowel syndrome. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. I think it's Spanish soldiers sending radio signals with German hardware. It's possible people in Washington, DC now experience the same symptoms that the army reported decades ago. (November 9, 2020)

The Bureau

The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. There are tales about the bureau and Prussia. The bureau might use Prussian calendar timeframes. They seem secretive and they have been caught lying about budgetary items. A bureau attorney reportedly lied about a surveillance effort. It seems like the bureau works closely with the German security services. The army in the 1990's complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. The army might be sick because of German radio technology. There are accounts about friendly fire in Virginia. The bureau might make the army sick because they use so much German-made hardware. (November 8, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

There is a tale about the bureau: The bureau tells the undercover they'll receive their salary on a specific date, and then the money doesn't come. It's a day that comes and goes and nothing happens. It reminds of the stories about prisoners who are told they'll be released and then they're not released. It seems to be because the bureau uses German-made radios. The Virginians are German immigrants. (November 8, 2020)

Lafayette Park

Last year I made $25,000 and I reported that to the IRS. That's not much here in Washington, DC but in other parts of the country it might be a normal income. I am alright in my apartment because I live in the city and I can either walk to where I need to go or I can take the metro. I can walk to the hockey stadium, for example, from where I live. However, there are concerns about the defense budget. The Virginians are German immigrants. They make high salaries working for labor unions. The federal buildings near Lafayette Park seem to have defense contractors in them at odd hours. It's as though some of the buildings are no longer police buildings. I think the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. They make a living using strange German-made hardware. (November 8, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's Sunday morning. I went to bed early. I slept most of the night but I felt nausea late in the evening. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. Radio technology is mixed with nanotechnology. I think people in Washington, DC now experience the same symptoms, sleeplessness and anxiety. It's possible there have been radio signals sent to Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg for decades. It seems to be Spanish soldiers sending radio signals with German-made hardware. (November 8, 2020)


My relatives really did fight for England in the French and Indian War at the Battle of Quebec. I went to UT-Austin. The win is for the Germans and the Virginians to declare labor strikes and to begin to collect strike wages. It means the defense budget can be made more efficient and the army can be healthier. "We must keep our eye fixed on our duty, to defeat France." (November 7, 2020)



The German news is reporting on the economy. Both East Germany and West Germany traded in mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. It's been suggested that the German government has invested in radio technology. The Germans might use military radios for trade. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. This summer the Germans reported labor strikes. Notice this reference to money lending in Brandenburg. Sometimes moneylending in Europe isn't consistent with American banking standards. It might just mean that the labor unions are getting money from the treasury. It's not well understood the extent to which labor unions work in Germany's eastern provinces. "German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas welcomed Biden's election victory as a 'new start' for transatlantic relations." "The aid programme allows companies to apply for state-backed loans of up to 25 percent of last year's turnover for a maximum of 800,000 euro provided by the state-owned KfW bank." "The scheme has been a lifeline for the country's army of small and medium-sized companies, many of which were forced to temporarily shut down at the height of lockdowns in the spring." (November 7, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"All you guys went to the Wharton business school? You all studied in Rotterdam?" The Virginians don't have much formal education and they work for labor unions. There are swamps in Virginia. (November 7, 2020)

The White House

Kate Middleton has been to the White House several times. They visited with the Obamas. Both Kate and Michelle are tall. They would compare their dresses. Kate would wear inexpensive dresses. It bothers me a lot that William and Harry didn't study at Oxford. William studied at St. Andrews and Harry studied at Eton College. I think Kate doesn't speak well. In the interviews she talks about her own children or kind of things that I can't listen to for very long. If it were up to me, Kate Middleton would not again visit the White House. I always complain that William went to St. Andrews and that he was a helicopter pilot in the army. (November 7, 2020)


Prussian labor unions specialize in long-term labor strikes. Prussia is in East Germany and Poland. The Virginians are Prussians. The Virginians lobby to import German-made radios.
Are there labor strikes in Germany?
Are there labor strikes in Virginia?
Do the Germans and the Virginians use the radios for their labor strike?
(November 7, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Baghdad. It seems like chemical munitions are traded between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. There are likely military research facilities in the Syrian desert. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. "Iraqi security forces opened fire..." (November 7, 2020)

Iraq 3

Washington, DC

It's Saturday morning. There are radio signals sent to Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. It's a discernable language. Radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. In the 1990's the army complained about sleeplessness and anxiety. I think in Washington, DC there is sleeplessness and anxiety because of these radio signals. The signals are sent at odd hours and on the weekends. Spanish soldiers use German-made radios. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's possible that these signals have been going from Madrid and Brandenburg to Washington, DC for decades. Last night I slept most of the night but I woke up several times. (November 7, 2020)


I am writing about Ireland. I studied in Russia when I was 20 and 21 years old. There was a student in my class from Ireland. He wasn't in my language classes because he was just a beginner student but he was studying in my same program. His name was Liam. There was another student who was there from Oklahoma State University. His name was Brian. At dinner, Liam would sit there and say things that he knew would bother me and it worked because I could barely eat. He would call Brian, 'The General'. I went to UT-Austin. I thought to myself that I was supposed to be 'The General'. I now know better about what was going on because I've met my colleagues in London. There are Polish immigrants in Ireland. The Polish language allows for strange pronouns. This is how the people talk in Ireland, "I, man and my wife, we together have these four children." "Wayne, man and his wife, Coleen together they have these four children." I have begun to say it for them. "You, man and your wife, Charlotte woman have how many children?" (November 7, 2020)

The British

I know why they're here.
British men sometimes marry Canadian women.
British couples have several children per couple.
British couples have more children than American couples.
It's controversial about British kids studying in American schools.
British kids have weird names.
British kids don't speak American English.
It's better maybe if British kids didn't study in American schools.
(November 6, 2020)


I have this conversation with my British colleagues. The French sometimes sell weapons more than they deploy weapons. I worry about the British and what they think the army is for and what weapons are for. The army and the weapons are to defend the American mainland and American commercial interests. Europeans sell weapons and give weapons away. I don't want the British to sell more weapons than they deploy. "The British army is married and they sell their weapons." (November 6, 2020)

Washington, DC

"They don't give me the buttons. I would push the buttons immediately. If there was a button that British kids named Gus couldn't study in American schools. If there was a button that British people couldn't name their kids Gus. Can the Canadians stop naming their kids Scottish names button." I'm writing about American English and British English. It really bothers me that the British have so many children per couple. I am not sure if a lot of British people need to be studying in American schools. The British can speak English more like we do. Can they start naming their kids American names? (November 6, 2020)

DuPont Circle

'Just Can't Get Enough' is a song by the Black Eyed Peas. The video is about Japan. It reminds me of Jason Statham because he makes movies in East Asia. I know a Canadian woman who has been to almost every country. I worked with her in DuPont Circle at a yoga studio. She's married to a British man. It's a modern phenomenon that the British visit strange countries in the developing world. I've never been to Japan. I have been to Mongolia because I took the train there from Russia. My degree from UT-Austin is in Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies. The British more than the Americans seem to visit strange places in the developing world. I don't know why they do that. (November 6, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. It seems like chemical munitions are manufactured in Sachsen. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. "The Russian Prosecutor General's Office has sent the fifth request to Germany over the incident with Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny due to the lack of response to the four previous requests, Russian Prosecutor General's Office Spokesman Andrei Ivanov told reporters on Friday." (November 6, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like belligerent radio signals are coming from Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. "The Azeri Armed Forces were shelling the cities of Stepanakert and Shusha the whole of last night, resulting in three civilian deaths, the information center under the Armenian cabinet reported Friday." (November 6, 2020)


I am writing about two things, (1) robotics and (2) what have been described as 'robocalls'. The US Congress has complained about 'robocalls'. These are telephone calls made by a computer. In Washington, DC the telephone rings and nobody has called. Small businesses receive robocalls every day. Private cellular phone users receive robocalls every day. On the other hand, robotics seems to be confused with nanotechnology. Europeans call nanotechnology robotics. In American engineering there has to be a robot that moves. In Europe, nanotechnology is considered robotics even if there isn't a robot that moves. It seems like the robocalls are made with German-made radios. It's Spanish soldiers using German hardware. (November 5, 2020)


The Virginians are German immigrants. They get married late in life. Also, the couples live together when they're not married. There are labor unions in Virginia. It's not clear about the defense contractors in Virginia and if they have much formal education. There are complaints about the federal agents assigned to Lafayette Square. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. The image is that labor unions drive into Washington, DC from Virginia and they work in the federal office buildings. (November 5, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

I am writing about the Virginians. Virginian couples live together when they are not married. It seems like society accepts this in Virginia. It's not consistent with either the Catholic faith or the Orthodox faith. It's because of money and that the couple is pretending to be married. It's probably a mental illness. The women in Virginia who live with their boyfriends are unstable at work. The Virginians make high salaries working as defense contractors. (November 5, 2020)


The Virginians are German immigrants. They're Prussian and they speak creole. They seem to use German-made radios to communicate with the German security services. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. There are concerns about the defense budget. "As the band played 'Night of the Johnstown Flood'" "Well Frankie went into the army back in 1965." "Frankie came home in '68 and me I took this job." (November 5, 2020)


It's Thursday morning. I slept all night. There are radio signals sent to Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. Nanotechnology is combined with radio technology. During the 1990's the army reported sleeplessness and anxiety. I think these radio signals coming to Washington, DC cause people in Washington, DC to feel sleeplessness and anxiety. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. I keep a log of my own sleep to make sure that I get enough. (November 5, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on Kosovo. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. Bosnia trades in mark. There are both strategic ports and railroads in Albania. It's controversial generally about German trade though Bosnia. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. "Thaci was the head of the political wing of the ethnic Albanian guerrilla Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) which fought Belgrade's forces for independence in 1998-99" (November 5, 2020)

Lubeck, Germany

The Bulgarian news is reporting on London. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany used to trade in East German mark. It seems like German labor unions work in both Lubeck and Manchester. There might be radio signals sent to Manchester about organized labor. "Britain and the European Union (EU) admitted on Wednesday that wide divergences remain on some difficult issues as they concluded two weeks of intensive negotiations on the post-Brexit relationship." (November 5, 2020)

New Jersey

"There's trouble busting in from out of state." "There's going to be a rumble out on the promenade." "Meet me tonight in Atlantic City." The Virginians are German immigrants. Prussia in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. There are concerns about the defense budget. The Virginians are sometimes guilty of friendly fire. It might be that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. The Virginians make high salaries. (November 4, 2020)

The Hoover Building

The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They work for labor unions. The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. It's possible that the radios require people to communicate without speaking. The Virginians speak in a regional dialect already. It might be that the bureau sends long distance transmissions in creole. But additionally, they might speak even less clearly into the radios than creole so as to maintain secrecy. East Germany traded in East German mark. This summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. In Virginia there might be labor strikes that have gone unreported. (November 4, 2020)


"Moscow put opposition figurehead on wanted list due to obligations to Minsk, says Lavrov" The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Both Moscow and Minsk trade in ruble. It seems like the government in Minsk imported German-made radios that they use for policing. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (November 4, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. "The Azerbaijani armed forces fired at the city of Shusha in Nagorno-Karabakh using heavy guns, which resulted in casualties and destruction, the Armenian Single Information Center reported on Wednesday." (November 4, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on Brandenburg. There are military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. "Prime Minister Boyko Borissov Tuesday had a video conference call with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the government's information service here said." (November 4, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's Wednesday morning. I slept all night but I woke up several times. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. Radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. There are accounts about sleeplessness and anxiety. It seems like there are long distance radio transmissions sent to Washington, DC from Madrid and Brandenburg. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. The nanotechnology keeps people in Washington, DC awake at night. (November 4, 2020)


My grandma's brother was Arbor Davis Bottoms. He was from Kentucky and he was in the army. He felt strongly about specific candidates for specific reasons. I'm the same way. There is a real falling out between Washington, DC and London because of the Obama administration. William and Kate Middleton met with the Obamas on many occasions. It's because both Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton are tall. I'm 5'7". It became that tall women make more money or something. Today I still tell the British intelligence people I don't want Kate going back to the White House because she met with the Obamas so many times. I remind them that William didn't go to Oxford. They both went to St. Andrews. I don't want Kate visiting the White House because she's both tall and she went to St. Andrews.

Additionally, about the Obama administration. Obama was really into drones and the targeted killing program. The Pentagon convinced him that drones would prevent American casualties. It's hard for me to think about Biden in the White House because of all the targeted killing program everything that Obama authorized. There were so many drones used for every reason. Obama would enlist attorneys to authorize new uses for high altitude drones. (November 3, 2020)

Newport, RI

Andrew Erickson is a China scholar at the Naval War College in Newport, RI. I'm a Russia scholar and I live here in Washington, DC. Andrew went to Amherst College and then he got his Ph.D. at Princeton. I went to UT-Austin and then I went to graduate school at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. I think Andrew isn't a great China scholar. My last name is Welles. Andrew isn't as I am familiar with the Royal Navy. He comes up with strange solutions to the South China Sea problems. They invent new kinds of maritime laws. Andrew also memorizes the different types of space weapons and gunships that the Chinese use. I try to convince people that it's all East German hardware. I say that the weaponry is sent to the Xiamen harbor from Lubeck and that Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. I say that the Chinese use East German tanks and that the North Koreans use East German rocket weapons. Andrew lists off the different models of Chinese tanks and North Korean rocket weapons. (November 3, 2020)


Londoners behave differently when they're married and when they're not married. If married then. If not married then. The Virginians get married late in life. A Virginian couple might get married when they're fifty years old. British couples have more children than American couples. I'm not married. It's strange to me that the Virginians get married when they're old. Also, British men who are married don't work as much as British men who are not married. It's a function of quantity children he has how many hours a British man works each week. It's because of German labor unions. The Virginians are Prussians. There are Prussian labor unions in Manchester. (November 3, 2020)


The Caucasus region includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. The Russian news is reporting on the North Caucasus region. "Natives of some Balkan countries and the North Caucasus have reportedly been detained in Austria following Monday's terrorist attack in the country's capital of Vienna, Russian Ambassador to Austria Dmitry Lyubinsky told Rossiya-1's 60 Minutes TV show on Tuesday." (November 3, 2020)

Berlin, Germany

The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There are reports from a few months ago about labor strikes in Germany. There are military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. The Russian news is reporting on Vienna. "The shootings took place at six locations in Vienna on Monday night, leaving four dead and 15 injured. The Austrian authorities described the incident as a terrorist attack." (November 3, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Balkans. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves. Bosnia trades in mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. "She said that intense negotiations have been held in the past weeks following a visit to Sofia by North Macedonia's Foreign Minister." (November 3, 2020)


Germans: Sit, stand, run
Italians: Read, sleep, walk
Germans sit without putting their feet up.
Italians rest with their feet up.
(November 2, 2020)

The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. My last name is Welles. My relatives arrived in North America from England centuries ago. I cannot sit long but I can walk long distances. The Virginians can sit, stand, and run. I can sleep, walk, and read for long periods of time. The Virginians might not read as much as I can but they can sit at length and stand at length. Episcopalians sit in church. I can't stand and pray. The Virginians stand and pray. It's because I just walked to church is why I sit and pray. I also kneel and pray. I would rather kneel and pray than stand and pray. Virginians can both sit and stand longer than I can. Italian women sit with their feet up. (November 2, 2020)


The Spanish military uses German-made radios to send long distance transmissions. The military academies in Madrid and Berlin seem to work closely together. Here in Washington, DC we receive radio signals from Madrid. The radio technology is combined with nanotechnology. Objects can be moved at long distances. There is also a radio that can be heard. It's a discernable language. The Spanish military and the German military use these radios and they send belligerent radio signals. The signals are sent at odd hours and on the weekends. The radio signals can cause property damage. (November 2, 2020)

Saint Petersburg

I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. The Hermitage is near Nevsky Prospect and the Neva River. I think Catherine II built the Hermitage but maybe she didn't. The Hermitage has a huge art collection. Either the Louvre or the Hermitage has the most art pieces. It's where the tsar lived. The Hermitage is the tsar's house. (November 2, 2020)

Washington, DC

I live here in Washington, DC. The bureau and the British intelligence people are my colleagues. I'm from Texas. There are accounts about pharmaceutical drug use in Virginia. The defense contractors might take prescription medications. I don't take any prescription medications. The British seem alright that the bureau does this. I think salaries are too high and there isn't enough formal education in Virginia. I guess the British are accustomed to high salaries. I wish there was a salary ceiling if the Virginians don't have enough college. It might be that the Virginians and the British intelligence people have similar educational backgrounds. (November 2, 2020)


The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are reports in the newspaper about surveillance hardware. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used alongside nanotechnology. Objects can be moved at long distances. I live in Washington, DC. There are surveillance efforts that combine the bureau and the German security services. There are defense contractors at the bureau that specialize in criminal justice. They monitor surveillance hardware. The image is that the Germans aim surveillance hardware at individuals in Washington, DC. There has been no crime committed. A spectacle sometimes happens because objects either fall off a table or someone will have bumped into something. The bureau watches the German security services move objects and cause a spectacle. It's because the Virginians are the same ethnic group as the East German police. They ignore it when the Germans cause a spectacle. The surveillance hardware can move objects and cause spectacles. (November 2, 2020)


The bureau has defense contractors who specialize in criminal justice. They watch people through surveillance monitors. There are a few things, (1) the machines are likely imported, (2) the machines are similar to that which is used by the German security services, (3) often the people who are under surveillance are not guilty of a crime. It is as though the German security services point surveillance devices at people in Washington, DC, and the bureau simply watches these people on the monitor. There has not been a crime. It's an ongoing effort to monitor a person in Washington, DC using surveillance hardware. The bureau and the German security services monitor the same person simultaneously. There has not been a crime. It's because the East Germans specialize in long-term labor strikes. The Virginians and the East Germans are the same ethnic group. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. (November 2, 2020)

Washington, DC

The Washington Post has reported on the bureau and surveillance hardware. A bureau attorney lied about a surveillance effort. There are a few things, (1) the Virginians seem to use German-made radios, and (2) the hardware seems to cause property damage. It's not clear about the nature of the surveillance efforts. For example, Senator Cory Booker asked about black men being labeled as domestic terror threats. The Virginians are sometimes guilty of friendly fire. It might be that the surveillance hardware is used by both the bureau and the German security services simultaneously. There are real complaints about surveillance hardware and the misuse of radios in the District of Columbia. (November 2, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Kabul. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Pashtun tribesmen might not be reliable military allies. There are concerns about the defense budget. It's possible there are labor strikes in Virginia that have gone unreported. "Twenty people were killed and 15 others were wounded as a group of armed individuals attacked a university in Afghanistan's capital of Kabul, Qatar's TV channel Al Jazeera reported citing its sources." (November 2, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's Monday. I am writing about Washington, DC. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radio signals are combined with nanotechnology. Objects can be moved at long distances. It can be described as me dropping things and bumping into things. This morning I dropped two tea bags. I can also hear a radio. The signals are to wash my hands and to repeat things I had already done. I think it's strange military training because it might be teaching people endurance. It's a discernable language. The radio signals seem to be coming from Madrid and Brandenburg. It's Spanish soldiers using German-made radios. (November 2, 2020)


During the summer there were reports in the Washington Post about Langley, Virginia. Federal agents were requesting permission to take a vaccine. There are accounts about the army in Afghanistan taking sleeping pills. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. They combine nanotechnology and radio technology. It seems like there are radio signals sent to Virginia that cause people to feel pain. Christopher Wray was asked about opioids when he testified on Capitol Hill. The defense contractors in Virginia might take prescription medications. It seems like German radio technology that is making the agents feel pain and that's why there are these reports about pharmaceuticals. (November 1, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's Sunday evening. I've been in Washington, DC since 2013 when I moved here from Atlanta. I went to graduate school at Georgia Tech. The Spanish military uses German-made radios. They send radio transmissions to Washington, DC. The Congress has complained about 'robocalls'. These are radio transmissions that are sent long distances from Madrid and Brandenburg. (November 1, 2020)


The Spanish military seems to work closely with the Germans to export weaponry. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Chemical munitions seem to be manufactured near Dresden, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic. I think the Virginians work closely with the German security services. There are radio transmissions sent to Washington, DC from the Spanish military. (November 1, 2020)

Washington, DC

November 1, 2020. I got plenty of rest. This morning there was anxiety about my apartment. The anxiety was that my neighbors would complain about the noise. There wasn't much noise, I had the stereo on at around 9am. I am headed to work. When I leave home and I arrive home it is like 'All Quiet on the Western Front'. There is a story in the book when the soldiers dump a latrine bucket on someone who is about to go on a date. When I arrive home and I leave I bump into the door and I drop things.

Lafayette Park

The federal office buildings near Lafayette Square serve as labor union halls and airbases. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. The army isn't allowed to go into these buildings. Even if there is a complaint about a salary. The Virginians just tell the infantry they can't enter the federal buildings. They might not be police buildings anymore. (November 1, 2020)


Today is Sunday. I'm at work. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. I went to Georgia Tech for graduate school. There is a nanotechnology building on the Georgia Tech campus. I live here in Washington, DC. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. I think the German security services send radio signals to the Virginians. Gulf War Syndrome was paranoia and sleeplessness. I think the Germans deploy weaponized nanotechnology and people in Washington, DC suffer from these symptoms. (November 1, 2020)

Gulf War Syndrome

The Germans can send long distance radio transmissions with precision. I live here in Washington, DC. The radio technology works alongside nanotechnology. The Congress has complained about 'robocalls'. General Michael Hayden has spoken about 'damage to hardware'. These are long distance radio signals that come from Brandenburg and Dresden. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden.

The nanotechnology can move objects at long distances. The image is that of objects falling off a table. People bump into the wall or other people. The phone rings and nobody is around. Also, there are accounts of anxiety and sleeplessness. 'Gulf War Syndrome' resembled paranoia and sleeplessness. It's possible that radio technology and nanotechnology effectively give Gulf War Syndrome to people living in Washington, DC. (November 1, 2020)

Saint Petersburg

"And though you're still with me, I've been alone all along." I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. I think they work too closely with the German security services. The Virginians works as defense contractors and they behave as East Germans. They've probably been doing this for a long time. I tell people it's why the casualty rates are so high in the army. (November 1, 2020)

Lafayette Park

There are federal agents assigned to Lafayette Square. The White House and Lafayette Park are in Lafayette Square. There are disputes about the park. There are accounts that the United States Secret Service has agents who behave as dogs. They are men who act like frightening dogs who work for the Secret Service. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. It's possible that the agents act like dogs because that's how their European counterparts act. It's never clear about the radio signals coming and going from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. It's possible that the Virginians send messages to Brandenburg. (November 1, 2020)


There are a few examples of strange military training coming from Madrid and Berlin. There are modern accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to behave as animals. It's likely the Spanish military uses German-made radios. There are older accounts about the Japanese military. The Russo-Japanese War was in 1905. I live here in Washington, DC. There are reports about radio signals coming from Madrid and Catalonia at odd hours and on the weekends. (November 1, 2020)


"The British will take the money, go home and make a baby with their wife." There are real complaints about organized labor in Manchester. (October 31, 2020)

Texas Longhorns

"UPSET COMPLETE! TEXAS WINS" 41- 34. The Texas Longhorns won today on the road against Oklahoma State. Oklahoma State is in Stillwater, OK. (October 31, 2020)


I wouldn't speak to the Spanish military directly because they are so strange and they probably don't want to talk to me. If pressed, I would ask them about the ports in Spain and some question about Francisco Franco or Morocco. "Have you ever been to Marrakech?" "I guess Francisco Franco studied at a military academy?" (October 31, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Kiev. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine and Minsk is the capital of Belarus. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. Both Moscow and Minsk trade in ruble. It seems like the government in Minsk uses German-made radios for policing. There are prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. "Ukraine faced a new political crisis Friday as the president moved to dissolve the nation's top court..." (October 31, 2020)

Ukraine 1

Church of England

I am writing about my colleagues in London. I'm an Episcopalian. The Church of England uses the Book of Common Prayer. There are prayers that people can read. "We pray for people who live alone." I think Londoners and modern day Englishmen don't read that enough. I live alone. It's as though the English aren't on their own knowledgeable about this topic. "We pray for people who live alone." William and Kate Middleton have three children. Kate has a brother and a sister. Wayne Rooney lives with his wife and their four children. I live here in Washington, DC. I'm 37 years old and I live alone. That is a daily meditation with its own challenges. I am healthy and fit but it's hard for any human being to live alone. (October 30, 2020)

Washington, DC

37 years old
$25K annual salary
zip code 20002
I don't need dental work
I have no credit card debt
I'm not married and I have no children
Credit score 730
Weight 135 lbs
(October 30, 2020)

I make $25K annually and I live near Capitol Hill. I don't need any dental work and I have a credit score of 725. Matt Durham works at Los Alamos. He makes more than 5X what I make. He lives in New Mexico. (October 30, 2020)

Jason Statham

"But though you're still with me, I've been alone all along." "I'd fight away all of your fears." I am writing about the island. I'm from Texas but I studied in Saint Petersburg. It's overwhelming for me about the British because they have so many children. It's as though when you speak to a British man, you're also talking to his wife and their children. I live in Washington, DC now. I now make a habit of knowing how many children each man has who is from England. Wayne Rooney has four children and so when people talk to Wayne they're talking to six people. Jason Statham has one child and he's not married. (October 30, 2020)

Untitled design (3)


I have a funny story about the London office. There are Irish people who work there. In 'Das Boot' there is a scene where one of the boatmen who sleeps near the sink in assaulted for fifteen minutes. The Irish people in the London office seem to encourage men to have several children. There are routes to Dublin from the Gulf of Danzig. "Make another baby with your wife." It means to me that the Germans really do dock submarines near Ireland and that there are Polish immigrants in Ireland who facilitate these ships. Prussia is in Germany and Poland. (October 30, 2020)

James Comey

"We don't intervene." "I thought it was a prank." James Comey was the head of the bureau. He once said that he thought he had been pranked at the office. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They work for labor unions. It's possible that the bureau 'does not intervene' because they're southerners and they don't have normal workplace habits. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. It's never clear if the bureau is on a labor strike. There were labor strikes in Germany this summer. "We don't intervene." (October 30, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Bosnia. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnian ports. "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Milorad Dodik held a telephone conversation on Thursday, discussing bilateral matters and the implementation of the Dayton Agreement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday." (October 30, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on energy issues. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. Lviv is near Poland. There are reports from this summer about labor strikes in Germany. "For the first time, the applicant countries, including Bulgaria, were invited to take part in the key annual forum of the OECD." (October 30, 2020)


It's always what German people do and don't understand. There are illiterate white people in Vermont. That's true also in West Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They speak creole. It's possible that the police speak creole. The prisons are sometimes upgraded with defense spending. It's not clear if the Virginians know that speaking creole isn't due process. It makes sense to me that there are people in these prisons who haven't committed a crime. Do the Virginians know which one of them didn't commit a crime? Do they know that they're in the prison because the police speak creole? Do they know they're illiterate and they speak creole because they're German immigrants? Are they aware of the implications of all this on the army and the defense budget? They seem to want more defense spending for the police. They also seem to lobby to import German-made radios. (October 29, 2020)

New Jersey

These are lines from 'The Rising' by Bruce Springsteen. Londoners don't always like the 'Rising' album because it's about the Iraq wars. But they should behave as though they're relatives of the Americans. Wayne Rooney, for example, behaves as though only his wife is his relative. It's because of the labor unions in Manchester they don't talk much to cousins and nephews but they talk to brothers and sisters. "May you feel your blood mix with mine." "...sky of mercy sky of fear..." (October 29, 2020)


I have tried to explain to my colleagues in London about the Virginians. They're Prussian and they speak creole. It seems like there are people in Virginia prisons who haven't committed a crime. I think due process isn't possible when the police speak creole.
They are only corrupt policemen.
Only Wayne Rooney has kids with Coleen.
Only Coleen has Wayne's kids.
They are only corrupt policemen.
(October 29, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. There are real concerns about organized labor in Virginia. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. These are excerpts from a Bruce Springsteen song called 'Johnny 99'. "He came into the courtroom and stared poor Johnny down." "We'll call it even Johnny 99." (October 29, 2020)

New Jersey

"Frankie came home in '68 and me I took this job." "...as the band played 'Night of the Johnstown Flood'..." These are excerpts from a Bruce Springsteen song. It's called 'Highway Patrolman'. It's about a Vietnam War veteran. His brother worked for the police department. It's not clear about any rivalries between the infantry and the police. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are tales about labor strikes and friendly fire. (October 29, 2020)

Christopher Wray

The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. Wray went to Yale Law. "...to retain Christopher A. Wray as the bureau's director..." "...which is supposed to insulate their law enforcement mission from politics." It seems like the bureau works too closely with the German security services. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They might use German-made radios for policing. There were reports a few months ago about labor strikes in Germany. (October 29, 2020)

Virginia 31


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. "Units of the Nagorno-Karabakh air defense forces have taken down a Bayraktar Turkish drone on Thursday morning, Armenian Defense Ministry Spokesperson Shushan Stepanyan wrote on her Telegram channel." (October 29, 2020)


"Taking a reporter's question here on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva said that at present, Bulgaria is not able to approve the negotiating framework for North Macedonia in the form it is currently being presented in." The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Balkans. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves. There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. It's controversial about German trade though Bosnia. Bosnia trades in mark. (October 29, 2020)

Untitled design (2)
Untitled design (1)
Untitled design

Saint Petersburg

"And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave." Saint Petersburg is a port on the Baltic Sea. The Hermitage is near Nevski Prospekt. The Neva River runs through the city. The land belonged to Sweden until the Great Northern War and the city was established in 1703. The novels are about walking around the city and looking at the buildings. The Russian navy is docked at the port and you can see Russian sailors walking around the city. (October 28, 2020)


I am writing about the island. It's really important to me about the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey. I'm an Episcopalian. I believe that the English are angels in heaven and that we need to live as the angels live. I mention to my colleagues in London about William. Does all that over there about William and Kate Middleton seem like Anglicanism? (October 28, 2020)

The Teamsters Union

I am writing about the bureau. The Teamsters Union is an ethnically German labor union. A Teamster is a 'car man' or a 'cart man'. There are real concerns about the budget. They seem to speak creole in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. Federal agents seem to not read the newspaper. If they speak creole and they don't read the newspaper, then they aren't bound by normal workplace expectations. They make a living operating German-made radios. Virginians are Prussians. The Virginia nickname is the 'Old Dominion'. (October 28, 2020)


"President Shavkat Mirziyoyev met Turkish National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, who is currently visiting Uzbekistan." The Tashkent news is reporting on Ankara. There are airbases in Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. There might be belligerent radio signals coming from Abkhazia. (October 28, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on North Africa. The Germans used to test warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. Both Benghazi and Tripoli are Libyan ports. "Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry arrived in Moscow on Tuesday for talks with the Russian leadership, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said." (October 28, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "The Georgian United National Movement opposition political party founded by former President Mikhail Saakashvili is plotting a revolution scenario after the upcoming presidential elections which will be held on October 31, Executive Secretary of the ruling Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia party Irakli Kobakhidze told a briefing Wednesday." (October 28, 2020)


Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There was a battle in Lviv during World War II. Lviv is near Poland. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The Bulgarian news is reporting on government spending. "President and Supreme Commander-in-Chief Rumen Radev Tuesday sharply criticized the draft 2021 budget proposed by the government." (October 28, 2020)

New Jersey

'The Sopranos' is a television show about New Jersey. Junior Soprano was talking at a meeting and he said that what they did "might not be recession-proof". The defense budget is controversial because of the labor unions. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. The bureau might behave as though it's "recession-proof". They seem to speak creole in the Hoover Building, for example. (October 27, 2020)

Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson is an English economist and he works at Stanford University which is in northern California. He wrote an article several years ago for Foreign Affairs and he mentioned that the Germans had invented the printing press. In hindsight he might have been thinking about German missile defense systems. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. They seem to combine nanotechnology and weaponry. Niall said 'printing press' but he might have been thinking 'radio technology'. It seems fair to say that the Germans have invested in radio technology. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's controversial about military radios used for trade."For most of history, hierarchical networks dominated distributed networks. In relatively small communities with relatively frequent conflicts, centralized leadership enjoyed a big advantage, because warfare is generally easier with centralized command and control. Moreover, in most agricultural societies, literacy was the prerogative of a small elite, so that only a few nodes were connected by the written word. But then, more than 500 years ago, came the printing press. It empowered Martin Luther's heresy and gave birth to a new network." 'The False Prophecy of Hyperconnection - How to Survive the Networked Age' By Niall Ferguson September/October 2017. Foreign Affairs. (October 27, 2020)

The British

England is not a large island. Ireland is near England. I complain because there is a concept of governing near where you live. The residents of London seem reluctant to participate in government. William isn't popular here because he didn't study at Oxford. When he was in the army he was a helicopter pilot. It seems strange to me that they don't vie to replace William. William comes across as dim-witted. He doesn't play sports. It's strange that everyone is stuck with William and Harry when neither of them seem high achieving. And so the residents of London simply accept that William and Harry didn't study at Oxford. I tell them that I am a member of the DAR and I would like fewer state visits. Because William seems dumb and it's strange to behave as a dullard is the King of England. (October 27, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Damascus. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. "Airstrikes on a training camp for Turkish-backed rebels in northwestern Syria..." (October 27, 2020)

Syria 3

The Levant

There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. The East Germans might have sent tanks to the Levant from Lubeck. East Germany traded in East German mark. Tel Aviv trades in shekel. The Russian news is reporting on Tel Aviv. "The situation in the Middle East and North Africa, including the Palestinian-Israeli settlement, was in focus of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's meeting with his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, that was held as part of Lavrov's working visit to Greece, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday." (October 27, 2020)


The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. "Azerbaijan has the right to deliver strikes on military facilities that threaten its territorial integrity, regardless of their location, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry and Border Guard Service said in a joint statement on Tuesday." (October 27, 2020)


The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. It might be that chemical munitions are manufactured near Dresden and Prague. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional policing issues. "Laura Kovesi, Head of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), and Bulgaria's Deputy Prosecutor General Krasimira Filipova, Monday discussed EPPO's functioning and the number of European Delegated Prosecutors (EDPs) who will work in Bulgaria." (October 27, 2020)

West Point

The East German swim team is famous. The woman looked like they'd been taking steroids. There are historical anecdotes about the United States Military Academy at West Point. They used to accept underage cadets and there are tales about friendly fire. At West Point today there are women cadets. There are accounts about strange military training programs for women. The Virginians are Prussians. Additionally, the East Germans are known for long term labor strikes. It might be that organized labor is related to strange military training. It's not well understood about Prussians and women in the military. (October 27, 2020)

Houston, Texas

"Pardon me I need some swisha house..." Sam Houston was a general in the Texas Army. He was victorious at the Battle of San Jacinto. Houston, Texas is named after Sam Houston. The Battle of San Jacinto came after the Battle of the Alamo. The Alamo is in San Antonio, Texas. (October 26, 2020)

Wayne Rooney

"We'll be singing when we're winning. We'll be singing when we're winning." "He sings the songs that remind him of the good times. He sings the songs that remind him of the better times." My last name is Welles. My relatives arrived in America from England a long time ago. There are routes to Manchester from Poland. When Wayne Rooney arrived it was as though his wife is a Prussian woman. Wayne and Coleen were similar to the Virginians. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It was weird because Wayne is married to a Prussian woman probably. They have four kids and she has three brothers. They all lived in the house in Bethesda, Maryland. (October 26, 2020)

Washington, DC

Marko Duric is a Serbian diplomat and he is set to begin his assignment in Washington, DC. We don't yet know when he'll begin. This is from the Embassy of Serbia website. Duric attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. "Mr. Andon Sapundzi, Minister Counselor, serves as the Charge d'Affaires, a.i. until the appointment of a new Ambassador." (October 26, 2020)


West Virginia

Bobby Kennedy was the Attorney General. He took people to West Virginia and he showed them the poverty there. In Vermont there are white people who cannot read. There are also people who cannot read in West Virginia. The Virginians make high salaries and it seems like they can barely read. It's due to mismanagement of defense spending. The salaries are the result of organized labor. (October 26, 2020)

Lyndon Johnson

I am a Texas Democrat. It's called a 'Yellow Dog Democrat' or a 'Blue Dog Democrat'. It means that it doesn't matter which candidate, I'll vote for every Democrat on the ballot. Lyndon Johnson was a Texas Democrat. His dad was an elected official in the Texas State Legislature. The Democratic Party was founded in New England. It's about poverty. There is poverty as it relates to the English. Lyndon's dad was a politician but they might not have had a lot of extra money. Kind of the English who live such that the infrastructure needs to be maintained. Democrats are sensitive to issues about poverty. I am not impoverished, but I need the infrastructure kept such that I can be healthy and mobile. It's a platform of a specific kind of government spending. (October 26, 2020)

The University of London

I have a friend from Texas named Bobby. Bobby went to Yale but he also studied at the University of London. He directed a play in London which was about Richard III. We went to the same high school in Austin, Texas. I went to UT-Austin and Bobby went to Yale. Bobby grew up in Far West Austin which is a neighborhood west of Mopac. Mopac is a highway that is west of IH-35. Far West is the name of a neighborhood but it's north of the river. I grew up north of the river also but in a different neighborhood. Bobby wasn't great at sports. I played soccer and I was in the marching band. Every day I had both soccer and marching band, or almost every day. I was in the marching band, the orchestra, and the jazz band all four years of high school. I also played on the soccer team. I always had a lot of friends because I would see them in either band or at soccer. Bobby probably had fewer friends than I did. But when he went to Yale he struggled because of New York City. I think for a while he stopped wearing deodorant. That's a stereotype about New York City that they don't wear deodorant. (October 26, 2020)


And that's about the time...
The British army refused to use the telephone.
(October 26, 2020)

The British

It used to be that people from England lived in Ireland. There is a Collins Dictionary similar to the Webster Dictionary. Also, people in England didn't used to get married really. The landscape in Britain today is that, (1) the English can't as much live in Ireland, and (2) British people are generally married. The Americans are complaining about the British army. If the British army is generally married, they wouldn't be a great army. Alexander wasn't married. Caesar was kind of married. Patton was married but he wrote letters to his wife because he was always at the front. The British army is filled with married men. (October 26, 2020)

North Korea

There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are tales about tank battles and barbed wire fences near Pyongyang. It seems like the Germans send radio transmissions to North Korea about military hardware. There were roadblocks and watchtowers around East Berlin. The image is that the Germans export roadblocks and barbed wire to the North Koreans. There are routes to Dublin from Lubeck, Germany. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. The image is that the East Germans sent radio signals to Dublin about labor strikes. (October 26, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Libya. "...when their boat capsized off Libya..." The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There were military research facilities near the border between Egypt and Libya. Both Benghazi and Tripoli are ports. (October 26, 2020)

Libya 9

Church of England

All Saints Day is for people in heaven. All Souls Day is for people in purgatory. I celebrate both. "We pray for those who have nobody else to pray for them." November 1 is for people in heaven. November 2 is for people who are in purgatory. I pray on All Souls Day for people in purgatory. "We pray for those who have nobody else to pray for them." (October 26, 2020)


I am writing about the Virginians. I'm from Texas. The Virginians will leave trash and they won't take the trash out. Conceptually, in Texas if the trash isn't taken out then it reflects badly on the man of the house. I'm a woman and I always take the trash out. Even roommates in college, there is someone who takes the trash out because then the house looks nice. I say, "Governor Bush needs to take the trash out." Virginians will sit in a house and nobody will take the trash out. Additionally, I know to offer here in Washington, DC to take the trash out when I'm at work because they probably won't want to do it and I don't mind it. Kind of who does take the trash out is in charge. The Virginians sit and nobody took the trash out and that's the house. They're Prussians. They immigrated to Virginia from Prussia in the early nineteenth century. (October 26, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. The Russian news is reporting on weaponry. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. "Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Russia is prepared to refrain from deploying in its European part the 9M729 missiles, which Washington regards as a violation of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, but on the condition of reciprocal steps by the NATO countries." (October 26, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like belligerent radio signals are coming from Turkey. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. "Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry on Monday said the Aghjabedi district neighboring on Nagorno-Karabakh has come under artillery bombardment from Armenia." (October 26, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on London. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It's not well understood about the trade between Warsaw and London. Liberia is in West Africa. "Seven people were detained when military forces stormed a tanker suspected to have been hijacked off the Isle of Wight reported BBC." "Sixteen members of the Special Boat Service (SBS) ended a 10-hour standoff which started when stowaways on board the Liberian-registered Nave Andromeda reportedly became violent." (October 26, 2020)


There are tank driving schools and military academies in Venezuela. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There are today military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There might be tank driving schools in the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It's been said about the Spanish military that they teach soldiers in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. Additionally, there are accounts about "laugh fighting" and "race fighting" with German-made radios. (October 25, 2020)


I always try to make a second front. "Yes, no, and second front." That's what the Russians knew how to say in English during the 1940's. I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. The British and the French might have hoarded the artillery and shells during the 1910's. (October 25, 2020)


In Great Britain couples need money to get married. In America getting married is free. It's because British couples have so many children. (October 25, 2020)

The British

"It's like ten people who live there. You can walk from left to right. And then you won't use the telephone." There is a dispute about the command structure between Washington, DC and London. The Americans are wanting the British to make long distance telephone calls. The British send radio transmissions and they don't make many telephone calls. It might be that casualty rates are high because they don't use the telephone enough. (October 25, 2020)

North Carolina

It's really important to me about the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey. I was born in North Carolina. Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina. I am an Episcopalian. My uncle was the Bishop of Kansas City, MO. It's hard to know about Scottish Protestantism. It's controversial about fertility rates in Great Britain. It seems like married couples don't live consistently with the Protestant work ethic. The laws in Great Britain seem to favor married people in terms of taxes. Also, the labor unions there seem to give married people higher salaries. Elizabeth I wasn't married. I'm not married. (October 25, 2020)

The British

I live here in Washington, DC. My last name is Welles. Wayne Rooney played for DC United. He wore a nice suit when he arrived and he met with the mayor. But then he just wore shorts and t-shirts. His wife is named Coleen and they have four kids. Coleen just wore shorts and t-shirts. It was as though they were sitting with the Virginians. I am writing about the British army and the Royal Navy. They need to wear nice suits and their wives need to be pretty. I would like a little more from the British about civilization and the military. Officers need to look nice. Their wives need to look nice. My uncle was Edward Randolph Welles II, the Bishop of Kansas City, MO. I think he wore a nice suit to work every day. (October 25, 2020)

Virginia Tech

I work at a consignment store in Washington, DC and Bethesda, Maryland. I've been there more than a year. Earlier this month a woman quit and she went to Virginia Tech. I went to Georgia Tech for graduate school. The Virginia Tech woman didn't last three months. It's a hard job because the clothes are heavy and my job is to sort them and keep them hanged nice. I've been working extra shifts this month. It's a mental toughness of showing up on time and communicating about the hours you can work. She could have just requested fewer hours or some time off. She just quit suddenly. This happens a lot and I end up working the shifts because I would feel silly saying I can't. I'm kind of too tired to go over there but they ask me to and so I do. (October 25, 2020)

The Levant

The Washington Post is reporting on Tel Aviv. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. Tel Aviv trades in shekel. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. There have been tank battles in the Levant. "UAE to get F-35 jet fighters, Netanyahu says" (October 25, 2020)

Tel Aviv 9


The Washington Post is reporting on Kabul. It's controversial about the defense contractors in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. They speak in a regional dialect. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Pashtun tribesmen live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Virginians make high salaries. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. "Masri has been charged in the United States with having provided material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organization..." (October 25, 2020)

Kabul 15


There are reports that the Taliban in Afghanistan didn't aim their rifles when they fired them because they believed God would guide the bullets. There are also accounts about the Spanish military. They 'laugh fight' and 'race fight' when they point radio transmissions. It's likely the Spanish military uses German-made radios. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. (October 25, 2020)


The Washington Football Team is 1-5. The newspaper is reporting on Dwayne Haskins. There are labor unions in Virginia. It's possible that the coaching staff doesn't work enough hours in the week for the team to win. It's also been suggested that the playbook doesn't have enough quantity plays for the team to win. Haskins was drafted last year out of Ohio State. "The Washington Football team fined quarterback Dwayne Haskins...." (October 24, 2020)

Manchester, England

Wayne Rooney is really famous in Texas. I graduated from UT-Austin. When Wayne was playing for DC United, he brought his wife and their kids to live in Bethesda, Maryland. It was remarkable at the time how much he said about his relatives. His wife is named Coleen and they have four kids. Coleen has three brothers. Additionally, Coleen's mom would visit them at the house in Bethesda. Manchester and northern England aren't very well known to the Americans. You wonder about the penalties for adultery in modern Great Britain. It was strange at the time and as I think about it it's difficult to describe. Wayne seemed to for the most part be content talking about Coleen and their four kids. (October 24, 2020)

Great Britain

The Germans point the radios.
The Virginians steal the defense budget.
The British have three and four and five children.
(October 24, 2020)

Arlington, Virginia

The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. They now use euro. There are concerns about the defense budget. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. A few months ago the Germans reported labor strikes. The Virginians might be on a labor strike. There are tales about friendly fire in Virginia. They're defense contractors. They're ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. (October 24, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. A few months ago the Germans reported labor strikes. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional issues. "Bulgaria and the US signed key documents on 5G networks security and civil nuclear power here on Friday, the Government Information Service said in a press release." (October 24, 2020)


I have this conversation with my British colleagues. My dad's name is Henry. I ask them what their dad's name is. If their dad is named Henry, then we both have dads named Henry. Henry outranks everyone else. Henry is the name of the King of England. If there is argument we need to side with Henry and other people who agree with Henry. (October 23, 2020)

Arlington County

Alex Ovechkin is a left winger from Moscow. He lives in Arlington County. Arlington is a city in Arlington County. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Ovechkin might be part Czech. Jakub Vrana is from Prague and he's also a left winger. I complain that Ovechkin doesn't live in the city. "With that east coast slang that us country girls we like." "Telling us that country girls are the kind of girls they like." (October 23, 2020)

Oxford University

"We'll be singing, when we're winning. We'll be singing, when we're winning." This is a song that was popular in Texas when I was growing up. It's called 'Tubthumping'. I have complained that neither William or Kate Middleton studied at Oxford. They both went to St. Andrews. When William was in the army he was a helicopter pilot. It seems like bad judgement for him be a helicopter pilot in the army because you wonder if that's hard work. (October 23, 2020)


Catholic means 'universal'. I completed the RCIA at St. Louis King of France Catholic Church in Austin, Texas. I can take communion at Catholic churches. There exists what is known at the Catholic life. I live for the most part the Catholic life. I'm sober and I work hard. I go to bed early. The Catholic life doesn't allow for destructive behaviors. There isn't usually much that I would need to confess during reconciliation. I do personal inventories but there wouldn't be items on the list that I would confess to a Catholic priest. In terms of Irish Catholicism and Polish Catholicism, those doesn't seem heavy on the Catholic life for the parishioners. The Polish language has several pronouns and so it becomes heavy on marriages and having children. Being married and having children isn't the Catholic life. (October 23, 2020)


"Danny boy. Danny boy. I get knocked down, but I get up again." I am writing about England. The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. I've told them that there needs to be more telephone calls made within the British army. I grew up in Texas. We listen to this song called 'Tubthumping'. British casualty rates are likely high because they're slow to make long distance telephone calls. "I get knocked down, but I get up again." (October 23, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the federal government. "...and in some cases, union representation, at agencies across the government." The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are ongoing disputes about salaries and building assignments in Washington, DC. It's possible the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. The Virginians make high salaries. (October 23, 2020)

Virginia 30

The Teamsters Union

The Teamsters Union is an ethnically German labor union in Virginia. They are 'car men' or 'cart men'. "It was an argument over a telephone bill." That is dialogue from an Oliver Stone movie. The Virginians are slow to make telephone calls and they prefer to send radio transmissions. It's controversial because the Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. It's not well understood about the British army and the telephone. It might be that the British no longer make telephone calls within army deployments. It seems like casualty rates are high because there aren't enough telephone calls made. The army probably needs both telephones and radios for the troops to move effectively. (October 23, 2020)


The Serbian news is reporting on Budapest. Budapest is the capital of Hungary. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. It might be that the Germans make chemical munitions near Dresden. "Odlican razgovor sa prijateljem Istvanom Pastorom o buducnosti Srbije i srpsko-madarskim odnosima." "It was an excellent conversation with Istvan Pastor about the future of Serbia and the region." Aleksandar Vucic attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. I attended Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. (October 23, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

The Russian news is reporting on satellite technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. "Russia will protect its interests in light of US plans to withdraw from the Treaty on Open Skies, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Channel One's Great Game show." (October 23, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Libya. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There were military research facilities near the border between Egypt and Libya. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Both Tripoli and Benghazi and ports. "Parties to the Libyan conflict have signed a ceasefire agreement Friday in Geneva, the UN Support Mission in Libya reported." (October 23, 2020)


Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. Albania has both strategic ports and railroads. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Tirana. "Greece and Albania have agreed to submit the delimitation of their maritime border, according maritime law, to the International Court of Justice in the Hague. This was announced by Greece's Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias after a meeting with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Tirana." (October 23, 2020)


Marko Duric went to the University of Belgrade School of Law. I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. Ambassador Duric is set to begin his assignment in Washington, DC. "markodjuric.srb #Repost @buducnostsrbijeav Predsednik Republike Srbije Aleksandar Vucic ucestvuje putem video-linka na panelu 'Beograd-Pristina, nema resenja bez poverenja' u okviru @belsecforum." "The President of the Republic of Serbia has a video about the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina." Bosnia trades in mark. It's controversial generally about trade through Bosnian ports. (October 22, 2020)


"I get knocked down, but I get up again." "He sings the songs that remind him of the good times. He sings the songs that remind him of the better times." I went to UT-Austin. Austin, Texas is my home town. I always brought Tanqueray to the parties. We always talked about England. I had played soccer in high school. (October 22, 2020)

Donna October 2020


I am from Texas. I'm a Longhorn and I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UT-Austin with a degree in Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies. My friend Matt Durham works at Los Alamos. He studied physics at UT and later at SUNY-Stoney Brook. When I graduated from UT in 2005 I moved to Los Angeles, CA. My boyfriend, Eliot, had gotten a job working in Hollywood. Eliot went to our high school but he went to the Wharton Business School. Matt, Eliot, and I are all from Austin, Texas and we all went to the same high school. It's a hard place to grow up.
Austin is the state capital. Matt now lives in New Mexico. I live here in Washington, DC. I think Eliot still lives in Austin. Austin isn't a big city. There are jobs working in the Texas State Government. Kind of none of the three of us would do a great job working in Austin. Eliot's dad worked at UT. Matt's dad was a fireman. Eliot studied at the business school in Rotterdam. Matt married a woman from Hillsboro, Texas and they have three children. I don't know if Eliot today has a job that he likes. If we had grown up in Philadelphia or San Francisco we could all be working nearby and we could have any kind of job.
I'm not married and I live by myself here in Washington, DC. I'm 37. Matt and Eliot are a year older than me but we graduated in the same high school class. In terms of personal finance, I talk a lot about what people should do with their money. I didn't study accounting in school but I have life experience so I know where might be a good place to live.
I live in Northeast Washington, DC. I like my zip code and I can walk to the hockey stadium from where I live. I live near Catholic University and the National Shrine. I am now working toward a MSLIS at CUA. However, my apartment might be in a rough area. The streets south of CUA are known to be a rough neighborhood. I go to bed early and I wake up early. If I am out walking it's during the daytime. I wear Baltimore Orioles sweatshirts and I listen to music while I walk. I also walk down the same street every time roughly because I would be walking to either work or school or to the grocery store.
Matt lives in New Mexico. Does Matt have a nice house in New Mexico? He might. It would be both him and his wife paying the mortgage and they have kids. It's both of them buying the kids what they need. It's both of them sharing a savings account and budgeting vacations. Does Eliot live in a nice house in Austin? He might. I don't think he's married.
I do have a hard time sometimes about where I live because Northeast Washington, DC can be a rough neighborhood. My apartment is small. But, my credit score is 725. I weigh 133 lbs. I don't have any cavities. I go to the hockey games and the baseball games as often as I can. I go to Baltimore as often as a I can. It is challenging sometimes about living in my building and in my neighborhood. I'm 37. I just try to keep my credit score high and I continue to build my savings account.

Christopher Wray

"FBI chief in crosshairs for lack of election lift" "Trump is frustrated that Wray, Barr haven't aided him by targeting rivals" The bureau is in the newspaper. Christopher Wray went to Yale Law. It's likely that the bureau uses German-made radios. It's possible the radios make it such that search warrants aren't necessary. The United States Congress has asked Director Wray about due process. It's because they work closely with the German security services that they think they no longer need warrants. (October 22, 2020)

Wray 2
Wray 1


"Laugh fight" and "race fight" are two descriptions of the German military. Francisco Franco studied at a military academy in Spain. It seems like Spanish military academies and German military academies coordinate in terms of training and deployments. The hardware that they use means the soldiers "laugh fight" and "race fight". There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The soldiers seem to laugh as they point the radios. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. (October 22, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am a Daughter of the American Revolution. My patriot is Daniel Warner who died at the Battle of Bennington, VT in 1777. If it were up to me there would be no British embassy, there would be no pound in American banks, and the list would continue. It's because of the labor unions and how much time the British spend on vacation and how many trips they take to the developing world. (October 22, 2020)

The Wharton Business School

I am writing about London and New York City. Both Londoners and New Yorkers seem to have adopted the same business practices. They use the same software at work. The Wharton business school is at the University of Pennsylvania. They study finance. At UT-Austin they study accounting. It's likely both Londoners and New Yorkers study finance and they use software that's not reliable. Texans study accounting and they use reliable software. I live here in Washington, DC and I notice that the New Yorkers use the same software as the Londoners and I think the software doesn't work. (October 22, 2020)

New York City

The 'Sopranos' is a television show about New Jersey. Tony Soprano has a daughter named Meadow and she was a student at Columbia University. She has a roommate in college that serves as a stereotype. She has red hair and she's excited about being in New York City. It's controversial about Londoners spending time in New York City. For example, Coleen Rooney has four children and she takes vacation trips to New York City. (October 22, 2020)


Both Moscow and Minsk trade in ruble. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "Special services of Russia and Belarus have a great potential to ensure the two states' interests and react adequately to the emerging threats and challenges, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Head Sergei Naryshkin told a meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Thursday." (October 21, 2020)

Oxford University

"We'll be singing when we're winning. We'll be singing when we're winning." The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. I complain that neither William or Kate Middleton studied at Oxford. William was a helicopter pilot when he was in the army. (October 21, 2020)

Saint Petersburg

"And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave." "And though you're still with me, I've been alone all along." This song was popular in Saint Petersburg when I went to school there. Saint Petersburg is the same latitude as Juneau, Alaska. It's dark for about twenty hours a day during the winter and it's light for that long during the summers. It's about the life journey and if and when we're alone with our own thoughts. The Neva River is near Nevski Prospect. (October 21, 2020)

Great Britain

I never know the complaints coming from London. They are reporting chemical munitions and cyberattacks. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing and it seems like East Germany used belligerent radios signals to rebuild the economy. But the British spend a lot of money on vacations in the developing world, they work abroad, and they have three and four children per couple. I also want the cyberattacks to stop. I am speechless about the trips to the developing world and how many children British couples have. "If you've all spent the last twenty years on vacation in Costa Rica, I lose track of the complaints." (October 21, 2020)

Great Britain

As men and women, it's not clear to me about the British in terms of how many children they have. I'm from Texas and I don't have any kids. British couples seem to have three and four and five children. I never know about the life journey and Great Britain. They might think that during their lifetimes they're supposed to become parents. Jesus said, "I am the alpha and the omega." It might be that the British believe, between the alpha and the omega they should either father a child or give birth to a child. It might be, birth, become a parent, death. (October 21, 2020)


I try to explain to the British government officials. New England and California are English territories. It's controversial about New York City because of the budget. The recession began in 2008. California was hit really hard by the recession. It seems like the banks in New York kept that region afloat. The rest of the country is recovering from a long economic downturn. It is overwhelming to learn that so many people from Great Britain vacation in New York City. It is unthinkable that British couples have three and four and five children. I've suggested that some of the kids are truants. New York City is a really sensitive issue with the rest of the country because of the budget and the defense posture. (October 21, 2020)


I am writing about the island. There is a television show called 'Stargate' and Dr. Jackson is a historian. He leaves because his wife died and he was so disheartened. The same actor was in 'Burn Notice' as Vincent. The actor is a Canadian national. I feel similarly sometimes about England. The Londoners spend so much time in New York City. I'm from Texas. There is a real cultural divide between London and the United States. The British have several children per couple. Wayne Rooney has four children. Naomi Watts has two children and she's not married. The British seem to live as a part of their close relatives. Texas is the 'friendship state'. It's overwhelming for me that the British spend so much time in New York City and that they have so many children. (October 21, 2020)

The Levant

There have been tank battles in the Levant. The East Germans likely sent tanks to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. The Tashkent news is reporting on Tel Aviv. East Germany traded in East German mark and Tel Aviv trades in shekel. "The United States has been key in brokering the deals - that see the first Arab states in a quarter of a century establish formal ties with Israel - despite ongoing differences in the region." (October 21, 2020)


The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. It seems like the German security services send belligerent radio signals toward Minsk. "The Belarusian Coordination Council demanded complete release of all political prisoners, stating Wednesday that change of measure of restraint only confuses the public." (October 21, 2020)

West Point

The Bulgarian news is reporting on the United States Department of State. There are complaints about the United States Military Academy at West Point. Mike Pompeo went to West Point. There are historical anecdotes about underage cadets at the academy. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire while on horseback during the evening hours and he went to West Point. There are modern accounts about imported hardware and defense contractors. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. "The strategic partnership between Bulgaria and the US and the advancement of cooperation in areas of mutual interest topped the agenda of talks between Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva and visiting US Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs R. Clarke Cooper, the Foreign Ministry said here on Tuesday." (October 21, 2020)

Saint Petersburg

"And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave." Saint Petersburg is a port on the Baltic Sea. The land used to belong to Sweden. The Great Northern War was fought between Peter I and Charles XII. I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. That is where Mendeleev studied. (October 20, 2020)


As I can, within my own choices: I will always want them to close down the British embassy. I will always complain that the British have too many children. I will want real efforts to prevent the British from working in America. It's because they have so many children and they work for labor unions and then they say things that offend me. (October 20, 2020)

Wayne Rooney

I played soccer every day for about fifteen years. I am now 37 and I live in Washington, DC. I work at the yoga studios. Wayne Rooney arrived in Washington, DC and he said that he didn't know the rules of baseball and that he has four children with a woman named Coleen. He said that Coleen has three brothers and that her mom visits to help with the kids. They all lived in a house in Bethesda, Maryland which is a suburb. I live alone in Washington, DC. I'm just by myself. Wayne lives in the suburbs with this woman named Coleen and all their kids and he's saying he doesn't know the rules of baseball. I wish they'd close down the British embassy here in Washington, DC. It's difficult for the Americans to send messages over there and some of this rhetoric is hard to hear. (October 20, 2020)


It has been a relentless barrage of anti-American sentiment coming from London over these past decades. This is what I have to say about modern Great Britain: The people live by the bank and they believe themselves to be wealthy, they spend too time in the developing world, the couples have more children than American couples, it seems like the Irish thrive on Polish culture. There are Polish populations in Baltimore and Chicago but most Americans aren't ethnically Polish. I don't live by a bank, I don't travel to the developing world, I don't have any children, and I don't necessarily look to Warsaw for cultural sophistication. (October 20, 2020)


I am writing about Great Britain. It's hard for the Americans because of the cultural divide. My grandma was from Vermont but I grew up in Texas. In London they have so many children and they fly to New York City. It's become a transit zone for Londoners to work in New York City. There are likely increases in housing costs because so many Londoners work in New York City. I guess they fly from one banking district to another banking district. It's a phenomenon where people who live by a bank are wealthy. But then they fly back and forth to the other banking district and they have more and more children. Naomi Watts is an English actress. She has two children with an American actor but they're not married and they have separated. Naomi and the two kids were living in New York City for a while. I'm not from New York City. It seems like the people who live near the banks have a distorted sense of money and they think it makes sense to have several children. The rest of the country needs to money in the banks. If Naomi wanted the kids, why didn't she get married? It's not always alright for British people to live in America. (October 20, 2020)

Warsaw, Poland

The Washington Post is reporting on cyberattacks. From the Gulf of Danzig, south to Prague, and east to Moscow is a triangle. That's where the cyberattacks are coming from . Berlin is the seat of Prussia. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are complaints about missile defense systems, nanotechnology, and chemical munitions. There seem to be Russian engineers that assist the Germans to develop radio technology. "6 Russian officers charged in hacks" (October 20, 2020)

Warsaw 5
Warsaw 4

North Korea

The Russian news is reporting on cyberattacks. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There have been tank battles in North Korea. The East Germans might have sent tanks to Pyongyang from the Gulf of Danzig. "The attacks were conducted by the GRU's Main Centre for Special Technologies, also known by its field post number 74455, the UK government claimed." (October 20, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The Germans make missile defense systems. "Armenia has shelled Azerbaijan's Tartar and Agdam districts adjacent to the Nagorno-Karabakh region, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday." (October 20, 2020)

The Baltic States

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the Baltic States. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Tallinn. There are modern accounts about money lending between Sweden and Estonia. It seems like countries that trade in krona shouldn't lend money because krona is tied to metals trading. There have been Prussian military academies in Finland. "President Rumen Radev cut short a visit to Estonia on Tuesday due to the worsening of the coronavirus situation, Radev's press secretariat said." (October 20, 2020)

Lafayette Park

Truppenfuhrung is the German army manual. It talks about infantrymen signaling. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It's been alleged that the bureau signals to the German security services as though they are infantrymen in the German military. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. (October 19, 2020)


I am an Episcopalian. The word 'episcopos' is the Greek word for bishop. The word 'catholic' means 'universal'. The Episcopal Church is the Church of England in the United States. It's controversial about fertility rates in Ireland because of the labor unions. There used to be labor unions in Ireland because children were working too much. There are sometimes general strikes in Ireland. In terms of marriages and fertility rates, women aren't able to be Catholic priests but women are safe as Catholics. If a woman says she is a Catholic it means that she is safe among Christians. It might not be safe for women to have too many children. As Catholic women cannot be priests, Catholic women are safe because women are safe in Catholic churches. (October 19, 2020)


Alex Ovechkin is from Moscow and Jakub Vrana is from Prague. They're both left wingers and they play for the Washington Capitals. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are also players on the team from Scandinavia. There is a discernable epicenter in Germany's eastern provinces if you plot on the map the players on the team. Stockholm is historically an ally of Brandenburg. Brandenburg used to trade in East German mark. The Capitals often lose in the early rounds of the Stanley Cup playoffs. It's possible that German radio technology is used to recruit players for the league. Also, the players might be on a labor strike in that they prefer to be in Europe during the summer months. Finally, the image is that Alex returns to Moscow while the Czech and Scandinavian players return to Prague and Stockholm. There might be Czech populations in Moscow and that accounts for some of this German radio technology. (October 19, 2020)

Lafayette Park

The Virginians are ethnically Prussian.
Frederick II founded Potsdam.
Potsdam used to trade in East German mark.
Potsdam is the capital of Brandenburg.
There are complaints about the defense budget.
The Virginians might lobby to import German-made radios.
The defense contractors from Virginia seem to work at night and on the weekends.
It's not clear about salaries and formal education.
There are federal office buildings near Lafayette Park.
The Virginians might work as defense contractors in police buildings.
(October 19, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

The Virginians are German immigrants and they lobby to import German-made radios. There are real inefficiencies in the defense budget because the Virginians make high salaries working with German-made radios. The British aren't much help because they have so many children. British men have three and four and five children. I end up asking them how Coleen and Coleen's kids are doing. I tell them that Frederick II founded Potsdam and then I ask how many brothers Coleen Rooney has. Coleen has three brothers. For a while, it was Wayne and Coleen, their four children, Coleen's three brothers, and Coleen's mom in the house in Bethesda. (October 19, 2020)


I am writing about inefficiencies in the defense budget. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. There are reports about defense contractors working at odd hours and on the weekends. It's not clear about any federal office buildings used by defense contractors. There are also complaints about formal education and salaries. (October 19, 2020)


The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. Neither William or Kate Middleton studied at Oxford. Wayne Rooney has four children. It's controversial about the banks in London. It seems like they have so many children in Great Britain and they don't work enough. They kind of have large families and don't work ever. I'm from Texas. It's not clear to me that Wayne Rooney can have that many children and the men's team can win. They obviously lose every tournament. It's because they have so many kids and they live near the bank. (October 19, 2020)

Washington, DC

The Washington Football Team has played six games and they have lost five games. They're 1-5 so far this season. They lost yesterday to the New York Giants 20-19. There are complaints about the offensive playbook because there might not be enough quantity plays. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. It might be that the coaching staff simply doesn't include enough plays in the playbook for the team to win. A few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. It's never clear about the defense budget. (October 19, 2020)

Virginia 29


The Russian news is reporting on Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. It seems like belligerent radio signals are coming from Turkey. "Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's allegations that Russia, the United States, and France are supplying weapons to Armenia in no way promote de-escalation of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, a Russian lawmaker said on Sunday." (October 19, 2020)


It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves. Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. The Russian news is reporting on Belgrade. "Popovic was certain that cooperation between the two countries would only strengthen in the future, and Russia will remain one of Serbia's closest partners in strengthening its economic, military, scientific and medical capabilities." (October 19, 2020)


Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Budapest. "During her visit to Hungary Ekaterina Zaharieva will meet with Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto." (October 19, 2020)


"Most arrests were made in the capital Minsk. The downtown was blocked by armored vehicles." Minsk is the capital of Belarus and Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine is near Poland. Lviv serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There was a battle in Lviv during World War II. A few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like the German security services send belligerent radio signals toward Minsk. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Minsk. (October 19, 2020)

Mogadishu, Somalia

'Black Hawk Down' is a book and a movie. It's about a battle in Mogadishu during the 1990's. General Garrison was in command and he was from Texas. The Delta Force and the United States Army Rangers were at the battle and there were a lot of American casualties. The tactics that the Delta Force uses are controversial. They wanted to establish a perimeter in a city center. They might be from the south. It was similar to an invisible wall they were trying to build. There are historical anecdotes about illiteracy in the southern states. It might be that the Delta Force in Mogadishu were using tactics as though they were illiterate. It's controversial about imported hardware and labor unions. It seems like the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. (October 19, 2020)


I'm 37. Kate Middleton is 38. Kate is older than William. It's disorienting for me because they have three kids. The magazines are reporting here in Washington, DC that Kate is pregnant with her fourth child. I think they're too old to have a fourth child. I don't have any kids. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They seem to think women are supposed to have three and four children. I'm from Texas. (October 18, 2020)

London 11


I studied in Saint Petersburg, I didn't go to school in England. I actually don't understand a lot about what is going on in Great Britain. My dad says that the English don't talk ever. "When there are men from England they sit in silence." They have a lot of kids and they're mean to me because they are strange when they get married. It seems unfriendly there generally about people who aren't married. It's because of the labor unions probably. Married people are different linguistically than people who aren't married. It's offensive generally when the British talk to me. I call them the British because they have too many kids. I tell them that Ireland isn't a country really and the Irish also have too many kids. (October 18, 2020)

Alex Ovechkin

Alex Ovechkin is a hockey player from Moscow. He's a left winger for the Washington Capitals. There are several Czech players and Scandinavian players on the team. It seems like the European players are alright losing in the playoffs so they can return home for the summer months. I have complained that Alex is friendly with the Czech players. It's not clear if Alex thinks he's not supposed to win the Stanley Cup. They won a few years ago. It's controversial about Prague and Dresden, Germany. It speaks to Moscow and regions near Prague. Alex is supposed to win the tournament. He's not supposed to be alright to return home for the summer months. This year they lost in the early rounds of the Stanley Cup playoffs. (October 18, 2020)

Dallas Cowboys

Dak Prescott is the Dallas Cowboys quarterback. He's never won a Super Bowl and he went to Mississippi State University. Alex Smith is the Washington Football Team quarterback. He's never won a Super Bowl and he went to Utah. Neither school is well known for their football programs. The Washington Post is reporting on Mississippi State. They lost yesterday to Texas A&M. "No. 11 Texas A&M (3-1) def. Mississippi State, 28-14. The Washington Football Team is 1-4 so far this season. (October 18, 2020)

Dallas 2

Oxford University

I am writing about the island. It wasn't always that the King of England was the first son of the preceding monarch. It's controversial that William didn't study at Oxford and that he was a helicopter pilot when he was in the army. It's strange talking to Londoners about Oxford and St. Andrews. It seems like lunacy that the Royal Family doesn't study at Oxford. In America there is a saying, "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" In England it's "Where does the Royal Family study?" Grant should be buried in Grant's tomb and the Royal Family should study at Oxford. The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup Since 1966. (October 18, 2020)

Washington, DC

Marko Duric is the new Serbian ambassador to Washington, DC. He studied at the University of Belgrade School of Law. I called the Serbian embassy and I asked if there would be an event so people could meet with Ambassador Duric. The embassy said they weren't sure when he would arrive in Washington, DC and they didn't know if there would be an event. (October 18, 2020)


There are a few things going on in London. First, British couples have more children than American couples. Second, it's become fashionable in London to wonder if North America was settled by English immigrants. It's this phenomenon that the British don't think the Americans are their relatives. Neither William or Kate Middleton studied at Oxford. It seems like strange academic curriculums they learn at St. Andrews. My last name is Welles. My uncle was Rt. Rev. Edward Randolph Welles II, the Bishop of Kansas City, MO, I live near Randolph Street in Washington, DC and I'm a member of the White House church, St. John's Episcopal Church in Lafayette Square. I know that my relatives arrived in America from England. (October 18, 2020)


The Virginians live in a swamp. They're German immigrants and they work for labor unions and as policemen. They work in proximity to the defense budget. The British have more children than American couples. It's weird about the command structure between Washington, DC and London because you wonder how many children the British official has. They work less if they have more children. I don't have any children. (October 17, 2020)

Kate Middleton

"She has large tracts of land." Both Kate Middleton and William studied at St. Andrews. This is a line from Monty Python. I complain that William didn't study at Oxford. When he was in the army William was a helicopter pilot. (October 17, 2020)

The Pentagon

"Taliban agrees to halt attacks in Helmand" The Washington Post is reporting on Kabul. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Pashtun tribesmen might not be reliable military allies. (October 17, 2020)

Virginia 28


"bTV already belongs to the Czech billionaire Petr Kellner, and the new owner of BTC is negotiating to buy Nova." The Bulgarian news is reporting on Prague. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden traded in East German mark. (October 17, 2020)

Westminster Abbey

Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina. Sir Walter Raleigh sailed to America from England. I was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. There is a Mecklenburg County in North Carolina. Charlotte, North Carolina is a large city. I am writing about England. The places in London that are the most important to me are the tower and Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth I is buried in Westminster Abbey and the tower was there during her life. Elizabeth I and Walter Raleigh were contemporaries. When I go to London I always take a tour of the tower and I visit Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth is there in a room next to her sister, Mary. "And we pray every day. Every day every day. Gotta hold on gotta stay strong" (October 17, 2020)

Lafayette Park

Lafayette Park and the White House are in Lafayette Square. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin, which is the oldest part of the city. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. I think the Virginians receive radio transmissions in the Eisenhower Building from the German security services. (October 16, 2020)


"Houthi rebels, coalition kick off prisoner swap" The Washington Post is reporting on Yemen. There are similar reports about Ukraine. The prisons in Ukraine have likely been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. (October 16, 2020)


Lafayette Park

"Two U.S. Park Police officers were charged Thursday by a Fairfax County, Va., special grand jury with manslaughter..." The Washington Post is reporting on the Park Police. Both the White House and Lafayette Park are in Lafayette Square. The Park Police have jurisdiction in Lafayette Park but the United States Secret Service has jurisdiction in the rest of Lafayette Square. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and there are occasionally accounts about friendly fire. (October 16, 2020)

Virginia 27


"Speaker of the Kyrgyz Parliament Kanat Isaev has rejected the offer to serve as the country's acting president after Sooronbay Jeenbekov's resignation on October 15, he told a special parliament meeting Friday." The Tajiks speak a language that is similar to Farsi. Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikistan and Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan. It's possible the government in Dushanbe has imported German-made radios that they use for policing. The Russian news is reporting on Bishkek. (October 16, 2020)


Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. The Kosovars are ethnically Albanian. Kosovo is inland. It seems like there are airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Albania. "Following a one-to-one meeting here on Thursday with Albania's Acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Gent Cakaj, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva told a joint news conference that Bulgaria and Albania are allies in NATO, and that Bulgaria is among the strongest and most consistent supporters of Albania's European perspective." (October 16, 2020)


It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. There are strategic ports in Albania, Bosnia, and Croatia. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Skopje. "Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the nationalist VMRO party, Krassimir Karakachanov, said here Friday that politicians in Skopje should not rely on external pressure on Bulgaria for resolving the controverial issues in bilateral relations." (October 16, 2020)

New York City

I think Kate Middleton, Coleen Rooney, and Naomi Watts all look alike. Kate has three kids, Coleen has four kids, and Naomi has two kids. Coleen is the youngest and Naomi isn't married. In British English it seems to matter in conversation about who is married and how many kids everyone has. Naomi Watts for a while lived in New York City. I end up knowing how many children each woman in England has because that matters for her social circle. Naomi has two children with an American actor. Coleen is married to Wayne Rooney. Naomi is an actress but Kate and Coleen might not work normal jobs. (October 15, 2020)

Ivanka Trump

Women in London and New York City look similar. There are banking districts in both places. Ivanka Trump has three children and she's from New York City. Kate Middleton has three children. I think the Londoners and the New Yorkers validate the other in terms of culture. I'm 5'7" and I don't have any children. Ivanka and Kate are taller than me and they have more children. I'm from Texas and I went to UT-Austin. Ivanka went to the University of Pennsylvania and Kate went to St. Andrews. I am a member of Foggy Bottom Chapter NSDAR. Maybe all three of us are wealthy, maybe only Ivanka is wealthy, maybe both Ivanka and Kate are wealthy. It's true that they're both taller than I am and they have more children. I don't know if tall women are wealthy. It might be that tall women are beautiful. I don't know if both Ivanka and Kate are beautiful. They're both tall and they both have three kids and they both live near banking districts. Ivanka now lives in DuPont Circle. I'm not sure who is wealthy and who is tall and who has more kids. (October 15, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

"And we pray and we pray. Every day, every day, every day, every day. Gotta hold on, gotta stay strong" These are verses from 'The Crossroads'. There are real concerns about the defense budget. It seems like the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. Earlier this year the Germans reported labor strikes. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. (October 15, 2020)

John Watson

I don't really know how to understand. I really like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. Dr. Watson was in the army and he was from Northumberland. It's really hard for me that in the modern age the British have so many children. For example, Wayne Rooney has four children and he signed a contract and he didn't fulfill the terms of the contract. The banks in London might have corrupted the people there. I'm from Texas and there aren't really banks in Texas. It's disheartening to know that British couples have three and four and five children. It's difficult to know if they steal from the banks. Do all of them have that many children? Do they all steal from the banks? The money is supposed to be used for loans. It becomes an effort to defend the tower and Westminster Abbey but ignoring the people of England because they have so many children and steal from the banks. The island might be lost. (October 15, 2020)


I live in Washington, DC. I'm an Episcopalian. The British have so many children. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. In the early 1800's the Virginians immigrated from Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. Virginia is a swamp and there were slaves there for hundreds of years. Here in Washington, DC there is Virginia to the south. In London the British get married and they start having so many children. It's surreal for me because the Virginians are German immigrants and British men want so many children and British women want so many children. They are awkward in conversation because the women are either pregnant or there are several kids at the house when they get home from work. (October 15, 2020)

Marko Duric

Marko Duric is a Serbian diplomat. He attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. I attended Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. "Пред Београдом су тешка времена када је реч о решавању косовског питања, а нарочито зато што Приштина покушава на све начине да уништи дијалог и избегне оснивање Заједнице српских општина." "Belgrade and Kosovo are discussing trade in the Balkans and there are disputes. This is a complex issue. There are real concerns about Kosovo and trade through the Balkans. Pristina is the capital of Kosovo." (October 15, 2020)


"Para bailar la bamba...una poca de gracia...I arriba I arriba...por ti sere...yo no soy mas dinero...soy capitan..." "In order to dance the La Bamba I will need a little bit of grace. I don't have any money, but I'm the Capitan. For you I will be. For you I will be." Bamba Bamba. This is a song from Texas. It's 'La Bamba' by Ritchie Valens. It's talking about how he wants to dance the La Bamba but he doesn't have much money. He says that he's a captain in the navy. (October 15, 2020)

The British Army

I am writing about the British army and the government in London. It's strange for the Americans because when the British get married they immediately start having children. I am from Texas. I'm 37 and I'm not married. I watch these men from Great Britain and their wives. They all have several children. It's definitely not such the case that American women marry men from Great Britain. The Virginians are German immigrants. The American women agents just don't get married. It's because the British men marry women who want babies and the Virginians are ethnically German. It sometimes comes up in conversation because the British assume people do or don't behave in such a way. It's because British couples have so many children and married life in Great Britain looks like the women making so many babies. Coleen Rooney has four children. The magazines are saying Kate Middleton is pregnant for a fourth time. I don't have any kids. (October 15, 2020)

The Pentagon

The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. It's not clear about local politics and the defense contractors. It seems like the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. 'Militant picketing' is an academic concept about organized labor. It might be that the defense contractors are guilty of militant picketing if they defend these decisions about imported German-made radios. (October 15, 2020)

Lyndon Johnson

In Texas I was active in politics. I worked for two political campaigns and a political action committee. I worked for two Democrats, Mark Strama and Rick Noriega. And I worked for Desis for Texas which was a PAC that assisted Indians and Pakistanis in Texas. I audited campaign contributions. Additionally, I was a deputized voter registrar so I could go around and register people to vote. Austin is in Travis County, Texas. Lt. Col. William Travis was in command at the Battle of the Alamo. I grew up in Travis County. Lyndon Johnson's dad was an elected representative to the Texas State Legislature. Lyndon is famous because his staff responded to every letter they got. They would read each individual letter from every constituent and they would as a staff personally follow up on every letter. That was true in Washington, DC. Lyndon brought his staff from Texas and they worked long hours responding to these letters that were written by the constituents. He is known as the 'Master of the Senate' because he worked long days and the whole time it was to respond to constituent letters and phone calls. (October 15, 2020)


I am writing about the Lowlands. I have been to Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Americans sometimes study at the business school in Rotterdam. It's possible that Rotterdam has the world's best business school. The Dutch language has funny words about Germany. In Dutch, a German votes. Dutchmen say that Germans vote. It means the Dutch confront German political initiatives and the Germans have a large population. It probably affects the Dutch when the Germans vote. (October 15, 2020)

The Pentagon

The Washington Post is reporting on the defense budget. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. The Teamsters Union is an ethnically German labor union. They are 'car men' and 'cart men' and Teamsters and German immigrants. It's remarkable about German immigrants in Virginia working as defense contractors. "Pentagon leaders faced renewed challenges in their attempt to steer clear of divisive election politics this week..." (October 15, 2020)

Virginia 26


The Russian news is reporting on Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. Abkhazia is sometimes as Ottoman port. There are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. "Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish colleague Recep Tayyip Erdogan have discussed the situation around the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict during a phone call on Wednesday, the Kremlin press service informed on the outcomes of the talks between both countries' leaders." (October 15, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

The Russian news is reporting on the security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. Russian engineers seem to assist the Germans to develop the radio technology and it's not clear if German-made radios are used by the police in Russia. "Director of Russia's Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko and four other high-ranking Russian officials were put on the EU's blacklist against Russia over the incident with blogger Alexey Navalny, the Council of the European Union said, according to the EU Official Journal. The sanctions list also includes the State Scientific Research Institute for Organic Chemistry and Technology (GosNIIOKhT)." (October 15, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on Berlin. The Germans reported labor strikes earlier this year. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. "From an economic point of view, Germany cannot afford a new closure, as during the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic in the spring." (October 15, 2020)

Langley, Virginia

There were reports in the Washington Post this summer about Langley, Virginia. There were federal agents requesting permission to take a vaccine. It's not clear about the hardware used for the targeted killing program. There are historical anecdotes about American infantrymen in Afghanistan. They had sleeping pills pouring out of their jacket pockets. It's controversial about radio transmissions sent at odd hours and on the weekends. (October 14, 2020)


I didn't myself lobby to buy a German-made police radio. It seems fair to blame the Virginians because the radios seem to come from Germany's eastern provinces and the Virginians are German immigrants. They operate the radios for a living. (October 14, 2020)


There are reports about missile defense systems in the Caucasus region. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It might be that the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. (October 14, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about domestic flights. I just flew from Charlotte to Washington, DC which took about an hour. There is wireless internet on the plane and so the passengers can send emails and text messages during the flight. Passengers can also stream movies during the flight. There are thirty rows. If one person each row streams a movie then there are thirty movies played during the flight using the wireless internet. It was an American Airlines flight. I think it's hard on the plane's navigation system to have wireless internet for the passengers. (October 14, 2020)


Wayne Rooney

"I'm okay talking about Wayne and his wife and how they have four children." 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' is a Sherlock Holmes story. Sir Henry has returned from America. My dad's name is Henry. I grew up in Texas and I graduated from UT-Austin. I studied additionally at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. When Wayne Rooney was in Washington, DC he said in an interview that he does not know the rules of baseball. He signed a three-year contract with DC United but he left after two seasons. At the time he said it was because his wife wanted to return to England. (October 14, 2020)


Andrew Carnegie was from Scotland. The Pittsburgh Steelers are the football team in Pittsburgh. The language in Pittsburgh is similar to the language in Manchester. The sentences are if then statements that might not be exactly right. If there is a woman she is a student. If there is a man he is a student. The pronouns are a little off. Different languages have different numbers of pronouns. For example, Polish has a neuter they as a pronoun. There are funny riddles that can be said using the language in Pittsburgh. If he went to the store then he walked. If she went to the store then she walked. (October 14, 2020)


"In March of that year Dr. Moore Agar, of Harley Street, whose dramatic introduction to Holmes I may some day recount, gave positive injunctions that the famous private agent lay aside all his cases and surrender himself to complete rest if he wished to avert an absolute breakdown." 'The Devil's Foot' is a Sherlock Holmes story. It is talking about restedness. The Virginians work at odd hours and on the weekends. There are complaints about defense contractors and city ordinances. There are federal office buildings near Lafayette Park. It is not clear if there are defense contractors in these buildings at night and if they are doing tasks related to due process. (October 14, 2020)



It seems like there are Russian engineers that assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Norwegian government is reporting cyberattacks. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. "Russia considers Norwegian accusations of involvement in a cyberattack a deliberate provocation, Russian Embassy in Oslo wrote in its Facebook account." (October 14, 2020)

The Caucasus Region

The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. There might be weapons platforms in Azerbaijan that receive radio signals from German land positions. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. "The armed forces of Azerbaijan destroyed several Armenian theater ballistic missile (TBM) systems early on Wednesday, the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan said in its Telegram channel." (October 14, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

The Bulgarian news is reporting on Sophia. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. Lviv is near the border with Poland. A few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. "President Rumen Radev has referred to the Constitutional Court an October 2 resolution of Parliament to set up an ad hoc committee to review the draft of a new constitution of Bulgaria, Radev's press secretariat said on Tuesday." (October 14, 2020)


"A crocodile took me, just as I was half-way across, and nipped off my right leg..." 'The Sign of Four' is a Sherlock Holmes story about a British army officer. He lost his leg while deployed in India. There are modern accounts about amputees, but they were deployed to Afghanistan. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. There might be ethnically Prussian officers in the British army. There are other Sherlock Holmes stories that mention friendly fire. (October 13, 2020)


John Kenneth Galbraith

Jamie Galbraith is a professor at the LBJ School. His dad was John Kenneth Galbraith. Jamie was married and he had two kids. He divorced his wife and married a woman from China. Jamie and his second wife have three kids. I went to high school with Doug Galbraith. Doug has his sister and three half siblings from his dad's second marriage. It is a strange way to live. Jamie Galbraith is a Keynesian economist. (October 13, 2020)

Belgrade, Serbia

Marko Duric is a Serbian diplomat. He has been appointed as the new ambassador to Washington, DC. Duric attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. I attended Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. "Моје питање за господина Хотија и за друге сепаратистичке лидере у Приштини је: Господо, видимо да не желите никакав дијалог, сваког дана то показујете унижавајући сопствени потпис од пре седам година, унижавајући све што је постигнуто под покровитељством ЕУ, за шта је гарант ЕУ, и очекујемо од Брисела конкретан притисак да дође до спровођења." "The leaders in Pristina participated in a dialog and there was an agreement signed. There were also negotiations in Brussels and the European Union. There are many political leaders involved in these discussions. There have been several dialogs with many politicians." (October 13, 2020)

The Bureau

The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. Jefferson Davis was from Mississippi. They speak creole in Louisiana and Mississippi. The Virginians speak in a regional dialect that resembles creole. The words are English words, but they are misused. The Virginians might 'lie a lot' or it can be described as speaking in allegory. In 'Moby Dick' there are conversations among Dutchmen in New York City when they are in a boarding house. They speak in half truths and allegory. They misstate historical facts. There are Prussians who live in the Netherlands and maybe the characters in the novel are also German immigrants. The bureau seems to talk like this. A bureau attorney was reportedly caught lying about surveillance hardware. The Washington Post reported about surveillance hardware and the Hoover Building which is near Lafayette Park. There are labor unions in Virginia. It seems like the Virginians speak in creole when they are working in federal office buildings. At least one case has been reported on that it was 'lying'. If the attorney lied about the surveillance hardware, it might mean that other employees at the bureau speak in this regional dialect. Moreover, they might speak in half truths about budgetary items. The workweek, salaries, and formal education are budgetary in nature. There are real concerns about the defense budget and the prisons in Virginia. There are historical anecdotes about a single prison in Virginia with an electric chair. It is unsettling to think about creole spoken in federal office buildings and how that would impact the defense budget and the prisons in Virginia. The bureau might say they will do something, and they won't do it. (October 13, 2020)

Christopher Wray

"FBI director warns of white supremacist violence" The newspaper is reporting on the bureau. The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy. Both Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis attended the United States Military Academy at West Point. Stonewall Jackson was a Confederate general who died from friendly fire. He was on horseback during the evening hours. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. There are reports about the bureau and the hardware they use. A bureau attorney was mentioned in a Washington Post article about surveillance hardware because he had been caught lying. Conceptually, it's been alleged that the bureau retains a posture of the Confederacy. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. It's not clear about the forty hour workweek. The Virginians make high salaries. (October 13, 2020)



The Serbian news is reporting on chemical munitions. It seems like there are chemical munitions manufactured near the border between Germany and the Czech Republic. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. "Berlin and Paris made their proposal at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg. They say that Moscow did not have a credible explanation for what the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCV) described as the presence of a banned Soviet-era nerve agent Novichok in Navalny's body, Reuters reports." (October 13, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. There might be weapons platforms in the Caucasus region that receive signals from German land positions. "It added that that Azerbaijani units had destroyed a large number of enemy equipment, including three BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers, one Tor-M2KM air defense missile system, a Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and three drones." (October 13, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

The Bulgarian news is reporting on Minsk. It seems like the government in Minsk has imported German-made radios that they use for policing. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. "Belarusian police may now use lethal ammunition against the protesters on the streets of the country." "Security forces arrested dozens of protesters yesterday and used water cannons and batons to disperse large crowds demanding a new presidential elections in Belarus." (October 13, 2020)

"Disputed Territories in the Caucasus Region" by Donna Welles 10/13/20

Nagorno-Karabakh is an enclave in Azerbaijan. There are reports about rocket weapons and missile defense systems in the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. Yerevan is the capital of Armenia, Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan, and Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia. North of the Caucasus region is Russia and to the south is Iran and Turkey.
The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. Turkey is the same region as Anatolia and Asia Minor. Abkhazia and South Ossetia are enclaves in Georgia. North Ossetia is in Russia. In 2008, the Russian military sent infantrymen and tanks across the border into Georgia. The soldiers were sent in the direction of Turkey and Abkhazia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port.
There might be weapons platforms in the Caucasus region that receive signals from Turkey. Ankara is the capital of Turkey and it is inland. Istanbul is a port near Greece and the Balkans. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Today Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military.
Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Gaza are ports in the Levant. Haifa is near the Golan Heights and Damascus. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It is possible the East Germans sent tanks to Tel Aviv from Lubeck. Lubeck is a port near Poland and the Gulf of Danzig. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv.
The Germans build missile defense systems. It might be German-made weapons that are being deployed in the Caucasus region. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz, Iran. Tabriz is near Anatolia. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. It is possible there are airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade.
It is controversial when military radios are used for international trade. Albania, Bosnia, and Croatia have strategic ports. It is not well understood what military hardware is traded through these ports. It might be that rocket weapons and missile defense systems pass through Albanian ports on the way to Turkey and the Caucasus region. Albania has both strategic ports and railroads.
A few months ago, the Germans reported labor strikes. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. Lviv is near the border with Poland. In World War II there was a battle in Lviv. The prisons in Ukraine have been upgraded with defense spending. There are reports that the German security services send radios that are used by the police in Kiev.
Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia are similar in that they are enclaves in the Caucasus region. Abkhazia is a port on the Black Sea and the others are inland. It is possible there are airbases in both Turkey and Abkhazia that manage the recent weapons deployments in Azerbaijan. It is controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is near Prague. Dresden used to have dive bomber training schools.

Richmond, Virginia

The East Germans are known for long term labor strikes. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. They are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It might be that the Germans and the Virginians coordinate by sending radio transmissions. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. (October 12, 2020)


"Does he file his own tax return and drive fast in his swamp?" The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are swamps in Germany's eastern provinces. It is controversial about the labor unions in Virginia because of the defense budget. (October 12, 2020)

Belgrade, Serbia

"...report from Sir Charles Hardy, memorandum from Belgrade, note on the Russo-German grain taxes..." This is an excerpt from 'The Second Stain'. Notice the reference to Belgrade. Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. It is controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. (October 12, 2020)


Manchester, England

"To any of the great Chancelleries of Europe." This is an excerpt from 'The Second Stain' which is a Sherlock Holmes story. The British parliament is considering the events in Europe. It seems like the Germans behave has Prussians and they belligerently expand. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. (October 12, 2020)



It seems like there are Russian engineers that assist the Germans to develop radio technology. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Russian news is reporting on cyber security. "The Russian leader noted that his call on Washington to resume cooperation in the cyber security area remained unanswered." (October 12, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Baku. The Caucasus region includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. Abkhazia is sometimes as Ottoman port. The Germans maintain airbases in Turkey. "Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry stated on Monday that the country's forces were fully complying with the humanitarian ceasefire." (October 12, 2020)


It is controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. The Bulgarian news is reporting on warplanes. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. "The construction of the infrastructure for the 8 F-16s which Bulgaria has already paid for is only just beginning." (October 12, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

The Bulgarian news is reporting on the criminal justice system in Sophia. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. "Ahladova said that her Ministry is submitting a bill to the Council of Ministers amending the Criminal Procedure Code and the Judicial System Act, intended to ensure the necessary conditions for the work of the European Delegated Prosecutors and guaranteeing their independence. The public consultation of the bill ended on Friday." (October 12, 2020)

The Hoover Building

Lafayette Park is in Lafayette Square. There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park. Some of them are police buildings such as the Hoover Building and the field office. It seems like defense contractors are in the police buildings and they are not always doing tasks related to due process. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It has been suggested that the Virginians work too closely with the German security services. There are disputes about salaries and building assignments in Washington, DC. The Germans reported labor strikes a few months ago. (October 12, 2020)

Manchester, England

These are excerpts from two Sherlock Holmes stories, 'The Empty House' and 'The Priory School'. "...Colonel Sebastian Moran, who shot the Honourable Ronald Adair..." "Holmes folded up his check and placed it carefully in his notebook." The first one is about a former British army officer who was a criminal because he killed a government official. The second is about an estate. A family in northern England was wealthy and the son was kidnapped. It is controversial when estates pass to children. It is not clear if the estates can be donated to charity or they can be given to extended family members. It seems like in northern England they make a big deal about leaving money for their children. The children might not be high achieving and so the estate planning looks like waste and mismanagement. (October 11, 2020)


Washington, DC

"It hasn't been a great week for Washington Football Team quarterback Dwayne Haskins, and it's not getting any better. Haskins was reportedly told to stay home on Sunday due to illness ahead of the team's matchup with the Los Angeles Rams. He was set to be inactive but was expected to be at the game." Dwayne Haskins was drafted out of Ohio State. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. Washington has lost the last three games. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. It's never clear about the defense budget or how much formal education the defense contractors have. (October 11, 2020)

Kate Middleton

Last year Novak Djokovic won the Wimbledon tennis tournament. William and Kate Middleton attended the event and Kate presented Novak with the trophy. It is strange that William didn't study at Oxford and that he doesn't play tennis competitively. Today the French Open finals include a man from Spain and another from Serbia. It's lunacy because William needs to evidence that he is an elite. When William was in the army he was a helicopter pilot. (October 11, 2020)


"Are Serbians Eastern Orthodox Christians?" "They are Orthodox Christians or Serbian Orthodox Christians. There isn't a Western Orthodox Church." Each country in Eastern Europe has its own patriarch. (October 11, 2020)

Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic is playing in the French Open. I am a Novak Djokovic fan, he's my favorite tennis player and I am watching this morning. His wife is named Jelena and she is wearing a fur coat at the stadium. My relatives are Americans. The Canadians wear fur coats. I think Jelena behaves as a French woman. I tell people that Novak's wife is not well liked. It happens though. For example, my uncle Edward Welles married a Dutch woman. Novak and Jelena have two children. (October 11, 2020)

West Point

The United States Military Academy at West Point is near New York City. There are historical anecdotes about underage cadets at West Point as well as friendly fire. There were reports in the newspaper about assaults in Afghanistan. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. The women at West Point seem to 'lie a lot'. They might be instead speaking in a Prussian dialect. There are military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. 'Das Boot' is about the German navy and there are descriptions of assaults on the U-boats. (October 11, 2020)

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

"Kyrgyzstan bans rallies, imposes curfew to end turmoil" Bishkek is the capital of Kyrgyzstan and Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikistan. The Tajiks speak a language that is similar to Farsi. It might be that both Bishkek and Dushanbe have imported German-made radios that they use for policing. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. (October 11, 2020)


Lafayette Square

'The Red-headed League' is a Sherlock Holmes story about a bank robbery. The Virginians make high salaries. There are disputes in Washington, DC about salaries and building assignments. It might be that defense contractors in Virginia do not have much formal education. There are different laws in Virginia pertaining to organized labor. The complaint is that Virginian defense contractors make high salaries and they work in Lafayette Square. Notice this reference to tattoos and people receiving half wages. "From the time that I heard of the assistant having come for half wages..." "The fish that you have tattooed immediately above your right wrist..." (October 11, 2020)



"From the open door there reeked a horrible poisonous exhalation which set us gasping and coughing." 'The Greek Interpreter' is a Sherlock Holmes story about men in London from Turkey. It seems like the Germans developed chemical munitions and they had deployed them alongside the Turkish military. The Austrians have for centuries maintained outposts in Tabriz, Iran which is near Anatolia. (October 11, 2020)



Czechoslovakia is sometimes an adversary of White Russia. It is because the Czechs will not fight in the tsar's army. They do not effectively defend themselves from the Germans. Prague sits across the border from Dresden. There are tales about chemical munitions and nerve gas manufactured in Czechoslovakia. 'The Resident Patient' is a Sherlock Holmes story. The characters complain about paranoia and nervousness. There are two men in the story from Russia. They might not be Russian but instead they are ethnically Czech and they speak Russian. (October 10, 2020)


"The Scotland Yard inspector was still writing in the parlour when Holmes interrupted him." 'The Norwood Builder' is a Sherlock Holmes story. There was an investigation and Scotland Yard was about to execute an innocent man. There might be corrupt police in Manchester because of the labor unions. (October 10, 2020)


Foggy Bottom

The State Department is formally the 'United States Department of State'. It's controversial about State Department employees in terms of their choices. They might live in Arlington, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy. They might not subscribe to the Washington Post. Conceptually, if a State Department employee lives in Arlington County and they don't read the newspaper then he or she might not be a diplomat. (October 10, 2020)

Texas Longhorns

Texas and Oklahoma are tied at halftime 17-17. There have been a few calls against OU for pass interference. Conceptually, are the OU defenders allowing Texas to pass the ball? The OU cornerbacks need to let Texas reasonably throw and catch the football. Also, are the referees neutral or do they seem to favor a team? It depends on what the referees are allowing in terms of the OU defense. The Texas quarterback needs to reasonably pass the ball to his wide receivers. Either the OU defensive line isn't letting the quarterback throw at all or the OU cornerbacks aren't letting the wide receivers catch any pass. It can be difficult to officiate. It needs to be that the ball can reasonably move down the field if the passes are thrown and caught. OU used to have two defensive coordinators. The OU defense is really famous but they need to let the Longhorns reasonably pass the football. (October 10, 2020)

Wayne Rooney

"...sky of mercy sky of fear..." "...may you feel your blood mix with mine..." These are excerpts from 'The Rising' by Bruce Springsteen. Wayne Rooney is married to a woman named Coleen and they have four children. Wayne signed a three year contract with DC United but he left after two seasons. At the time he said it was because his wife wanted to return to England. Coleen has three brothers. The house in Bethesda was Wayne and Coleen, their four kids, Coleen's three brothers, and Coleen's mom. In an interview Wayne said that he didn't know the rules of baseball. (October 10, 2020)

Dallas, Texas

Today is the Red River Showdown. Texas vs. Oklahoma. The game is in Dallas, Texas. The University of Texas is in Austin and Oklahoma University is in Norman. Texas is ranked 22nd in the nation and Oklahoma isn't ranked. (October 10, 2020)


"...he came home too drunk from mixing Tanqueray and wine..." "...we'll call it even Johnny 99..." "...and stared poor Johnny down..." These are excerpts from 'Johnny 99' by Bruce Springsteen. It's about the prisons. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. It's not clear about due process if the police speak in a regional dialect. (October 10, 2020)

The Pentagon

"He couldn't tell me what country he'd been injured in." It's controversial about the army because of the defense contractors and the hardware. The soldiers often have injured knees or soldiers. They sometimes have tattoos. It would be better if they weren't injured and if they had stronger academic backgrounds. (October 10, 2020)

Newcastle, England

Dr. Watson was in the Northumberland branch of the British army. Charlie Hunnam is an actor from Newcastle. He went to film school instead of joining the army. There is an anecdote about Charlie Hunnam and he learned to surf in Costa Rica. It would be nice if some of these British actors would serve in the army. In Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson had been deployed to India. (October 10, 2020)


'The Copper Beaches' is a Sherlock Holmes story about a Swedish merchant. He has his employees dress as Russians. "...a small bearded man in a grey suit..." Saint Petersburg, Russia sits on what used to be Swedish land.


Moscow, Russia

It is controversial about German radio technology. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden traded in East German mark. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There are reports from a few months ago about labor strikes in Germany. The newspaper is reporting on arms control agreements in Moscow. "U.S. and Russian negotiators have agreed in principle to continue freezing their nuclear warhead stockpiles..." (October 10, 2020)



"Bulgaria Recalls Its Ambassador to Belarus for Consultations" The Bulgarian news is reporting on Minsk. It seems like the German security services send radio transmissions to Belarus. It's possible the government in Minsk has imported German-made radios that they use for policing. (October 10, 2020)


'The Blue Carbuncle' is a Sherlock Holmes story. There is a theft of a valuable stone. There are scenes with different people around the city drinking alcohol and doing drugs. Conceptually, it's consistent with the values of the Church of England because maybe we don't all have to be too sober. For example, the Mormons in Utah don't drink caffeine. (October 9, 2020)


There is a land route north from Mexico City to Chicago. Both cities are Native American cities. Mexico City was the capital of the Mayan territory. The Aztecs lived north of the Mayans and the Comanche Indians lived north of the Aztecs. Lyndon Johnson was related to settlers who had lived in Texas when the Comanches still held territory in the state. His dad was an elected representative to the Texas State Legislature. San Antonio and Austin are on the land route north from Mexico City. The desert of northern Mexico is called the Chihuahua Desert. (October 9, 2020)

Cape Town, South Africa

"...had evidently just completed the wedding service..." This is an excerpt from a Sherlock Holmes story called 'The Solitary Cyclist'. There are two characters in England who have come from South Africa. They kidnap a piano player and they drug her and performed a wedding ritual. It seems like it's because of Prussian ports in Namibia and near Cape Town. (October 9, 2020)

Wedding Service


"...the French fleet gaining complete ascendency over that of Italy in the Mediterranean." 'The Naval Treaty' is a Sherlock Holmes story about the British foreign ministry. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. (October 9, 2020)

Naval Treaty


Abe Slaney is a character from a Sherlock Holmes story called 'The Dancing Men'. There are German and Polish labor unions in Chicago. It's controversial about organized labor in Germany's eastern provinces. A few months ago the Germans reported labor strikes. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's not well understood about any radio transmissions sent between Chicago and Brandenburg about organized labor. (October 9, 2020)

Dancing Men

The British Army

"...until I found myself among the Afghans. There I wandered about for many a year..." 'The Crooked Man' is a Sherlock Holmes story about the British army. There was a case of friendly fire and a soldier was left to torture and death in India. There are incidents with friendly fire also in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It might be that Prussian officers in the British army are sometimes guilty of friendly fire.

Holmes 1

New Jersey

"Well Frankie went in the army back in 1965. I got a farm deferment. But then wheat prices kept on dropping until it was like we were getting robbed. Frankie came home in 1968 and me I took this job. As the band played 'Night of the Johnstown Flood'." These are excerpts from 'Highway Patrolman' by Bruce Springsteen. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Virginians are sometimes guilty of friendly fire. (October 9, 2020)

Ben Olsen

DC United is at the very bottom of the Eastern Conference. They are 9-2-5 which means they have only won two games so far and they have lost nine games. Ben Olsen is United's head coach. He attended the University of Virginia but he didn't graduate and he doesn't have a four year degree. The defense budget is under scrutiny because you wonder about salaries and formal education. There are concerns also about labor strikes and militant picketing in Virginia. (October 9, 2020)

Soccer 1


The Russian news is reporting on Copenhagen. Hamburg was originally a Danish city. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It might be that the Danes help the Germans build radios. "Russia is interested in considering the reasons for the current chill in bilateral relations with Denmark and assessing the prospects for normalizing the dialogue for the benefit of the peoples of both countries, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday at a meeting with his Danish counterpart Jeppe Kofod." (October 9, 2020)


The Tajiks speak a language that is similar to Farsi. There are airbases in Anatolia. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The Russian news is reporting on Bishkek. "The number of injured as a result of mass unrest in the Kyrgyz capital has increased to 1,218, the republic's Health Ministry reported on Friday." (October 9, 2020)

Chicago, Illinois

'The Dancing Men' is a Sherlock Holmes story about a woman from Chicago. There are German labor unions in Chicago. A murder happened in England and the man walked into the house through a window instead of using the door. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. There are likely radio transmissions sent between Chicago and Germany about organized labor. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. (October 8, 2020)


The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. They talk about 'covert ops'. I think that's a creole term because they might mean something that requires German radio technology. They also don't use the word 'agent' normally. The Virginians call a person an 'op' instead of an 'agent'. It all seems like German creole. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. The Virginians make high salaries. (October 8, 2020)

John Kenneth Galbraith

Jamie Galbraith went to both Harvard and Yale. He's the son of the economist, John Kenneth Galbraith. They're both Keynesian economists. I am an Adam Smith economist because the Keynesian approach relies on banks and finance too much. For example, there might not be a large demand for imported goods. Also, imported goods might be inferior goods. (October 8, 2020)


"Do the covert ops people go to Oxford? They have tattoos and they're men." It's controversial about the Virginians and the defense budget. 'The Killer Angels' is a novel about the Battle of Gettysburg. The Confederates lost the battle and they relied on couriers and hand written messages for troop movements. The Virginians seem to rely on slow technology that doesn't work. (October 8, 2020)

West Point

The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. The United States Military Academy at West Point has women cadets. There are old accounts about underage cadets at West Point. It's awkward about the defense budget and women employees. If women are officers and soldiers it's not clear about the civilians. There are disputes in Washington, DC about salaries and building assignments. The Virginians might not have much formal education. (October 8, 2020)


"The detainee program is there. The men have tattoos and they didn't go to Oxford." There were reports about Langley, Virginia in the Washington Post a few months ago. There were federal agents who were requesting permission to take a vaccine. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. (October 8, 2020)

Chicago, Illinois

"One day my wife received a letter from America. I saw the American stamp. She turned deadly white, read the letter, and threw it into the fire." These are excerpts from a Sherlock Holmes story, 'The Dancing Men'. It's about ethnically Prussian labor unions in Chicago. (October 8, 2020)


Sherlock Holmes

"The facts are briefly these: Some five years ago, during a lengthy visit to Warsaw, I made the acquaintance of the well-known adventuress, Irene Adler. The name is no doubt familiar to you." Excerpt From 'A Scandal in Bohemia' by A. Conan Doyle. Notice this reference to Warsaw. There are land routes between Prague and Warsaw. It's controversial about ethnically Prussian labor unions. (October 8, 2020)


I am writing about England. There was a news story a long time ago and Princess Diana didn't want to drive a Jaguar. I went to Lyndon Johnson High School in Austin, Texas and our mascot was the Jaguars. (October 8, 2020)


The Serbian news is reporting on Brandenburg. There were reports about labor strikes in Germany this summer. East Germany traded in East German mark. "The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Germany increased by 4,058. There are 310,144 patients. Moreover, the list of risk regions has been expanded." (October 8, 2020)

New Jersey

"...but when it's your brother sometimes you look the other way..." "...played Night of the Johnston Flood..." 'Highway Patrolman' by Bruce Springsteen. The song is about the Vietnam War and how the soldiers looked for jobs after the war. (October 8, 2020)

The Caucasus Region

The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. There are likely airbases in Turkey that are sending belligerent radio signals. "The Azerbaijani forces are shelling Stepanakert in Nagorno-Karabakh after the morning pause and an air siren is being heard in the city, a TASS correspondent reports from the scene." (October 8, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

It seems like there are Russian engineers who assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There have been complaints about the police in Germany because of right wing incidents. "Russia says test launch of hypersonic missile successful" (October 8, 2020)


I went to Lyndon Johnson High School in Austin, Texas. The mascot is the Jaguars. "Jags shake off opening loss with impressive 35-19 win over 5A DII playoff hopeful Manor." (October 8, 2020)

George W. Bush

The Bush twins went to Austin High School. The high school football game of the week is Austin High vs Bowie. Bowie High School is in south Austin. The game is tonight at 7:30pm. (October 8, 2020)

Larry Speck

Larry Speck was the Dean of Architecture at UT-Austin. He designed both the airport and the convention center in Austin. He went to MIT and his son, Sloan Speck, went to Rice University in Houston. (October 7, 2020)


There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia. The Virginians make high salaries but they might not have much formal education. It seems like a paradox because they work at odd hours and on the weekends. There might not be much work to do but they collect the wages anyway. It's not clear about defense spending and city ordinances. It seems like it’s better in urban areas for buildings to keep regular hours. (October 7, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's controversial about domestic flights and cellular phones. There are reports about airlines and policies about when passengers can send texts. It's possible that the airlines have relaxed restrictions about cellular phones during the flights as well as during takeoffs and landings. (October 7, 2020)

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

The Russian news is reporting on Bishkek. It seems like the German security services send radios to Bishkek and they're used for policing. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. "The participants in the rally held in the capital of Kyrgyzstan demanded a change in the composition of the new Cabinet, a TASS correspondent reported from the scene." (October 7, 2020)

Caracas, Venezuela

The Washington Post is reporting on Venezuela. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from Lubeck. Lubeck is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark, Warsaw trades in zloty, and Caracas trades in bolivar. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. "Britain recognizes Guaido as Venezuela's legitimate leader..." (October 6, 2020)

Caracas 3

Dushanbe, Tajikistan

The Russian news is reporting on Dushanbe. The Tajiks speak a language that is similar to Farsi. There have been reports also about the Caucasus region. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. It seems like there are German airbases in Anatolia. There might be weapons platforms in Turkey that receive signals from German land positions. "Kyrgyzstan's President Sooronbay Jeenbekov remains in the country's capital and did not go anywhere despite the political crisis that erupted after the parliamentary elections, Presidential Spokesperson Tolgonai Stamalieva told TASS on Tuesday." (October 6, 2020)


Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. It seems like the German security services send radio signals to the police in Ukraine. A few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the European Union. "Last night, the European Parliament debated the rule of law and fundamental rights in Bulgaria. MEPs are expected to vote on a resolution on the issue on Thursday." (October 6, 2020)

The Hoover Building

"As you are Prussian immigrants, you are supposed to work as defense contractors and you're assigned to the Hoover Building with surveillance hardware at odd hours." There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia. The Virginians make high salaries. It's not clear about formal education as it relates to salaries. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. (October 5, 2020)


The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There have been reports in the Washington Post about right wing incidents within German police departments. A few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. "The Russian Embassy in Berlin received a refusal from the German Foreign Ministry on a request for consular access to blogger Alexey Navalny, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday." (October 5, 2020)

The Caucasus Region

The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia but Abkhazia and South Ossetia are enclaves in Georgia. It seems like there are airbases in Turkey that send belligerent radio signals. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. "Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili proposed holding a meeting of the OSCE Minsk Group on the settlement of the Karabakh conflict in Tbilisi, she said in an interview with the Georgian TV channel Rustavi 2, released on Monday." (October 5, 2020)

The 'rebel yell'

Virginia is south of the Potomac River. The American Civil War was in the 1860's. The Confederate soldiers would scream what is known as the 'rebel yell'. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. At the Battle of Gettysburg the Union Army was in an elevated position with high quality cannons. The Confederates, many of whom were Virginians, ran up the hill toward the cannons screaming the 'rebel yell'. The Union soldiers were able to hold their position with the cannons and eventually the Confederates stopped running up the hill. The Union Army was victorious in the war. Today there are concerns about the prisons in Virginia. The prisons in Virginia are sometimes upgraded with defense spending. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. It's possible the defense contractors in Virginia are guilty of militant picketing. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. (October 5, 2020)

'Defense Spending in Virginia' by Donna Welles (October 4, 2020)

Virginia is south of the Potomac River and Washington, DC is north of the river. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. Arlington is a city in Arlington County. Arlington County borders the Potomac River. Robert E. Lee lived in Arlington County. It is storied that General Lee took the train to Richmond, Virginia from Arlington to speak with Confederate leaders. Richmond is a three-hour train ride from Arlington and it was the capital of the Confederacy. Both Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis attended the United States Military Academy at West Point.
There are reports today about a truck bomb in Afghanistan. Fifteen people were killed by a truck bomb in Afghanistan's eastern Nangahar province. The Pashtun tribesmen live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's controversial about the Pentagon's efforts regarding Afghanistan. The Pashtun tribesmen are sometimes considered American allies. It might be unwise to rely on them for conventional theater operations. The Battle of Tora Bora in 2001 is an example of a failed mission and American military personnel relied heavily on the Pashtun tribesmen.
Virginia is formally the 'Commonwealth of Virginia' and there are laws in Virginia that are friendly toward labor unions. As a matter of law, it's not clear if a defense contractor can be on a labor strike. Workers usually declare a strike and set terms. They then receive strike wages. It's possible that there are labor strikes in Virginia that go unreported. The reports coming from Afghanistan might evidence long term labor strikes.
The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It can be described as Prussian creole. For example, in Louisiana people speak a different form of creole. It's been suggested that the Virginians speak creole during military operations and that this results in American casualties. Military operations might not be successful if the officers speak creole instead of English. It might not be possible to give accurate descriptions of locations in creole. Also, it might be confusing about the mission and the delegation of authority if the solders are speaking creole.
The United State Congress is at least partially responsible for the defense budget. It's not well understood in the context of defense spending if American soldiers speak Virginian creole while on duty. There are implications about military hardware and military radios. It's controversial generally about imported military hardware and it might be tempting for Virginians to lobby to import German-made radios. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district.
There seems to be a relationship between organized labor, imported hardware, and Virginian creole. The defense contractors might speak creole and use German-made radios. There are consistent reports about violence in Afghanistan. One explanation is that there are labor disputes in proximity to the defense budget. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. The Virginians might coordinate regularly with the Germans in Dresden regarding radio technology.


The Washington Post is reporting on Afghanistan. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia. The Pashtun tribesmen live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. There are concerns about labor strikes and the defense budget. "At least 15 killed by truck bomb in Afghanistan: Attackers set off a truck bomb in Afghanistan's eastern Nangahar province..." (October 4, 2020)

Virginia 25
Kabul 14

DC United

The Washington Post is reporting on DC United. They lost yesterday. Ben Olsen is United's head coach. Olsen attended the University of Virginia but he didn't graduate and he doesn't have a four year degree. There are labor unions in Virginia. There are concerns about the team's fitness levels and the practice week. There are complaints additionally about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. "Sinking season hits embarrassing low" Atlanta United 4, D.C. United 0. (October 4, 2020)

Ben Olsen 7


It's a weird conversation between the Americans and the British. I'm not married and I don't have any children. There seems to be incentives in Great Britain at work to have several children. It might be because of the labor unions in Manchester. There are sometimes general strikes in Ireland. The British might network with coworkers because they have several children. It seems unethical because married people might make higher salaries because they're married. (October 3, 2020)

The Hoover Building

There are complaints about the Hoover Building and surveillance hardware. It's not clear about defense contractors working there on the weekends. They might not have much work to do. It's possible there are labor strikes. They might be watching television, for example. (October 3, 2020)

Crystal City, Texas

It's from Texas. In Crystal City, Texas there was a dispute because the Hispanic girls couldn't be cheerleaders at the high school. In London today it seems like St Andrews gets better jobs than Oxford. It's telling about how athletic and physically fit women do in the workplace. Coleen Rooney has four children and she was allowed to go to the DC United practices while Wayne Rooney played on the team. It seems like her relatives are labor leaders. Texans know that it matters which ethnic groups the cheerleaders come from. In London the cheerleaders have four children. (October 3, 2020)

The Hoover Building

'Friendly fire' and 'militant picketing' aren't well understood in the modern age. It's possible that the defense contractors in Virginia are guilty of both. There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park. The bureau has two office buildings in Washington, DC, the field office and the Hoover Building. It seems like the defense contractors in these buildings won't let civilians inside. The Washington Post has reported on the surveillance hardware used by the bureau. An attorney at the bureau was caught lying about a surveillance effort. It's the habit of these buildings that the people who work there speak Virginian creole. They behave as though they don't understand simple requests. The newspaper sometimes reports on Lafayette Square calling the employees there unresponsive. It's possible that Virginian creole is a form of militant picketing. There are disputes about salaries and building assignments within the defense apparatus. It might be that the Virginians simply won't let in people who aren't defense contractors. The Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. (October 3, 2020)

Texas Longhorns

The Texas Longhorns play today against TCU. Texas Christian University is in Fort Worth, Texas. Rice University is in Houston, Texas. Rice is a famous school for having an elite academic curriculum. Rice has rigorous admission standards. I'm from Austin and I graduated from UT-Austin. There are complexities in the rivalry between UT-Austin and Rice University. The Longhorns used to start the season every year playing Rice and we'd win by several touchdowns. It might be that the larger schools always have better academic programs because the football teams are more competitive. Texas is ranked 9th in the country and we're 2-0. TCU is not ranked and they're 0-1. (October 3, 2020)



The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional energy issues. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. The Washington Post has reported on right wing incidents within the German police departments. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. "Russia: Position of USA on Belene NPP and Balkan Stream is far-fetched" (October 3, 2020)


Finland, Estonia, and Hungary are included in the same linguistic group. It is an Asiatic form of German. It's called Uralic, they are Uralic languages. The Prussian military maintained training areas in Finland. There were tank testing facilities near the Gulf of Danzig. The Germans developed chemical munitions in the early twentieth century. It seems like chemical munitions are developed near Dresden, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic. There are reports about London. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. In terms of military habits, Prussian military officers don't respond to specific requests. They are unpredictable generally. For example, Robert E. Lee would ask his subordinates to 'pick a date'. It was to make a timeline unpredictable. It's funny a little bit about the British and the Virginians because it's as though they aren't predictable or reliable. Engineering usually allows for predictability. If the British and the Virginians aren't predictable, they aren't reliable. There are routes to Manchester from Brandenburg and then on to Virginia. It's specific ethnic groups that behave this way along the sea lanes from Prussia to Virginia. (October 2, 2020)

The Levant

"I know you provided the Israeli government with the countermeasures to this guidance system." 'The International' (2009) features Clive Owen and Naomi Watts. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to the Levant from the Gulf of Danzig. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. East Germany traded in East German mark and Tel Aviv trades in shekel. (October 2, 2020)

Israel 4

Great Britain

It's being debated about the command structure between Washington, DC and London. The discussion is about telephone calls and radio transmissions. The British have more children than American couples. It seems to corrupt their workplace. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It's being said that a Londoner won't make a long distance telephone call because he has three and four and five children. They'll only send radio transmissions. I live in Washington, DC. I'm not married and I don't have any children. It's not always clear to me why the British are slow to telephone. (October 2, 2020)

Berlin, Germany

The Washington Post is reporting on Brandenburg. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. "Berlin police investigate officers suspected of racist chat" "Last month, 29 officers in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia were suspended..." "...depictions of refugees in gas chambers..." There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. A few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. The Germans seem to use chemical munitions for policing. (October 2, 2020)

Berlin 5

The White House

The Russian news is reporting on the White House. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. It's possible that this telegram was read by a Prussian defense contractor. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. The Virginians make high salaries. There are tales about labor strikes and there are concerns about the defense budget. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. There are laws in Virginia that are friendly to labor unions. It's disputed about the defense contractors assigned to Lafayette Square because you wonder about militant picketing and labor strikes. "Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a telegram to his US counterpart Donald Trump, wishing him and his wife a speedy recovery and offering sincere support." (October 2, 2020)

The Caucasus Region

The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. The Germans make missile defense systems. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. There might be weapons platforms in Turkey that receive signals from German land positions. "Air defense systems of the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh on Friday shot down an Azeri air force jet, spokesperson of the Armenian Defense Ministry Shushan Stepanyan wrote oh her Facebook page." (October 2, 2020)


The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. There might be belligerent radio signals coming from Turkey. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Abkhazia. "Referring to the Special European Council's agenda, which includes discussion of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, Borissov said that due to its geostrategic location, Bulgaria is strongly affected by the conflicts going on around it." (October 2, 2020)


I have a hard time with my British colleagues. I always knew that they didn't go to church. I guess because of Europe they don't go to church. But I struggle a lot with the men because they seem to behave as Scottish people. In real terms they aren't well spoken. I ask about the English men's national team. The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. In terms of British foreign policy there are disputes about radio technology and communications. I also ask about Hollywood actors from England because Clive Owen, for example, attended the Royal film school. (October 1, 2020)


I am writing about the island. It seems like Londoners are slow to use the telephone. It's not clear about the command structure between Washington, DC and London. The Americans are wanting the British to use the telephone but they'll only send radio signals. These are lyrics from 'All for You' by Sister Hazel. "All my roads, they lead to you" "Believe in you" (October 1, 2020)


'The International' (2009) features both Clive Owen and Naomi Watts. There is a scene where a man is poisoned and there are questions about Berlin. "I'm assuming you suspect a combination of prussic acid and DMSO..." There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. Brandenburg used to trade in East German mark. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. It's possible that the Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (October 1, 2020)

Berlin 4


There are routes between Dublin and Manchester. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. There are sometimes general strikes in Ireland. There might be labor strikes in Manchester. When Wayne Rooney was in Washington, DC he said in an interview that he doesn't know the rules of baseball. He signed a three year contract with DC United and he left after two seasons. At the time he said that it was because his wife wanted to return to England. Wayne and Coleen have four children. "It is unethical for women to make babies and not send them to school. It is unethical for William to study at St. Andrews instead of Oxford." (October 1, 2020)

Lafayette Park

Can a defense contractor be guilty of militant picketing? Can a defense contractor be guilty of participating in a labor strike? If they're on a labor strike they have to announce the strike and they can begin to receive strike wages. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they speak creole. The Virginians make high salaries. There are concerns about the defense budget and imported hardware. (October 1, 2020)


'The World is Not Enough' (1999) has scenes in Azerbaijan. Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. It's a port on the Caspian Sea. Abkhazia and South Ossetia are enclaves in Georgia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. "Always something. First the casino, now the caviar factory. I'm a slave to the free-market economy." It seems like there are German airbases in Turkey and Abkhazia. (October 1, 2020)

Serbia 2


Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They're ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. It seems like there are labor disputes within the defense budget. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. "Meet me tonight in Atlantic City." "Well they blew up the chicken man in Phili last night..." "...there's trouble busting in from out of state..." (October 1, 2020)

St. Andrews

William and Kate Middleton studied at St. Andrews. Harry studied at Eton College. It's strange that they didn't study at Oxford. I think it means there are labor unions in Manchester. It would be weird in London about organized labor and the forty hour workweek. "...maybe baby the gypsy lied..." (October 1, 2020)


The Chinese military seems to use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Chinese sometimes send infantrymen across the border into Laos. The Russian news is reporting on Beijing. "Moscow values cooperation with Beijing in countering global security challenges, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a telegram to Chinese President Xi Jinping on occasion of the 71st anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Republic, the Kremlin press service said on Thursday." (October 1, 2020)

The Caucasus Region

The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. It seems like there are German airbases in Turkey that are sending belligerent radio signals. The Germans make missile defense systems. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan claimed Thursday that Armenia involves foreign mercenaries in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, primarily from the Middle East." (October 1, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional events. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There was a battle in Lviv during World War II. Lviv is near the border with Poland. "In its first report on the rule of law situation in the EU, published on Wednesday, the European Commission says that Bulgaria's judicial system and media face a number of challenges." (October 1, 2020)

Los Alamos National Laboratory

As a function of publication year, there are more and less publications with multiple authors. This is especially true for scientific research. It seems like the quality of the publications is lower when there are more quantity authors per publication. Los Alamos National Laboratory is in New Mexico. The papers there seem to have several authors when the subject is physics. There are statisticians that research author and publication rates. Each name that appears in a publication is assigned a ratio which tells if the author usually publishes alone or if they're inclined to publish group papers. There might be physicists at Los Alamos who have never published their own paper. It might be mismanagement at the laboratory. It's possible that most of the publications at Los Alamos are group publications. Moed, H. (2000). Bibliometric Indicators Reflect Publication and Management Strategies. Scientometrics, 47(2), 323-346. (September 30, 2020)


'The World is Not Enough' (1999) has scenes in Azerbaijan. "Atomic Energy Antiterrorist Unit. Where did you find this?" Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (September 30, 2020)

Moscow 10


These are excerpts from 'The World is Not Enough' (1999). Notice the reference to radio technology and Scotland. It's possible that Scottish people are similar to Prussian people. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. "MI6 Headquarters Scotland" "In effect, a highly compacted fertilizer bomb." "...which contained a radio transmitter to trigger the blast." (September 30, 2020)



"I'm OK forever. I'm alright not reconciled. It really bothers me they have so many kids over there." It seems like couples in Great Britain intentionally have more children so they can network as labor leaders. There are tales about labor strikes in Ireland. Maybe there are labor strikes in both Ireland and Manchester at the same time. It's unreal to think about labor strikes in London. I wish the government in Great Britain would do better about enforcing laws related to organized labor. (September 30, 2020)

Washington, DC

The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. It's not clear about the defense budget. There are historical anecdotes about friendly fire in Virginia. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire while on horseback during the evening hours. "Well they blew up the chicken man in Phili last night..." "There's trouble busting in from out of state..." "...meet me tonight in Atlantic City..." (September 30, 2020)

St. Andrews

"At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet and a freight train running through the middle of my head..." Neither William or Harry studied at Oxford. William studied at St. Andrews and Harry studied at Eton College. They might attended these schools so they can network with labor leaders. William was a helicopter pilot when he was in the army. It might have been better had he learned about land use and terrain in the army. It's possible it's bad taste because helicopters crash as they do. (September 30, 2020)


"...what a woman like you is doing with me..." "...is that you baby or just a brilliant disguise..." There are sometimes general strikes in Ireland. It's not clear about the forty hour workweek and if there are labor strikes in Manchester. Labor strikes might travel between Dublin and Manchester. Wayne Rooney has four children. His wife is named Coleen. The magazines here in Washington, DC are reporting that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child. It might be a sign of organized labor if the couples have four and five children. (September 30, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. The Germans make missile defense systems. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There might be weapons platforms in Turkey that receive signals from German land positions. "Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry reported on Wednesday that the country's armed forces have managed to deactivate an Armenian S-300 surface-to-air missile system during armed clashes in the zone of the Karabakh conflict." (September 30, 2020)


"We need to show you how we fight." The Spanish military seems to use German weaponry. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. It might be that the military academies in Madrid and Brandenburg work closely together. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There might be Prussian regions in Spain. (September 30, 2020)

The Teamsters Union

Kyle Johnson was two years younger than me in high school. We both went to Lyndon Johnson High School in Austin, Texas. Lyndon Johnson was originally from Johnson City, Texas which is near Austin. Kyle was probably the wealthiest student at our school. The Bush twins went to a different high school, Austin High School. Kyle's dad had been in the Korean War and he worked for Sysco Foods. There is a television show called 'South Park. There is a character named Kyle in the show. There is also a character named Cartman. A Teamster is a 'car man' or a 'cart man'. (September 29, 2020)


This is an excerpt from Bruce Springsteen's 'Brilliant Disguise'. "...maybe baby the gypsy lied..." The magazines are reporting here in Washington, DC that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child. It seems like it's because William didn't study at Oxford that they have so many kids. (September 29, 2020)


I am writing about the island. It's strange that William didn't study at Oxford. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. There are sometimes general strikes in Ireland. You wonder about labor strikes in Manchester and about the forty hour workweek. Max Weber wrote about the Protestant work ethnic. They might have more children in Great Britain now so they can network with labor leaders. (September 29, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Madrid. Madrid is inland. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. "...separatism from Spain after the Supreme Court barred him from office Monday for disobeying electoral law." (September 29, 2020)

Madrid 1


Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "Asked to comment on the position of the spokesman of the German Chancellor, who said that everything that was signed in Brussels must be implemented, Vucic said that it is normal that it must be implemented." (September 29, 2020)


It seems like there are German airbases in Anatolia. The Germans have developed radios that send long distance transmissions with precision. There might be weapons platforms in Turkey that receive signals from German land positions. The Russian news is reporting on Ankara. "The armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh between Armenian and Azeri forces can draw further on due to Turkey's active involvement on Baku's side, Vladimir Yevseyev, head of the Caucasus department of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) Institute, told TASS Monday." (September 29, 2020)

The Caucasus Region

The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Abkhazia and South Ossetia are enclaves in Georgia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. The Russian news is reporting on Armenia. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz, Iran. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like there are German airbases in both Turkey and Iran. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. "Earlier, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced that Yerevan was also considering plans of recognizing Nagorno-Karabakh's independence." (September 29, 2020)

Hanoi, Vietnam

"Sir, AWACS reports two waves of land-based MiG-21s inbound." This is dialogue from 'Tomorrow Never Dies' (1997). Notice the reference to land positions near the South China Sea. It's controversial when military hardware is traded between Taipei and the Xiamen harbor. It seems like the East Germans used to send weaponry to Taipei from Lubeck. Lubeck is a port near Poland. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are modern reports about the hardware used in Taiwan for internal security. The police in Taiwan might use German-made radios. (September 28, 2020)

Vietnam 2


'Tomorrow Never Dies' (1997) has scenes in the ocean near Vietnam. "U.S. Airbase South China Sea" There were tank battles near Saigon in the 1960's. Saigon has been renamed Ho Chi Minh City. It's possible the tanks resembled panzers and tigers. They might have been sent to Hanoi from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Lubeck traded in East German mark. The Germans used to test tanks near the Gulf of Danzig. (September 28, 2020)

Vietnam 1

South China Sea

This is an excerpt from 'Tomorrow Never Dies' (1997). There were Chinese warplanes that fired on a British warship. "'Have been torpedoed by Chinese MiGs. Sinking.'" It seems like the East Germans sent military hardware to Taipei from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. East Germany traded in East German mark. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. There might be tank driving schools near Hanoi. It's controversial about military hardware traded between Taipei and the Xiamen harbor. (September 28, 2020)


Washington Football Team

Washington lost yesterday against the Cleveland Browns. Washington is now 1-2 this season. There are complaints about the playbook. It's possible there aren't enough quantity plays in the playbook. It's not clear about the team's fitness levels and the practice week. Yesterday Washington scored 7 points in the first half and they lost 34-20. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. There are labor unions in Virginia and there might be labor strikes. (September 28, 2020)

Virginia 24

The Caucasus Region

The Caucasus region includes Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Abkhazia is an enclave in Georgia and it's sometimes an Ottoman port. The Russian news is reporting on Azerbaijan. "One civilian was killed and three more were wounded in the Azerbaijani city of Terter near Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of shelling by the Armenian side, the Azerbaijani prosecutor general's office reported on Monday." (September 28, 2020)


'Tomorrow Never Dies' was released in 1997. There is a scene with Chinese warplanes. "The ship has been over flown by two Chinese MiGs." There have been tank battles in Vietnam. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Hanoi from the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Chinese sometimes send infantrymen across the border into Laos. There might be tank driving schools near Hanoi. (September 27, 2020)

China 1

Library Science

I am studying library science at Catholic University of America. There is a lot of Germany in library science. Three examples come to mind. First of all, 'discovery' is a term about searches. When I search, I intuitively search strategically several times and I learn from each search and change the term parameters. 'Discovery' is a search algorithm that generates the best results from one search. Second, 'machine-readable' means information formatted that can be organized. It's obvious to me what kinds of lists can be sorted. Third, 'linked data' seems German because it means the information on the internet. I would think everything is on the internet. (September 27, 2020)


The District of Columbia is north of the Potomac River. Virginia is south of the river. Foreign embassies are in the federal district. The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. It seems like the Virginians are reluctant to make telephone calls generally. They speak creole because they're German immigrants. Conceptually, the bureau might not make any telephone calls to the foreign embassies. It might be lawlessness then in the federal district. There are complaints about the Embassy of Spain. There are military personnel assigned to those buildings. It might not be policed in the federal district such that foreign military personnel behave as friendlies. (September 27, 2020)

Virginia 23

Lafayette Park

The Washington Post reported earlier this year that federal agents in Langley, Virginia were requesting permission to take a vaccine. There are labor unions in Virginia. There are complaints about defense contractors working within the police departments. The United States Senate asked Christopher Wray about warrants when he testified on Capitol Hill. It's possible there are defense contractors in office buildings near Lafayette Square at odd hours and on the weekends. You wonder about labor strikes and the defense budget. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. (September 27, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

These are excerpts from 'Goldeneye' 1995. "I was a systems programmer at Severnaya facility until... Go on. ..until they killed everyone. Who? Alec Trevelyan? No. I don't know who that is. Who's the insider? Who's the traitor? Boris. Boris Grishenko." The Germans have invested heavily in radio technology. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radios. The Russians might use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (September 27, 2020)

'Goldeneye' 1995

'Goldeneye' 1995 has scenes with space weapons. The space weapons target both Russian land positions and Russian warplanes. There was a computer lab in Siberia that was destroyed and three Russian jet fighters were hit. The images are of electrical shocks around the outside of the warplanes. It's controversial generally about nanotechnology and weaponry. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. They also develop missile defense systems. It's possible that the East Germans developed these weapons. There are today military academies in Berlin, Dresden, and Potsdam. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden.

Moscow 9


This is an excerpt from 'Goldeneye' 1995. "You've hacked into the US Department of Justice." It seems like the East Germans developed radios that are used for internal security. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There is a scene in 'Goldeneye' in a Russian computer lab and there is an altercation between civilian engineers and military personnel. It's controversial about German radio technology. It might be that the Russians use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. East Germany traded in East German mark. They might try to sell police hardware for economic reasons. A few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (September 27, 2020)

Moscow 8


Xenia Onatopp is a character in 'Goldeneye' (1995). Xenia is sometimes a Polish name but the character said she was from Georgia. The Russians sent infantrymen into Georgia in 2008. It seems like there are German airbases in Anatolia and Abkhazia. Abkhazia and South Ossetia are enclaves in Georgia. The Russian infantrymen were sent toward both Turkey and Abkhazia. There are likely belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia and Abkhazia. The Germans have developed radios that send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. A few months ago the Germans reported labor strikes. (September 27, 2020)

Abkhazia 2

DC United

Ben Olsen is the head coach for DC United. He attended the University of Virginia but he didn't graduate and he doesn't have a four year degree. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. It's never clear about the defense budget. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. The Washington Post is reporting on DC United. "With D.C. United struggling, Coach Ben Olsen is sitting on a 'scalding-hot seat'" (September 27, 2020)


There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. A Serbian military plane crashed this week. The Serbian news is reporting on the plane crash. "Upon hearing the criticism that these are planes that have been overhauled in Russia, Vucic noted that there are always people who, no matter what happens, will speak the worst about the country, that they can achieve some political benefit for themselves, but that it speaks best about them. The planes were in no way connected with the overhaul in Russia, Vucic said, adding that it was an old plane, which is used for training." (September 27, 2020)

The Bureau

Virginia is south of the Potomac River. There are defense contractors north and south of the river. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. The Virginians are Prussian and they seem to lobby to import German-made radios. When they're north of the river they're in an urban area. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It seems like the defense contractors are reckless in the city because the radios cause property damage. (September 26, 2020)

Virginia 22


I am writing about the British government. It seems like the East Germans used to manage labor unions in Dublin. There are sometimes general strikes in Ireland. There might be labor strikes in Manchester. "I can't hear from a Londoner that I don't have any money. William has four kids and Wayne has four kids. I'm not married. I live here in Washington, DC and I don't have any kids." (September 26, 2020)


KK Dunav Stari Banovci lost yesterday to KK Mladost Admiral 109-93. That was the first game of the Serbian basketball season. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. KK Dunav will play Sloboda U on October 3 for the second game of the season. (September 26, 2020)

Serbia 1


My relatives fought for England in the French and Indian War at the Battle of Quebec. I went to UT-Austin and I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. "Those considerations are subordinate to the interests of the Crown. A terrible feature of war here in the Americas, Major Heyward. Best keep your eye fixed on our duty, to defeat France. That hangs on a courier to Webb." (September 26, 2020)

London 10


As it relates to city ordinances, it matters what time of day and what day of the week radio transmissions are sent. It might be that the bureau and the German security services use similar radios. The Germans have developed radio technology that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are defense contractors in Virginia. There are complaints about radio transmissions that are sent at odd hours and on the weekends. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. (September 26, 2020)

The Hoover Building

Daniel Craig is in a BBC series called 'Archangel' and Liev Schreiber is in a Hollywood movie called 'Spinning Boris'. Both are set in Moscow and there are scenes at nightclubs with prostitutes. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It's been suggested that the bureau works closely with the German security services. There are complaints about the Hoover Building near Lafayette Square. The Washington Post has reported that a bureau attorney lied about a surveillance effort. It might be that the German security services sends transmissions to the bureau and the Virginians behave as they shouldn't. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. Neither the field office or the Hoover Building accept walk in appointments. There seem to be defense contractors in both buildings. The buildings might resemble labor halls and you wonder about militant picketing. (September 26, 2020)


Both Craig and Fleming are in the Scottish names book. It seems like Daniel Craig is a distant relative of Charles and William. Daniel Craig was in a BBC series called 'Archangel'. "Because I was a mistake. My mother had me when she was 46." The Virginians get married late in life. A Virginian couple might get married at the age of fifty. It's because they work for labor unions and they might not be able to get married until their work schedule changes. It is likely labor disputes travel between Brandenburg, Manchester, and Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Scottish people might be similar to Prussian people. (September 26, 2020)

London 9

Kiev, Ukraine

The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are military academies in Berlin, Dresden, and Potsdam. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden traded in East German mark. There might be weapons platforms in Ukraine that receive signals from German land positions. The Tashkent news is reporting on Kiev. "A military transport plane carrying air force cadets crashed and burst into flames near a highway in northeastern Ukraine on Friday evening, killing at least 22 people on board, officials said." (September 26, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine is a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. It seems like nanotechnology is combined with weaponry. "Ukraine's National Bureau of Investigation has named four likely causes of the An-26 military transport plane's crash in the northeastern Kharkov Region on Friday." (September 26, 2020)


There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. A few months ago the Germans reported labor strikes. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The Bulgarian news is reporting on organized labor. "The influential Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) Friday called for changes in the tax system to make it feel fair to more people with jobs. Addressing a forum organized by the trade union, its President, Plamen Dimitrov, said it was the lack of a sense of fairness that was the root cause of the current public discontent." (September 26, 2020)


There are sometimes general strikes in Ireland. It seems like the East Germans coordinated with labor leaders in Dublin. Lubeck is a German port. There might be radio signals sent to Ireland from Germany about organized labor. Manchester, England is near Ireland. There are jokes in Washington, DC about labor strikes in England. It might be that Londoners make a living organizing labor strikes. They might not think of them as labor strikes. It's not always sensical about British trade and British commercial habits. It makes more sense what they're doing if you consider the labor disputes in Dublin. There might be labor strikes in London and Southampton. You wonder about Irish Catholicism and if they think labor strikes are immoral. If there are grown men collecting strike wages, it seems like there are societal problems that should be addressed. It seems unthinkable to join in with a labor strike. (September 25, 2020)

The British

I am writing about the British. British people will only give money to their parents, their children, or their brothers and sisters. They will not give money to their nieces and nephews. It might be because of northern England and Manchester. The English will give money to their distant relatives. I have complained about the British embassy in Washington, DC because it seems to be used only for consular services. It's when British people lose their passports they go to the British embassy. It seems unethical now about the labor unions in Manchester. It's also a struggle simply to converse with people from Great Britain because they don't talk much and they seem greedy. (September 25, 2020)

London 8

Daniel Craig

I am writing about the island. A Londoner will say that the Windsors are a dynasty. My last name is Welles. My uncle was the Bishop of Kansas City, MO, Rt. Rev. Edward Randolph Welles II. I today live near Randolph Street in Washington, DC and I am a member of the White House church. About the Windsors, they spend money on their children and they're children aren't high achieving. It's similar to the Ayn Rand novel, 'Anthem' because there is a sacred word or a sacred phrase. The Windsors aren't told that their children are losers. I am watching a James Bond movie with Daniel Craig. Both Fleming and Craig are included in the Scottish names book. They are both likely distant relatives of Charles and William and Kate Middleton. It's odd to suggest that William's kids are losers. But William himself didn't study at Oxford and when he was in the army he was a helicopter pilot. (September 25, 2020)

The French Army

Idris Elba was born in England but his parents are immigrants from West Africa. He was in 'Takers' (2010) and 'The Take' (2016). 'Takers' is set in Los Angeles and 'The Take' is set in Paris. Erwin Rommel wrote several books. The books describe the French army as that they would surrender and hand the Germans the weapons. (1) Surrender to the Germans, and (2) Hand over the weapons to the Germans. The Germans would report back to German army headquarters that the French had surrendered and that they'd received these French mortars or small arms. There were similar descriptions of the French army about the Battle of Dunkirk. The French would remain in these government buildings and they'd relay German messages. (September 25, 2020)

'Missile Defense Systems in the Balkans' by Donna Welles 9-25-20

A Serbian jet fighter, the Army of Serbia (VS) MiG-21, crashed yesterday near the village of Basina in Western Serbia. Aleksandar Vucic is the President of Serbia. Vucic attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. A Serbian delegation visited the White House earlier this month to sign an agreement about Kosovo. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia.
Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. The Kosovars are ethnically Albanian. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. It's called the Bosnian convertible mark. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district.
There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Kosovo is inland but Albania and Bosnia are ports. Albania has both strategic ports and railroads. The Germans might trade through both Albanian ports and Bosnian ports. It's controversial generally about military radios used for international trade.
The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There were military research facilities near the border between Egypt and Libya. Dresden, Germany is in the south near the Czech Republic. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There were dive bomber training schools in Dresden in the early twentieth century. During the Cold War there were reports about labor strikes in both East Germany and Czechoslovakia.
Radio signals are sent south from Dresden, Germany to Bosnia about trade. Benghazi and Tripoli are Libyan ports. Historically there have been labor strikes in Libya. The labor unions in Libya might be ethnically German labor unions. Berlin is the seat of Prussia. It's possible that Libyan labor unions are ethnically Prussian labor unions.
The Germans make missile defense systems. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. The Serbian plane might have crashed because of a missile defense system. The plane was flying in Serbia. Airbases nearby might have sent a radio transmission toward the plane which caused the plane to crash.
In recent years there have been high profile accounts about warplanes crashing in Anatolia and the Levant. A Russian plane crashed over Turkey and the pilots died in 2015. There were reports that Turkish gunmen shot the pilot who survived the crash. Anatolia is known as Turkey or Western Asia. The Russian plane was shot down while it was flying over Turkey and then Turkish infantrymen went looking for the pilots.
In the Levant, a Russian plane was shot down in 2018. It might be there are missile defense systems in the Levant and the cargo plane flew too close to them. Missile defense systems might be responsible for all three of these plane crashes. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. Weapons platforms in Anatolia and the Levant receive signals from German land positions.
There remains an observable disparity in wealth between Germany's west and Germany's east. The process of rebuilding East Germany would have been expensive. The German military seems to use radio technology for trade. There are concerns about market prices and there are reports about inflation. Inflation has been reported recently in Beirut.


The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. It's possible that a German radio transmission is responsible for this Serbian plane that crashed. There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. "Firefighters and police vehicles at the location where Serbian Army aircraft crashed today, in the village of Brasina, between Mali Zvornik and Banja Koviljaca." (September 25, 2020)

North Korea

There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. It seems like the East Germans sent tanks to North Korea from Lubeck. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. There are accounts about barbed wire fences and roadblocks near Pyongyang. The Russian news is reporting on Seoul. "Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a congratulatory telegram to South Korean President Moon Jae-in on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two states, the Kremlin press service informed on Friday." (September 25, 2020)


The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Russian news is reporting on Alexei Navalny. There are reports about nerve agents. It might be that he was poisoned by the German security services. "A bipartisan group of US senators has proposed sanctions against Russian officials over the situation with Alexei Navalny, according to the statement on the website of Democratic Senator Chris Coons." (September 25, 2020)

The Bureau

The Virginians are known to commit acts of friendly fire. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire. There might be modern accounts of friendly fire.

American infantrymen reported frostbite in the 1950's
American infantrymen were deployed in proximity to chemical munitions in the 1990's
American infantrymen were arrested in Venezuela in May 2020
The Hoover Building and the field office don't accept walk-in appointments
The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios
The Virginians might coordinate regularly with the German security services
The Virginians speak creole
There are labor strikes in Virginia
The Virginians issue labor permits within the defense budget
The prisons in Virginia are sometimes upgraded with defense spending
There are defense contractors in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park
The Virginians make high salaries but they might not have much formal education
It's not clear about due process in the Hoover Building
(September 24, 2020)


These are excerpts from 'The Manchurian Candidate' (2004). "His name is Atticus Noyle. He's a South African scientist and mercenary. Someone our CIA turned to for covert mind warfare against the Soviets in Afghanistan." The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They're ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. There are Prussian labor unions in Virginia. It seems like the Virginians work closely with the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. East Germany traded in East German mark. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are concerns about the defense budget. The Germans reported labor strikes a few months ago. The Virginians might be on a labor strike. A general strike is a large-scale labor strike. (September 24, 2020)


I am writing about London and the British government. There is a real cultural divide between Middle America and Great Britain. It seems like Londoners have been spending a lot of time in New York City and Middle America hasn't as much. I'm from Texas. I am not married and I don't have any children. My British counterparts are married and they have three and four and five children. The American experience in the modern day working with the British is that the Americans end up asking the British about their children. The American doesn't have any children. The Londoners have three and four and five children. I just end up talking about their kids. Wayne Rooney has four children. The magazines are reporting that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child. They're not all married. Naomi Watts has never been married and she has two children. If there are two people, one does and one does not have children. The American has no children and the Londoner has three and four and five. (September 24, 2020)


The Washington Post reported recently about a Hollywood film called the 'Manchurian Candidate' (2004). The film is about Gulf War Syndrome. It seems like the Germans have developed radio technology that can send long distance transmissions. The radio signals resemble nanotechnology. It might be that the Germans can move things at long distances using nanotechnology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It might be that these radios were used in Kuwait during the 1990's. American servicemen reported illnesses such as insomnia and paranoia. Maybe the German army deployed these radios and nanotechnology and that's what resulted in these illnesses. (September 24, 2020)



The Virginians get married late in life. A Virginian woman will get married when she's fifty years old. It's because there are labor unions in Virginia and the men wait to get married until they have saved money. Virginian couples live together before they're married. I am 36 but I'll be 37 next month. I live alone and I have never been married. It's strange at work because my self is kind of ready for a quiet next five or ten years. The Virginians my age will get married in ten years. If I'm 36, a Virginian will get married in another decade. I'm from Texas. I'm like worn out and I want to keep my health. I try to maintain with the Virginians what is reasonable to expect of a women in her late 30's. They're all defense contractors and they're saving money and they're living with their girlfriends. I think it's immoral for couples to live together if they're not married. (September 24, 2020)


Between America and Europe there are real differences in age appropriate behavior. The Virginians get married late in life and they're similar to the Europeans. Most Americans get married when they're young and they have one or two children. Europeans get married at older ages and they have more children. I live here in Washington, DC and I'm 36. It's a struggle with my colleagues in London because they are out of sink with me in terms of age. Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child at the age of 38, according to the magazines. She got married when she was about thirty. I couldn't think of having a baby when I was in my late thirties. It speaks to organized labor in Europe. It is a challenge for the governments to communicate between Washington, DC and London because people behave differently at different ages. (September 24, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Libya. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Libya and Syria. "A leader of the Northern African branch of the Islamic State terrorist group (outlawed in Russia) was killed in a Libyan National Army (LNA) operation in southern Libya, an LNA source told TASS." (September 24, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Moscow. "Bulgaria is expelling two Russian diplomats for spying. The Foreign Ministry said the two have been declared persona non grata and the Russian Embassy has been notified. According to sources of Bulgarian National Television, the diplomats are Sergey Nikolashin and Vadim Bikov." (September 24, 2020)


Brandenburg and Berlin are in Germany's eastern territories. Brandenburg traded in East German mark. There are ports in Europe that receive Prussian trade. Minsk and Kiev fell during blitzkrieg. Lviv, Ukraine is a hub for labor unions regionally and it's near Poland. Warsaw fell to the Germans in the 1930's. The Gulf of Danzig is in Poland. Helsinki and Tallinn were fiercely fought over and they are sometimes in German and sometimes in Russian territory. The Lowlands include Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Dublin, Belfast, and Galway are Irish ports. The Germans seem to trade by way of Irish ports. It seems like there are German labor unions in Manchester. Albania and Bosnia receive German trade. Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. (September 23, 2020)

The Balkans

Marko Duric is a Serbian diplomat. Kosovo, Bosnia, and Albania are Muslim enclaves. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. "Of course Serbia is in the Balkans and the region has a lot of complexities. Serbian history is a long history and there are many nations and peoples that live near Serbia in the Balkans. The region is a peaceful region and there is stability in the Balkans." "Да Србија коначно уз наше традиционалне пријатеље и браћу са истока и неке од наших пријатеља и блиских народа из региона има још један стуб на коме почива наша стабилност и наша државност." (September 23, 2020)

Arlington County

I am writing about Washington, DC. It's significant about the modern age and wealth. Wayne Rooney lived in Bethesda, Maryland when he was here. Both Alex Ovechkin and Tom Wilson live in Arlington County which is in Virginia. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany' eastern provinces. I am from Texas and I live in the same zip code as the United States Congress. I live near Capitol Hill. Wayne, Alex, and Tom are from Great Britain, Russia, and Canada. I think in the modern age we assume that foreigners have more money than the Americans. Virginia is filled with labor unions. The Virginians speak creole. I think Alex Ovechkin lives in a large house but it's out in the county and maybe that's not a nice neighborhood. Tom Wilson is from Toronto, he lives in the county in Virginia. As foreigners and wealthy athletes they live in large houses, but they have to drive into the city and they live where people speak creole. I live in an urban area of Washington, DC. I don't know if wealthy people live in the county. (September 23, 2020)


Brandenburg, Potsdam, East Germany, East Berlin, East German mark, Signals intelligence, Truppenfuhrung, Organized labor, Labor strikes, Labor permits, Prussia, The bureau, The Virginians, Defense contractors, Lafayette Park, Lafayette Square, The Hoover Building, Field office, Eisenhower Building, Imported hardware, Odd hours and on the weekends, Surveillance hardware, Nanotechnology, Chemical munitions, Due process, Search warrant, Radio transmissions.

These are concepts that overlap between the Virginians and Brandenburg.
Potsdam is the capital of Brandenburg.
The Virginians are defense contractors and they use imported hardware.
East Berlin traded in East German mark.
There have been recent reports about labor strikes in Brandenburg.
The bureau uses imported hardware.
Nanotechnology is combined with chemical munitions.
The bureau might not abide by due process because they were asked about search warrants.
(September 23, 2020)

The Bureau

The bureau hires defense contractors.
Defense contractors might not be policemen but they're in police buildings.
The bureau has two buildings near Lafayette Park.
It's possible defense contractors are in these buildings at odd hours and on the weekends.
The Virginians are Prussian.
The bureau might send radio signals to the German security services.
Christopher Wray was asked by the United States Senate about due process.
The bureau might send radio signals and they might not abide by due process.
It's possible the bureau uses German-made radios to send the signals.
There are complaints about defense contractors because of education and belligerent behavior.
In Virginia there are labor unions.
(September 23, 2020)


The Serbian news is reporting on the White House. Aleksandr Vucic attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. I attended Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. It seems like there are airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. "He said that many said that our trip to Washington and the agreement had something to do with Donald Trump's presidential campaign, but that the arrival of the DFC in Serbia said the opposite." (September 23, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Both Minsk and Moscow trade in ruble. East Germany traded in East German mark. A few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. It seems like the German security services send radio signals toward Minsk. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. "Former Belarusian presidential hopeful Svetlana Tikhanovskaya told the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Parliamentary Assembly on Wednesday that she did not consider Alexander Lukashenko as legitimate president after his inauguration." (September 23, 2020)

New York City

I live here in Washington, DC. There are all of these Londoners who live in New York City. It's not well understood about British citizens living and working in New York City. For some reason, Londoners can afford to vacation in New York and they sometimes live in New York for years at a time. I guess it's because there are banks in both London and New York. It seems like bad judgement for as many British citizens to travel to New York City as often as they do. It might not be the intention of a commercial flight to fly a Londoner to New York City. (September 22, 2020)


There are tales about the District of Columbia in terms of the police. During the Vietnam War there was a Hollywood actress who was arrested because it was said she was guilty of friendly fire on American soldiers. She was protesting but she was arrested as if she had committed a felony or a crime against the military. But, she traveled to the warfront. In the modern age there is a culture here in Washington, DC about the war in Afghanistan. The police seem to behave as though they are in Kabul. It's been said that the White House security personnel use the same tactics as the army uses in Afghanistan. It is similar to Jane Fonda, but it's that the police have been to the front and they behave as though Washington, DC is Afghanistan. In the case of Jane Fonda, she had travelled to the front and at the time it was thought she'd caused damage to the war effort. "And then, in 1972, Fonda went to Hanoi, Vietnam, and that photograph was taken." (September 22, 2020)

Washington, DC

There is an observable phenomenon about published research. There is an upward trend in quantity authors per publication. It seems like quality goes down and price goes up when there are more authors per publication. It's likely this resulted from trade with Beijing. There are challenges additionally in cataloging publications with foreign names. (September 22, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

The Germans make missile defense systems. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. It seems like the German security services maintain airbases and that they sometimes shoot down warplanes. The Serbian news is reporting on Moscow. "A Su-30 fighter has crashed in Russia's Tver Region during a planned training flight, the crew was forced to eject, the press service of the Western Military District informed." (September 22, 2020)


The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It seems like the German security services send radio signals toward Minsk. Both Minsk and Moscow trade in ruble. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Belarus. "Bulgaria favours sanctions against those who are responsible for tampering with the presidential elections in Belarus and for the repression against the country's peaceful population, Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva told the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels on Monday." (September 22, 2020)


The Potomac River is north of Virginia. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia. The Virginians make high salaries but they might not have much formal education. There are concerns about the defense budget. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. "They're from the 'south'. They are illiterate kind of. For example, the women buy the dinner for the men. I think the men aren't handsome." (September 22, 2020)


Marko Duric attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. It seems like there are airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia is an import port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. "Pristina is a nation and there are debates about the political identity of Kosovo. Hyseni talks about the differences between Serbia and Albania. This is a region with a modern history. For example, modern history might be since 1878 in the Balkans." "Приштинска страна је дошла без иједног папира, а Хисени је причао како Срби дугују Албанцима Топлички округ, како смо тобоже после 1878." (September 21, 2020)

Oxford University

I am writing about the island. The British sometimes believe in reincarnation. British couples sometimes have large families. They seem to understand death different than the Americans. Plato wrote a eulogy. There is a famous eulogy in Thucydides. It might be that the Irish and the British think of death like Siddhartha and Herman Hesse. When someone dies it might not be a tragedy there like it is in America. The Americans really mourn their dead. Americans mourn war dead and they mourn deaths in the family. I think the British get a little sad if someone dies but they're not devastated. Americans are sometimes devastated when their friends or relatives die. Americans generally don't believe in reincarnation. "My aunt studied at Oxford and she believed in reincarnation. I only believe in heaven, I don't believe in reincarnation. Muriel Welles Hall studied at Oxford." (September 21, 2020)


In Europe there is a concept of 'man, woman, and child'. During the 1940's the Americans couldn't understand who in Germany was responsible for war crimes. Today there are concerns about Prussian labor unions in Ireland and Manchester. It seems like organized labor has overtaken the British economy. Wayne Rooney has four children and he's an athlete. Naomi Watts has two children and she's an actress and she's never been married. There seems to be a financial incentive in the United Kingdom to have large families. It's overwhelming from the American perspective about the British economy and labor strikes. It's as though white collar people are in a labor union. In Ireland it used to be that children joined labor unions. There are tales about general strikes in Ireland. It's difficult for the Americans to find common ground with their British counterparts. (September 21, 2020)

Washington Football Team

The Washington Football Team has played two games and they have won one game. Yesterday they lost 30-15 to Arizona. There are concerns about the playbook. First, there might not be enough plays in the playbook. Yesterday the team didn't score any points in the first half. The playbook would resemble the scoreboard. If the Washington Football Team didn't score any points in the first half, then the playbook might not have enough plays. Additionally, there are concerns about physical fitness and the practice week. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. (September 21, 2020)



Kosovo, Bosnia, and Albania are Muslim enclaves. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "He reiterated that the EU has not allowed the so-called Kosovo visa liberalization for a decade now." (September 21, 2020)


Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There was a battle in Lviv during World War II. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial about organized labor and prison upgrades. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. "Germany extradited three people charged with grave crimes to Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia told TASS Monday." (September 21, 2020)


Marko Duric is a Serbian diplomat. He attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. I attended Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. Bosnia trades in mark. It seems like the Germans use the ports in Bosnia for trade. markodjuric.srb "There are issues about Albania and Kosovo as well as Metohija, in terms of the region's history. The culture is rich and there are complexities in the countries and regions. It's an effort to be precise about the region and the politics pertaining to the Balkans." markodjuric.srb "Не мислим да су Албанци због тога што на Косову и Метохији немају своје манастире на било који начин инфериорни, јер и они имају своју богату културу на коју треба да буду поносни, али сам најоштрији противник сваког покушаја присвајања туђе културне баштине." (September 20, 2020)


It seems like there are Prussian labor unions in Manchester. There are two television series that were filmed in California, 'Sons of Anarchy' and 'Ray Donovan'. Both have British actors and there is nudity. There are reports from ten years ago or more about Russian infantrymen filmed nude. It's likely the German security services because of the advancements in radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden traded in East German mark. (September 20, 2020)


The British will have four and five children with their wives.
A British army officer will sit by a telephone and not make a telephone call.
(September 20, 2020)

London 7

Great Britain

"Wayne and Coleen have twenty kids and they all live by the bank." I am writing about the British army and the command structure between Washington, DC and London. There are concerns about German radio technology. It might be that the British army generally doesn't make long distance telephone calls. An American might be faster than a British infantryman to make a long distance telephone call.


If the Americans both know the rules of baseball and they make long distance telephone calls. And the British don't. Then the Americans can live with that and that's the dispute. It's why England and the United States are two countries. (September 20, 2020)

Wayne Rooney

Wayne Rooney arrived in Washington, DC and he said he doesn't know the rules of baseball.
He's got four kids and his wife is named Coleen.
The British army seems slow to make long distance telephone calls.
American couples have fewer kids than British couples.
American infantrymen might be faster to make a long distance telephone call.
(September 20, 2020)


It shouldn't be the goal of Brandenburg to sell more than they buy. The command structure between Washington, DC and London is being debated. It's interesting if commands can be optional. In international relations theory there is 'coalition theory' which comes from Germany. A coalition might have opposed Napoleon, for example. However, in the case of Washington, DC and London the commands should resemble the army. The dispute pertains to German radio technology and telephone calls. The Americans are telling London to make long distance telephone calls. There is a complaint about German trade regionally, that they'll export more than they import. If there are optional orders then it resembles German trade. Berlin sells more than they buy. That's not free trade. (September 20, 2020)


Between Washington, DC and London it's not clear about the command structure. There are disputes about radio technology. The Americans make more telephone calls and the British send more radio transmissions. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The British seem slow to make long distance telephone calls. The concern is that the British army is using German-made radios and this affects the infantry. There have been high casualty rates in the army. The casualty rates might have resulted from German radio technology. The Americans are requesting that the British make long distance telephone calls. The British seem generally opposed to using a telephone for army purposes. (September 20, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Libya. The Germans used to test warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. There are likely military research facilities in the Libyan desert. Chemical munitions have been reported in Syria. It's possible the Germans transport chemical munitions between Libya and Syria. "Libya's prime minister doesn't back oil deal with rebels" (September 20, 2020)

Libya 8


East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There are real concerns about NATO because of the German government. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. The Bulgarian news is reporting on NATO. "Bulgaria's Chief of Defence Admiral Emil Eftimov took part in a sitting of the Military Committee of NATO member states which discussed the challenges to international security, the Defence Ministry press service informed on Saturday." (September 20, 2020)

Los Angeles, CA

The Los Angeles Rams beat the Dallas Cowboys in Week 1. But, the Rams are ranked third in the NFC West because they only scored 20 points. Sean McVay is the head coach for the Rams. He went to Miami (Ohio) for college. It's possible that the NFL should recruit head coaches who went to larger schools. Ohio State is in the Big 10. For example, McVay might be a better football coach if he would have gone to Ohio State instead of Miami (Ohio) for college. (September 19, 2020)

McVay 1

Manchester, England

The British army is slow to make long distance telephone calls. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It seems like the British army uses German-made radios. There are routes to Manchester from Lubeck. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. The Americans are requesting that the British make more telephone calls. It's being debated about the command structure between Washington, DC and London. Washington, DC is asking London to make more long distance telephone calls. (September 19, 2020)


The British have more children than the Americans and they are slower to use the telephone. It seems like the British are slow to use the telephone because they have so many children. There are tales about general strikes in Ireland. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. The British army seems to use German-made radios. They send long distance radio transmissions but they might not make long distance telephone calls. It's not clear about Washington, DC and London. The Americans in Washington, DC are requesting that the British make more long distance telephone calls. It seems to be the culture of the British army that they have several children and their wives might not work. (September 19, 2020)


I am writing about the island. This isn't well understood. The British seem to in their lives prioritize parenting. It's a long process they go through about getting married and having children. Linguistically it's as though most daily events are about being married and being parents. I live in Washington, DC and I am observing my colleagues in London. Many of them have four and five children. Many households in Great Britain are one income households. It's remarkable about the command structure within the British army. They're inclined to not do what they're told to do. The British army seems to rely on radio technology and they seem generally to not like making telephone calls. (September 19, 2020)

Great Britain

The British are supposed to do what the Americans tell them.
What if the British refuse a request made by the Americans?
It means they trade with Brandenburg and Warsaw.
Are the British allowed to trade with Brandenburg and Warsaw?
If the British refuse, it means they're behaving as Prussians.
What are the Americans asking the British to do?
We're asking them to make long distance telephone calls.
The British are refusing to make long distance telephone calls.
It's likely because they are using German-made radios.
The British aren't allowed to use German-made radios because of casualties in the infantry.
(September 19, 2020)

Washington, DC

"That would be really great if anti-British messages replaced anti-American messages in the news media." It has been a relentless barrage of anti-American messages coming across the Atlantic Ocean since Tony Blair was the Prime Minister. It seems like what's happened is that the East Germans built up the labor unions in Ireland and Manchester. The British army uses German-made radios. There is a dispute today about the government in London. The Americans are requesting that the British army make more telephone calls. It's being discussed about the command structure between Washington, DC and London. The Londoners are refusing to make long distance telephone calls even if the Americans have told them to. (September 19, 2020)


The Germans have a book called 'Truppenfuhrung' which is the army field manual. The weapons are designed to be used in tandem. For example, chemical munitions are used alongside armoured personnel carriers and artillery. In the modern age there are reports about chemical munitions used for internal security. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany which is near the former Czechoslovakia. It seems like nanotechnology is combined with chemical munitions. The Germans make missile defense systems. The Germans have deployed some of these weapons. This summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. This all seems like a modernization of what was known as East Germany. There were barbed wire fences and roadblocks in East Berlin. Finally, it seems like radio transmissions are sent from Brandenburg which are belligerent. It might be that more telephone calls need to be made to report these incidents. (September 19, 2020)


"I remember when you would say we'd be okay come what may." The British army right now is controversial because they seam slow to make telephone calls. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Americans are wanting London to make a long distance telephone call and they are refusing. It's being debated generally about radio transmissions and telephone calls within the army. The Americans are saying that casualty rates are higher when there are fewer telephone calls. (September 19, 2020)


It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. Additionally, there are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There have been reports about radio signals coming from Catalonia at odd hours and on the weekends. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. The Serbian news is reporting on Madrid. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. "Spain would be ready to recognize Kosovo if it reaches an agreement with Serbia." "This was reported by the Brussels portal EU Observer, referring to unnamed sources in the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs." (September 19, 2020)


It's so weird anything having to do with the British government. Both William and Kate Middleton went to St. Andrews. The television and magazines are full of photos of their children. It's as though Kate is indecent in wanting more of William's children. The Americans aren't sure why William didn't study at Oxford. It's an image of old people getting married. These images of couples with four and five children and then couples getting married when they're old. The Virginians get married with they're fifty years old. It terms of handsome, I am not sure if St. Andrews is handsome such that Kate should want more of William's children. It seems like lunacy. (September 18, 2020)


Marko Duric is a Serbian diplomat. There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. "The Serbian delegation to Brussels spoke about the Kosovo issue. The Kosovo issue was a theme in the discussions with the European Union, and there were conversations about trade and other government items pertaining to Pristina." "Српска делегација је данас у Бриселу као прву и главну тему покренула ЗСО. ЗСО је била прва и главна тема и у разговорима које је српска делегација водила са представницима ЕУ, и у разговорима које смо водили са представницима институција из Приштине." (September 18, 2020)

St. Andrews

It's hard for the Americans that William went to St. Andrews. And then Kate Middleton started having all these kids. It's like brainwashing because we all have to say that St. Andrews is a good school. Harry went to Eton College. (September 18, 2020)

The Hoover Building

The Hoover Building has defense contractors. It's not clear if they're the police. The prisons in Virginia seem corrupt. It seems like mismanagement about the surveillance hardware in the federal buildings near Lafayette Square. It's likely militant picketing because they block the doorway to the police buildings. It's threatening to walk near the police who are defense contractors. (September 18, 2020)


It's overwhelming here in Washington, DC when thinking about the British government. The casualty rates in the infantry are high. There are tales of land mines in Afghanistan. I have been wanting them to use the telephone more. It's as though generally the British army won't do what the Americans ask them to do. I don't know why they're behaving this way. There are accounts about general strikes in Ireland. I think there is real anti-American sentiment in London because they're behaving as though the Americans can't make any requests. It's because the British army uses German-made radios. The Americans are telling them to make more phone calls and they won't do it. (September 18, 2020)


It seems like casualty rates in the army are higher when the British stop using the telephone. The Germans have developed radio technology that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It might be that the Londoners never do what the Americans ask them to do. The Americans want to start saying No to British requests. It's not clear right now about the command structure between Washington, DC and London. The Americans are requesting that the British army make more telephone calls. If the Londoners consistently refuse to honor American requests, it would be nice if the Americans can start saying No to British requests. (September 18, 2020)

Charlie Hunnam

There are some complaints about the British government and British culture. They have more children than American couples. They also spend more time in the developing world. Charlie Hunnam is an English actor from Newcastle. He goes surfing in Costa Rica, for example. He lives in Los Angeles and then he'll go on vacation in Costa Rica. It seems to be that British people think they're supposed to visit strange places in the third world. Americans don't travel a lot internationally but when they do travel they visit places for reasons about history. In the example of Charlie Hunnam, how many trips abroad does he take every year? Where does he go? What does he do when he gets there? I live here in Washington, DC and I notice these British people traveling to strange places in the developing world. It's a complaint because it seems like they're wasting money and they're not working hard. (September 18, 2020)

Great Britain

Washington, DC and London form a command structure.
The British army is refusing to use the telephone.
The Americans are wanting the British to make more telephone calls.
London seems to rely on German radio technology.
It's not clear if the British generally don't do what the Americans ask of them.
If an American told a Londoner to do something, he might not do it.
Will the British use the telephone instead of a German radio?
A British army officer prefers German radio technology to using the telephone.
There are reports about casualty rates in the infantry.
It might be that casualty rates are higher when the British army doesn't telephone.
(September 18, 2020)


It's controversial about German radio technology. The concern is that the British army won't use the telephone and they rely on German radio technology. The Americans are wanting London to make more telephone calls and the Londoners are refusing to use the telephone. It's not clear about the command structure between Washington, DC and London. Washington, DC is asking London to use the telephone more and the British are refusing to use the telephone. (September 18, 2020)


Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "Komsic said that Dodik referred to the agreement in Washington and interfered with what Aleksandar Vucic and Avdullah Hoti agreed on, and that he should be consistent with regard to Kosovo." (September 18, 2020)


Lviv, Ukraine is across the border from Poland. There was a battle in Lviv during World War WII. Lviv today serves as a regional hub for labor unions. The Germans reported labor strikes a few months ago. There might be labor strikes in Ukraine. East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. The Russian news is reporting on Kiev. "Russia's embassy in Washington has demanded that American authorities explain the NBC News report which mentions the US support of the 'Ukrainian units' in Crimea, the statement published on the embassy's Facebook page said." (September 18, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. Both Moscow and Minsk trade in ruble. It might be that the Russians assist the Germans to develop radio technology. Both Moscow and Minsk might use the same radios for policing. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "Besides, the European Parliament recommended looking into imposing sanctions on Russian people, involved in supporting Lukashenko." (September 18, 2020)


I am 36 years old and I don't have any children. I am writing about England. I am from Texas. There are people in Texas who really don't want any children, meaning they don't ever want to be parents. It might be the adrenal gland. It's some mindset or a reluctance to be a parent. I mention to my colleagues in London about this. It's as though in Great Britain everyone wants to be a parent. It is absent in Great Britain single adults who really don't want children. They seem to not fear unplanned pregnancies in Great Britain. In America if there is an unplanned pregnancy, that can be as traumatic as getting in a car crash and losing a leg. There is social pressure in Great Britain to be a parent. It's not established in London that some men really don't want to be a parent. They seem to all cave and father children. I'm a woman. I live here in Washington, DC. I just tell people that I've never been married and I don't have any children. That's normal in Texas. A lot of Texans aren't married and they don't have children. (September 17, 2020)


It's so weird about Great Britain. It's as though the women believe they're supposed to have a baby every time they have sex. Coleen Rooney has four children. Naomi Watts has two children and she was never married. They don't seem to use contraception and they might not fear unplanned pregnancies. It's been compared to the Roosevelts and sitting in a wheelchair. Somehow in Great Britain they're not concerned about unplanned pregnancies. I think it's because they live near the banks and there is always enough capital so they can afford to raise the kids. But I also said that Coleen Rooney's kids might be truants. They might not send the kids to school as they should. It seems to be a problem in Great Britain about formal education and labor unions. (September 17, 2020)

The Hoover Building

There are accounts about the Hoover Building in Washington, DC that they don't take orders. "We don't take your orders." The Virginians are Prussian and they speak creole. It's been said that the bureau uses Prussian methods in their policing. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. It might be that they are on a labor strike. There are similar complaints about the British army. It might be that the British don't receive orders and follow orders. There are concerns generally about German radio technology and that there aren't enough telephone calls made. Both groups might send radio transmissions but they won't use the telephone. The Congress asked Christopher Wray about telephone calls to local police departments. The Congress was wanting the bureau to coordinate more with local authorities. (September 17, 2020)


The Americans used to live in England. It's weird about the command structure between Washington, DC and London when there is disagreement. The Americans are wanting to insist that London use the telephone within the army because they have been relying on German radio technology. When the British are slow to do what the Americans tell them. It's kind of like nightmares of Scotland and how many kids they have over there. (September 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about the British intelligence service. They seem reluctant to use the telephone and eager to use radios. It's strange about what a telephone call can signify. The Germans use signals intelligence. The Americans don't generally use signals intelligence. The British seem to think making a single phone call isn't allowed. Conceptually, how many telephone calls should be made as a part of the British intelligence service? There are accounts about how making a single phone call is a huge debate. It's not routine, then, within the British intelligence service to make phone calls. It seems inefficient. You wonder about the infantry and casualty rates. If casualty rates are high, it's not clear if they're using the telephone enough. The Americans are wanting the British to make more telephone calls. Washington, DC is requesting that London make more telephone calls and so casualty rates go down. (September 17, 2020)

London 6


The Virginians are Prussian.
It seems like there are Prussian regions near Manchester.
The bureau is reluctant to use the telephone.
The Virginians speak creole.
There are reports about high casualty rates in both the American and British infantries.
It might be that neither the Virginians nor the British use the telephone.
It's not clear if the British speak creole.
There are complaints about the command structure within the British army.
The Londoners might not take orders and follow them.
Generally, it might be that the British army doesn't follow orders.
(September 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

Between the bureau and the British intelligence service, they are both reluctant to use the telephone. There are high casualty rates in the army. It seems like casualty rates went up when they stopped using the telephone. Today there is a dispute because people are being asked to make telephone calls and they won't do it. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. It's not clear why the British intelligence officers won't use the telephone. They're being asked to telephone and the British are refusing to use the telephone. It might be that the British intelligence service generally no longer makes telephone calls. Washington, DC is asking London to use the telephone and they won't do it. (September 17, 2020)


It has been a relentless barrage of anti-American messages coming across the Atlantic Ocean from London. It's been since Tony Blair was the Prime Minister. All the while, there has been a real growth in labor unions in Manchester and Dublin. There are routes from Prussia to Manchester. It's German labor unions. Today the Americans are asking the British army to use the telephone and they're refusing to use the telephone. The British army today is refusing to use the telephone even though the Americans are asking them to. It might be that the British army generally doesn't do what Americans tell them to do. Today the dispute is that the London office will only send radio signals, they will not also use the telephone. My name is Donna Welles. I live in Washington, DC. (September 17, 2020)


The British army won't use the telephone. The Americans are asking them to use the telephone and the British will only send radio signals. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The British likely have high casualty rates because they rely on radio technology. It seems like the British army should use the telephone and their casualty rates would go down. (September 17, 2020)

London 5


East Germany traded in East German mark.
Berlin is the seat of Prussia.
Warsaw trades in zloty.
Lviv, Ukraine is near Poland.
There are labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces.
Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic.
There are accounts about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia.
Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia.
There are land routes north from Prague to Warsaw and the Gulf of Danzig.
There are sea routes to Dublin and Manchester from Poland.
It seems like the chemical munitions attacks in London are from Dresden.
There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden.
There are likely Russian engineers who assist the Germans to develop radios.
The German government has invested in radio technology.
The Germans use chemical munitions for policing.
It's defense contractors and military academy people who deploy the chemical munitions.
(September 17, 2020)

Georgia Tech

This is a true story. I went to Georgia Tech for graduate school which is in Atlanta. The Braves play at Turner Field. At the baseball games there would be a handful of Georgia Tech sweatshirts and everyone else there is from 'Bulldog Nation' which is the University of Georgia. UGA is in Athens, Georgia which is about an hour or so drive from Atlanta. The baseball games are a big 'Bulldog Nation' showcase because the fans all have UGA sweatshirts on. I am a Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket. (September 17, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It seems like the Russians have been using German-made radios for internal security. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. Both Moscow and Minsk trade in ruble. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's not clear about chemical munitions used in Russia for policing. There have been reports about nerve agents. The Russian news is reporting on the Russian army. "Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to hold a Security Council session on Thursday with its permanent members, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov informed reporters." (September 17, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on the Chinese military. It seems like the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. The Chinese sometimes send infantrymen across the border into Laos. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There might be radio signals sent today between Brandenburg and East Asia about the military. "Some foreign powers seek to launch a new round of color revolutions in Asia, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in his interview for Xinhua Thursday in the wake of his visit to Russia." (September 17, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. Lviv serves as a regional hub for labor unions. Odessa is a port on the Black Sea. Donbass is near Russia. There was a battle in Lviv during World War II. It's controversial about the labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. A few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor strikes in Ukraine. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Kiev. "Ekaterina Zaharieva is to visit Odessa, where she is to meet with the governor of Odessa region Maxim Kutsiy and representatives of the Bulgarian community in Ukraine." (September 17, 2020)


There is a song from the 1990's called 'Semi-Charmed Life' and the Americans can sing about London. "How do I get back there to." "I believe in the sound beneath my toes." For example, Boston is in New England. When Wayne Rooney arrived, Coleen had just given birth to her fourth child. She wore a green Gucci T-shirt to visit the Lincoln Memorial. It was as though the people in Manchester have so many children that the Americans can't return. I went to the Gucci store here in Washington, DC and I asked if I could buy that same T-shirt. It's hundreds of dollars because it's hand stitched and it has jewels in it or something. I collect Armani Exchange T-shirts. (September 17, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about Texas and England. A Texan can live with having disagreed with someone. But there are not then two coequals. The Texan will believe who disagrees with him is beneath him. It seems like a Londoner can live as a coequal with someone who disagrees with him. If there is a dispute between Washington, DC and London, are the Americans and the British coequals? It seems like then the Londoner is in the wrong. (September 16, 2020)


"If there is a grown man, he says he doesn't know the rules of baseball. His wife named Coleen is standing there, and they have four kids. It's strange to get angry at what else he said." It's remarkable about London and Washington, DC. If they behave as such, then the Americans can simply allow them to live as they do. The Americans can't make the British learn the rules of baseball. In terms of the day to day between London and Washington, DC and foreign policy, it might be a complaint about Manchester. There are a lot of labor unions in Manchester. Does London have a response? Are there today labor strikes in Manchester? Doesn't it seem like there are labor strikes in Ireland? (September 16, 2020)

Washington, DC

There exists a relationship between Washington, DC and London. How can we describe this relationship today? The White House church is an Episcopal church, it's called St. John's. The National Cathedral is an Episcopal church. However, currently the relationship between Washington, DC and London suffers because of the army and the command structure. The British won't do what the Americans tell them to do. There are a few reasons. The British do things at different ages. British people have children later in life than the Americans. In terms of the army and the command structure, the Americans will do what the British tell them. But then the British won't do what the Americans tell them. After a while, the Americans start to notice that the British will give orders but they won't follow orders. It's funny a little bit because the Americans are working hard. But a few times you notice this that the British didn't do what they were asked to do, you realize that it's the Americans doing all the work. Just, notice if you'll do what they say but they won't do what you say. (September 16, 2020)

London 4

West Point

There's a funny anecdote about the London office. The United States Military Academy at West Point is a stone's throw from New York City. There are historical anecdotes about underage cadets at the academy. More recently there are reports about the women cadets. A British intelligence officer complained that the women soldiers didn't have ammunition in their rifles. There had been reports that women deployed to Iraq had been sent on patrol with no ammunition. There was a comment that women probably shouldn't carry machine guns while in the army. It's disputed about the role of women in the defense posture. The East German swim team comes to mind. Generally, it's disputed between Washington, DC and London about women in the army. The Americans are opposed to women carrying machine guns and the British are in favor of women carrying machine guns so long as the machine guns have ammunition. (September 16, 2020)


"The image is of British people on a labor strike having four and five children, and saying anti-American messages." It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. East Germany traded in East German mark. (September 16, 2020)


I am writing about England. I'm from Texas. It has been a relentless barrage of anti-American sentiment coming from Europe since 2001 and 2003. That was twenty years ago. It seems like what's been happening is that the Germans have invested in radio technology and that there has been growth in organized labor in Ireland and Manchester. It's famous about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It might be that the anti-American sentiment resulted from these German labor unions in Manchester. As a function of organized labor in Dublin, there are more anti-American messages coming across the ocean. An example is Wayne Rooney. When Wayne Rooney arrived the first thing he said was that he didn't know the rules of baseball. His wife is named Coleen and they have four children. "Yes, I understand you don't know the rules of baseball. That's a lot of kids." It's as though the labor unions have more children and they have learned to say anti-American messages. (September 16, 2020)


"What are the Huron to do?" I am writing about the island. My last name is Welles. I am today a member of the White House church and I live near Randolph Street in Washington, DC. My uncle was Edward Randolph Welles II. I think Londoners don't use contraception and they don't email or use the telephone. Coleen Rooney has four children. Naomi Watts has two children and she's never been married. Americans email, telephone, and use contraception and we fear unplanned pregnancies. Londoners behave as though they don't fear unplanned pregnancies but they do fear email and the telephone. It's because of the labor unions in Manchester. There are tales about general strikes in Ireland. It's strange about the workweek in England. (September 16, 2020)

Lafayette Square

It's predictable about the complaints. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. They drive north from Virginia into Washington, DC and they work as defense contractors. The complaints are that they speak creole, they use weird radios, they seem to be on a labor strike, there are complaints about lawn maintenance, they probably make too much money, and they don't have much formal education. It resembles lawlessness about the defense contractors who work in Washington, DC within the police departments. For example, the Hoover Building doesn't accept walk in appointments. Aren't there Virginian defense contractors in there on a labor strike? (September 16, 2020)


The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are several concerns, (1) friendly fire and American casualties, (2) the defense budget and labor unions, (3) imported military hardware, and (4) Virginian defense contractors in Washington, DC. If it were up to me there would be fewer defense contractors in Washington, DC because there are complaints about housing costs. The Virginian defense contractors who work for the police seem to be guilty of militant picketing. Militant picketing is a felony. Conceptually, there is rural Virginia culture in an urban area. The police buildings in Washington, DC seem threatening because of the defense contractors. The Teamsters Union is infamous. A Teamster is a 'car man' or a 'cart man'. It seems like the bureau doesn't enforce laws relating to organized labor. There are tales about the prisons in Virginia. The Senate asked Christopher Wray if a black man can be a domestic terror threat. I don't want white women named as domestic terror threats. It's not clear about lawlessness generally in northern Virginia in terms of the budget and labor unions. There are probably German-made radios that the defense contractors use within the prison system. I think there are people in the prisons in Virginia who didn't do anything. It can't be that people in Washington, DC feel threatened by Virginia defense contractors. He's not got a legitimate claim to the defense budget. (September 16, 2020)

The Hoover Building

There are concerns about the defense budget. The bureau is within the United States Department of Justice but it seems like there are defense contractors in federal office buildings. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It might be that the bureau uses military radios to signal to the German security services. East Germany traded in East German mark. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are disputes over salaries and building assignments in the District of Columbia. It might be that ethnically Prussian defense contractors are in the buildings and they make more money. (September 16, 2020)


I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. President Vucic studied at the University of Belgrade School of Law. There is a new ambassador to Washington, DC, Marko Duric. He also went to the University of Belgrade. It seems like there are airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "Another mistake relates to America's behavior after taking control over Kosovo, because it did nothing to establish a legal framework." (September 16, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There was a battle in Lviv during World War II. The Russian news is reporting on Donbass. Lviv is near the border with Poland. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans reported labor strikes a few months ago. "Ukraine will not hold elections in Donbass until it regains control over the region, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told Austria's National Council (lower house of parliament) President Wolfgang Sobotka." (September 16, 2020)


It's a struggle about Washington, DC and London. It seems to be because there has been so much trade with Warsaw. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It's not well understood about the trade between Warsaw and London. There are ancient sea lanes to Ireland from the Gulf of Danzig. It seems like the East Germans managed labor unions in Ireland. There were general strikes in Ireland. The way of life in Great Britain seems dissimilar to how the Americans live. The British seem to not live by American values. Max Weber wrote about the Protestant work ethic. The Americans work forty hours a week and they go to bed early. It's possible the British work more or less than forty hours a week. The American way of life can be indiscriminative. It's not always clear to me why the British behave as they do. (September 15, 2020)


"What are we fighting for?" It's kind of funny about the London office and morale. I mention that the Americans are weirded out that Kate Middleton is having another child. Raleigh is the capital of North Carolina. Walter Raleigh and Elizabeth I were contemporaries. And then Wayne Rooney said he didn't know the rules of baseball. Coleen Rooney has four children. I live here in Washington, DC. It's often that what happens in London isn't great for morale here in America. Neither William or Kate studied at Oxford. I think they make a living off of trade with Warsaw.

The Hoover Building

The bureau and the German security services seem to coordinate. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. East Germany traded in East German mark. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. The bureau and the Virginians might be on a labor strike. It's not clear about the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. The field office and the Hoover Building are at 4th Street and 9th Street. They might not accept walk in appointments. Conceptually, there is a round the clock status in these buildings maybe. It might be signaling at odd hours and on the weekends. There are complaints about military radios and city ordinances. The Washington Post has reported about the surveillance hardware used in the Hoover Building. (September 15, 2020)

The Bureau

The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. It's not clear about the bureau and the German security services. There are labor unions in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It seems like the labor unions in both Germany and Virginia use the same radios. It might be that the bureau does two things to signal to the Germans, (1) they take pharmaceutical drugs, and (2) they oddly watch weird films. It's German culture sometimes about odd filmmaking. There were reports this summer about labor strikes in Germany. It might be that the bureau is on a labor strike and they're accustomed to signaling to the German security services. The field office and the Hoover Building don't seem to accept walk in appointments. (September 15, 2020)

Coleen Rooney

I am writing about the island. John Kennedy's mother's last name was Fitzgerald. I read the History of Dublin Streets and there are a lot of references to the Fitzgerald family. I think John Kennedy's mom is that same family in Ireland. Joseph Kennedy was an American diplomat in London. The mom is from an Irish family. When Coleen Rooney was here she lived in Bethesda. They have four children. Coleen has three brothers. It seemed like Coleen really is related to these ancient families in Ireland. She might be John Kennedy's distant relative. In Bethesda, there was Wayne and Coleen, their four kids, Coleen's three brothers, and Coleen's mom. The whole time Wayne was supposed to be playing on the soccer team. He said while he was here that he didn't know the rules of baseball. We can think about the Fitzgerald family and if they're a great family. (September 15, 2020)

Coleen Rooney 1


The Washington Post is reporting on Caracas. There are military academies and tank driving schools in Venezuela. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Venezuela from the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark. Caracas trades in bolivar. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are tales about friendly fire because the Virginians send the infantry toward these tank driving schools in Venezuela. "Venezuela says it captured American in bombing plot" (September 15, 2020)

Venezuela 3
Venezuela 2


Aleksandar Vucic attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. I attended Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. Earlier this month Vucic and the Serbian finance minister were at the White House. There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. If Kosovo is recognized, there might be an increase in German trade through the Balkans. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "The presence of Marko Djuric in Washington during the negotiations and signing of the economic agreement led the media to speculate that Djuric may be preparing for a ministerial position, i.e. that he could replace outgoing Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic in the new government, which should be constituted soon." (September 15, 2020)


The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Abkhazia is sometimes as Ottoman port. The Russians sent infantrymen into Georgia in 2008. It's possible the soldiers were sent toward these airbases in Anatolia. There is a North Ossetia and a South Ossetia. It seems like there are belligerent radio signals coming from Anatolia. The Russian news is reporting on Tbilisi. "Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has signed a decree opening the border with South Ossetia, press service of the cabinet said in a statement on Tuesday." (September 15, 2020)


The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There are reports about nerve agents. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like the German security services pointed a radio at Alexei and that's why he fell ill. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden traded in East German mark. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. Dresden is across the border from Prague. The Russian news is reporting on Navalny. "Russian blogger Alexei Navalny is not planning to stay in Germany forever and wants to return to Russia once he recovers in order to continue his mission, a senior German security official told The New York Times." (September 15, 2020)


It seems like the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. The Chinese sometimes send infantrymen across the border into Laos. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Chinese military. "Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said that India is ready to deal with any situation regarding the India-China border tensions." (September 15, 2020)


It's from Kentucky. George Clooney and Johnny Depp are Kentuckians. The Virginians have strange habits about making eye contact. A Kentuckian doesn't need to 'SEE' when he's talking. A Virginian oddly needs to 'SEE' when a Kentuckian can simply sit there and listen and respond. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Both Kentuckians and Virginians are poor people, but the Virginians are German immigrants. (September 14, 2020)


I am writing about the island. It's strange about trade with Warsaw. It's as though the English no longer use contraception. It seems like Polish culture has really taken over in London. Wayne Rooney has four children. Naomi Watts is an English actress and she's had two children without ever getting married. Americans might not be able to have sex without contraception because they would be fearful of unplanned pregnancies. It's a concept of 'man, woman, and child'. Some people, most people, everyone in England doesn't use contraception. (September 14, 2020)

The Bureau

The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It's been suggested that the bureau doesn't use the telephone. There are more than fifty field offices. It's possible that they speak in creole and they're reluctant to use the telephone to call either the other field offices or other police departments. Additionally, it might be that the bureau doesn't read the newspaper. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia. Christopher Wray testified on Capitol Hill. The Senate asked about the telephone calls they make to local police departments. If they make any, they might not make enough such that they act efficiently. It's controversial about the defense contractors who work as policemen because you wonder about labor strikes. (September 14, 2020)

Naomi Watts

Labor strikes likely travel between Brandenburg, Manchester, and Virginia. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. I am watching Ray Donovan. Sofia Coppola directed a movie called 'Marie Antoinette'. Liev Schreiber has two children with an English actress named Naomi Watts. It's remarkable about how women in Europe can affect things. Liev and Naomi were never married and they broke up. For a while, Naomi and the two kids were living in New York City. It seems Prussian about women and status. Somehow the women don't work but they make high salaries. It fuels resentment because it reminds of labor strikes and labor disputes. Naomi had these two children with Liev who is an American actor. She stopped working and went to live in New York City. The rest of the Americans don't stop working when they have children. The Virginians are similar because they work as defense contractors. (September 14, 2020)


I am watching Ray Donovan. There is a scene that talks about prison upgrades in California. There are famous prisons in both California and Virginia. As a function of prison upgrades and labor unions, there are people in the prisons who haven't committed a crime. If there are labor unions and prison upgrades, then there are inmates in the prisons who aren't guilty. It's also related to defense spending. In Virginia there are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons with defense spending. (September 14, 2020)


"Former British leaders decry Brexit plan" There are strategic ports in Ireland. Belfast, Dublin, and Galway are ports. It seems like there are labor unions that communicate between Lubeck, Germany and Dublin. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. Warsaw trades in zloty and Dublin trades in Euro. East Germany traded in East German mark. It was East German ports that traded with Dublin. The Washington Post is reporting on London. (September 14, 2020)

Ireland 3
Ireland 5

Minsk, Belarus

Both Moscow and Minsk trade in ruble. It seems like the Russians help the Germans to develop radio technology. The government in Minsk might use German-made radios for policing. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. Dresden is across the border from Prague. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus have begun talks in Russia's Black Sea resort city of Sochi, Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov told TASS on Monday." (September 14, 2020)


There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. The Bulgarian news is reporting on trade in Europe. "Bulgaria's total exports and imports of goods to and from the European Union and third countries fell sharply for another month in August, according to preliminary data from the National Statistical Institute (NSI), which confirm the continuing negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic on international trade." (September 14, 2020)

Naomi Watts

"It's not up to me. If it was, you guys would know." It's remarkable to me about the British and the modern age. British women seem to stop working when they get married. American women work before and after they're married. It's likely because there are labor unions in Manchester. Married women in Great Britain have children and they stop working. There are tales about general strikes in Ireland. It's interesting about the workweek in Manchester when there are labor strikes in Ireland. Liev Schreiber has two children with a British woman named Naomi Watts. She's an actress. They broke up. For a while Naomi and the two kids were living in New York City. (September 13, 2020)

Coleen Rooney

I am writing about British English. There are parts of Europe where there is isolationism. Scandinavia has places that are isolated. It might be that Scotland intentionally wants to be isolated. British English can be offensive to Americans. When Wayne Rooney was here, he mentioned several times that he owned a home in Barbados. At the time I said that it probably wasn't true because his wife doesn't have much formal education. In America if a couple owns a home it has to be a two-income household. Coleen Rooney doesn't work and I think she didn't go to college. As Wayne is talking about himself as a wealthy person, it's as though his wife has never worked and they have four kids. It might just be the words for money and income are different. If someone doesn't have a college degree, he might not under American laws be a homeowner. "Is Coleen Rooney a homeowner?"

Washington, DC

Dwayne Haskins is the quarterback for the Washington Football Team. This is his second year. Last year he was drafted out of Ohio State. He went three and out during the opening drive. Washington is down by a touchdown in the first quarter. Eagles 7 - Washington 0 (September 13, 2020)



In terms of my colleagues in Virginia and London, the Virginians don't have much formal education and the Londoners might not know the rules of baseball. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in creole. (September 13, 2020)

London 3


"If that was before a mystery to you all, it need no longer be a mystery." In terms of the cultural divide between the Americans and the British, it seems like the British are more likely to have more children. The couples will have children in Great Britain when an American couple might not. Additionally, a British couple will have more children than their American counterparts. It's likely because of Catholicism. It seems like a major rift though between the Americans and London because it affects language and social custom. (September 13, 2020)

Naomi Watts

I am writing about the island. "Naomi Watts doesn't look like Coleen Rooney." It's as though the island is homogenous. It's because the married couples are all parents. Liev Schreiber has two children with Naomi Watts and Wayne Rooney has four children with Coleen. It's strange in England about Catholicism. It is famous about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It might be that the men in England think they're Polish Catholics. It seems predictable about British couples that they have children. (September 13, 2020)

The Bureau

Today the Washington Post reported about Libya. It's been suggested that the bureau doesn't read the newspaper or use the telephone because they're Prussian. It's the culture of the bureau to rely on German radio technology. It might be that because they don't read the newspaper, they don't know about the events in Libya such that they could use the telephone to inquire about it. The Germans used to test warplanes in Libya. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. There are often newspaper reports about Libya. It's possible that the bureau never reads the reports in the newspaper and they never use the telephone to inquire. (September 13, 2020)

The Hoover Building

In East Berlin there were roadblocks and watchtowers. There are tales about the Hoover Building in Washington, DC. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. It might be that the bureau doesn't use the telephone or read the newspaper. It's a strange sense of a watchtower about the Hoover Building because they might not report labor unions for crimes. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. It's not clear if there are defense contractors in Washington, DC engaged in militant picketing. The suggestion is that the bureau polices the citizens of the federal district but not the labor unions. (September 13, 2020)

Los Angeles, CA

I am watching Ray Donovan. Liev Schreiber was born in San Francisco but he grew up in New York City and he went to Yale for graduate school. The show is set in Los Angeles. The bureau has a Los Angeles field office. There are complaints about the hardware that the bureau uses. There are a few issues, (1) does the bureau lobby to import German-made radios?, (2) does the bureau send radio transmissions instead of making telephone calls?, and (3) does the bureau coordinate with the German security services?. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. The 'Teamsters Union' is an ethnically German labor union that hauls German hardware. A Teamster is a 'car man' or a 'cart man'. It might be that the Virginians prefer to use imported radios for policing, but that other field offices would struggle to use the same hardware. Moreover, a few months ago there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. The bureau and the Virginians might be on a labor strike. It's an image of men who might not have work to do but don't want to report this because they would make less money. (September 13, 2020)


The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. It's possible chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Syria. There are reports about chemical munitions in Damascus. The Washington Post is reporting on Libya. "...Libyan commander Khalifa Hifter agreed to reopen key oil fields..." (September 13, 2020)

Libya 7

The Levant

Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Gaza are ports in the Levant. Tel Aviv trades in shekel. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck is a port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Levant. "In a position released on Saturday, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry says Bulgaria welcomes the normalisation of the ties between Israel and Bahrain." (September 13, 2020)

Naomi Watts

"I'll believe Naomi Watts is from Warsaw. I won't believe that I am not from England." It's remarkable about London today and the British. It seems like trade with the continent. The British have for a while been saying that the Americans are similar to the Chinese. It is lost in British culture about how the Americans are immigrants from London. I am watching an interview with Liev Schreiber. It does remind of Mormonism about the British telling each other that the Americans didn't come from England. Liev has two children with Naomi Watts. I'm from Texas. I almost think the kids are Polish people because the Londoners behave so strangely about history. It's not outlandish to believe that a Londoner is from Poland.

William Shakespeare

I am watching an interview with Liev Schreiber. He was a Shakespearean actor in New York City. I am from Texas. My last name is Welles. My uncle was Edward Randolph Welles II. I am opposed to Shakespeare because I think it isn't good theology. I do like Hamlet because I struggle sometimes with decision making. Hamlet is a lesson about how not to live. Kind of Hamlet is the only Shakespeare play that I like. It is likely different dynasties from England do and don't like Shakespeare. I am today a member of the White House church. Washington, DC has the world's largest collection of Shakespeare manuscripts at the Folger Museum. The Folgers worked for Nelson Rockefeller and the museum is near the Library of Congress. It is telling who does and does not like Shakespeare. My relatives fought in the King's army at the Battle of Quebec during the French and Indian War. William Shakespeare himself wasn't in the army, for example. (September 12, 2020)


Liev Schreiber has two children with a British woman named Naomi Watts. Liev Schreiber was born in San Francisco. I guess these two half British kids will go to American schools. There has been so much trade between Warsaw and London. It might be that little British children resemble Polish people. (September 12, 2020)


There might be a conflict between local police departments and the bureau. I am watching Ray Donovan. The bureau wanted to arrest a man and the local police warned against it. It seems like the Virginians coordinate too much with the German security services. It might be that orders come from Brandenburg and the bureau follows them. Meanwhile, the orders won't make sense to local police departments. Christopher Wray testified on Capitol Hill and he was asked about telephone calls made between the bureau and local police departments. The complaint is that the bureau won't coordinate with local police departments. It's possible that the bureau will only coordinate with the German security services. The Virginians are Prussian and they seem to lobby to import German-made radios. (September 12, 2020)


I am a Daughter of the American Revolution. My patriot was Daniel Warner who died at the Battle of Bennington in Vermont in 1777. I live here in Washington, DC but I am from Texas. I think that trade between Warsaw and London has affected the island. It seems like Great Britain now resembles Poland. If it were up to me there would be less trade with Poland. Liev Schreiber has two children with a British woman named Naomi Watts. It's like a compulsion that they all have to be parents over there. Why couldn't they just live in Hollywood and not have children? (September 12, 2020)


Texans are the last domino. I'll be the last domino. Matthew McConaughey and Liev Schreiber have fallen as dominos in the sense they are actors that visit London. I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. It really bothers me that William and Kate didn't study at Oxford. It bothers me that the English men's national team doesn't ever win. Wayne Rooney has four children. I think the island has converted to Polish Catholicism. As I can I try to be outspoken here in Washington, DC about the island and the Church of England. I have asked about William and Kate having so many children. Elizabeth I wasn't married and she didn't have any children. I prefer the religion of Elizabeth I. Coleen Rooney thinks she's the Queen of England. Wayne said he didn't know the rules of baseball. It seems like we can stay over here and they can stay over there. Wayne doesn't need to fly to Washington, DC to announce that he doesn't know the rules of baseball, he can say that in Manchester. (September 12, 2020)

Cory Booker

I am opposed to the bureau using the term 'terrorist' to describe domestic threats. It seems like a terrorist is a foreign threat, for the purposes of the budget. Cory Booker is a Senator from New Jersey. He asked Christopher Wray about domestic terror threats and if black people can be terrorists. The bureau might lobby to import German-made radios. There should be real scrutiny over the hardware at the bureau if there are efforts to prosecute black people as domestic terror threats. It means there will be defense contractors hired to manage the hardware. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. It might be that the labor strikes go to Virginia with the imported hardware. I am watching Ray Donovan and the bureau wanted to make Irish people in Boston domestic terror threats. (September 12, 2020)

Drew Brees

Today the Texas Longhorns start the season at home against UT-El Paso. Last year we won the Alamo Bowl and two years ago we won the Sugar Bowl. "That's a private school!" Samuel Ehlinger went to Westlake High School which is where Drew Brees went. Westlake, Texas is a suburb of Austin. (September 12, 2020)

The Pentagon

I am writing about the Pentagon. It's possible that all meetings at the Pentagon are a labor strike. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It seems like they speak creole at the Pentagon. Arlington County is in Virginia which is south of the Potomac River. Washington, DC is north of the river. It's a strange experience to have a meeting at the Pentagon because it's as though they don't want people from Washington, DC in the building. The Virginians might not have much formal education. I was at the Pentagon in 2014 for a meeting at the Office of Net Assessment. I went to Georgia Tech for graduate school. Andrew May has a Ph.D. from Emory which is also in Atlanta. Georgia Tech is a better school than Emory. Oddly, it doesn't matter at the Pentagon where everyone went to school, for example. I was sitting at the meeting the whole time knowing my school was a better school than where Dr. May went. Things like that aren't agreed upon in the conversation like they would be in Washington, DC. (September 12, 2020)

Lafayette Square

The Washington Post is reporting on Lafayette Square. "...to facilitate the rapid deployment of Homeland Security tactical teams to quell protests in Washington, circumventing restrictions on the use of charter flights for employee travel..." The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are complaints that the defense contractors don't have much formal education. There might be labor strikes and militant picketing in Virginia. Earlier this summer the Germans reported labor strikes. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. (September 12, 2020)

Virginia 21


The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Baltic Sea. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the Baltic States. There are modern accounts about money lending. Stockholm lends money to Estonia. It's controversial because the Swedish krona is likely tied to metals trading rather than to industry. Tallinn trades in Euro. It might be that krona shouldn't lend money to the Eurozone. "Estonian Ambassador Ingrid Kressel Vinciguerra presented the priorities of the Estonian chairmanship of the initiative with the focus on digital connectivity and efficient functioning of the investment fund." (September 12, 2020)


I am writing about how the Irish talk. They speak in creole also. "I, man" and "He, man". "Wayne Rooney, man is married to Coleen, wife and they have four sons and they are a family." There is a way to map languages by cases and pronouns. For example, Russian has six cases and Polish has seven cases. It might be that fewer cases is Greek and more cases is German. Polish people are Catholics. There can be debate about Polish culture and Russian culture. In Russian there isn't a neuter pronoun for "they". The Poles distinguish between gender in their language even when they speak formally. There are routes to Dublin from the Gulf of Danzig. (September 11, 2020)


The Virginians speak creole because they're ethnically Prussian. There are tales about the defense budget. For a while there were terror attacks in New York City. It seems like the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There have been tank battles in the Levant. The Israelis also speak creole. The East Germans probably sent tanks to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. There seems to be a relationship between Prussian creole and German-made radios. Also, there seems to be a relationship between German-made radios and terror attacks. The image is of Virginians speaking creole to the German security services.

Ray Donovan

This is from the second season of Ray Donovan. 'La Bamba' by Ritchie Valens."In order to dance the La Bamba you need a little grace, just a little grace. And let's go let's go. I don't have much money. But, I am the captain. Let's dance the La Bamba!" "Para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia Una poca de gracia ti y arriba y arriba Ah y arriba y arriba por ti sere, por ti sere, por ti sere Yo no soy marinero Yo no soy marinero"

Brent Spiner

Brent Spiner is in the second season of Ray Donovan. He was 'Data' in Star Trek. He is originally from Houston, Texas and he graduated from Bellaire High School. I graduated from Lyndon Johnson High School in Austin, Texas and then I went to UT-Austin.

Ritchie Valens

I am watching Ray Donovan with Leiv Schreiber. Leiv Schreiber is originally from San Francisco. I am from Texas and my name is Donna. There is a famous Ritchie Valens song called Donna. Also, La Bamba is a Texas song. "I don't have much money but I'm the captain." "Yo no soy marinero, Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan." The first episode of the second season is called 'Yo Soy Captain'. (September 11, 2020)

The Levant

There are words that are used by the Virginians about the defense posture. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. The Levant might be a strategic port for the German military. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. The Virginians say 'cover' instead of undercover agent and 'forces operator' instead of special forces operator. The Israelis say 'special ops' instead of special forces operator. There are historical anecdotes about friendly fire in Virginia. These words seem like creole terms and it might be that the defense contractors don't have enough formal education. (September 11, 2020)

The Pentagon

The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. Arlington County borders the Potomac River and the federal district is north of the river. The Washington Post reported about the police in Washington, DC. It wasn't clear about satellites and drones and if the police could request assistance from the Pentagon. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. It seems like there are German-made radios used in Virginia for surveillance. The Virginians might lobby to import German-made surveillance hardware. It's similar to the German air force. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. The bureau might even behave as German airmen. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There are tales about defense contractors speaking creole while using German-made radios for surveillance. (September 11, 2020)


"The British are married soldiers. It means they're not great at the army. The Americans are not married and it means they're better officers."
In Washington, DC there are defense contractors.
There are disputes about salaries and building assignments.
There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park.
It seems like married people make more money than single people.
There is a concept in international relations theory about rational actors.
It seems hostile to the army to pay married people more than single people.
It's not clear about security clearances and unmarried people.
It might be that people who aren't married cannot have sex and keep their security clearances.
There are historical anecdotes about friendly fire in Virginia.
The army might inherently have sex.
It's strange for soldiers to be married.
It's strange for soldiers to not have sex.
There are high casualty rates in the army.
It's likely the defense contractors are married and they tell the army they can't have sex.
(September 11, 2020)


The British agents in London won't say "Yes ma'am" to me. And I then I mention that Wayne Rooney's kids are losers. It's illegal in England to say that Wayne Rooney's kids are losers.

Richmond, Virginia

Conceptually, there are security clearances in Washington, DC and Virginia. The Virginians might do two things, (1) they download music for free and, (2) they take pharmaceutical drugs. There were federal agents in Langley a few months ago and the Washington Post reported that they were requesting permission to take a vaccine. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. It's likely the defense contractors don't have much formal education. The Virginians make high salaries. (September 11, 2020)

The Bureau

If there are defense contractors with surveillance hardware.
They might not follow due process procedures.
Christopher Wray was asked about search warrants when he testified on Capitol Hill.
The bureau might not need a warrant if they use surveillance hardware.
The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios.
There are tales about the surveillance hardware.
What if this happens about the surveillance?
The allegation is that the Virginians don't read the newspaper or use the telephone.
They might point the surveillance as a weapon.
The Virginians speak creole.
What might be an assignment might be a labor strike.
If the rest of the Virginians are doing this with surveillance hardware.
There are different laws about organized labor on either side of the Potomac River.
It's not clear about surveillance hardware in Washington, DC.
The Virginians might point the surveillance at people in Washington, DC.


Aleksandar Vucic attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. He was at the White House last week. I attended Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. The meeting was about Kosovo. It seems like there are airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia trades in mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. If Kosovo is recognized then there might be an increase in German trade through the Balkans. "Vucic stated that the Serbian secret services knew that there would be points 'difficult for Serbia' that would be presented in the White House." (September 11, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. It seems like the Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The government in Minsk might use German-made radios for internal security. Both Moscow and Minsk trade in ruble. "Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko will visit Moscow for talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on September 14, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists Friday." (September 11, 2020)


Both Hanoi and Vientiane are inland. The Chinese sometimes send infantrymen across the border into Laos. It seems like the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. The East Germans probably sent tanks to Hanoi from the Gulf of Danzig. The Russian news is reporting on southern China. "At least three people were injured in a gas blast outside a hotel in the southern Chinese city of Zhuhai in the Guangdong Province on Friday, the China Central Television reported." (September 11, 2020)


The defense contractors in Virginia might be on a labor strike.
Defense contractors work as police in Washington, DC.
There are reports in the newspaper about surveillance hardware.
The Virginians are Prussian.
It might not be law enforcement what is done with the surveillance hardware.
It's possible that law enforcement with surveillance hardware is a labor strike.
It might be militant picketing to misuse surveillance hardware.

Patrick Mahomes

"Touchdown Patrick Mahomes!" I am watching the football game, Houston Texans at Kansas City Chiefs. I am here in Washington, DC. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in creole. They lobby to import German-made radios and they seem to be on a labor strike. (September 10, 2020)


I am writing about Washington, DC. The Virginians live in swamps, they speak creole, and they work for a corrupt prison system. It's weird about the defense budget and security clearances. I am watching Ray Donovan which is set in Los Angeles. Liev Schreiber is Ray in the show and he is unfaithful to his wife like Tony Soprano. The British soccer players who play for DC United often miss games because of health problems. Chris McCann is an Irish soccer player and he missed several games because of injuries. Wayne Rooney missed one game because he had a respiratory infection. The paradox is that the men here more resemble Chris McCann than Liev Schreiber but the Virginians have odd rules about security clearances. (September 10, 2020)


The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They say they support the Confederate Army but the war ended in 1865. It seems likely that the Virginians have built a community with the German security services. The Virginians seem to rely on Brandenburg for routine items. It might be that Brandenburg manages payroll or timesheets. The Virginians celebrate seasonal holidays. There are tales about watches and maybe the Virginians and Brandenburg alternate rotations. There seem to be defense contractors in federal office buildings. There are complaints about salaries and building assignments in the District of Columbia. Brandenburg used to trade in East German mark. (September 10, 2020)

Lafayette Park

"He jumped into a white car with out of state plates." The defense contractors in Virginia seem to be on a labor strike at the same time there are labor strikes in Germany. It's not clear about any commutes to the District of Columbia in terms of militant picketing. (September 10, 2020)

Los Angeles, CA

"Wow, that's what England is." I'm watching Ray Donovan which is set in Los Angeles, California. Live Schreiber is the main character. He has an Irish wife and they have two children. The wife is named Abby and she doesn't have a job and she didn't go to college. They live in a large house and the kids miss school but they are enrolled in expensive private schools. I live here in Washington, DC. Wayne Rooney lived here for two years. His wife is named Coleen and they have four children. I guess the English married Irish women and so they live as Irish Catholics. Abby in the show is emotional and she acts out in public. That's also how Coleen Rooney is. Coleen has three brothers. It was Wayne and Coleen, their four children, Coleen's three brothers, and Coleen's mom in the house in Bethesda, Maryland while Wayne was playing on the soccer team. (September 10, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

The Virginians speak creole and they work for labor unions. Conceptually, German labor unions manage long-term labor strikes. They ask for more time and they'll suggest options that might not work. They use German-made hardware. The Virginians seem to control much of the defense budget. It's inefficient in terms of labor disputes. If the hardware doesn't work the Virginians won't report that it doesn't work but they'll instead pretend it does work. They don't read the newspaper or use the telephone. It's geared toward long-term projects and high salaries. The hardware sometimes works and sometimes doesn't work. The strategy usually doesn't work. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. The Virginians might simply wait to hear more from Brandenburg about the hardware or the strategy. (September 10, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Afghanistan. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. The Pashtun tribesmen might not be reliable military allies. The defense contractors might not have much formal education. The Virginians are Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. "Afghan leader survives bomb attack" (September 10, 2020)

Kabul 13


Yes, I speak creole in a federal office building.
Yes, I am a defense contractor.
No, I'm not on a labor strike.
Yes, I lobby to import German-made radios.
Yes, we're in federal office buildings at odd hours.
Yes, the surveillance hardware works.
No, the surveillance hardware isn't broken.
Yes, we'll maintain our timesheets.
Yes, there are federal office buildings near Lafayette Park.
(September 10, 2020)

Lafayette Square

Virginia is south of the Potomac River. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. They work for labor unions and there are complaints about defense contractors. It's been suggested that they lobby to import German-made surveillance hardware and they speak creole while using the hardware. The surveillance hardware might not work but they maintain their timesheets because they simply say in creole that the hardware does work. It's not clear about any radio transmissions to Brandenburg from Lafayette Square. It's possible that the bureau relies on the German security services to maintain the surveillance hardware. (September 10, 2020)

Saint Petersburg, Russia

President Vucic studied at the University of Belgrade School of Law. He was at the White House last week. I studied at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. Vladimir Putin studied at Saint Petersburg State University. The Serbian news is reporting on Moscow. "The statement adds that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, informed Russian President Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation today about the talks in Washington and Brussels, held on September 4 and 7." (September 10, 2020)


The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There are reports about nerve agents regarding Alexei Navalny. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's possible the German security services pointed a radio at Alexei and that's why he fell ill. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany which is across the border from Prague. The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. "Germany and its allies within NATO and the EU will bear full responsibility for Berlin's actions in relation to the incident with Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on the outcomes of the meeting with German Ambassador to Russia Geza Andreas von Geyr." (September 10, 2020)


There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia, Albania, and Kosovo are Muslim territories in the Balkans. Kosovo is inland. Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military. If Kosovo is recognized it's possible there will be an increase in German trade through Bosnian ports. The Russian news is reporting on Kosovo. "Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Russian leader Vladimir Putin in a phone conversation about the outcome of his talks on Kosovo held in Washington and Brussels, the Kremlin press service said on Thursday." (September 10, 2020)

Kate Middleton

The magazines here in Washington, DC are reporting that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child. Wayne Rooney has four children. It seems like it's because of trade with Warsaw that these couples in England are having so many children. Prussia is in Germany and Poland. I think couples cannot raise four children as they could one and that there are real problems there about education. Wayne Rooney's kids might be truants, for example. Neither William or Kate studied at Oxford. (September 9, 2020)

The Hoover Building

There are reports in the Washington Post about the Hoover Building and surveillance hardware. There are additionally tales about undercover agents and the Virginians. The Virginians are Prussian and they speak creole. They have a 'cover' and the 'cover' doesn't get a salary or enter into the field office. The Hoover Building doesn't accept walk in appointments. It's been suggested there are defense contractors in federal office buildings at night and on the weekends. The bureau might oddly keep track of the cover but they don't pay the cover. There are rules of the cover. (September 9, 2020)

Ray Donovan

I am writing about Austin, Texas. I graduated from LBJ High School which is the math and science magnet school in Austin. It's a public high school but you have to apply for entrance. It's near UT-Austin. The Bush twins graduated from Austin High School which is also near UT-Austin. They were a few years older than I am. I graduated from high school in 2001 and then I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UT-Austin in 2005. Jenna Bush went to UT-Austin also but her sister went to Yale. I went to Georgia Tech for graduate school. I remember when I was accepted into my high school that I thought I was set for my career because it was such a prestigious school. I felt the same way when I went to Georgia Tech. LBJ High School is ranked every year in Newsweek as the best high school in Texas. It's ranked above Plano High School in Dallas and Bel Air High School in Houston. The rankings are based on quantity AP classes taken for each student. It's a ratio of AP classes to student at the high school. I am watching 'Ray Donovan' and they're talking about high schools in Los Angeles, California. (September 9, 2020)

The Hoover Building

There are tales about the Hoover Building in Washington, DC. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. Neither the field office nor the Hoover Building accept walk-in appointments. There might be real time conversations between the bureau and the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing and there were reports about labor strikes in Germany a few months ago. It's not clear about defense contractors in these buildings. The field office is on 4th Street and the Hoover Building is on 9th Street. (September 9, 2020)


There are a few paradoxes within the defense budget. Are the defense contractors on a labor strike? Do the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios? Do the Virginians read the newspaper or use the telephone? Do federal agents speak creole? How much formal education do the defense contractors have in Virginia? There might be imported surveillance hardware in Virginia and the Virginians aren't sure how to operate it such that they can follow city ordinances. It seems like the radios were built in Germany's eastern provinces. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (September 9, 2020)


Within the Prussian army there are historical anecdotes about friendly fire. It's been alleged that German and Spanish military personnel are responsible for the deaths of American servicemen in recent decades. It's possible that there will be continuing incidents involving friendly fire in the coming decades. There are two American servicemen in prison in Venezuela. They were arrested during Operation Gideon which was in May 2020. It's likely the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. There are military academies and tank driving schools in Venezuela. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. (September 9, 2020)

The White House

No, Wayne Rooney doesn't know the rules of baseball.
No, Wayne Rooney didn't play all three years of his three year contract.
No, DC United didn't win the tournament while he was on the team.
Yes, Kate Middleton has visited the White House.
Yes, William studied at St. Andrew's.
Yes, Coleen Rooney visited Audi Field and watched DC United practice.

It can be Americanized about diplomacy and salaries. If Wayne doesn't know the rules of baseball then the team probably isn't going to win the tournament. If William didn't study at Oxford then it makes sense Wayne doesn't know the rules of baseball. It might not make sense for Kate Middleton to visit the White House. They visited with the Obamas several times. They now have three children. The magazines here in Washington, DC are reporting that Kate is pregnant with her fourth child. (September 9, 2020)

The University of Belgrade

President Vucic and Sinisa Mali both went to the University of Belgrade. They were at the White House last week to sign an economic agreement about Kosovo. They had meetings in the Ronald Reagan Building which is about a mile from the White House. Bosnia, Kosovo, and Albania are Muslim territories in the Balkans. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia today trades in Bosnian mark. It seems like there are airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. It's at issue about whether or not Kosovo is an independent country. It's likely there will be more German trade through the Balkans if Kosovo is recognized. Bosnia is a port and Kosovo is inland. There are also strategic ports in Albania. "Did Vucic drop the football?" (September 9, 2020)


"I try to tell you about the empire and England and out west." I am a member of the White House church, St. John's Episcopal Church. My uncle was the Bishop of Kansas City, Edward Randolph Welles II. His grandpa was the Bishop of Wisconsin, Edward Randolph Welles I. It's about the island and married couples. England today doesn't as it should value living as a single adult. "Jesus said, 'I am the alpha and the omega'." The theology today in Great Britain isn't the same as the Episcopal Church. We are born and we die and our time on this earth is the life journey. The mystery of faith is about what we do while we're alive. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. I think Londoners live as Irish Catholics and they get married too often. (September 9, 2020)

Saint Petersburg, Russia

I studied at UT-Austin, Georgia Tech, and Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute. That is where Mendeleev studied. I tell people that Saint Pete Poly plays Uppsala University in football every year. There are rivalries in the field of Russian studies. Aleksandar Vucic attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. President Vucic was at the White House last week. (September 9, 2020)

Christopher Wray

"Did the bureau keep the counterterrorism money?" Christopher Wray was asked about domestic terror threats when he testified on Capitol Hill. It's not clear about German-made radios. There are complaints about defense contractors and the defense budget. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. There have been reports about labor strikes in Germany. (September 9, 2020)

Virginia 20

Washington, DC

There are tales about the bureau and undercover agents. The cover doesn't get a salary. It's not clear if the cover needs a labor permit to work in the city. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. A cover is an undercover agent and a forces operator is a special forces operator. It's controversial about salaries and formal education. There are disputes about building assignments and city ordinances. It's been suggested there are defense contractors who work in federal office buildings at night and on the weekends. (September 9, 2020)


Bosnia, Kosovo, and Albania are Muslim territories in the Balkans. Sarajevo trades in mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "She reminded that Pristina delegation said before leaving for Washington that they would ask for the recognition of Kosovo." (September 9, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. The Russian news is reporting on the elections in Belarus. Both Minsk and Moscow trade in ruble. They might use the same hardware for policing. "Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has warned against drawing parallels between the post-election situation in Belarus and Russia, since the two countries' political cultures are different." (September 9, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It's possible that the government in Minsk imported German-made radios and they use them for policing. "Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said that there exists an unpublished fragment of a conversation between Warsaw and Berlin about Alexei Navalny's alleged poisoning, the editor-in-chief of the Govorit Moskva radio station, Roman Babayan, has said." (September 9, 2020)


Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. Lviv is near the border with Poland. In World War II there was a battle in Lviv. The Bulgarian news is reporting on labor unions. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. "The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry backs the just demands of Bulgarian hauliers for the resumption of the free movement of people and goods and has consistently raised the issue with the Greek authorities." (September 9, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

Notice this reference to inflation in Spain during the twentieth century. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's possible there is inflation in both Germany and Spain at the same time. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. "...in order to bear down on inflation, and at the same time to rebuild the profitability of Spanish industry." (September 8, 2020)

Madrid 18

Boris Yeltsin

Liev Schreiber is an American actor from San Francisco. He is in a Hollywood film called 'Spinning Boris' (2003). There are two remarkable items in the move that haven't survived scrutiny. Langley and the White House both supported the candidacy of Boris Yeltsin because he seemed to value democratic ideals. However, he was an alcoholic and he might not have been competent generally to hold office. Additionally, Bill Clinton in the movie gave a speech about total trade and Chechnya. It seems like long distance trade causes inflation and there are airbases in Anatolia that send belligerent radio signals toward Baghdad. Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia. Abkhazia is an Ottoman port. The airbases in Anatolia seem to be a real threat to regional security. (September 8, 2020)


'Spinning Boris' (2003) is a Hollywood movie about Boris Yeltsin. Boris Yeltsin's daughter, Tatyana, is a main character in the movie. She is a real person, she was a wealthy businesswoman in her own right. It is true that Bill Clinton was friends with Yeltsin. Also, it is true that there were several political parties and so to win Yeltsin needed just a portion of the general vote. It is also true that his major competitor was a Communist Party member, Zyuganov. (September 8, 2020)

Kate Middleton

When Wayne Rooney arrived here in Washington, DC he brought his wife, Coleen, and their four children. It was amazing that they have that many children. It was like the Battle of Marathon to think that a woman can have four children. Coleen is like Darius because she has had the most children in the world. The magazines here are reporting that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child. (September 8, 2020)


Defense contractors drive to Washington, DC from Virginia. They seem to send radio transmissions to Brandenburg from Lafayette Square. The Eisenhower Executive Office Building and the Hoover Building are federal office buildings. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. There are complaints about militant picketing. There might be German-made radios in the federal district. It's not clear about labor strikes and the defense budget. (September 8, 2020)


The Bureau

The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. There are tales about undercover agents and special forces operators. The Virginians speak creole and they use the words 'cover' and 'forces operator'. The Virginians work for labor unions and they lobby to import German-made radios. It's possible there are 'rules of the cover' including, (1) the cover doesn't get a salary, and (2) the cover doesn't enter into the Hoover Building or the field office. It's not clear about city ordinances and military radios. There might be defense contractors in federal office buildings at night and on the weekends. (September 8, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Alexei Navalny. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are reports about nerve agents. It's possible that from Brandenburg there were radio signals sent toward Alexei and that's why he fell ill. There are complaints regionally about the German security services. "The situation surrounding Russian blogger Alexei Navalny should not affect Nord Stream 2, the project must remain outside politics, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said on Tuesday." (September 8, 2020)


Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. In World War II there was a battle in Lviv but today it serves as a regional hub for labor unions. Warsaw trades in zloty. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It seems like there are German labor unions in both Warsaw and Kiev. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's possible that labor leaders send the signals from Brandenburg to both Minsk and Lviv. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "Members of the Belarusian opposition's Coordination Council Anton Rodnenkov and Ivan Kravtsov, who have arrived in Ukraine, were deported from their country, Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister Anton Gerashchenko said." (September 8, 2020)


The hockey team has players from Eastern Europe and Canada. It's been suggested that the players don't try to win in the late rounds of the Stanley Cup playoffs so they can return home for the summer. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are three players on the Capitals' roster from the Czech Republic. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Jakub Vrana is a left winger from Prague, for example. (September 8, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on housing costs. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It's possible there is inflation regionally. East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. "Housing in Sofia rose by 48.6% in four years. This ranks the capital in first place among the major cities in the ranking of property prices." (September 8, 2020)


The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. They seem to have German-made radios. There are complaints in the Washington Post about surveillance and the bureau. It's as though the bureau points surveillance hardware at domestic threats. The radios were likely imported. The hardware seems heavy. The Congress asked about due process when Christopher Wray testified on Capitol Hill. The Virginians speak creole and they use German-made radios. There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park. Additionally, there are tales about undercover agents. The 'cover' has rules and the cover doesn't get a salary. The cover isn't allowed to enter into the field office or the Hoover Building. (September 7, 2020)


I am writing about England. It's as though the island has become a land full of married couples. The theology is such that married couples are not sinful. When people die, Saint Peter asks them about their lives. It might be that the British report that they are married people and parents. That's not the theology of the Church of England. The labor unions and tax laws in England seem to really make it hard for single adults. (September 7, 2020)


I wish the English men's national team would win and I wish the bureau paid the undercover agents. (September 7, 2020)


Are undercover agents 'covers' and are special forces operators 'forces operators'?
Do you know about these two American servicemen in prison in Venezuela?
Are you ethnically Prussian and do work for the bureau?
Are you reluctant to use the telephone because you speak creole?
Are there defense contractors assigned to Lafayette Square?
Do you think there are labor strikes in Virginia?
Have you ever participated in militant picketing?
Do you know about labor permits being issued relating to the defense budget?
(September 7, 2020)

The Bureau

There are accounts about the bureau and the District of Columbia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak creole. There is a creole word for an undercover agent, 'the cover'. The Virginians seem to import German-made radios. There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park and it's possible there are radio transmissions sent to Brandenburg. The cover doesn't get a salary and the cover isn't allowed into the Hoover Building, for example. There are rules of the cover in proximity to Lafayette Square. (September 7, 2020)


Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. It seems like chemical munitions are manufactured near Dresden and Prague. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden is across the border from Prague. The Russian news is reporting on Prague. "A group of Russian military inspectors will carry out this week an observation flight over the territory of the Czech Republic within the frames of the international Open Skies Treaty, according to a Russian senior military official." (September 7, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Belarus. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It's possible there are German-made radios used in Minsk for internal security. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. "Lawyers are looking for representatives of the Belarusian opposition's Coordination Council Maria Kolesnikova, Ivan Kravtsov and Anton Rodnenkov whom they could not get in touch with, the council's press service said on Monday." (September 7, 2020)

New York City

Novak Djokovic has been ejected from the U.S. Open because he hit a ball and the ball hit a line judge. A few years ago they threatened to ban the Russian players from the Olympics. At the time I said then it's not fun to watch the Olympics. There are memories of the East German swim team. The women swimmers were taking performance enhancing drugs and they looked uncomfortably out of shape. I live here in Washington, DC and I am watching this on television. I'm not going to watch the rest of the tournament. The Serbian champion is ranked #1 in the world by the ATP. It's odd to think about this tournament going on in New York City and kind of there aren't American players who might win. (September 6, 2020)

Novak Djokovic

I am watching the U.S. Open. Novak Djokovic is playing against a Spanish player named Pablo Carreno Busta. I remember when Wayne Rooney and Chris McCann played for DC United. Both players missed several games for health reasons. McCann is an Irish player. Rooney is from Liverpool. Wayne signed a three year contract and he only played two years. The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. Novak is ranked #1 in the world by the ATP. It's not clear why Wayne signed a three year contract and then left after two years. I wish he would have talked more about why the men's national team loses so much. There are tales about Londoners going on vacation in New York City. Novak is leading in the first set, 2-1. (September 6, 2020)

Novak 3


'Defiance' (2008) is a Hollywood film about World War II. Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber are in the movie. Dive bombers are in the movie in a scene where the warplanes targeted civilians who were standing in a forest. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. There are concerns about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. (September 6, 2020)

Germany 6
Germany 7


There are concerns about labor unions in Manchester. The Virginians are Prussian immigrants. I think the Virginians work for labor unions and they lobby to import German-made radios. I have complained that William and Kate Middleton studied at St. Andrews. It's a burden for the defense budget about foreign labor unions. The magazines here in Washington, DC are reporting that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child. The Virginians will probably go on another labor strike. They celebrate seasonal holidays. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. "It's where you guys live. Now you care that the men's team always loses." (September 6, 2020)

The White House

I live in Washington, DC. I am not married and I don't have any kids. I graduated from UT-Austin. It bothers me that the British have so many children and that the English men's national team loses as they do. Wayne Rooney has four children. William didn't study at Oxford. I don't really want Wayne or William to visit the White House. I read the newspaper. William and Kate Middleton recently went on vacation in Los Angeles. I want William to work normal hours and I wish he had studied at Oxford. (September 6, 2020)

Kate Middleton

I am writing about the island. In terms of the American Revolution, there are theories about why the Americans declared their independence. Neither William or Kate Middleton studied at Oxford. The English men's national team hasn't won the World Cup since 1966. Wayne Rooney has four children. William and Kate have both visited the White House. Wayne was invited to the White House Christmas party. There is oddly an incentive on the island for people to have three and four children. It seems like the English men's national team loses as they do because the players have so many children. The magazines here in Washington, DC are reporting that Kate is pregnant with her fourth child. I don't have any children and I'm not married. I live in Washington, DC. (September 6, 2020)

The White House

Bosnia, Kosovo, and Albania are in the Balkans. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. There are concerns about German radio technology and German airbases. East Germany traded in East German mark. President Vucic was in Washington, DC last week to attend a meeting about Kosovo. "markodjuric.srb This is our delegation to Washington, DC which is the capital of the United States. There are delegates from the different countries. There is a plan about Kosovo and we signed an agreement." "markodjuric.srb Оно што је наша делегација постигла у Вашингтону је изузетан успех, посебно с обзиром на то шта су била очекивања друге стране. Ово је план који за наше људе на Косову и Метохији али и за целу Србију ствара могућности какве нисмо веровали да ће бити достижне". (September 6, 2020)

Vucic 9
Vucic 10

The Pentagon

The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. Earlier this year there was a drone strike that was aimed at a two-car convoy. It's controversial about drone strikes which are aimed at cars. A few months ago the newspaper reported that federal agents in Langley were requesting permission to take a vaccine. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. It's never clear about defense contractors and the budget. "Military is conducting fewer investigations into civilian losses in Afghanistan" (September 6, 2020)

Kabul 12


The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's been suggested that there are real time conversations between the bureau and the German security services. East Germany traded in East German mark. There used to be a large communications relay in East Belin. "FBI thought Trump could be the 'Manchurian candidate,' ex-agent writes" (September 6, 2020)

Virginia 19


Bosnia and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. There are likely airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military. The Washington Post is reporting on Kosovo. "Serbia and Kosovo sign economic pact" (September 5, 2020)



The Washington Post is reporting on Alexei Navalny. It seems like the Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's likely there were radio signals sent to Russia from Brandenburg. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. "Stoltenberg: Navalny victim of nerve agent" (September 5, 2020)

Moscow 7

The White House

There are two groups of people at the White House including the president's staff and the United States Secret Service personnel assigned to Lafayette Square. There is a creole way to say 'secret service'. They are Virginians and they have been letting foreigners work in the Eisenhower Building. Pedestrians can view people from China enter into the Eisenhower Building. There are accounts about Chinese government people driving to the White House and entering the driveway on the south side of the building. It's because the Secret Service is in favor of trade with China. They call trade with China 'Walmart' and they think it's alright to allow Chinese military professionals access to American buildings. (September 5, 2020)

The Hoover Building

The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. It seems like the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. It's possible that the bureau routinely sends radio transmissions to Brandenburg. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It might be that they speak in creole using these radios when they communicate with the German security services. "Washington's J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building. A judge ruled the agency flouted the law as it gathered communications under a statute designed to produce foreign intelligence." (September 5, 2020)

Virginia 18


"It has to be a man, a woman, and the baby has to have been born from the woman." It's the intrigue of the island and trade with Warsaw. There are tales about England and trade with Prussia. Londoners behave as the Virginians do about money. They oddly keep money for their relatives when they could donate the money or invest it. Londoners have strange numbers of children. It's foreign about how Londoners spend the money and how many children they have. It seems like it's because trade with East Germany is so illegal. (September 4, 2020)


The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional events. "On September 2, Bulgaria saw a day of violence, the head of State said, adding that he is very concerned about the health of both innocent citizens and the dozens of injured police officers, who were carrying out the orders of their superiors." (September 5, 2020)

London, England

I am writing about the island. Londoners say that the Windsor house is a dynasty. Both William and Kate Middleton studied at St. Andrews. Conceptually, the Virginians will give money to their children but not their nieces and nephews. Texas is the 'friendship state'. In terms of the dialog between London and the western territories, many Americans will wonder why William didn't study at Oxford and it will seem like the British now have a lot of children. In the western United States, the people would prefer Oxford instead of St. Andrews and they have fewer children. I live in Washington, DC. Wayne Rooney has four children. I wish the English men's national team would win more. It seems like four children is a lot. His wife is named Coleen and Coleen has three brothers. When they lived in Bethesda, Maryland, there was Wayne and Coleen, Coleen's thee brothers, the four kids, and then Coleen's mom would visit. Are we able to describe the Windsors as a dynasty? (September 5, 2020)

Jan-Lennard Struff

Novak Djokovic is playing today against Jan-Lennard Struff. Struff is from West Germany. It's a town near the Lowlands. The Germans sent their tanks through Belgium into France. It was controversial that Belgium didn't allow the French to build the Maginot Line through their territory. The German tanks went north of the Maginot Line and through Belgium into France. Struff is from a town near where the German tanks would have entered into Belgium, Warstein, Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Warsaw trades in zloty. It's the first set and Novak is leading 2-1. (September 4, 2020)

Germany 5
Novak 2

Hoover Building

The bureau has Virginians who work in the field office.
An undercover agent is a 'cover' and a special forces operator is a 'forces operator'.
The bureau points surveillance at the cover.
The entrance to the field office is barricaded.
The field office doesn't accept walk in appointments.
The cover doesn't get a salary and the cover cannot visit the field office.
Virginians are Prussian immigrants and they speak creole.
The bureau might be corrupt policemen but there are also defense contractors.

London, England

I am writing about the island. Neither William or Kate Middleton studied at Oxford. When Wayne Rooney was in Washington, DC he said in an interview that he doesn't know the rules of baseball. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. I asked my colleagues in London if they thought the English men's national team would win more if either Wayne knew the rules of baseball or if William studied at Oxford. Moreover, Coleen Rooney has four children and the magazines are reporting that Kate is pregnant with her fourth child. I think it's weird for a wife to have four children if her husband doesn't know the rules of baseball. (September 4, 2020)

Washington, DC

Aleksandr Vucic is in Washington, DC this week. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Bosnia today trades in Bosnian mark. It's possible there are airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. The Washington Post is reporting on the Serbian president's visit. "Kosovo's Parliament declared independence from Serbia in 2008, nine years after NATO conducted a 78-day airstrike campaign against Serbia to stop a bloody crackdown against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo." (September 4, 2020)

Vucic 4
Vucic 5

The Bureau

Are you aware that defense contractors are labor union workers?
What do you think generally of organized labor in Virginia?
Do you know there are different laws in Virginia than in Washington, DC about labor?
Do you often cross the Potomac River for your job as a defense contractor?
Does your building have surveillance hardware?
Do the workers in your building speak creole?
Are you aware of the casualty rates in the army?
Do you think the casualty rates are higher because of the defense contractors?
What do you think about labor strikes and the defense budget?
Do you know about these two American servicemen in prison in Venezuela?
Are you right now on a labor strike?
Are you reluctant to use the telephone at your job?


The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It's possible that the government in Minsk imported these radios and they use them for policing. The Russian news is reporting on Belarus. "Belarusian intelligence data proving blogger Alexei Navalny's alleged poisoning was a fake have been handed over to the federal security service FSB and the special service will now report them to President Vladimir Putin, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday." (September 4, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Alexei Navalny. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. It's possible that the chemical munitions are manufactured near Dresden and Prague. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. "The situation with the alleged poisoning of Alexey Navalny negatively affects the preparations of consultations between the Czech Republic and Russia, which the parties intend to hold in accordance with the 1993 Treaty on Friendly Relations and Cooperation, Czech Foreign Minister Tomas Petricek said in an interview with Denik N." (September 4, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

The bureau uses the words 'cover' and 'forces operator' for undercover agents and special forces operators. It's not clear about the defense contractors in Virginia. They make high salaries and they are ethnically Prussian. There are tales about undercover operations and surveillance. The bureau uses hardware for surveillance. The Washington Post reported recently that a bureau attorney lied about surveillance and he was brought up on charges. It might be that the defense contractors who operate the surveillance hardware don't have much formal education and they're corrupt. There are tales about long-term surveillance efforts and there is a cover who doesn't get a salary.

The bureau points the surveillance at the cover.
The cover doesn't get a salary and doesn't visit the field office.
The field office has a door that has been barricaded.
The bureau speaks creole and doesn't use the telephone.

White House

President Vucic is in Washington, DC. This was on his Instagram account. I have translated it into English. "The discussions are ongoing, and we do not yet have a resolution. Trump's people and the White House administration are working on this issue, and there are discussions. It's a lot of meetings and beaurocracy." "Pазговори и даље трају, не знам да ли ће договор да буде постигнут. Људи из Трампове администрације су били фер, саслушали су нас и тачке у којој се говори о међусобном признању више нема у документима." "As the Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic announced, Vucic will participate in the talks on economic cooperation between Belgarde and Pristina, organized by the White House. The hosts of the meeting are Richard Grenell, US President's special envoy for Kosovo-Serbia negotiations, and Robert O'Brien, national security advisor, while the delegations of Serbia and Kosovo will be led by the President Aleksandar Vucic and the PM Avdullah Hoti." (September 3, 2020)

Vucic 1

The Bureau

The bureau points surveillance at the cover and speaks creole but the cover doesn't visit the field office and the cover doesn't make any requests. It's because the bureau doesn't use the telephone and they've barricaded the entrance to the field office.

The bureau cover doesn't get a salary or enter the field office.

The bureau has a cover and there is surveillance in the District of Columbia.

The Washington Post has been reporting on surveillance and the bureau. There are several large construction projects in Washington, DC. It seems like corruption that there is surveillance in proximity to construction projects. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. It's likely that laws about labor unions aren't enforced as they should be in the District of Columbia. (September 3, 2020)

New York City

I'm writing about the island. It's not well understood about Londoners and New Yorkers. There are tales about Londoners owning homes in New York City. Ivanka Trump and Kate Middleton both have three children and they're both tall. It's the Windsor house which Londoners say is a dynasty. It might be that Londoners think Californians are ugly and vice versa. Hollywood is in Los Angeles. Conceptually, it's as though a Londoner thinks New York women are pretty and women out west are ugly. New Yorker women have more children and they're taller. (September 3, 2020)

London, England

"The Virginians are illiterate creole-speaking Prussian immigrants." There are similar tales about the government in London because of trade with Warsaw. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and in Poland. There are Prussian territories near the Gulf of Danzig. When Wayne Rooney arrived the London office thought it a formality to mention Wayne's marital status. Wayne then said in an interview that he doesn't know the rules of baseball. Neither William or Kate Middleton studied at Oxford. There are real concerns about labor unions in Manchester. Belfast, Dublin, and Galway are Irish ports. It's not well understood about the trade between Brandenburg and Dublin. Labor strikes are probably reported at the same time in both Ireland and Brandenburg.

Virginia 17
Warsaw 3


The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. There are defense contractors that drive in from Virginia to Washington, DC. It's controversial about surveillance in the federal district. The Virginians speak in a regional dialect. There are tales about the bureau and a 'cover' or a 'forces operator'. The cover doesn't get a salary and the cover isn't allowed entrance into the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. The Virginians make high salaries. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. A few months ago the Washington Post reported on Langley. There were federal agents requesting permission to take a vaccine. It's likely the Virginians make high salaries as they relate to formal education. The whole scenario seems like friendly fire and you wonder about casualty rates in the army. Meanwhile, there were two soldiers arrested in Venezuela during Operation Gideon which was in May 2020. The bureau doesn't use the telephone very much and it might be because they speak in creole. It would come across that they're Prussian immigrants and they don't have much formal education. It's not well understood about surveillance hardware used in the place of telephones. (September 3, 2020)

Belgrade, Serbia

This week the President of Serbia will be here in Washington, DC. I called the Serbian embassy and asked if people could meet with him. His name is Aleksandar Vucic. They said that he already had a full schedule. На этой неделе президент Сербии будет в Вашингтоне. Его зовут Александр Вучич. Я позвонил в посольство Сербии. Я спросил, могут ли люди встретиться с ним. Они сказали нет. (September 3, 2020)


The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. There are recent reports about chemical munitions in Syria. It's not clear about any military research facilities in Libya. Benghazi and Tripoli are Libyan ports. Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Washington Post is reporting on Cyprus. "U.S. move to lift Cyprus arms embargo decried" (September 3, 2020)

Ankara 5

Moscow, Russia

Alexei Navalny was in a hospital in Omsk, Russia which is in Siberia. It seems like the German security services sent radio transmissions to Omsk and that's why he became ill. There were reports about nerve agents. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden traded in East German mark. The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. "There is no reason to blame Russia for what happened to blogger Alexei Navalny, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday." (September 3, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

There are reports about the internal security in Belarus. It's possible that the government in Minsk imported German-made radios for their police. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko appointed new head of the State Security Committee (KGB) and the state secretary of the republic's Security Council." (September 3, 2020)


There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. It's not clear about radio signals sent at night and on the weekends. There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There are accounts about radio signals coming from Catalonia at odd hours. The Bulgarian news is reporting on riots. "Around 9 p.m. on Wednesday, a group of protesters responded with even greater aggression to an appeal by police to cease breaking the peace. Riot police then split the crowd (estimated at over 20,000) into three and pushed it from the square between the Administration of the President, the Council of Ministers and the National Assembly." (September 3, 2020)

Washington, DC

It's controversial about the bureau and undercover agents. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They use the words 'cover' and 'forces operator'. It's not clear about surveillance and the 'cover'. There are historical anecdotes about friendly fire in Virginia. There are concerns about imported hardware in the federal district. Two American soldiers are in prison in Venezuela. They were arrested during Operation Gideon which was in May 2020. It's not clear about salaries and formal education. The federal buildings near Lafayette Park seem to be used at night and on the weekends. The Washington Post has been reporting on surveillance efforts. It's possible there shouldn't be surveillance at night because of city ordinances. (September 3, 2020)


Grey Goose vodka is made from grapes instead of potatoes. It might not be vodka because 'vodka' is a Russian word for 'water'. Grapes are sweet and potatoes are not sweet. (September 2, 2020)

Wayne Rooney

I have all of these questions for the people on the island. "Are you aware that Wayne Rooney said in an interview while he was in Washington, DC that he doesn't know the rules of baseball?" "Are you aware that he signed a three year contract but he only played two years?" "Why do you think he doesn't know the rules of baseball?" "Why did he sign a three year contract and only play two years?" Novak Djokovic is playing today in the U.S. Open. Kyle Edmund is a British player and he isn't ranked at all. Novak is ranked #1 in the world by the ATP. (September 2, 2020)

Novak 1


There might be weapons platforms in Yemen that receive signals from German land positions. There was a drone strike earlier this year that was aimed at a two-car convoy. It's controversial about drone strikes that are aimed at cars. The Germans have developed radio technology that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. "2017: U.S. Black Hawk helicopter crashes off the coast of Yemen"

Yemen 1


Notice this description of the Japanese military in the twentieth century. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. It's possible that even today there are radio signals sent between Brandenburg and East Asia about military hardware. There have been tank battles in both North Korea and Vietnam. "1942: Carlson's Raiders land on Makin Island" "...alerted the Japanese, who responded with enormous firepower." (September 2, 2020)

Tokyo 1


The surveillance technology that the bureau uses might have nanotechnology. It's not clear about laser pointers and surveillance technology. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are jokes that the bureau is encircling Washington, DC because they're defense contractors and they don't read the newspaper. The Virginians make high salaries. They seem to have imported German-made radios and the radios cause property damage. (September 2, 2020)

The London office

Why does everyone do this for a living? The Virginians like to work in Lafayette Square. I am a member of the White House church. And then the London office went to St. Andrew's. I am not going to listen to St. Andrew's outranks Oxford. If it's St. Andrew's outranks Oxford, then I kind of stop listening to the London office and I talk about trade with Warsaw. "Wow, you guys trade a lot with Warsaw. St. Andrew's isn't really a good school." (September 2, 2020)


This morning the newspaper is reporting on pranks and surveillance. The bureau has reportedly lied about a surveillance effort. I went to Georgia Tech in Atlanta for graduate school. I can read the Russian-language internet because my degree from UT-Austin is in Russian. I learned when I arrived in Washington, DC about the London office. Wayne Rooney said he didn't know the rules of baseball. The intelligence community in England seems to have adopted Polish culture because of all the trade with Warsaw. The men who work in government in London want wives who want four and five children. Wayne and Coleen Rooney have four children. I like computers and I can speak Russian. I don't have any children. It's weird about my colleagues in London. British English seems to have adapted to talk to people based on marital status. I married, you married, I not married, you not married. "Yeah, but I speak Russian and I went to Georgia Tech for graduate school." It's the Irish studies kids in London who are into Polish culture. (September 2, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the Chinese military. It seems like the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. There have been tank battles in both North Korea and Vietnam. The East Germans probably sent tanks there from the Gulf of Danzig. The Chinese sometimes send infantrymen across the border into Laos. "China is building up its nuclear and missile forces..." (September 2, 2020)


The Bureau

The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia. The surveillance hardware might have been imported from Germany. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The Virginians speak in a regional dialect. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. "...tightening the use of government surveillance on political candidates or their staffers..." "...criticized how the FBI investigated the Trump campaign in 2016." (September 2, 2020)

Virginia 16


It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology and the government in Minsk bought these radios. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. It's possible there are East German tactics used for internal security in Minsk. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin will visit Belarusian capital city of Minsk on September 3, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the opening of the meeting with his Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makey Wednesday." (September 2, 2020)

James Comey

There is a large field office in New York City. James Comey once said that he thought there had been a prank at the office. It was about something that was on television. There are concerns about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. It's not clear about the surveillance hardware the bureau uses. The Washington Post reported recently that a bureau attorney lied in order to continue a surveillance effort. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. The pranks might come from the German security services. It's not clear about pranks near the field offices. Does the bureau prank people near their buildings? There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park. There are complaints about cyberattacks and robocalls here in Washington, DC. (September 2, 2020)

The White House

Aleksandr Vucic will be at the White House this week. I called the Serbian embassy and asked if the president was going to meet with the general public at all. The embassy said that his schedule was already planned and he wasn't going to meet with the general public. Vucic attended the University of Belgrade School of Law. (September 1, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the Chinese military. It's possible that the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. "Skirmish with China near disputed border" (September 1, 2020)



I am writing about Washington, DC. I'm 36 and I don't drink alcohol. I live alone. I am taking graduate classes in library science. I'm from Texas and I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UT-Austin. I volunteer a lot and I really like going to see the Baltimore Orioles play baseball. It's hard on me here locally because of how the Virginians are about age. The Virginians work for labor unions and they get married late in life. I'm an Episcopalian. My sense is that women in their 30's should keep a pretty active but quiet lifestyle. Women who are 36 years old can't stay out late drinking. They need to be competitive at work. The Virginians act like 36 is really young. I don't feel really young but I am active and physically fit. It's a mechanism for organized labor to maintain salaries. How old is a 36 year old woman? A Virginian will act like I am 26 instead of 36. I have to say that I can't really stay out late and I can't go out drinking beer. Men and women retire at different ages. (September 1, 2020)

London, England

Labor unions struggle with a concept called 'age appropriate'. The first labor unions in Ireland managed young people who were working. In Virginia the labor union workers get married late in life. There seems to be strange trends in England about age. The magazines are reporting here in Washington, DC that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child at the age of 38. William and Kate went to college together but they didn't get married until they were around thirty years old. Kate is older than William. There is a frightening trend about older women in the job place. It seems like wages and job descriptions don't benefit women who are older. I'm 36 and I live here in Washington, DC. The United States Military Academy at West Point has women cadets. There are tales about assaults in Afghanistan. The reputation about West Point is that the women 'lie a lot'. They might be speaking in a Prussian dialect. (September 1, 2020)

Manchester, England

Dublin, Belfast, and Galway are ports in Ireland. There are sometimes general strikes in Ireland. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. There are routes to Dublin from the Gulf of Danzig. There are concerns about organized labor in Manchester. "There are Irish Polish people in charge of the London office now and they're mean to the Americans." (September 1, 2020)

London, England

It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It's not well understood about the trade between Warsaw and London. Wayne Rooney signed a three year contract with DC United but he left after two years. While he was in Washington, DC he said in an interview that he didn't know the rules of baseball. There might be a lot of Polish culture now in Great Britain. (September 1, 2020)


US Open

Novak Djokovic won last night in the first round of the US Open. There was a dispute about the tournament and the serve clock. The Serbian champion is ranked #1 in the world by the ATP. "World No.1 Novak Djokovic started his pursuit of the 18th Grand Slam as he beat Damir Dzumhur 6-1 6-4 6-1 in the first round of the US Open 2020. This win increased Djokovic's unbeaten record to 24-0 in 2020. But in a fairly easy match, Djokovic at times was frustrated and agitated with how things were proceeding. One thing that agitated Djokovic involved the serve clock. Now Djokovic played and won the Western & Southern Open which was held in Flushing Meadows and ended two days ago. But it has been noted that the chair umpires in the US Open are starting the 25-second serve clock much earlier than in Western & Southern Open. And that hasn't gone well with some of the players." (September 1, 2020)

White House

Kosovo and Bosnia are Muslim enclaves. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military. The Serbian president is an attorney with a degree from the University of Belgrade School of Law. He is scheduled to visit the White House this Friday. I am a member of the White House church, St. John's Episcopal Church. The Serbian news is reporting on Brandenburg. "The President of Serbia stated that he had great conversation with the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel." (September 1, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

There are concerns about German radio technology. The Germans seem to use chemical munitions for policing. Chemical munitions have been reported in Syria. It's likely Russian engineers assist the Germans with this military research. The Russian news is reporting on Damascus. "Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has discussed Syrian regulation with members of the Syrian opposition, reaffirming Russia's readiness to aid inter-Syrian dialogue, the Russian Foreign Ministry informed on Monday." (September 1, 2020)

The Bureau

The bureau might use the same hardware as the German security services. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The Virginians speak in a regional dialect. There are accounts about German engineers studying primal behavior. It might be that the Virginians speak to the Germans using simplistic concepts. It's not clear if the Virginians act like they don't speak English. The Germans have been developing radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. (August 31, 2020)


It's controversial about the bureau and the federal district. It seems like the bureau and the German security services use the same hardware. The Germans use chemical munitions for policing. The bureau might have invested in German-made radios to police the federal district. There are complaints about internet connectivity in the federal district. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They're ethnically Prussian. The German-made radios probably work when the Virginians speak in a regional dialect. It's not clear about labor strikes and the defense budget. This summer the Germans reported labor strikes. The Virginians might be on a labor strike because the Germans are on a labor strike. (August 31, 2020)



The Chinese military seems to use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. The radios can send long distance transmissions. They're used for internal security and for the infantry. The Russian news is reporting on Tokyo. "Shinzo Abe's resignation as Japanese prime minister may lead to a chill in relations between Moscow and Tokyo, head of the Department of Oriental Studies at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and a Valdai Discussion Club expert Dmitry Streltsov told TASS." (August 31, 2020)


The German security services might use chemical munitions for policing. There are military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. It's possible that the government in Minsk imported German-made radios for the purposes of internal security. "Belarus' ambassador to Germany is expected to be soon summoned to the foreign ministry over accreditation denial to foreign journalists who covered protests in Belarusian cities, France Presse reported on Sunday citing a government source." (August 31, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

The Potomac River is north of Virginia. It seems like the Virginians lobbied to import German-made hardware for internal security. The Washington Post reported on Langley. There were federal agents who requested to take a vaccine as a part of their employment. The Germans seem to use chemical munitions for policing. The concern is about strange internal security hardware in Washington, DC. It's not clear about nanotechnology and weaponry. There are two bureau buildings in the federal district. It's possible there are federal agents and defense contractors in those buildings who operate German-made hardware. Also, it might be that the bureau and the German security services combine their efforts about policing. There are often internet disruptions in Washington, DC. It's not clear if the bureau enforces federal laws. The laws in Germany and the laws in Washington, DC aren't the same. It's just that they use the same hardware, maybe. The defense contractors seem to be on a labor strike but they work all hours of the night and on the weekends it seems. There are ethnically Prussian regions in Virginia. (August 30, 2020)

Wayne Rooney

It's not clear about the Londoners and the Virginians. Coleen Rooney has four children and three brothers. The Virginians are often on labor strikes. I guess the Londoners sometimes don't like the Virginians and the Virginians don't always like the Londoners. Ben Olsen didn't graduate from UVA. Wayne Rooney said he doesn't know the rules of baseball. There are transatlantic labor strikes maybe. I graduated from UT-Austin. I know the rules of baseball. (August 30, 2020)

London, England

Ben Olsen doesn't have a four year degree.
Ben Olsen attended the University of Virginia but he didn't graduate.
Wayne Rooney is married to Coleen.
Wayne and Coleen have four children.
Wayne and Coleen lived in Bethesda, Maryland for two years.
Wayne signed a three year contract and left after two years.
Wayne said in an interview that he doesn't know the rules of baseball.
Coleen has three brothers.
Kate Middleton is older than William.
Both William and Kate went to St. Andrew's.
The magazines are reporting that Kate is pregnant with her fourth child.
Kate Middleton is 38.
The Virginians get married late in life.
There are labor unions in Virginia.
It's not clear about labor unions in Manchester.
William might network with labor leaders for a living.
(August 30, 2020)

Kate Middleton

The Virginians get married late in life. There are labor unions in Virginia. Sometimes the men don't want to get married until they are forty or fifty years old. The magazines are reporting that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child. She's 38. Kate Middleton is older than William. I'm 36 years old and I'm not married. Living here in Washington, DC can be challenging because both the Virginians and the Londoners do things at strange ages. Neither William nor Kate went to Oxford. I guess at St. Andrew's they learn to work near organized labor. (August 30, 2020)

Hoover Building

The bureau has two buildings in the federal district.
The covers aren't allowed to visit either the field office or the Hoover Building.
If you call to talk to a duty agent he'll say that there are walk in appointments.
At the door of the field office they'll tell you there are no walk in appointments.
At the Hoover Building they want you to know the name of a bureau employee.
The Hoover Building doesn't accept walk in appointments but they'll let in someone for a meeting.
If you don't know the name of an agent you could meet with the Hoover Building will send you away.
(August 30, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on a German-flagged boat in the Mediterranean Sea. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. Chemical munitions seem to be transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Syria. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans might use chemical munitions for policing. "...Italian coast guard boat and another German-flagged boat..." (August 30, 2020)

Germany 4

DC United

The Washington Post is reporting on DC United. Ben Olsen is United's head coach. Olsen attended the University of Virginia but he didn't graduate and he doesn't have a four year degree. There are concerns about labor strikes and militant picketing in Virginia. It's not clear about the defense budget. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. "D.C. United's struggles continue, with a 4-1 loss at Philadelphia stretching its winless streak to six." (August 30, 2020)

Ben Olsen 6

London, England

I am writing about London. Wayne Rooney was the captain of DC United. His wife is named Coleen. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It's not well understood about the trade between Warsaw and London. When Wayne arrived there was some ceremony and formality about his wife. It was as though the London office celebrated a festival in honor of Wayne's offspring. Somehow the formality of the occasion considered Wayne and Coleen and their marriage as well as their children. Wayne said he didn't know the rules of baseball in an interview. He signed a three year contract but he left after two years. (August 30, 2020)

Quantico, Virginia

There are tales about the bureau and the federal district. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Washington Post reported recently that a bureau attorney lied so that a surveillance effort could proceed. There are accounts about the words used by the bureau. A 'forces operator' and a 'cover' are special forces operators and undercover agents. There are historical anecdotes about friendly fire in Virginia. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire while on horseback during the evening hours. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. (August 30, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

Notice this description of the Spanish military in the early twentieth century. There are modern concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There are reports about radio signals coming from Catalonia at odd hours and on the weekends. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. "The Blue Division was a Spanish infantry regiment which fought in the German army..." (August 29, 2020)

Madrid 17

Christopher Wray

There might be labor strikes in Virginia. Earlier this summer the Germans reported labor strikes. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. The defense contractors in Virginia might be on a labor strike. It's not clear if they realize they're on a strike. They might not work normal hours. They might not wear professional clothing to work. The contracts are sometimes five years long. There are lengthy contracts within the defense budget and the workers don't document what they do along the way. The Washington Post reports sometimes that reports are late or they're not written at all. There are concerns about the federal buildings near Lafayette Park and city ordinances. It seems like there are defense contractors in those buildings at night and on the weekends. Additionally, there are reports about the army taking sleeping pills. It might be that the labor unions in Virginia keep the infantry awake at night. (August 29, 2020)

Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic is ranked #1 in the world by the ATP. The Serbian champion is playing today in New York City. Patrick McEnroe and an Australian commenter are the ESPN press room. Both of them are really fun. "Advantage Djokovic" Novak lost the first set today but he is winning in the second set. (August 29, 2020)


It's not clear about the hardware used by the bureau. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. The German security services seem to use radios for internal security. There are complaints about internet connectivity in the federal district. The bureau and the German security services might use the same hardware. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. (August 29, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

I am writing about the Virginians. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. They are ethnically Prussian, and they speak in a regional dialect. They celebrate seasonal holidays. The laws in Virginia are friendly toward labor unions. There are ethnically Prussian defense contractors in Virginia. In Washington, DC there are different laws pertaining to organized labor. If the ethnically Prussian defense contractors drive into Washington, DC, there are a few concerns, (1) do they have with them German-made radios, (2) are they intending to send radio transmissions to Germany?, and (3) does this behavior resemble labor strikes and militant picketing?. The defense contractors might think they're not on a labor strike. They might not work normal hours. They might not wear professional clothing to work. Also, there are tales about pharmaceutical abuse. For example, the Washington Post published a story about federal agents in Langley requesting permission to take a coronavirus vaccine. There are real concerns about the defense budget and the health of the infantry. The newspaper is reporting about American military operations in South America. Two American servicemen are already in prison in Venezuela. They've been given twenty-year sentences. The Pentagon wants to send more soldiers to Bogota. It might be that the casualty rates will be high because the Virginians work for labor unions as they do. The Congress seems to not want these deployments to Bogota. There are tank driving schools in Venezuela. In Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia there are military academies. The Venezuelan armed forces are formidable. The Pentagon might simply send the infantry down there without reading about the military positions in Caracas. (August 29, 2020)

North Korea

The Washington Post is reporting on Pyongyang. There used to be barbed wire fences and roadblocks in North Korea. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to North Korea from the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark and North Korea trades in North Korean won. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There might be radio signals sent between Brandenburg and Pyongyang about military hardware. "Cryptocurrency hacks tied to N. Korea" "...online North Korean operations..." (August 29, 2020)

North Korea 4

Lafayette Park

Lafayette Park has been closed off for a few months. There were reports about the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. It's not clear about any long distance transmissions sent from the Eisenhower Building. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. It's possible there were transmissions sent from the Eisenhower Building to Brandenburg. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. (August 28, 2020)

New York City

Novak is tied 1-1 with Bautista Agut in New York City. It's two sets to win. Novak lost the first set but he won the second set. They closed the roof of the stadium because of rain. Hopefully Novak will win. If he wins he'll play in the final tomorrow against a Canadian player. The U.S. Open will be held in the same location in a few weeks. Earlier this year Novak won the Australian Open. Last year he didn't win the U.S. Open but two years ago he won the U.S. Open. This is the Western and Southern Open. (August 28, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

Catalonia borders the Mediterranean Sea. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia. There are reports about signals coming from Catalonia at odd hours and on the weekends. It's been suggested that this affects signals intelligence. It's possible there are more signals sent from Catalonia than anyone can interpret using normal tools used in signals intelligence. There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. (August 28, 2020)

Madrid 16

Novak Djokovic

Sergei Zubov is a hockey player and he played for the Dallas Stars. Zubov is also the name of a character in Tolstoy's 'War and Peace'. Novak Djokovic is playing today in New York City. The Serbian champion is ranked #1 in the world by the ATP. (August 28, 2020)


It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Venezuela from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. Caracas trades in bolivar. "The Pentagon is wanting to resume operations in Colombia. I think the Congress doesn't want them to. There are already two soldiers in prison in Venezuela." "There are military academies and tank driving schools in Venezuela. There might be tank formations circling around Caracas. I think they shouldn't send the infantry down there. " (August 28, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Bogota. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. There are two American servicemen in prison in Venezuela. There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. It's possible the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. It's not clear about American military strategy in Colombia. It would be formidable in terms of the Venezuelan armed forces. "U.S. Army can restart mission in Colombia" (August 28, 2020)

Caracas 2


The Washington Post is reporting on the Chinese military. It's possible the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. The Chinese sometimes send infantrymen across the border into Laos. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. "China's military test-fired two missiles into the South China Sea..." "The DF-26B and DF-21D missiles fired Wednesday..." (August 28, 2020)



I am writing about the Virginians. They consider their salaries, and they decide to pursue professional certifications instead of graduate degrees. This is within the defense budget and cybersecurity. There are two types of people, those for and against graduate programs. There is also a spectrum of people who are mildly in favor of professional certifications. It's not well understand how high a Virginian's salary can be if he doesn't have a four year degree. (August 27, 2020)

Arlington, Virginia

Today I was walking in Arlington, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy. Robert E. Lee lived in Arlington County. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Richmond is about three hours drive south of Washington, DC. Arlington County sits south of the Potomac River. The District of Columbia is north of the river. The federal district was Union Army territory during the Civil War and Arlington County was a slave trading junction. Wilson Blvd is in Arlington. I noticed a sign that said 'pierogis'. I stopped and asked if it was a Russian restaurant. The woman said, "No." I asked about the pierogis. She said that it was a Polish restaurant. It was meaningful to me that she said it wasn't Russian food and that I had to ask a second time what kind of food it was. "Why is there Russian food then, if this is not a Russian restaurant?" (August 27, 2020)

London, England

I am writing about England. When Wayne Rooney was in Washington, DC he said in an interview that he doesn't know the rules of baseball. He is married to a woman named Coleen and they have four children. Neither William or Kate Middleton went to Oxford. Harry went to Eton College. William was a helicopter pilot in the army. I told my colleagues in London that he should have been in the infantry. It's not clear if William wanted to be in the army. If he was conscripted then he was alright to learn to fly a helicopter. He might have enjoyed being in the infantry. If he was a pilot he might have wanted to learn to fly a fighter jet. There seems to be a real cultural divide between London and Washington, DC. There are tales about Londoners going on vacation in New York City. (August 27, 2020)


There are radios that can control infantry movements. For example, the Chinese sometimes send infantrymen into Laos. The radios might be made in Germany. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. It's not clear if the Virginians bought German-made radios for the army. The Russian news is reporting on arms control initiatives. "The disarmament expert stated that the US basically had to backpedal and give up on its previous unrealistic demands on China's immediate involvement in the Russia-US dialogue on arms control, although its stance on a number of issues remains unwavering." (August 27, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It's possible the German security services sent radio signals to Minsk about the elections there. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "Outside actors seek to influence processes in Belarus for their own political gain, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview for Rossiya-24 TV channel." (August 27, 2020)


There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. It's not clear about the surveillance hardware in Virginia. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Bulgarian news is reporting on city ordinances and building permits. There are concerns about the defense budget. There might be imported hardware in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. "The Bourgas District Prosecution Office has instituted pretrial proceedings in connection with a breach of official duties upon the issuing of a building permit for the Alepu Beach, the prosecution office said in a press release on Thursday." (August 27, 2020)


Notice this description of the Spanish government. There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. There are reports about radio signals coming from Catalonia at odd hours and on the weekends. Madrid is inland. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia. "...the period of right-wing rule during the Second Republic between the elections of November 1933 and February 1936." (August 26, 2020)

Madrid 15

Foggy Bottom

I am writing about the United States Department of State. Foggy Bottom is a neighborhood in Washington, DC. Today someone told me that foreign service officers ride their bicycles to work. I think it's unprofessional. If it were up to me the State Department wouldn't ride their bikes to work. (August 26, 2020)

Lafayette Park

Thoughts on the federal buildings near Lafayette Park.
Labor unions and defense spending.
Labor strikes and defense spending.
Imported hardware and defense spending.
Imported technical instruments.
Organized labor and prison upgrades.
Prison upgrades and defense spending.
Prussian labor unions and defense spending.
German-made radios and defense spending.
Surveillance technology and defense spending.
(August 26, 2020)

Lafayette Park1


The Americans used to live on the island. New England was settled by people from England. Wayne Rooney arrived and said he didn't know the rules of baseball. He left after playing two years of a three year contract. His wife is named Coleen and they have four children. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It's not well understood about the trade between Warsaw and London. It's not clear why Wayne doesn't know the rules of baseball or why he signed a three year contract and only played two years. (August 26, 2020)

London, England

I am writing about the island. Novak Djokovic is playing today in New York City. Andy Murray is a British tennis player. Novak is from Belgrade. Andy Murray was injured and so he missed the last Australian Open. Before that he played in the mixed doubles event in Wimbledon. When Wayne Rooney was in Washington, DC it was a matter of formality to announce that Wayne is married. I think it means there are Prussian labor unions in Manchester. There are jokes about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. (August 26, 2020)



It's possible there are labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Washington Post is reporting on Afghanistan. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. "An attack on a checkpoint in western Ghowr province..." (August 26, 2020)

Kabul 11

North Korea

There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. It seems like the Germans send radio signals to Pyongyang about military hardware. There are concerns about chemical munitions used by internal security personnel. There have been tank battles in North Korea. There might be tank driving schools near Pyongyang. The Russian news is reporting on the Korean Peninsula. "The current situation around the Korean Peninsula was in focus of consultations between Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov and visiting US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun, the Russian foreign ministry said on Tuesday." (August 26, 2020)


It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. It might be that the government in Minsk imported German-made radios to use for the police. The radios can be used for internal security and to control infantry movements. They can send long distance transmissions. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There are concerns about chemical munitions that are used by the police in Germany. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "Former Belarusian presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has disproved reports claiming that the Belarusian opposition wants to shut down borders with Russia." (August 26, 2020)


Lafayette Park

There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park. It's not clear about any defense contractors assigned to Lafayette Square. There are accounts about the army taking sleeping pills. The image is of infantrymen in Afghanistan with pockets overflowing with sleeping pills. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are historical anecdotes about friendly fire in Virginia. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire while on horseback during the evening hours. It might be that the Virginians send radio signals to Brandenburg and that this keeps the army awake at night. Virginia is south of the Potomac River. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. (August 26, 2020)

Baltimore, Maryland

Patrick Valaika plays for the Baltimore Orioles. The Orioles are playing tonight in Tampa Bay. The score is 3-1 Tampa Bay. Valaika overthrew the ball and so the runner at first base was safe. Hunter Renfroe hit a two-run homerun and the Rays went up 2-1. Valaika was charged with an error. Bottom 2nd inning. (August 25, 2020)



The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They work as defense contractors. There are defense contractors who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. It's not clear about imported hardware. It seems like the Virginians use German-made radios to send the transmissions to Afghanistan. The image is of Virginians communicating in creole with people living near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's not clear what the Virginians say to the Pashtun tribesmen or what the Pashtun tribesmen say to the Virginians. (August 25, 2020)

London, England

"You guys call over here like the English men's national team just won." It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It's not well understood about the trade between Warsaw and London. Wayne Rooney signed a three year contract with DC United but he left after playing only two seasons. While he was in Washington, DC, Wayne said he didn't know the rules of baseball. (August 25, 2020)

New York City

Novak Djokovic is playing today in New York City. The Serbian champion is ranked #1 in the world by the ATP. "WESTERN & SOUTHERN OPEN NEW YORK, NY | AUGUST 20-28, 2020" (August 25, 2020)


There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden is across the border from Prague. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. It seems like the Germans send long distance radio transmissions. The radios can be used for internal security and to control infantry movements. East Germany traded in East German mark. "Me and Dre sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him." "But still knowing this could pop off at any minute." (August 25, 2020)


Notice this description of Spain in the early twentieth century. There might be Marxists in the Spanish government today. There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There are modern accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. There are reports about radio signals coming from Catalonia at odd hours and on the weekends. "...after a trip to Germany between 1909 and 1911 he came under the influence of Marxism..."

Madrid 14

Washington, DC

I have a funny story about my graduate program. It's an online class, but it's a synchronous class and so we all are in the same virtual meeting every Monday night. I did this over the summer and I just propped my iPad on the cabinet and I relaxed on the couch because I turned off my camera. This term the professor is making us have our cameras on the whole time. I don't like it because I can't both listen and watch myself in the camera. I can't take notes while I can see myself in the camera. I don't know why the professor needs to look at me in the camera the entire class. The rest of the class are as they would be. There is one other student that doesn't want to turn his camera on either. I almost can't sit there for two hours with this webcam on me. I wish I could complain or something. (August 25, 2020)

Lafayette Park

There are accounts about Lafayette Park. The United States Secret Service polices the park. There are stories about Secret Service personnel detaining pedestrians in the park. They asked for an id and then they didn't give the id back until the person had been detained for fifteen minutes. It's not clear about imported hardware in Lafayette Square. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. "You're being detained." That's what the Secret Service officer said when the pedestrian was stopped in Lafayette Park. (August 25, 2020)

Alexei Navalny

The news is reporting on Alexei Navalny. Moscow has issued a statement about the Russian national. It's been said that he was poisoned with a nerve gas. It seems like the East Germans used chemical munitions for policing. They might send the chemical munitions long distances now as weapons. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. "Peskov suggested that various medications could have been the cause for the sudden drop in Navalny's levels of cholinesterase, an enzyme necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system." (August 25, 2020)


This is an excerpt from an academic publication about metadata. Notice the reference to cell phones. The United States Congress has complained about 'robocalls' which are similar to cyberattacks. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios can send long distance transmissions. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Virginians might lobby to import German-made radios. "This changed overnight in June of 2013 with the first publication of news stories based on Edward Snowden's leaks of documents about the US National Security Agency's (NSA) digital intelligence collection systems. If "metadata" previously referred largely to things like library catalog records, data dictionaries, descriptions of files in Geographical Information Systems, and keywords assigned to academic articles, the term now evokes cell phone call records, e-mail headers, Internet search logs, GPS location fixes, and data brokers."

Virginia 15


It's possible there are weapons platforms in Syria that receive signals from German land positions. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to the Levant from the Gulf of Danzig. Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Gaza are ports. The Washington Post is reporting on Damascus. "An explosion early Monday struck a gas pipeline in a Damascus suburb, causing a huge fire and cutting off electricity throughout Syria..." (August 25, 2020)

Damascus 1


There are concerns about any military research facilities near Dresden, Germany or Prague, Czech Republic. The Russian news is reporting on Vienna. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. "Russia declared an Austrian diplomat a persona non grata following Vienna's decision to expel a Russian diplomat earlier Monday, acting in line with the principle of reciprocity, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement." (August 25, 2020)


It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are radios that can send long distance transmissions. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. Dresden is across the border from Prague. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. It's possible that Minsk has imported German-made radios and that's why there are reports about the police there. "The Belarusian Interior Ministry has opened 39 administrative and 3 criminal cases in the past 24 hours over the participation in unauthorized protests, the statement published on the ministry's website informs." (August 25, 2020)

Ben Olsen

"No one gives it to you, you have to take it." Jack Nicholson said that. He is from New Jersey originally. That's where Princeton is. I am from Texas. The west and the western territories. The border with Mexico and the Californians. It's remarkable about the Virginians. For example, Ben Olsen didn't graduate from college. He's the DC United head coach. It happens on the East Coast that people get hired and they don't have college degrees. He makes $500,000 annually as his salary. In Los Angeles there are people who have MBA's and they don't make that as an annual income. Ben Olsen attended the University of Virginia but he didn't graduate. (August 24, 2020)

Berlin, Germany

The Wall Street Journal is reporting on Berlin. "German doctors treating Russian dissident Alexei Navalny said he was poisoned by a substance commonly found in nerve gas and pesticides." It seems like the Germans develop chemical munitions in Sachsen. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. It might be that the East Germans made poisons that they used for internal security. There are now radios that can send them long distances. "In 2018, Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia nearly died when Russian agents poisoned them with the deadly Soviet-era nerve agent Novichok, or the Newcomer." (August 24, 2020)

Moscow 6


Londoners have never met a loser. I am writing about England. "If you had met a loser, what do you think he would have looked like?" It's as though there are no losers in England. The American understanding of winners and losers seems to have left Europe. If someone dropped out of college they're a loser, for example. Wayne Rooney said he didn't know the rules of baseball in an interview and he lived in the suburbs while he played for DC United. It's as though the Londoners are in denial that a college dropout is a loser. It's not clear to me about the city and the suburbs in England. The White House here in Washington, DC is on 16th Street NW. I am not sure why Wayne lived in the suburbs if the President lives in the city. To convince the Londoners that Wayne is a loser because he doesn't know the rules of baseball. The language in England is as though a loser is the Loch Ness Monster. They don't believe there are losers. I point to someone and say, "He didn't graduate from college. Ben Olsen doesn't have a four year degree." And the Londoner is open to believing Ben Olsen is a winner. There are no losers in Ben Olsen's house then. They're not friendlies over there in England. It's because of the labor unions and trade with Ireland and the continent.


Doug Galbraith went to my high school in Austin, Texas. I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UT-Austin. Doug attended Reed College in Oregon and I think he didn't graduate. I am an Episcopalian and I am today a member of the White House church. Wayne Rooney lived in Bethesda, Maryland while he played on DC United. His wife is named Coleen and they have four children. Wayne said in an interview that he doesn't know the rules of baseball. At the time I thought that the English men's national team would play better if the players did know the rules of baseball. Wayne left after two years but he signed a three year contract. I am in the process of reviewing the island. I studied in Saint Petersburg. My grandpa was a Rhodes Scholar out of Princeton. It's this paradox of people who are secretive. Wayne lived in the suburbs. His wife has three brothers. I didn't meet him while he was here. I live in the city near Capitol Hill. I said the whole time that if someone doesn't know the rules of baseball and they live in the suburbs, they might not need a lot of cars and logistics to move around. It's this phenomenon about the island and how people can be both losers and secretive. (August 24, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

Notice this description of the Spanish military. There are modern accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. The French used to teach solders in southern China to throw spears. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. The Germans sometimes trade weaponry through Spanish ports. It's been suggested that radio signals are sent from Catalonia at odd hours and on the weekends. "...the Republican Supreme Tribunal in 1935, but the trial of military figures such as Berenguer did much to fuel military resentment towards the new regime."

Madrid 13
Madrid 12


There are anecdotes about the army in Afghanistan. There were infantrymen who reported pharmaceutical drugs. The image was pockets overflowing with sleeping pills. (August 24, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the Pentagon. The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia. Earlier this summer there were labor strikes in Germany. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. It's not clear about German-made radios in Virginia. There might be weapons platforms in Iraq that receive signals from German land positions. There was a drone strike earlier this year that was aimed at a two-car convoy. It's controversial about drone strikes which are aimed at cars. "The base, 12 miles north of Baghdad, had been the site of frequent rocket attacks..." (August 24, 2020)

Virginia 14


Kosovo and Bosnia are Muslim enclaves. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "Couple of days ago, O'Brien's office confirmed for Gazeta Express that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and Kosovo's Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti, would attend the meeting." (August 24, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios can send long distance transmissions. They're used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. The Russian news is reporting on Capitol Hill because there were complaints about Russian-made hardware. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. "The fifth and final volume of the US Senate's Select Intelligence Committee's report on alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election neither contains any real facts nor evidence, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in her commentary on Saturday." (August 24, 2020)


Virginia is south of the Potomac River. They're ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. Notice this excerpt from the Russian news about Minsk. It's possible there are German labor unions in Belarus. Earlier this summer the Germans reported labor strikes. "Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko thinks that those unwilling to follow the principles of state ideology should not teach at Belarusian schools. He stated this on Monday during his meeting with Education Minister Igor Karpenko." (August 24, 2020)


There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There are reports about the elections in Belarus. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. Lviv is near the border with Poland. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Sophia. "The Minister of Social Affairs Denitsa Sacheva defined as media speculations the ideas to replace Boyko Borissov as Prime Minister by another member of GERB. According to her, the proposals announced by Borissov are a mirror image of the protesters' demands." (August 24, 2020)


There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. Notice this reference to surveillance technology in Siberia. "A Russian newspaper has alleged there was extensive government surveillance of the Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny during a trip to Siberia before he collapsed from a suspected poisoning on Thursday." (August 23, 2020)


"Get that radio off, Sparrer." That is a line from 'Attack Force Z' (1981) which is a Mel Gibson movie about World War II in the Pacific. There are concerns about imported hardware in Virginia. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. It seems like the Virginians intentionally buy German-made radios. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (August 23, 2020)


Canberra, Australia

Attack Force Z (1981) is a Mel Gibson movie about the Pacific Theater. These are lines from the movie. "Understand me. I am a soldier. I am a kindly man. But if you make me fight against women, I will." The East German swim team is infamous because there were women athletes who took steroids. The United States Military Academy at West Point allows women cadets. It has been said that the West Point women 'lie a lot'. It's possible they're speaking in a Prussian dialect. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. There are historical anecdotes about underage cadets at West Point. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire and he went to West Point. There are a lot of accounts about strange military training. More recently there are accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. (August 23, 2020)

Hoover Building

There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park. The Hoover Building and the Eisenhower Executive Office Building are near there. It's not clear about the defense contractors assigned to Lafayette Square. There are concerns about imported hardware in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. The Virginians make high salaries. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. There might be defense contractors in Lafayette Square at odd hours and on the weekends. For example, what do defense contractors do in the Hoover Building on the weekends? (August 23, 2020)

Virginia 13


My grandma's sister married a man whose last name was Collins. I own the Collins Latin dictionary. He had been in the army. He was handsome and they lived in New England. The Irish men who work in the London office aren't like my uncle. His name was Dave Collins. The Irish seem to be ethnically Polish now. The women have three and four children. Their names are Coleen and Claudine. It's strange about London and the government there. I struggle with my colleagues in London because there has been so much trade with Warsaw. I tell them that the East Germans traded in mark and that the Poles trade in zloty. I'm an American. The Irish people who work in government in London seem distracted by Warsaw and thinking about other Polish cities. (August 23, 2020)


Russell Crowe is in a movie called 'Romper Stomper' (1992). It's about Australia and there is a group of young men called the 'Fourth Reich Fighting Men'. It is similar to 'A Clockwork Orange' (1971) because it's about violent gangs. It seems like the Germans have developed radios that use nanotechnology. The radios can control infantry movements and the transmissions can be sent over long distances. There are accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. The French used to teach soldiers in southern China to throw spears. There exists a Prussian calendar. There are radio signals sent on specific days of the year. The first of each month and the fifteenth of each month allow for an increase in these German radio signals. (August 23, 2020)


German weapons are designed to work in tandem. When chemical munitions are deployed, there are also warplanes and radio jamming tools used, for example. In the modern age there are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. It seems like there are military research facilities in Sachsen and that chemical munitions are transported between Germany and Syria. (August 23, 2020)

Niall Ferguson

Brandenburg is a province in eastern Germany. Niall Ferguson wrote an article for Foreign Affairs and he said that the Germans invented the printing press. He is from England but he is a professor at Stanford University. At the time it bothered me because I didn't want him to list off German engineering accomplishments in his publication for Foreign Affairs. I went to UT-Austin and we are rivals with Stanford. Cory Booker is a Rhodes Scholar from Stanford and he is now a Senator from New Jersey. He had been the Mayor of Newark. Remarkably, I spend a lot of time now reading about German radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can be used to move infantrymen. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Earlier this summer Germany reported labor strikes. There seem to be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. I am reflecting that at the time, Niall Ferguson was write to talk about German science. It's a genre of scientific achievement. But, I also read about barbed wire fences and roadblocks in East Berlin. I mention that the Germans invent new kinds of roadblocks. (August 23, 2020)


There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It might be that governments near Germany have invested in this radio technology. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Balkans. "He reiterated his position that the powerholders-proposed draft of a new constitution merely seeks to buy them time and cement the status quo." (August 23, 2020)


Coleen Rooney has four children. There are concerns about organized labor in Manchester. Wayne signed a three year contract with DC United but he left after playing only two seasons. He said at the time that it was because his wife wanted to return to England. Wayne was the DC United captain. They lived in Bethesda, Maryland while they were here. Bethesda is across town from Audi Field. It seems like they are networked with labor leaders. It would have made more sense for him to live closer to the soccer stadium. (August 22, 2020)

Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny is in Germany. There are reports that he has been poisoned. It seems like the Germans transport chemical munitions to Syria. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "He in in Germany today. Illness is from Germany." "Он сегодня в Германии. Болезнь из Германии." (August 22, 2020)


Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. Lubeck is a German port near the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. It seems like there are labor disputes that travel between Germany, Ireland, and Virginia. There are routes to Dublin from Lubeck. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (August 22, 2020)

Virginia 12

Jude Law

Jude Law is an English actor. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It's not well understood about the trade between Warsaw and London. "He has five children and three wives. Maybe he is Polish. This is Polish Catholicism perhaps." "У него пятеро детей и три жены. Может он поляк. Возможно, это польский католицизм." (August 22, 2020)

London 2


The word 'Catholic' means universal. It's interesting about Catholicism in Ireland and Poland. There are accounts about couples in Ireland having several children. Wayne and Coleen Rooney have four children. The magazines are reporting here in Washington, DC that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her fourth child. It's not clear exactly about Catholicism in London. Neither William nor Kate studied at Oxford. Literacy rates and fertility rates are often inversely related. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. That being said, it's weird to buy high fertility rates instead of formal education. With money, what is bought? The English have being spending their money on having several children. When couples have several children, it's predictable about the societal implications.


There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Earlier this summer there were labor strikes in Germany. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany and Damascus. There have been reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. East Germany traded in East German mark. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "Russian opposition leader, Alexey Navalny -- who is gravely ill after a suspected poisoning -- has arrived at a hospital in Berlin following a medical evacuation flight from the Siberian city of Omsk, according to a CNN team on the ground." Alexey Navaly is a Russian national and it's been suggested that he's been poisoned. (August 22, 2020)


DC United tied FC Cincinnati last night 0-0. "United returns to action with an uneventful draw" The Washington Post is reporting on the game. Ben Olsen is United's head coach. Olsen attended the University of Virginia but he didn't graduate and he doesn't have a four year degree. There are concerns about labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. (August 22, 2020)

Ben Olsen 5


Bosnia and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. It's possible there are airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Balkans. "Bulgaria's Ambassador to Serbia, Radko Vlaykov, held talks with Milos Popovic, the chief of staff to Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. He confirmed that there is no such decision for Bulgaria and, if such a decision is discussed in the future, the Bulgarian side will be notified in advance." (August 22, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

Notice this description of Francoist forces. It is said that Francisco Franco's army marched slowly and their uniforms didn't fit. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. There are modern accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. The French used to teach infantrymen in southern China to throw spears. "...when the Francoist forces took Euskadi in the summer of 1937."

Madrid 11

Tbilisi, Georgia

Jude Law is in 'Black Sea' which came out in 2015. Abkhazia and South Ossetia are enclaves in Georgia. Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia. In 2008 the Russians sent infantrymen across the border into Georgia. Abkhazia is sometimes an Ottoman port. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It seems like the Russian infantrymen went toward the German airbases in Anatolia when they crossed the border into Georgia. Abkhazia is a port. South Ossetia is inland. (August 21, 2020)

Abkhazia 1

Anna Karenina

'Anna Karenina' is a novel written by Leo Tolstoy. It's about a woman who lived in Saint Petersburg. I went to school at Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute which is where Mendeleev studied. The lesson in the novel is about a life well lived. Anna wanted to live with Vronsky who was a Russian soldier. She didn't know what to do. I live in Washington, DC but sometimes I think I should be living in Boston or London. I used to live in Los Angeles. I am 36 years old. It's difficult to know what we're supposed to do with our lives. I am happy here in Washington, DC but I get unsettled sometimes that I don't live, as I said, in Boston or London. I am planning on staying here in Washington, DC indefinitely. (August 21, 2020)

Jude Law

When Wayne Rooney lived in Washington, DC he gave an interview and he said that he didn't know the rules of baseball. I am watching 'Anna Karenina' which is a 2012 movie with Jude Law and Keira Knightley. It's strange about Kate Middleton. The magazines are reporting that she is pregnant with her fourth child. Coleen Rooney has four children. When Wayne was here in Washington, DC he lived in the suburbs. He lived in Bethesda, Maryland. Alexander Ovechkin also lives in the suburbs but he lives in Arlington County in Virginia. There was a highly publicized meeting where Wayne met with Alex at one of the hockey games. DC United never won a tournament while Wayne was on the team. Alex has one Stanley Cup trophy. It would be better for them to win more tournaments. It's not clear to me why the both of them live in the suburbs. I don't know if Jude law knows the rules of baseball. (August 21, 2020)


'Agent Orange' was used during the Vietnam War against the North Vietnamese. There was also Napalm which was a liquefied ordnance. 'Crop dusting' happened in South America during the Cold War. There might be similar weapons used today. It's not clear about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Germany reported labor strikes earlier this summer. (August 21, 2020)

Lyndon Johnson

There is a Hollywood film called 'Hostiles' which came out in 2017. It's set in New Mexico and there are Comanche Indians in the movie. President Lyndon Johnson had relatives who lived in Texas when the Comanches were still there. If Lyndon Johnson was here, he could talk about how his relatives interacted with the Comanches when the Texans first moved there. Christian Bale is in 'Hostiles'. Christian Bale is a Hollywood actor from England. His grandpa had been in the South African army. (August 21, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. East Germany traded in East German mark. The news is reporting on Omsk, Russia. "On Friday, Anatoly Kalinichenko, deputy head physician of the Omsk emergency hospital, said doctors did not believe Navalny was poisoned." (August 21, 2020)


My position is that Kate Middleton isn't a princess because she has three children. In Britain it is a big deal now about married couples. I'm an American. It doesn't phase me that she's married. It matters to me how many children she has. A woman can be a princess if she doesn't have any children or if she has one or two children. I think even a married woman cannot be a princess if she has three or four children. It's also strange about married couples and people who are not married in Britain. It's not rational to insult people who aren't married. The army isn't married. It becomes irrational government. You wonder about Harry and William and friendly fire. Both Harry and William are married. I'm not married. It's not clear to me that people should be married. (August 21, 2020)


Both William and Kate Middleton went to St. Andrew's. It's controversial because they might not have much formal education. St. Andrew's might not be a top tier school. There are concerns about labor unions in Manchester. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. It's possible that William and Kate Middleton make a living networking with labor leaders. It's not clear why they didn't study at Oxford. The magazines in Washington, DC are reporting that Kate Middleton is expecting a fourth child. (August 21, 2020)


There are concerns about the military research facilities between Dresden, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There have been complaints about the labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. The German security services use controversial hardware. The BBC is reporting on Omsk, Russia which is in Siberia. "Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny is unconscious in hospital suffering from suspected poisoning, his spokeswoman has said. The anti-corruption campaigner fell ill during a flight and the plane made an emergency landing in Omsk, where doctors said he was in a coma and they were trying to save his life." (August 21, 2020)

The Levant

The Washington Post is reporting on the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Tel Aviv from Lubeck. Lubeck is a port near Poland. Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Gaza are ports. "Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip landed near Israel's security fence..." (August 21, 2020)

Tel Aviv 8


The Russian news is reporting on Kiev. Lviv, Ukraine is near Poland. There are concerns about the labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. Labor leaders in Warsaw seem to manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. Warsaw trades in zloty. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. Lviv serves as a regional hub for labor unions. Germany reported labor strikes earlier this summer. "Kiev authorities do not hide their desire to use the conflict in Donbass to preserve the EU sanctions pressure on Russia and still do not fulfill their obligations under the Minsk Package of Measures, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with Trud newspaper." (August 21, 2020)


It's possible that the Belarusian army uses German-made radios to control their infantry movements. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios can send long distance transmissions with precision. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are complaints about the radios. Warsaw trades in zloty. Earlier this summer Germany reported labor strikes. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "The Belarusian army will hold large-scale drills under the direction of the Western Operational Command's chief on August 28-31, the republic's Defense Ministry reported on Friday." (August 21, 2020)


There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It's not clear about how the radios are used in the Balkans. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Bulgarian police. "A specialized police operation to combat domestic crime, human trafficking, migratory pressure and smuggling began this morning in Vratsa, Krivodol and the villages of Nefela, Devene, Banitsa and Osen. Employees of ODMVR-Vratsa and the Zonal Gendarmerie in Montana are taking part in the action." (August 21, 2020)

Barcelona, Spain

Notice this description of Catalonia. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia. It's not clear about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. "...Barcelona has been the most industrially and culturally dynamic Spanish city."

Barcelona 2


The Washington Capitals are playing tonight against the Islanders. The Capitals are losing 3-1 in the series. It's controversial about the players in the league from Scandinavia and the Czech Republic. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Three players on the Capitals' roster are from the Czech Republic. Jakub Vrana is from Prague. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. East Germany traded in East German mark. Germany reported labor strikes earlier this summer. It's possible that the league uses labor unions to recruit players. No score yet in the first period. (August 20, 2020)

Hockey 6

Saint Petersburg

This is from 'Diary of a Madman' by Nikolai Gogol. The King of Spain walked the streets of Saint Petersburg at night. He said that he was the King of Spain. "Today I have been reading papers the whole morning. Very strange things are happening in Spain. I have not understood them all. It is said that the throne is vacant, the representatives of the people are in difficulties about finding an occupant, and riots are taking place. All this appears to me very strange. How can the throne be vacant? It is said that it will be occupied by a woman. A woman cannot sit on a throne. That is impossible. Only a king can sit on a throne. They say that there is no king there, but that is not possible. There cannot be a kingdom without a king. There must be a king, but he is hidden away somewhere. Perhaps he is actually on the spot, and only some domestic complications, or fears of the neighboring Powers, France and other countries, compel him to remain in concealment; there might also be other reasons."


There is sometimes military resentment fueled towards new regimes in Madrid.
Francoist forces took Euskadi in the summer of 1937.
Barcelona has industrial centers and there are historical anecdotes about inflation there.
Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia.
It's likely German weaponry causes inflation in Catalonia because the Germans trade the weapons through the ports.
There was a proletarian revolution in Spain during the 1930's.
Spanish laws allow for a complex range of licenses and incentives.
The King of Spain sent a message to the American navy during the Spanish-American War.
Normally the King of Spain doesn't send messages to the Americans.
It's not clear if the King of Spain talks much to other people in Europe.
It is said that he occasionally visits Saint Petersburg and that he walks the streets at night.
The King of Spain does not deny that he is the King of Spain.
The King of Spain looks like a wealthy poor person.
The Germans named a military prosecutor in Spain.
There are reports about radio signals coming from Spain at odd hours and on the weekends.
There was nationalism in Barcelona between 1882 and 1887.
It's not clear if Spanish linguistics "lie a lot", the people might "lie a lot" when they talk.
Franco's army marched slowly and their uniforms didn't fit.
The government in Spain often has pro-German sympathies.
The military in Spain interferes with Spanish politics.
There are anti-insurgency wars in North Africa against the Rif tribesmen.

Madrid 10


The Washington Post is reporting on Libya. There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. The Germans used to test warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. Benghazi and Tripoli are ports. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. "...capsized in the Mediterranean Sea off Libya..." (August 20, 2020)

Libya 6

The Baltic Sea

Lubeck, Germany is a port on the Baltic Sea. There are labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. It's controversial about German labor unions in Poland. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Warsaw trades in zloty. Frankfurt is the German banking district. The Russian news is reporting on the Baltic Sea. "The Russian Embassy in Norway has expressed protest to the Norwegian Foreign Ministry over the detention of a Russian deputy trade representative, the embassy stated on Facebook, adding that Russia will make its conclusions about the situation." (August 20, 2020)


Minsk is the capital of Belarus. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "The Coordination Council set up by the Belarusian opposition is ready for contacts with Russia, it is not considering undermining the relations between both states, Pavel Latushko, member of the council's bureau, told TASS on Thursday." (August 20, 2020)


Mosul is in northern Iraq. It's controversial about Turkish military operations in Iraq because they use the ports. There are rivers that run south from Anatolia to the Persian Gulf. The Kurds in Iraq allow the Turks to use the ports. There are anecdotes about trade deals negotiated in Mosul. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Chemical munitions have been reported in Syria. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Iraq. "General Electric Co said it had signed two new agreements valued at over $1.2 billion with the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity, to undertake maintenance programs across key power plants in the country and bolster its transmission network." (August 20, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

Notice this description of the laws in Spain. It's controversial about the labor unions in Virginia. It's never clear about the defense budget. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's likely there is imported hardware in Virginia. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. "...complex range of licenses and incentives..."

Madrid 9

North Korea

There are land routes between North Korea and Laos through China. North Korean defectors go through China to Vientiane and they're arrested by the Laotian police. The Chinese sometimes send infantrymen into Laos. It seems like the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. Radio signals are sent between East Berlin and Pyongyang about internal security. There are accounts about barbed wire fences and roadblocks in North Korea. The Germans send roadblocks to North Korea. (August 19, 2020)

North Korea 3

Lviv, Ukraine

The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There are military academies in Berlin, Dresden, and Potsdam. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. There are likely labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. It seems like there are large airbases near Warsaw. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. In East Germany and Czechoslovakia there are historical anecdotes about labor strikes. Chemical munitions are likely developed near Dresden. There were dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (August 19, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Afghanistan. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's never clear about the defense budget. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. "...a mortar attack in Kabul on Tuesday..." (August 19, 2020)

Ankara 4
Virginia 11
Kabul 10

Moscow, Russia

There are airbases in Anatolia. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are a few accounts about warplanes crashing near the Levant. It's possible that German radio signals crashed these warplanes. There were Russian planes that crashed near Anatolia and the Levant. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. The Serbian news is reporting on Anatolia. "Although the media in Greece and Turkey report a significantly growing number of fighter jets in the zone where several hundred incidents have been registered over the past year, it seems that the two fleets, after a close encounter between frigates, are still enough far away to avoid any future problems." (August 19, 2020)


Tabriz, Iran is near Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. Chemical munitions are likely transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. The Russian news is reporting on Tehran. "On August 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed holding an online summit of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, Germany and Iran soon to focus on the JCPOA implementation issues." (August 19, 2020)


Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Bulgarian Socialist Party. "The opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) does not support GERB's draft of a new constitution and rejects their invitation to consultations." (August 19, 2020)


I am writing about Spain. There is a Russian novel about the King of Spain. He walks the streets of Saint Petersburg and he says that he is the King of Spain. It seems like he is. He does not talk but to say that he is the King of Spain. There was a conversation during the Spanish-American War between the American navy and the King of Spain. The Americans wrote to ask them to remove their ships from the Caribbean Sea. The King of Spain himself responded and said that he would ask other people in Europe what to do. There are real concerns about Spain because of German weapons. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It might be that the army sends so many transmissions that the King of Spain is no longer silent. There are concerns about weapons tests and inflation in Spain. (August 19, 2020)


Notice this reference to military courts in Spain. Madrid is inland. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. Barcelona is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. "...whereupon he was named military prosecutor..."

Madrid 8


The Washington Capitals are playing tonight against the Islanders. The Capitals are down 3-0 in the series. Today they're losing 2-0 in the first period. It's controversial about the players in the league from Scandinavia and the Czech Republic. Jakub Vrana is a left winger from Prague. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. Lars Eller is from Denmark. It seems like the league uses labor unions to recruit players. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (August 18, 2020)

Hockey 5


There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They're immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. There are labor unions in Virginia. It's never clear about the defense budget. There might be efforts in Virginia to import German-made radios. The Washington Post is reporting on Afghanistan. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. "The U.S. military has made about $2 million in condolence payments to civilians in Afghanistan over the past five years, according to Pentagon data that sheds new light on how officials have sought to address the impact of unintended injury and death..." (August 18, 2020)

Kabul 9


Mink is the capital of Belarus. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. "The German chancellor, in her turn, stressed that the Belarusian authorities must give up the use of force against peaceful demonstrators, the German Cabinet of Ministers' Spokesman Steffen Seibert informed." (August 18, 2020)

The Levant

Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Gaza are ports in the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Tel Aviv from Lubeck. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. East Germany traded in East German mark. Israel trades in shekel. The Russian news is reporting on the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. "THE HAGUE, August 18. /TASS/. The Special Tribunal for Lebanon has not found evidence that the leadership of Hezbollah was involved in the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, judge David Re said Tuesday when reading out the decision." (August 18, 2020)

Washington, DC

I am writing about Washington, DC. Convalescence homes are popular in Washington, DC. The English are able to heal from restedness. The English sometimes take breaks of two or three years and they sleep most of the day. I did that in my early twenties. I'm now 36 and I am wanting to take a break for a few years. It's a time of recuperation and then heightened activity. There is intensive activity that can only happen when there is restedness. Remarkably, the Virginians don't believe in convalescence homes. They think people heal from housework and lawn work. If the Virginians take breaks, they are expected to clean a lot and maintain a routine of chores around the house. The English take meditative breaks for a few years at a time and then they work intensely at length. The Virginians probably don't work as intensely as the English but they don't take complete breaks as the English do. (August 17, 2020)

London, England

Conclusion: Rational Americans who are not married would not want William and Kate to visit. England is not a big island. London is a large city. It's strange in England about married couples and language. I am me. You are you. They are they. You are married. You two are married. I am not married. They are married. They two are married. It might be that London is a city filled with married and not married people. If married then. If not married then. I am not married and I live in London. I am married and I live in London. We are married and we live in London. We two are married and we live in London. In London there are married people. I am not married and I do not live in London. It means that married people from London can think about the Americans and who is married and not married. The Americans might not be married or not married. I am an American and I am not married. What do I think about married couples in London? It's not obvious to me about London and married and the Americans. I am an American and I am not married and I do not live in London. William and Kate might not be well liked by Americans who aren't married. (August 17, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

Both Moscow and Ankara are inland. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. There are a few concerns, (1) it seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology, (2) it's not clear about the radios the Russians use to control their infantry movements. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The concern is that the Russians use German-made radios too much and then there are these German airbases in Anatolia. The Russian news is reporting on Anatolia. "In a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety of Russian tourists in Turkey which has reopened after the coronavirus lockdown, the Kremlin press service reported." (August 17, 2020)


The BBC is reporting on Beijing. There is a shared border between China and Laos. The Chinese sometimes send infantrymen across the border into Laos. Both Vientiane and Hanoi are inland. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. It's possible the East Germans used to send tanks to Hanoi. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Chinese might use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. "The US and China are due to resume trade talks in the coming days that last took place in January before tensions escalated. The two economic superpowers have been embroiled in a trade war since 2018 that has damaged the world economy. In January both countries agreed to ease restrictions imposed on imported goods from each another." (August 17, 2020)


When I was twenty years old I met a man in London named Henry. Henry was a student at the University of London. I was a student at UT-Austin. He asked me about China because he was studying China. And I answered, "The Chinese are evil. Yes, they are a threat." And he said that wasn't a sophisticated response and that he'd have to ask someone else. When I was thirty five years old I met a man in London who is Irish and he works for the British government. He told me that Wayne Rooney is married. And so I know to be an expert in China and to stay away from British men who are married. These are true stories from my life. (August 17, 2020)


Notice this reference to wire fences in Argentina. Both Buenos Aires and Santiago trade in peso. Caracas trades in bolivar. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela and Argentina. It's possible the East Germans used to send hardware to Caracas from Lubeck. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. There might be tank driving schools near Buenos Aires. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. "Each property has boundaries of wire fences..." (August 17, 2020)

Argentina 5


There were reports about frostbite in the 1950's. It's not clear about American infantrymen in terms of where they're deployed. There are modern accounts about chemical munitions. American infantrymen might be deployed in proximity to chemical munitions. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. There are labor unions in Virginia. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. (August 17, 2020)

Virginia 10


During WWII there were three consecutive victories for the Red Army, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk, and the Battle for Berlin. The Red Army drove from Stalingrad to Brandenburg. Stalingrad has been renamed Volgograd and it is a port on the Volga River near the Caspian Sea. (August 17, 2020)


North Korea

There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Pyongyang from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. North Korea trades in North Korean won. There are accounts about barbed wire fences and roadblocks in North Korea. There have been tank battles near Pyongyang. The Washington Post is reporting on the North Korean government. "The drills from Tuesday to Aug. 28 could still irk North Korea..." (August 17, 2020)

North Korea 2


The Serbian news is reporting on Ankara. Ankara is inland. There are concerns about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities near the border between Egypt and Libya. The Germans used to test warplanes there. There are modern reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "The dispute between Turkey and Greece has intensified in recent weeks over the right to explore for oil and gas in the Mediterranean, and even last week there was a minor collision between Greek and Turkish ships." (August 17, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Belarus. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. Labor leaders in Warsaw manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. "More than 700 people filed complaints with Belarusian investigative agencies about sustaining bodily injuries when detained and in detention centers, the national Investigative Committee said Monday." (August 17, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

Notice this description of the Spanish military. It's controversial about Spanish military academies because they seem to have adopted Prussian tactics. There are modern accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. "From his post of military commander of Oviedo he supported the July 1936 military uprising..." (August 16, 2020)

Madrid 7


The German news is reporting on the German security services. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are historical anecdotes about roadblocks and watchtowers in East Berlin. There were official cars and nonofficial cars. The nonofficial cars were searched thoroughly. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. "Crimes of money laundering, tax evasion and illegal gambling are all now being investigated, he announced on Sunday. The officials in Essen also acted against illegal car races. Officials stopped four illegal street races. Four cars with an estimated total value of over 400,000 euro were seized, including a sports car worth 250,000 euro." (August 16, 2020)


Lars Eller is from Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. It's controversial about the players in the league from Scandinavia and the Czech Republic. Copenhagen trades in krona. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are modern accounts about money lending between Stockholm and the Baltic States. Estonia trades in Euro. It seems like Scandinavian countries shouldn't lend money because krona is often tied to metals trading. "Lars Eller Wrist Shot saved by Semyon Varlamov" The Capitals are tied 1-1 in the second period. Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. (August 16, 2020)



The Washington Post is reporting on Afghanistan. There are concerns about the defense budget. The defense contractors in Virginia might not have much formal education. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. It's not clear about salaries as they relate to formal education. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. "...was attacked Friday afternoon near the capital, Kabul..." (August 16, 2020)



Jakub Vrana is in the newspaper. "The Capitals' Jakub Vrana, taken to the ice by the Islanders' Adam Pelech, has no points in the series and was benched during Game 2." There are three players on the Capitals' roster from the Czech Republic. Vrana is a left winger from Prague. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. It's possible some of the players on the team have relatives in the German infantry. (August 16, 2020)


Prague, Czech Republic

It's likely that Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. There are prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are accounts about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. It's not clear about modern military research facilities near either Dresden or Prague. Radio Free Europe is reporting on Moscow. "Kyiv has expressed anger over a decision by Belarus to release a group of alleged Russian mercenaries that was detained near Minsk in late July." (August 15, 2020)

Barcelona, Spain

Catalonia is a region of Spain. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. Barcelona is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. It's not clear about any radio signals sent from Catalonia. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. The signals seem to be sent at odd hours and on the weekends. They might be cyberattacks. (August 15, 2020)

The Falklands

Notice this description of the Falklands. Lubeck, Germany is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. It seems like the East Germans used to send radios to the Argentinians. It's possible that the Argentinians use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. There might be tank driving schools near Buenos Aires. East Germany traded in East German mark. Caracas trades in bolivar and Buenos Aires trades in peso. "The only fishing was done by Polish and Russian deep-sea trawlers permanently stationed off the islands."

Argentina 4
Virginia 9

The Battle of Stalingrad

Jude Law is an actor from England. 'Enemy at the Gates' is about Stalingrad. The Germans launched three offensives along the Eastern Front during WWII. The first was blitzkrieg which went to Minsk and Kiev, the second went north to Leningrad, the third went south to Stalingrad. The Battle for Stalingrad was a battle for the city. The Germans occupied large parts of the city and the Red Army had to fight to reclaim it. Stalingrad has been renamed Volgograd because it's a port on the Volga River near the Caspian Sea.

Washington, DC

There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's not clear about the bureau and imported hardware. There are reports about cyberattacks in Belarus. It's been suggested that the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. There are complaints about the bureau in terms of staffing. There might be daily commutes to the federal district from Virginia. The field office and the Hoover Building might not maintain regular office hours. (August 15, 2020)

Virginia 8


There are labor unions in Ireland. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Washington Post is reporting on Dublin. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. "Ireland has reached a deal to give back to Nigeria $6.5 million..." (August 15, 2020)

Ireland 2


The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. "A former FBI lawyer has agreed to plead guilty to altering an email that helped justify surveillance..." There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's not clear about the relationship between the bureau and the German security services. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. There might be imported radios in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. (August 15, 2020)

Virginia 6
Virginia 7

The Falklands

Notice this description of the Falklands. They are islands near Argentina. There are reports about inflation in both Venezuela and Argentina. Both Buenos Aires and Santiago trade in peso. Caracas trades in bolivar. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. There are military academies in Argentina. It's possible that the Argentinian military uses German-made radios to control their infantry movements. "All food except mutton and a few vegetables, all building materials except rock, all fuels except peat, had to be imported..."

Argentina 3


This is a description of the Falklands War. The Falklands are near Argentina. There might be tank driving schools near Buenos Aires. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. It's possible that the Argentinians were using German-made radios to move their infantry. "Sixty-seven Royal Marines and eleven men of the Royal Navy became prisoners of war, either on that fateful day of 2 April 1982, or when they were rounded up within the next few days."

Argentina 2

Barcelona, Spain

Notice this description of Barcelona, Spain. Madrid is inland and Barcelona is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. East Germany traded in East German mark. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. "Politically he probably first became interested in nationalism while living in Barcelona between 1882 and 1887." (August 14, 2020)

Barcelona 1

The White House

The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. The bureau seems to use imported hardware. It's been suggested that there are imported military radios in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. "...expressing impatience with the bureau's level of cooperation..." (August 14, 2020)

White House 1

Nicklas Backstrom

It's controversial about the players in the NHL from Scandinavia and the Czech Republic. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are three players on the Washington Capitals' roster from the Czech Republic. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. It's not clear if the Czech players have relatives in the German infantry. Nicklas Backstrom is from Sweden. There are historical ties between Stockholm and Brandenburg. Brandenburg is a province in eastern Germany. The Washington Post is reporting on the Stanley Cup Playoffs. The Swedish national will miss the second game of the first round series. "Veteran center Nicklas Backstrom is in the NHL's concussion protocol and will not play in Game 2 of Washington's first-round playoff series against the New York Islanders on Friday..." (August 14, 2020)

Hockey 4

Abu Dhabi

There have been tank battles in the Levant. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are ports in the Persian Gulf. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Tashkent news is reporting on Abu Dhabi. "Israel and the United Arab Emirates reached a historic deal on Thursday that will lead to a full normalization of diplomatic relations between the two states, a move that reshapes the political landscape of the Middle East." (August 14, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. Notice this description of Catalonia. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The inflation might result from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There are concerns about the military academies in Spain. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. It was said that his soldiers marched slowly and that their uniforms didn't fit. There are modern accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. "...its traditionalist centers of Catalonia, the Basque country and, to a less extent, Galicia..."

Madrid 5
Madrid 6

London, England

Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Dublin, Ireland is a large city. There are routes to Dublin from Lubeck. It seems like radio signals are sent between the Gulf of Danzig and Ireland pertaining to organized labor. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. Earlier this summer there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. The German news is reporting on the trade between Berlin and London. "The Withdrawal Agreement does not specify rights for British people wishing to move to Germany after the end of the transition period." (August 13, 2020)


The Levant

Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Gaza are ports in the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to the Levant from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Washington Post is reporting on Israel. "Israel said Wednesday that it foiled a cyberattack on its defense industry..." (August 13, 2020)

Tel Aviv 7


Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. There were reports earlier this summer about labor strikes in Germany. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "All PDK (Democratic Party of Kosovo) deputies present at the session voted for the law, along with the MPs of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, NISMA and MPs of non-Serb minorities." (August 13, 2020)

Moscow, Russia

It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Tashkent news is reporting on Moscow. "Last month, U.S. and European sources familiar with intelligence reporting said that the United States had acquired fresh reporting backing up the allegations that Russia had encouraged Taliban-affiliated militants to kill U.S. and allied soldiers in Afghanistan." (August 13, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Minsk is the capital of Belarus and Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. "According to the Interior Ministry, as a result of illegal actions of citizens on August 9 - 13, 103 members of the law enforcement were injured with 28 of them hospitalized." (August 13, 2020)

West Point

There are military academies in Spain. The United States Military Academy at West Point is near New York City. It's controversial about the academy. There used to be underage cadets there. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire. He went to West Point. In the modern age there are complaints about the women at West Point. It's possible that they speak in a Prussian dialect. They seem to 'lie a lot'. It's not well understood about the relationship between European military academies and West Point. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There might be Prussian tactics taught in Spanish military academies. Conceptually, it's not clear about women in these military academies and what their role is in the defense posture.

Washington Capitals

The first round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs begins today. The Washington Capitals are playing against the Islanders. There has been a delay and the start of the game has been pushed back. It's controversial about the players in the league from Scandinavia and the Czech Republic. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. There are historical anecdotes about dive bomber training schools in Dresden. There are accounts about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Jakub Vrana is a left winger from Prague. There are three players on the Capitals' roster from the Czech Republic. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. It's possible that some of the players have relatives in the German infantry. "Puck drop was originally slated for 3:00 p.m., but with the Hurricanes and Bruins going to overtime, puck drop will likely be delayed-I believe 90 minutes are needed between one game in a particular bubble ending and the next game beginning because the dressing rooms need to be disinfected before the next teams go in, and then the Isles and Caps will need to have warm-ups." (August 12, 2020)

Hockey 3


East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There were reports earlier this summer about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. It's difficult to evaluate the German economy. The German news is reporting on housing costs. "There's an increased demand on the real estate market in Germany at the moment, and there's drama looming for tenants in Berlin. Here's a look at what's going on." (August 12, 2020)

Washington Capitals

"The Stanley Cup Playoffs continue on Tuesday, Aug. 11 in the hub cities of Edmonton and Toronto." "No. 3 Washington Capitals vs. No. 6 New York Islanders" The New York Islanders are playing the Washington Capitals in the first game of a seven game series. It's Round 1. There are a few Russian players on the Capitals' roster. Alex Ovechkin is from Moscow and Ilya Kovalchuk played on the team in Saint Petersburg. It's controversial about the players in the league from Scandinavia and the Czech Republic. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. Jakub Vrana is originally from Prague. He's a left winger for the Capitals. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. East Germany traded in East German mark. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. It's possible the Czech players have relatives in the German infantry. Stockholm is historically allied with Brandenburg. Berlin is the seat of Prussia. Lars Eller is from Denmark and Nicklas Backstrom is from Sweden. (August 12, 2020)

Hockey 2

Ankara, Turkey

The Washington Post is reporting on Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz, Iran. Tabriz is near Anatolia. Ankara is inland. Mosul is a city in northern Iraq with a large Kurdish population. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. There have been reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. "A Turkish drone strike killed two senior Iraqi security officials..." (August 12, 2020)

Ankara 3

Moscow, Russia

It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Warsaw trades in zloty. The Russian news is reporting on regional events. "President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani has recalled ambassador to Russia Latif Bahand, Afghanistan's Foreign Ministry reported on Wednesday." (August 12, 2020)


Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. There are accounts about dive bomber training schools in Dresden. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are reports from this summer about labor strikes in Germany. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for organized labor. There are concerns about the military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Prague. "In the beginning of the 1990's Krassimir was the person who was welcoming the arriving Bulgarians on Czech land." (August 12, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

This is a description of Francisco Franco's army. Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There are concerns that Spanish military academies have adopted Prussian tactics. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The inflation probably results from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. It is said that Franco's army marched slowly and their uniforms didn't fit. There are modern accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. The French used to teach soldiers in southern China to throw spears. "...the territory fell to the advancing Francoist forces."

Madrid 4


There seem to be large airbases in Meshed, Iran, Herat, Afghanistan, and Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Meshed is across the border from Herat. The Tajiks speak a language that is similar to Farsi. Herat is sometimes included in maps of Iranian territory. There was an incident in the 1980's when Soviet infantrymen were killed in Herat. It's not clear about any radio signals sent between Herat and Dushanbe. There might be Iranian military operations on the Afghanistan side of the border. (August 11, 2020)

Dushanbe 1


The Washington Post reported this morning on a bombing near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It seems like the Virginians are on a general strike. They might lobby to import German-made radios. There are concerns about the defense budget. There are Virginians who make a living coordinating military operations in Afghanistan. It's possible they're all down there in Virginia on a general strike. It's because they use imported hardware.

Richmond, Virginia

There are concerns about the defense budget. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and the celebrate seasonal holidays. It's never clear if there are labor strikes in Virginia. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Pashtun tribesmen might not be reliable military allies. They live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Washington Post is reporting on Kabul. "Blast in Pakistani town near Afghanistan's border kills 5" (August 11, 2020)

Kabul 8

Washington Capitals

The Washington Post published the schedule for the Capitals' series against the Islanders. It's controversial about the players in the league from Scandinavia and the Czech Republic. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are three Czech players on the Capitals' roster. Prague is across the border from Dresden, Germany. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. It's possible there are players in the league with relatives in the German infantry. "Capitals vs. Islanders Game 1: Tomorrow, 3, NBCSW" (August 11, 2020)

Hockey 1


There are complaints about the internal security in Taipei and Hong Kong. It seems like the East Germans used to send military radios to Taipei from Lubeck, Germany. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There might be radio signals sent between Brandenburg and Taipei about internal security. The Serbian news is reporting on Taiwan. "Azar, who is on a three-day visit, is the highest-ranking US official to visit Taiwan since 1979, when the United States severed diplomatic relations with Taipei to recognize the Beijing-based communist government as China's only representative." (August 11, 2020)


There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There are military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden is across the border from Prague. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. The Russian news is reporting on Bratislava. "Slovakia has made the decision to expel Russian diplomats in connection with the murder of a Georgian national in Berlin, Slovakia's Prime Minister Igor Matovic stated." (August 11, 2020)

Abu Dhabi

Dubai and Abu Dhabi are ports in the Persian Gulf. There have been reports recently about drones in Yemen. Yemen is in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Gaza are ports in the Levant. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Abu Dhabi. "As of today, 11 August, arrivals in Bulgaria from the United Arab Emirates are not required to have a negative PCR test, reads an order by Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov from today." (August 11, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

This is a description of the Spanish military in the nineteenth century. Notice the mention of artillery. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near Fez and Marrakech. There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. It seems like the Spanish military generally uses German weaponry. The artillery mentioned here might have been German-made shells. Madrid is inland. There are accounts about inflation in Catalonia. Additionally, it has been reported about Prussian training methods in Spanish military academies. There are accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching infantrymen in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. "...within the government and artillery corps..."

Madrid 3


Catalonia borders the Mediterranean Sea. "...the first daily newspaper written in Catalan..." There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. Notice this reference to the language spoken in Catalonia. The Virginians speak in a regional dialect. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. It's controversial about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There were accounts that his army marched slowly and that their uniforms didn't fit.

Madrid 2


This is an excerpt from 'Infantry Attacks' by Erwin Rommel. "...small diversionary attacks were ordered for January 29, 1915..." Rommel was not ethnically Prussian but he attended a German military academy. Notice the reference to diversionary attacks. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark.

Germany 3

Arlington, Virginia

The Virginians are an ethnic group. Virginia is a state but the people who live in Virginia are the Virginians. The Pashtun tribesmen live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are radio signals sent between the Virginians and the Pashtun tribesmen. The Washington Post is reporting on 'lengthy delays' in Afghanistan. It seems like there are labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians sometimes make high salaries working as defense contractors. It's in dispute right now about the radio signals sent between Arlington, Virginia and Kabul, Afghanistan. The signals should stop maybe.


There are concerns about organized labor in Virginia. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Washington Post is reporting on Kabul. The Pashtun tribesmen live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's possible they're not reliable military allies. "After months of delays, the Afghan government..." "...outlined in the U.S.-Taliban peace deal." The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they celebrate seasonal holidays. It's never clear about the defense budget. There might be labor strikes that go unreported in Virginia. (August 10, 2020)

Kabul 7


Minsk is the capital of Belarus and Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. There are likely labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. Warsaw trades in zloty. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. The Russian news is reporting on cyberattacks in Minsk. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. "Belarus' leading telecommunications company Beltelecom is working on fixing the internet connection which was interrupted as a result of numerous cyberattacks, the company's website said." (August 10, 2020)


There are military academies and tank driving schools in Venezuela. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Washington Post is reporting on Caracas. Caracas trades in bolivar. East Germany traded in East German mark. "Two former members of U.S. Special Forces were sentenced to 20 years in prison by a Venezuelan court..." (August 9, 2020)

Venezuela 1

Nicklas Backstrom

The Washington Capitals are playing today against Boston. It's controversial about the players in the league from Scandinavia and the Czech Republic. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden is across the border from Prague. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Nicklas Backstrom is from Sweden. There are historical ties between Stockholm and Brandenburg. It's possible the league uses labor unions to recruit players. The score is tied 0-0 in the first period. "Patrice Bergeron faceoff won against Nicklas Backstrom" (August 9, 2020)

Hockey 1

London, England

It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. The media is reporting on London. Warsaw trades in zloty. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's not clear about the banks in London. There might be East German mark in the banks. It's possible that William and Kate are effectively Polish Catholics. They both studied at St. Andrew's. "The event coincided with rumours that the royals are expecting a fourth child." (August 9, 2020)

Washington Nationals

The Washington Nationals lost last night to the Baltimore Orioles. The final score was 5-3. The Nationals scored two runs in the second inning and one run in the sixth inning. The Orioles scored five runs in the eighth inning. The Nationals have played eleven games and they have won four games. There are concerns about organized labor in Virginia. There are laws in Virginia that allow for labor unions. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. (August 9, 2020)

Nationals 10

The Pentagon

The Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia. There have been complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. There are concerns about the United States Military Academy at West Point. There are historical anecdotes about underage cadets at the academy. There are accounts about friendly fire. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire while on horseback during the evening hours. He attended West Point and he had been an instructor at the Virginia Military Institute. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they speak in a regional dialect. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the United States Department of Defense. "Adm. Eftimov and Gen. McConville praised what has been achieved so far and the good communication during joint activities." (August 9, 2020)

West Point

Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They're ethnically Prussian. There are concerns about the methods taught at the United States Military Academy at West Point. It's as though the soldiers 'lie a lot'. It might be that they're speaking in a Prussian dialect. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. There is a regional dialect spoken in Virginia. In Louisiana it's called 'creole'. There are concerns about the defense budget. It's controversial generally about organized labor and defense spending.

Virginia 5

Richmond, Virginia

Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. There are laws in Virginia that allow for organized labor. This phrase is from an academic textbook about labor unions. "Labor unions can work in efficient facilities or inefficient facilities." There have been complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. It's possible there are labor strikes in Virginia. It's not clear about labor permits and the defense budget. There are concerns about imported hardware and city ordinances. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. (August 8, 2020)

Ben Olsen 4

Berlin, Germany

These are excerpts from 'Infantry Attacks' by Erwin Rommel. "We continued the march, and at nightfall a torrential downpour set in." "Cramped quarters on straw was our lot." Notice the German infantry marched at night and in the rain. They slept on straw mattresses. There are concerns about the labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. Last month there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. (August 8, 2020)

Germany 2

Hong Kong

The Washington Post is reporting on Hong Kong. It's controversial about the hardware used for internal security in Hong Kong. There have been similar complaints about the police in Taiwan. It's possible the same radios are used in both Hong Kong and Taiwan for the purposes of internal security. It seems like the East Germans used to send hardware to Taipei from the Gulf of Danzig. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. "...in response to China's ongoing crackdown on Hong Kong." (August 8, 2020)

Hong Kong 1


Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Lviv is near the border with Poland. There seem to be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional events. There are concerns about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. "Asked for comment on pollution of beaches along the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast by palm-oil pellets, Dimitrov said that samples from the slicks in the seawater have been taken for an analysis so as to determine whether they present a human health hazard." (August 8, 2020)


This is an excerpt from 'Infantry Attacks' by Erwin Rommel. He's talking about a French artillery bombardment. "Fortunately there was a high percentage of duds because of the wet ground." There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Last month there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. (August 8, 2020)

Germany 1


Catherine of Aragon was famous because she was a trained diplomat. She was Henry VIII's wife. Elizabeth I was the Queen of England and the daughter of Henry VIII. Conceptually, who had more formal education? Did Catherine of Aragon or Elizabeth I have more formal education? These are debates of history. In Scandinavia there is Uppsala which is university in Sweden. Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic Institute, and Moscow State University are schools in Russia. In the Balkans there is the University of Belgrade, the University of Sophia, and there are several schools in Romania that are famous. Ceausescu and his wife are famous academicians.


These are descriptions of the government in Madrid. There are concerns that Spanish military academies have adopted Prussian tactics. There are modern accounts about the Spanish military teaching soldiers in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. It was said that his soldiers marched slowly and their uniforms didn't fit. There are historical anecdotes about the French teaching soldiers in southern China to throw spears. "...Liberals linked to the oligarchy might sympathize with the Germans." "...along the lines of the British or French right." (August 7, 2020)

Spain 5

Washington Nationals

The Washington Nationals have played nine games and they have won four games. Juan Soto has missed several games because of health reasons. Both Juan Soto and Victor Robles are from the Dominican Republic. There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Venezuela from the Gulf of Danzig. Caracas trades in bolivar. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's possible that the league uses labor unions to recruit players. Last month there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (August 7, 2020)

Baseball 7.JPG

Madrid, Spain

There are historical accounts about leaflets being dropped on American servicemen in the Pacific. There were images of violence on the leaflets. It was when the Americans were in Manila during the 1940's. There are concerns about German weaponry traded through Catalonia. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. It's possible that Spanish military academies have adopted Prussian tactics. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. It was said that his army marched slowly and that their uniforms didn't fit. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision.


Yemen is a part of the Arabian Peninsula. Mogadishu is a port opposite Madagascar and Mozambique. There might be weapons platforms in Somalia that receive signals from German land positions. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Washington Post is reporting on Riyadh. "Saudi coalition says it shot down Houthi drone" (August 7, 2020)

Riyadh 1

The Levant

There have been tank battles in the Levant. Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Gaza are ports in the Levant. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. The Russian news is reporting on Lebanon. "A powerful blast rocked the Beirut seaport district on August 4, sending a shockwave that ripped through residential areas of the Lebanese capital." (August 7, 2020)

Michal Kempny

The Washington Capitals are playing today in Philadelphia. There are three players on the Capitals' roster from the Czech Republic. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's possible that the league uses labor unions to recruit players. Michal Kempny is a Czech player. His shot was blocked early in the first period. It's tied 0-0 in the first period. "Michal Kempny shot blocked shot by Sean Couturier." (August 6, 2020)

Czech 2


There are three players listed on the Capitals' roster from the Czech Republic. Additionally, there are two players from Sweden and a player from Denmark. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's possible that the league uses labor unions to recruit players. Jakub Vrana, Radko Gudas, and Michal Kempny are from the Czech Republic. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. (August 6, 2020)

Capitals Roster 1
Czech 1

Washington Capitals

Ilya Kovulchuk plays for the Washington Capitals. He used to play for the team in Saint Petersburg. The Washington Capitals are playing today against the Philadelphia Flyers. Tom Wilson is a right winger from Toronto. "The top two teams in the Metropolitan Division face off in their second round-robin game, and both teams have plenty to play for." (August 6, 2020)

Christopher Wray

Christopher Wray has a law degree from Yale. The New York field office is near the United States Military Academy at West Point. There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park in Washington, DC. The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. Wray testified on Capitol Hill and he was asked about search warrants. It's controversial about the bureau and search warrants. There have been complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. It's possible that the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. (August 6, 2020)

Jakub Vrana

Jakub Vrana is a left winger for the Washington Capitals. He is originally from Prague, Czech Republic. Prague used to be in Czechoslovakia. Prague is across the border from Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. It's possible that the league uses labor unions to recruit players. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. (August 6, 2020)

Ben Olsen

The Washington Post published the standings for the 'MLS is Back Tournament'. DC United didn't advance to the Round of 16. They played five games and they only won one game. Ben Olsen is United's head coach. Olsen attended the University of Virginia but he didn't graduate and he doesn't have a four year degree. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They're immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they celebrate seasonal holidays. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. Last month there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. (August 6, 2020)

Ben Olsen 3

Minsk, Belarus

Minsk is the capital of Belarus and Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine is near the border with Poland. Lubeck, Germany is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There are concerns about the labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. There are military academies in Berlin, Dresden, and Potsdam. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has handed down instructions to invite the Russian and Ukrainian prosecutor generals to sort out the case of Russian nationals detained in Belarus, the BelTA news agency reported." (August 6, 2020)

Warsaw, Poland

The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were roadblocks and watchtowers around the city. There were official cars and nonofficial cars. The nonofficial cars were searched thoroughly. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional events. "The prosecutor's office is investigating an organized criminal group for illegal extraction, transportation and sale of wood the state prosecution said. The group operated in the municipalities of Simitli, Razlog and Bansko." (August 6, 2020)

Washington Nationals

The Nationals are losing at home to the Mets. It's 2-1 in the top of the sixth inning. Victor Robles plays in the outfield for the Nationals. He's from the Dominican Republic. He has had two at bats today and no hits. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany used to trade in East German mark. The league might use labor unions to recruit players. Caracas trades in bolivar. (August 5, 2020)

Baseball 6


The German news is reporting on the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. This is a reference to Hesse. Hesse traded in West German mark. "Lubcke belonged to Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative CDU party and headed the Kassel regional council in the western state of Hesse." (August 5, 2020)

The Levant

Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Gaza are ports in the Levant. Tel Aviv trades in shekel. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to the Levant from the Gulf of Danzig. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. Beirut is a Lebanese port on the Mediterranean Sea. It's possible that the Germans also send military hardware out through Bosnia. East Germany traded in East German mark. Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. "A powerful blast rocked the Beirut seaport district near the Lebanese Navy's base on August 4, sending a shockwave that ripped through residential areas of the Lebanese capital." (August 5, 2020)

Lviv, Ukraine

There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. Last month there were reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were roadblocks and watchtowers around the city. The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional events. "The municipal government of Bourgas ordered the removal of a construction site fence in the seaside Rossenets Park, which blocked access to a municipal road leading up to a beach, City Hall said on Tuesday." (August 5, 2020)

Damascus, Syria

The German news is reporting on Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. There are reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. "In July, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu had demanded a review of the travel warning while visiting his German counterpart Heiko Maas in Berlin." (August 4, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

This is an excerpt from the 'Historical Dictionary of Spain'. There are reports about inflation in Catalonia. The inflation likely resulted from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near Fez and Marrakech. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There were accounts that his army marched slowly and that their uniforms didn't fit. "...but his sympathies were, like his father's, always pro-German."

Spain 4


The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. There have been complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. There are concerns about labor strikes and the defense budget. East Germany traded in East German mark. "Three years after President Trump canceled a decade-long plan to build an FBI headquarters in the Washington suburbs..." "...one in Huntsville, Ala., that will welcome 1,500 of the bureau's headquarters staff from the Washington region next year..." (August 4, 2020)


North Korea

The Tashkent news is reporting on Pyongyang. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are accounts about barbed wire fences and roadblocks in North Korea. It seems like the East Germans used to send military hardware to Pyongyang from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. East Germany traded in East German mark. North Korea trades in North Korean won. "North Korea is pressing on with its nuclear weapons program and several countries believe it has 'probably developed miniaturised nuclear devices to fit into the warheads of its ballistic missiles,' according to a confidential U.N. report." (August 4, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. Minsk is the capital of Belarus and Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. "Another unit of foreigners has been sent to Belarus to destabilize the situation in the country, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Tuesday, delivering an address to the Belarusian nation and parliament." (August 4, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

This is a reference to labor unions in Spain. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. There are modern accounts about the Spanish military teaching soldiers in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. "In order to try and keep the military out of politics Canovas..."

Spain 3

Richmond, Virginia

The Potomac River separates Virginia from the federal district. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There seems to be imported hardware north of the river. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. There are concerns about the defense budget. The Virginians make high salaries. (August 3, 2020)

Tel Aviv

The Washington Post is reporting on the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. There might be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Gaza are ports. The East Germans probably sent tanks to the Levant from Bosnia. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. "The Israeli military said it intercepted a rocket fired by Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip." (August 3, 2020)

Tel Aviv 6

Moscow, Russia

Russian engineers likely assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Tashkent news is reporting on the Russian economy. "The Central Bank has published new foreign exchange rates, which are effective from August 3. The US dollar rose by 2.1% and is now worth 10,210 soums. The Euro rose by 125 soums and is worth 12,021 soums. The ruble fell by 4.9% and is worth 137 soums." (August 3, 2020)


These are two phrases about Eastern Europe. The first is taken from an academic textbook about organized labor. "It's controversial about the timing of labor strikes." The Bulgarian news is reporting on city ordinances. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are complaints about the hardware used by the German security services. "An access road to the Trakiua motorway at the exit from Stara Zagora, Southern Bulgaria, continues to be blocked as well, where a tent camp has been put up." (August 3, 2020)


Notice this description of Prince Harry in Afghanistan. It's controversial about German radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. The Pashtun tribesmen live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. "In 2006, Harry did something that his older brother could not do. He served on the front lines in Afghanistan after joining the Blues and Royals. [...] To lessen the risk Harry and his soldiers faced, his whereabouts were kept secret for some time."

Harry 2

London England

William and Harry were in the military.
William was a helicopter pilot.
Harry was a gunner from the helicopter.
It's possible that Harry was allied with the Pashtun tribesmen.
The Pashtun tribesmen live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
They might not be reliable military allies.
There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen.
Harry left Afghanistan suddenly because his position was made known to the enemy.


"There is a relationship between trade unions and martial law." This is from an academic textbook about organized labor. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. It's possible there are German-made radios in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. There are concerns about labor strikes and the defense budget. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. (August 2, 2020)

Lubeck, Germany

The Germans build missile defense systems. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. This is an excerpt from a British website. "As Patron of the Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and Honorary Air Commandant of Royal Air Force Coningsby, His Royal Highness has also drawn attention to the crucial role played by UK air defence, alongside recognising and commemorating its important history." There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There might be labor strikes in Manchester. (August 2, 2020)

Manchester, England

Wayne Rooney is married to Coleen.
William is married to Kate Middleton.
Wayne Rooney lived in Bethesda, Maryland while he played for DC United.
Wayne signed a three year contract but he left DC United after playing only two seasons.
Wayne said in an interview that he didn't know the rules of baseball.
William went to St. Andrew's.
It seems like both William and Harry are labor leaders.
Harry is William's brother and he went to Eton College.
Neither William or Harry studied at Oxford or Cambridge.

Lafayette Park

This is a phrase taken from a textbook about organized labor. There are complaints about imported hardware in Virginia. The Virginians seem to lobby to import hardware from Germany. There might be German-made radios in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because the might not have much formal education. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. It's not clear about any daily commutes to Lafayette Square from Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. "Labor strikes can result in property damage."


The Virginians organize labor strikes near the defense budget.
There are labor strikes in Manchester near the banks.
There are labor strikes in Warsaw, Lubeck, and Dublin.
There are Prussian merchants that trade by way of Manchester.
The Virginians are Prussian.

Lviv, Ukraine

The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional events. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are accounts about a large communications relay in East Berlin. "Tensions and clashes between police and protesters on the 24th day of anti-government protests last night." (August 2, 2020)


Notice this reference to counterinsurgency efforts in Morocco. There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. The military academies in Spain seem to have adopted Prussian training methods. There are modern accounts about Spanish soldiers teaching the infantry in Papua New Guinea to act like animals. There are older reports about the French teaching infantrymen in southern China to throw spears. "...an anti-insurgency war against the Rif tribesmen..." "The most famous Africanista was General Francisco Franco."

Spain 2


Lars Eller is from Denmark and Jakub Vrana is from the Czech Republic. Copenhagen trades in krona. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. It's possible that there are players in the league who have relatives in the German infantry. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Washington Capitals are set to begin their season next week. (August 1, 2020)

Washington Nationals

Victor Robles and Juan Soto are baseball players from the Dominican Republic. They play for the Washington Nationals. Soto has missed several games so far this season because of health reasons. There are large natural harbors near Havana, Cuba and Caracas, Venezuela. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela. There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It's possible that the league uses labor unions to recruit players. The Nationals are 3-4 this season. They're ranked third in the NL East. (August 1, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Moscow. Minsk is the capital of Belarus and Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. "The Kremlin demanded that Belarus quickly release 33 Russian private security contractors..." (August 1, 2020)

Moscow 4


The Washington Post is reporting on Afghanistan. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Pashtun tribesmen live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. The Virginians make high salaries. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. "As many as fifteen Afghan civilians were killed..." (August 1, 2020)

Kabul 6


There are federal buildings near Lafayette Park. It's not clear about the hardware used by the bureau. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are concerns about labor strikes and the defense budget. (August 1, 2020)

Barcelona, Spain

The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. The inflation in Catalonia likely resulted from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. Barcelona is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. There are concerns about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. It's possible that Spanish military academies have adopted Prussian tactics. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. It was said that his army marched slowly and that their uniforms didn't fit. "ABERTZALE. The name abertzale is used to refer to radical Basque nationalists..."

Spain 1

The European Union

"Sanctions imposed over cyberattacks" The Washington Post is reporting on cyberattacks in Europe. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. (July 31, 2020)

Europe 1

The Pentagon

There are two concerns about the United States Department of Defense in terms of infantry deployments, (1) in the 1950's there were reports of frostbite, and (2) there are modern accounts about the infantry being deployed in proximity to chemical munitions. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's controversial generally about organized labor and defense spending. (July 31, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the Iranian military. Tabriz, Iran is near Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. It's possible there are weapons platforms in Iran that receive signals from German land positions. "...underground ballistic missiles..." (July 30, 2020)

Tehran 9


There are likely Russian engineers who assist the Germans to develop radio technology. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. It's not clear about nanotechnology and weaponry. The Germans make missile defense systems. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. "The state secretary of the Security Council of Belarus also said that the detained Russians tell different stories, the presidential candidate revealed." (July 30, 2020)


There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for organized labor. There are ethnically Prussian labor unions in Virginia. There are likely labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. East Germany traded in East German mark and Warsaw trades in zloty. The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional energy issues. "120 km of pipes have been produced for the construction of the interconnector, of which 110 km have been delivered to Bulgaria." (July 30, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Mogadishu. Mogadishu is a port opposite Madagascar and Mozambique. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. There was a drone strike earlier this year that was aimed at a two-car convoy. It's controversial about drone strikes which are aimed at cars. "...airstrikes in Somalia and allegations of civilian deaths." (July 29, 2020)

Somalia 2

Richmond, Virginia

The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. It's possible that the bureau speaks in a regional Prussian dialect. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made radios. It's not clear if the bureau speaks in a Prussian dialect in order to communicate with the German security services. Fredericksburg, Virginia is south of Arlington, Virginia. Frederick II founded Potsdam. Potsdam is the capital of Brandenburg.


The Washington Nationals have played five games and they have won only one game. They're 1-4 so far this season. All of the five games have been home games. Juan Soto has missed a few games for health reasons. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. There are labor unions in Virginia. It's possible there are labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. (July 29, 2020)

Baseball 7


Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are the Baltic States. There are anecdotes about Stockholm lending money to Tallinn. It's controversial about Sweden and money lending because the krona is likely tied to metals trading. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Warsaw trades in zloty. It's controversial generally about money lending and East Germany. There are historical ties between Stockholm and Brandenburg. The German news is reporting on the Baltic States. "Some could also go to Poland and the Baltic states if those countries reach final agreements with Washington on the idea, Esper said." (July 29, 2020)

Sweden 6


Lviv, Ukraine is across the border from Poland. Warsaw, Poland is inland. Gdansk, Poland is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. Lviv serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There are concerns about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. The Russian news is reporting on Ukraine. "Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has pledged that Kiev will guarantee its compliance with the ceasefire in Donbass." (July 29, 2020)

Sophia, Bulgaria

The Bulgarian news is reporting on Sophia. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. "On the 21st day of the protests against the Government and the Prosecutor General, at noon protesters started blocking in succession key intersections in the capital." (July 29, 2020)


The German news is reporting on the German economy. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in Bosnian convertible mark. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. "A total of 42 percent of German companies said they will allow employees to work from home following the coronavirus crisis, with an equally large percentage still undecided." (July 28, 2020)

The White House

It's controversial about Lafayette Square. There seem to be imported military radios in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's possible that the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. The Washington Post is reporting on the White House. "...President Trump's national security adviser, has tested positive for the novel coronavirus..." (July 28, 2020)

Virginia 4


The Washington Nationals lost last night to the Toronto Blue Jays. The Nationals have played four games and they have lost three games. They are 1-3 so far this season. There are concerns about the defense budget because of the labor unions in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. (July 28, 2020)

Baseball 2


Russian engineers likely assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. The Russian news is reporting on Minsk. The Gulf of Danzig is in Poland. Gdansk, Poland is a port. Lubeck, Germany is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. It seems like there are labor leaders in Warsaw who manage regional trade. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. "Russia does not meddle in the Belarusian presidential campaign and provides no assessments, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists Tuesday." (July 28, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Kiev. Lviv, Ukraine is across the border from Poland. Lviv seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Ukraine with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. "Ukrainian law enforcement agencies refuse to react to the evidence of politicians who expose former president Pyotr Poroshenko's actions..." (July 28, 2020)

Washington Nationals

The Washington Nationals are ranked last in the NL East. They have played three games and they have won one game. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They're immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they celebrate seasonal holidays. The Nationals lost the first game of the season. It's never clear about any labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. (July 27, 2020)

Baseball 3

Berlin, Germany

The German news is reporting on the German military. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. "Germany's defence minister last month ordered the partial dissolution of the elite KSK commando force over right-wing extremism." (July 27, 2020)


The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. "Germany continues viewing the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline as an economic project and Berlin does not support unilateral economic sanctions of the United States against it, German Government's spokesperson Ulrike Demmer said at the briefing on Monday." (July 27, 2020)

Washington, DC

There are reports about 'robocalls' here in Washington, DC. The United States Congress has complained about 'robocalls' which are similar to cyberattacks. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. (July 26, 2020)


The Teamsters Union is an ethnically German labor union. They haul hardware. They are 'car men' or 'cart men'. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Virginians seem to lobby to import hardware that was built in Germany. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. It's controversial about nanotechnology and weaponry. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education.


The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are concerns about nanotechnology used in weaponry. The Germans make missile defense systems. There are complaints about stomach pains and headaches in proximity to these German radio positions. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. (July 26, 2020)

London, England

London is in southern England. Bournemouth is a port in southern England and London is inland. London sits on the Thames River. Manchester is north of London and it sits near Ireland. Galway, Dublin, and Belfast are Irish ports. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. The government in London trades with Warsaw. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. It's not well understood about the trade between Warsaw an London. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and Poland. Lubeck, Germany is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. Warsaw trades in zloty. Frankfurt is the German banking district.

Moscow, Russia

It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The radios can be used for internal security or to control infantry movements. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. The Washington Post is reporting on Moscow. "Russians again protest arrest of regional governor" (July 26, 2020)

Moscow 5


The Washington Post published the standings for the NL East. The Nationals are ranked last in the division. There are labor unions in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. Juan Soto is from the Dominican Republic and he's out because of health reasons. Last season Anthony Rendon played third base. He now plays in Los Angeles. It's controversial about organized labor in Virginia because of the defense budget. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they celebrate seasonal holidays. (July 26, 2020)

Nationals 6


The Spanish military seems to have adopted Prussian training methods. There are modern accounts about the Spanish military teaching soldiers in Papua New Guinea to become animals. There are historical anecdotes about the French teaching soldiers in southern China to throw spears. Francisco Franco went to a Spanish military academy. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The inflation likely resulted from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid.

West Point

It's being discussed about the army. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are complaints about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. The United States Military Academy at West Point seems to have adopted Prussian training methods. It's been suggested that the women cadets lie a lot. It might be that they're speaking in a Prussian dialect.

Berlin, Germany

The German news is reporting on the German economy. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are concerns about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. "Germany's finance minister has drawn up reforms to give financial regulator Bafin more powers, according to a draft seen by AFP Friday, after the collapse of disgraced fintech group Wirecard exposed gaps." (July 24, 2020)


The Washington Nationals lost last night to the New York Yankees 4-1. There are labor unions in Virginia. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. Virginia is south of the Potomac River. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the river. (July 24, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Taipei. It seems like the East Germans used to send military radios to both Hong Kong and Taiwan for the purposes of internal security. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There have been tank battles in Vietnam. Both Hanoi and Vientiane are inland. The Chinese likely use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. There are sometimes Chinese infantrymen sent across the border into Laos. "The prospect of a military clash in the Taiwan Strait..." (July 24, 2020)

Taiwan A


It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. The Bulgarian news is reporting on regional events. "Thousands of Bulgarians living abroad are in solidarity with the demands of protesting citizens in Bulgaria." (July 24, 2020)

North Korea

There have been tank battles near Pyongyang. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were accounts about barbed wire fences and roadblocks in North Korea. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Pyongyang. Both Pyongyang and Seoul are inland. There might be tank driving schools in North Korea. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. North Korea trades in North Korean won. The Tashkent news is reporting on tank technology. "Armed Forces of Uzbekistan have started modernization of T-64 tanks, the press service of the State Committee for Defense Industry reported." (July 23, 2020)


The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces. They seem to lobby to import German-made radios. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. There are concerns about labor strikes and the defense budget. It's not clear about the German infantry and the Virginians. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like there are imported radios in Lafayette Square. It might be graft to import hardware through the defense budget. (July 22, 2020)

Prague, Czech Republic

This is an excerpt from a Hollywood film about the bureau. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It seems like the Virginians lobby to import German-made radios. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. "Sergeant Zarkovich and Special Agent Winstead will be at the Biograph. As will I and Special Agent Madala." 'Public Enemies' was released in 2009.


The German news is reporting on the German economy. Belfast, Dublin, and Galway are Irish ports. There are routes to Ireland from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. They would assume titles and they would become active in government. It seems like radio signals are sent between Lubeck and Dublin pertaining to organized labor. "Ryanair, which is seeking to axe 3,000 jobs due to a coronavirus-induced collapse in travel demand, revealed its plan in a memo sent on Tuesday to Germany-based pilots. The Dublin-based carrier blamed their trade union VC, whose members voted in favour of rejecting its proposed 20-percent pay cut over four years." (July 22, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the bureau. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they celebrate seasonal holidays. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. It's never clear about the defense budget. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made hardware."...plans to deploy federal agents to Chicago..." (July 22, 2020)

Chicago 1


Kosovo and Bosnia are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "Thus, in fact, it is further stated in the text, Germany is violating its own laws. Authorities in Pristina have been negotiating for months with German intelligence services on the procurement of cannons and anti-tank missile systems for the so-called Kosovo Army, and their focus is on the supplementation of light artillery and modern infantry weapons." (July 22, 2020)


It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios are used for both internal security and to control infantry movements. The Germans used to test warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. Tripoli and Benghazi are Libyan ports. There might be radio signals sent between Dresden, Germany and Tripoli pertaining to military research. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. "Russia and Turkey have held inter-agency consultations on resolving the Libyan conflict in Ankara on July 21-22, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday." (July 22, 2020)


There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Czech Republic. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. "The Supreme Cassation Prosecution Office announced Tuesday that it is opening a probe into the award of a contract for power supply security to Varna Thermo-electric Power Plant (TPP)." "The notorious power plant was owned by Czech energy group CEZ following a 206 million euro deal but they were forced to sell it in 2018, for 50 million leva..." (July 22, 2020)


This is a quote from a Hollywood movie about the bureau. It's talking about the tactics the bureau uses to arrest suspects. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. They speak in a regional dialect. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were roadblocks and watchtowers around the city. The movie is called 'Public Enemies' and it was released in 2009. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. "We need to blockade the roads behind us." (July 21, 2020)


It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in Libya. The Germans used to test warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. The German news is reporting on the German security services. "A wave of threatening messages sent to politicians and other public figures in Germany is larger than previously thought, it emerged Tuesday, deepening a row over possible far-right links in a regional police force." (July 21, 2020)

Manchester, England

Aston Villa and Arsenal are playing today. Aston Villa is using the 4-3-3 formation and Arsenal is using the 3-4-3 formation. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's controversial about the formations in the league with either too few strikers or too many midfielders. If there is a single striker then there aren't many goals scored and if there are too many midfielders then there are too many passes. The score is 0-0 in the first half. (July 21, 2020)

London, England

Watford and Manchester City are playing today. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Warsaw is inland. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. It seems like radio signals are sent between Lubeck and Dublin, Ireland pertaining to organized labor. There are routes to Ireland from the Gulf of Danzig. Both teams are using the 4-3-3 formation. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. They would assume titles and they would become active in government. The 4-2-3-1 formation and the 4-1-4-1 formation are popular and they allow for a single striker. The formations with a single striker are controversial because there aren't many goals scored. Manchester City is leading 4-0 in the second half. (July 21, 2020)

Tel Aviv, Israel

The Washington Post is reporting on the Levant. Tel Aviv is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to the Levant from the Gulf of Danzig. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There have been tank battles in the Levant. Notice this reference to missile defense systems in Syria. "The Syrian military said the country's air defenses responded Monday to Israeli air raids..." (July 21, 2020)

Syria 2


There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. The Germans tested warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Libya. "A troop deployment in Libya could bring Egypt and Turkey, close U.S. allies that support rival sides in the conflict, into direct confrontation." (July 21, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Caracas. There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. There might be tank driving schools near Buenos Aires. Both Buenos Aires and Santiago trade in peso. "The 'biological' threat was gathering on the western border, Venezuela's socialist government claimed." (July 20, 2020)

Caracas 1.jpg


The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were roadblocks and watchtowers around the city. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to build military radios. The radios are used for internal security and to control infantry movements. There are accounts about German warplanes tested in the Libyan desert. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Russian news is reporting on sanctions. "The countries that were targeted by Washington's sanctions pressure could unite their efforts for jointly countering US policy, Iranian Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali said in an interview with Kommersant newspaper." (July 20, 2020)


Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. There is a statistical relationship between organized labor and martial law. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. Christopher Wray testified on Capitol Hill and he was asked about domestic terror threats. It's not clear about the laws in the federal district pertaining to organized labor. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. Virginia is south of the Potomac River. There are concerns about defense contractors in the federal district. There might be imported military hardware in the federal district. There are Prussian regions in Virginia. There might be German-made radios in the federal district. It seems like graft if the defense budget is used to import military hardware. (July 20, 2020)


Tehran and Tabriz are Iranian cities. Tabriz is near Anatolia. There seem to be German airbases in Anatolia. The Turkish infantry likely uses German-made radios to control their infantry movements. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz. The Jordanian desert and the Syrian desert likely have military research facilities. Chemical munitions are likely transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Syria. There are accounts about German warplanes tested near the border between Egypt and Libya. It's not clear about the overlap between the German security services and the Iranian military. There are accounts about East Germans meeting with Reza Shah and Farah Pahlavi. The East Germans would arrive and leave secretly.

London, England

The news is reporting on London. It's controversial about organized labor in Manchester. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like William and Harry make a living through labor unions. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. It's possible that there are labor leaders in Manchester who trade with Lubeck. There are accounts about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. There are sometimes general strikes in Ireland. There might be labor strikes in Manchester that have gone unreported. "KATE, DUCHESS of Cambridge is a doting mother of three who many take inspiration from - but this didn't stop some issuing a stark warning to the Duchess of Cambridge about the environmental impacts of having more children." "Despite the popularity of her youngest son, Kate was once urged to not have another child after Princess Charlotte for the sake of the planet." (July 19, 2020)

Dominican Republic

The Washington Nationals lost yesterday in spring training to the Philadelphia Phillies. Juan Soto and Wilmer Difo are from the Dominican Republic and they are listed on the Nationals' roster. Soto had three at bats and Difo had one at bat. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Venezuela from Lubeck. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. There are large natural harbors near Havana, Cuba and Caracas. The league might use labor unions to recruit players. (July 19, 2020)

Baseball 1

Bournemouth, England

Bournemouth and Southampton are playing today. It's halftime and Southampton is leading 1-0. Both teams are using the 4-4-2 formation. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. It's controversial about the formations that use either too few strikers or too many midfielders. The formations with a single striker don't score many goals and there are too many passes and too few shots when there are more than four midfielders. It's not clear about any labor unions in Ireland. There seem to be radio signals sent from Lubeck, Germany to Dublin pertaining to organized labor. The 4-2-3-1 formation is popular and it uses a single striker. The 3-5-2 formation uses five midfielders. (July 19, 2020)



Dublin, Belfast, and Galway are Irish ports. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. They would assume titles and they would become active in government. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor strikes in Ireland and Virginia that have gone unreported. There are concerns about the defense budget. The Virginians seem to lobby to import hardware that was built in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. (July 19, 2020)

Dublin 5


Lubeck, Germany is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There are land routes north from Czechoslovakia to Warsaw. Warsaw trades in zloty. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. (July 19, 2020)

Warsaw 5


Tabriz, Iran is near Anatolia. The Austrians have for centuries maintained airbases in Tabriz. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's possible there are weapons platforms near Tabriz that receive signals from German land positions. The Washington Post is reporting on the Iranian military. "Iran has sent the black box of the Ukrainian passenger jet that its armed forces mistakenly shot down in January to France..." (July 19, 2020)

Tehran 9


The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The radios seem to be used for both internal security and to control infantry movements. The Washington Post is reporting on the Congo. It's possible that the infantry there uses German-made radios. "Days of fighting between armed groups in villages in Congo's South Kivu province..." (July 19, 2020)

Congo 1

London, England

Christian Bale is a Hollywood actor from England. He married a woman who was Winona Ryder's personal assistant. "And by meeting and befriending Winona, Christian would meet her personal assistant, his future wife, Sibi Blazic."

Christian Bale 2


It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are concerns about the defense budget. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's never clear about any labor strikes in Virginia. There are complaints that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. This is an excerpt from a Hollywood film about the bureau. It's called 'Public Enemies' and it was released in 2009. "The clanging of shackles brings to our minds the dungeons of the czars, not the flag-bedecked liberty of an American courtroom." (July 18, 2020)

Public Enemies
Lafayette Square

Los Angeles, California

This is an excerpt from a Christian Bale movie called 'Public Enemies'. It's about John Dillinger who was a bank robber from Indiana. Johnny Depp played John Dillinger. Christian Bale is originally from England but his dad was from South Africa and his grandpa was in the South African army. Christian is a federal agent in the movie and this quote is him requesting reinforcements from Texas. He's talking about Dallas. Christian moved to Los Angeles from southern England to be an actor. He's lived in America for a long time now. The movie was released in 2009. "There are some former Texas and Oklahoma lawmen currently with the Bureau in Dallas." (July 18, 2020)

London, England

Christian Bale is a Hollywood actor. He is originally from England. His mom was from England but his dad was from South Africa. His grandpa had been in the South African army. Christian Bale plays a federal agent in 'Public Enemies'. Johnny Depp plays John Dillinger who was a bank robber from Indiana. This is an excerpt from the film and it's describing the fashion industry in the American Midwest. Christian Bale lived for a while in Bournemouth which is a port in southern England. "According to the bank teller Barbara Patzke, this is John Dillinger's coat. It's made by Shragge-Quality out of St. Louis. Price: $35 dollars. Windproof, 32 ounce wool. Top stitching."


Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they speak in a regional dialect. There are concerns about imported hardware in Virginia. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. The Virginians seem to lobby to import hardware that was built in Germany. There might be imported radios in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. This is an excerpt from a Hollywood film called 'Public Enemies'. It's about the bureau. "You are trying to make a federal police force with you set up as its Czar."

Manchester, England

Norwich City and Burnley are playing today. It's controversial about the formations used in the Premier League with a single striker because there aren't many goals scored. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. It seems like there are radio signals sent between Lubeck, Germany and Dublin, Ireland pertaining to organized labor. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. They would assume titles and they would become active in government. Norwich City is using the 4-2-3-1 formation and Burnley is using the 4-4-2 formation. It's the first half and there are no goals yet. (July 18, 2020)

Norwich City 3


There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. The Germans used to test warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. There are military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. It seems like there are radio signals sent between Dresden and Tripoli pertaining to military research. Both Benghazi and Tripoli are Libyan ports. The Washington Post is reporting on Libya because there was a naval standoff in the Mediterranean Sea. "...over a naval standoff in the Mediterranean Sea..." "Turkey has accused France of lying, and insists that the French navy acted aggressively." (July 18, 2020)

Libya 5


The German news is reporting on the German economy. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are accounts about a large communications relay in East Berlin. "German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz came under fire Friday after documents showed he knew about suspicions of misconduct at disgraced payments company Wirecard as early as 2019." (July 17, 2020)


"Uzbekistan has completely suspended gas export to Russia and reduced it by three times to China amid the COVID-19 pandemic." There is a shared border between China and Laos. It's controversial about Chinese military operations on the Laotian side of the border. It seems like the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. The Tashkent news is reporting on Beijing. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. (July 17, 2020)


"Borissov is hopeful that the EU will reach an agreement on the future EU budget as early as Friday." There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Warsaw trades in zloty. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are concerns about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. The Bulgarian news is reporting on the German economy. (July 17, 2020)


The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to build military radios. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Bulgarian news is reporting on Moscow. "It did not specify which organisations had been targeted, or whether any information had been stolen." (July 17, 2020)


This is a description of labor strikes in France during the 1970s. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. Labor leaders in Warsaw seem to manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. "...by the 1970s and conducted general strikes over inflation in May 1973 and February 1974."

France 1


The Pashtun tribesmen live near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's controversial about the defense contractors in Virginia because they make high salaries but they might not have much formal education. There are labor unions in Virginia. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They're ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians seem to lobby to import German-made hardware. (July 16, 2020)


There are concerns about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they celebrate seasonal holidays. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. Christopher Wray testified on Capitol Hill and he was asked about domestic terror threats. The Virginians seem to lobby to import hardware that was built in Germany. It's never clear about the defense budget. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It seems like graft if there are efforts to import military hardware. (July 16, 2020)


Potsdam is the capital of Brandenburg. There are military academies in Berlin, Dresden, and Potsdam. Both Potsdam and Dresden used to trade in East German mark. There are concerns about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were roadblocks and watchtowers around East Berlin. There were official cars and nonofficial cars. The nonofficial cars were searched thoroughly. The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. "Moscow and Berlin continue to maintain an active dialogue on a number of tracks despite the coronavirus pandemic, Russian Ambassador to Germany Sergei Nechayev told the online 6th Youth Forum of the Potsdam Meetings on Thursday." (July 16, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on airstrikes in Yemen. It's controversial about German radio technology. There might be weapons platforms in Yemen that receive signals from German land positions. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden is the capital of Sachsen. "Airstrikes on Yemen's northern province of Jawf by a Saudi-led coalition..." (July 16, 2020)


London, England

This is a description of the film industry in England. It's an excerpt from a biography of Christian Bale. He lived in southern England and he was in a Steven Spielberg movie when he was young called 'Empire of the Sun' which was about Shanghai. "Nor did David want Christian to follow the British route for actors by attending the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA)." "By 1991, Christian had dropped out of sixth-form college and prepared to head off to L.A. to fulfill David's Hollywood dreams..."

Bale 2
Bale 1

Richmond, Virginia

This is a reference to labor strikes in America during the 1980's. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. They're immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they speak in a regional dialect. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. It seems like the Virginians lobby to import hardware that was built in Germany. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. "...in August 1981 by firing over 11,000 strikers..."

Virginia 2

Berlin, Germany

There are rivers that flow south from Anatolia to the Persian Gulf. Anatolia is Western Asia, Asia Minor, and Turkey. Ankara, Turkey is inland. Raqqa, Syria is in the desert. Baghdad is a port on the river. Mosul is another port but it's north of Baghdad. There are strategic ports on rivers in both Iraq and Kuwait. Basra is a port near the Persian Gulf. Kuwait City is the capital of Kuwait. Tabriz, Iran is near Anatolia. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. It seems like the East Germans sent chemical munitions to Damascus and Baghdad. There are recent reports about chemical munitions in Syria. There are likely chemical munitions transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Anatolia. The Turkish military probably uses German-made radios to control their infantry movements.


The German news is reporting on the German economy. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. East Germany traded in East German mark. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. "German steel production has fallen by 10 percent since 2010 and the number of workers in the sector has dropped by 4,000 to 86,000." (July 15, 2020)

Damascus, Syria

The Washington Post is reporting on Syria. There are reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. The Austrians have for centuries maintained airbases in Tabriz, Iran. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "...more than a dozen airstrikes in northwestern Syria on Tuesday..." (July 15, 2020)

Syria 1


The Russian news is reporting on Brandenburg. There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. The Germans used to test warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. There are concerns about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It seems like Russian engineers assist the Germans to develop radio technology. It's not clear about the hardware used by the German security services. "German Chancellor Angela Merkel has held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the phone, Spokesman for the Cabinet of Germany Steffen Seibert said on Wednesday." (July 15, 2020)

Madrid, Spain

There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. The inflation likely resulted from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There were accounts that his army marched slowly and their uniforms didn't fit. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near Fez and Marrakech. The Spanish news is reporting on Catalonia. "Catalonia officials had ordered the home confinement to be imposed on the city of Lerida and its surrounding areas a week after the zone had been placed under a less strict lockdown." (July 14, 2020)


The German news is reporting on Scandinavia. Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark are in Scandinavia. The Gulf of Danzig is in Poland. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. Brandenburg is a German province. There are historical ties between Stockholm and Brandenburg. Sweden trades in krona and East Germany traded in East German mark. "But on Tuesday, the list of risk areas was updated, and Sweden was not among the 126 countries from where travellers should quarantine on arrival in Germany." (July 14, 2020)


The New York Mets list twenty nine players on the roster including eight players from Latin American countries. They're from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. There are large natural harbors near Havana and Caracas. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. There might be tank driving schools near Buenos Aires. Both Santiago and Buenos Aires trade in peso. There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. The inflation likely resulted from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. The league might recruit players using organized labor. (July 14, 2020)

New York City

Wilson Ramos is from Valencia, Venezuela. He plays baseball for the New York Mets. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela. There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. The league might use labor unions to recruit players. (July 14, 2020)


Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are strategic ports in Albania, Bosnia, and Croatia. Tirana is the capital of Albania and Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden is the capital of Sachsen. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "The victims of the indictment are hundreds of people whose identities are known, including Kosovo Albanians, Serbs, Roma and people of other nationalities, as well as political opponents." (July 14, 2020)

Mosul, Iraq

This is a description of northern Iraq. It's controversial about Turkish military operations in Iraq because the Kurds allow the Turks to trade by way of Iraqi ports. There are rivers that flow south from Anatolia to the Persian Gulf. It's never clear about how Bagdad can defend its ports against the Turkish military. There are historical anecdotes about trade deals which were negotiated in Mosul, Iraq. There are large Kurdish populations in Mosul. The Kurds agreed to let the Turks use Iraqi ports. There are recent reports about the targeted killing program. There was a drone strike earlier this year that was aimed at a two-car convoy. There are sometimes drone strikes which are aimed at cars. "In 1945, following yet another Kurdish revolt against Iraqi overlordship..."

Iraq 2

Lviv, Ukraine

The German news is reporting on the German economy. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. Warsaw trades in zloty. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. "Overall, the rise of eastern Germany is also particularly striking. Whereas in 2014, 39 of the 50 weakest regions in eastern Germany were still in the dynamic ranking, in 2018 it was 20. In the latest study, the number had dropped further to 15." (July 13, 2020)


The bureau is headquartered in Virginia. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They're immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they speak in a regional dialect. It seems like the Virginians lobby to import hardware that was built in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. The bureau might not enforce laws pertaining to organized labor in the federal district. Specifically, there might be imported military radios in the federal district. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they celebrate seasonal holidays. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. (July 13, 2020)


"...the misalignment of an air defense unit's radar system..." The Washington Post is reporting on air defense systems. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's possible there are weapons platforms near Tehran that receive signals from German land positions. There was a drone strike earlier this year that was aimed at a two-car convoy. It's controversial when drone strikes are aimed at cars. (July 13, 2020)

Tehran 8


Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There seem to be large airbases in Warsaw that manage regional trade. Warsaw trades in zloty. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage trade. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "Kosovo President Hashim Thaci arrives in Hague-based Special Prosecutor's Office..." (July 13, 2020)

The Caucasus

The Russian news is reporting on the Caucasus region. Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are in the Caucasus region. Tehran, Iran is near the Caspian Sea. Baku, Azerbaijan is a port on the Caspian Sea. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. Lviv, Ukraine serves as a regional hub for labor unions. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. "Earlier, Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry reported on Monday on the tensions at the border with Armenia continuing over the night of July 13 and an Azerbaijani serviceman falling in action." (July 13, 2020)

Richmond, Virginia

The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. Virginia is south of the Potomac River and the District of Columbia is north of the river. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. It's possible that laws pertaining to organized labor aren't enforced in the federal district. There seems to be imported hardware in the federal buildings near Lafayette Park. It's controversial generally about organized labor and defense spending. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor strikes in Virginia that have gone unreported. "In 1960, only 6 percent of union members in the United States were public sector employees."

Virginia 1


This is a description of the government in Iran from the 'Historical Dictionary of Iran'. Tabriz, Iran is near Anatolia. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. "He was one of the drafters of the new Islamic Constitution." The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz.

Tehran 7


The German news is reporting on Brandenburg. Berlin is the seat of Prussia. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and in Poland. Lubeck is a German port near the Gulf of Danzig. Gdansk, Poland is a port. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage regional trade. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. "During the Cold War, Berlin brought east and west into direct contact like no other city." (July 12, 2020)


Tottenham and Arsenal are playing today. Tottenham is using the 4-3-3 formation and Arsenal is using the 3-4-3 formation. It's controversial about the formations used in the Premier League. If there is only one striker then there aren't many goals scored. The 4-2-3-1 formation and the 4-1-1-1 formation are both popular and they allow for a single striker. Also, formations with more than four midfielders allow for more passes and fewer shots. The 3-5-2 formation allows for five midfielders. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are routes to Manchester from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. (July 12, 2020)


This is a reference to martial law in Poland. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. Lubeck, Germany is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were roadblocks and watchtowers around East Berlin. "The government declared martial law in December 1981." (July 12, 2020)

Poland 1


The Atlanta Braves list twenty three players on the active roster. There are two players from Venezuela and one player from Curacao. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela. There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's possible that the league uses labor unions to recruit players. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. (July 11, 2020)

Braves Roster

London, England

Sheffield United and Chelsea are playing today. Sheffield is winning 3-0 in the second half. It's controversial about the formations used in the Premier League. The formations with a single striker don't allow for many goals scored and the formations with more than four midfielders don't allow for enough shots taken. When there are more than four midfielders there might be too many passes and not enough shots. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. They would assume titles and they would become active in government. Sheffield is using the 3-5-2 formation and Chelsea is using the 4-3-3 formation. (July 11, 2020)

Sheffield 1


The Washington Post is reporting on Libya. There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. The Germans used to test warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are accounts about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are dive bomber training schools in Dresden. It's not clear about any radio signals sent between Dresden and Tripoli pertaining to military research. "Libya's national oil company announced that it has resumed crude exports..." (July 11, 2020)

Libya 4


The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz, Iran. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Notice this description of Tabriz in the nineteenth century. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's controversial about military radios used for trade. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. "In 1850, the Bab was executed by firing squad in Tabriz..."

Tabriz 3


Notice this description of the Polish economy. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and in Poland. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. It's controversial about German trade through the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. "Poland's continued economic problems - particularly its high inflation and large overseas debts..."

Warsaw 2

The Balkans

Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage regional trade. The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. "When it comes to tomorrow's summit on Kosovo and Metohija, organized by Germany and France, Vucic said that he was not sure that a joint statement could be adopted." (July 10, 2020)


The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like these radios can be used either to control infantry movements or for internal security. There are reports about the internal security in both Hong Kong and Taiwan. The East Germans might have sent hardware to Taipei from the Gulf of Danzig. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's not clear about the hardware used by the German security services. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. The Russian news is reporting on satellite technology. "Russia has numerously pointed to the US plans for deploying weapons in outer space." (July 10, 2020)

Tabriz, Iran

The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz, Iran. Tabriz is near Turkey. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. "...administrative centers in Tabriz and Urmieh."

Tabriz 2

Arlington, Virginia

There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. Gdansk, Poland is near the Gulf of Danzig. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. They speak in a regional dialect and they celebrate seasonal holidays. Fredericksburg, Virginia is south of Arlington. Frederick II founded Potsdam. Brandenburg is in eastern Germany. Both Dresden and Potsdam used to trade in East German mark. This is a description of the labor unions in Poland. It's controversial about the defense budget because it's never clear if there are labor strikes in Virginia. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. "Other unions were formed in German-controlled Poland..." (July 9, 2020)

Warsaw 1

Frankfurt, Germany

The German news is reporting on the German economy. East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are concerns about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. "Since July 2nd, Germany has been granting unrestricted entry to people from eleven countries outside the EU." (July 9, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on the Bulgarian security services. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are accounts about roadblocks and watchtowers around East Berlin. There were official cars and nonofficial cars. The nonofficial cars were searched thoroughly. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's possible there is militant picketing in Bulgaria. "President Rumen Radev said here Wednesday that the bodyguards who did not allow three opposition politicians to visit a public beach in Rossenets park, on the southern Black Sea coast, work for the National Service for Protection (NSP)." (July 9, 2020)


This is a description of Farsi. There seem to be large airbases in Tabriz, Iran. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. Chemical munitions might be transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. East Germany traded in East German mark. "...purging Turkish and Arabic words and substituting them with old and sometimes newly contrived Persian words."

Tehran 6


There are concerns about the defense budget. The Virginians are Prussian immigrants and they speak in a regional dialect. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about friendly fire in Virginia. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire while on horseback during the evening hours. It's not clear about modern versions of friendly fire. It might be that militant picketing is a form of friendly fire. During the 1950's there were cases of frostbite and more recently there have been complaints that the infantry is deployed near chemical munitions. There are allegations that the defense contractors in Virginia don't have much formal education. It's been suggested that there are federal agents who don't read the newspaper because they're ethnically Prussian. There are labor unions in Germany that go on extended labor strikes. (July 8, 2020)


This is a description of labor unions in Norway. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are concerns about the military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are accounts about chemical munitions in Syria. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany and Damascus. "There was a failed general strike in 1921 and other major labor disputes in 1924 and 1931."

Norway 1


The German news is reporting on the German economy. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are accounts about roadblocks and watchtowers in East Berlin. There are recent reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. "In this context, Merkel reinforced her call for an ambitious recovery plan. [...] The leaders of the 27 EU member states will meet in Brussels on July 17th to discuss the 750 billion euro EU recovery plan, their first physical summit since the coronavirus lockdown began." (July 8, 2020)


The United States Congress has complained about what they described as 'robo-calls'. They are similar to cyberattacks. The District of Columbia is north of the Potomac River. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. There are concerns about imported hardware in Virginia. It's possible that the 'robo-calls' happen because the Virginians work for labor unions. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. They're immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they speak in a regional dialect. The Virginians seem to lobby to import hardware that was built in Germany. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. (July 8, 2020)


The Spanish news is reporting on the Spanish economy. There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. The inflation likely resulted from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. Madrid is inland and Barcelona is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near Fez and Marrakech. "Spain's economy is expected to contract by 10.9 percent. In Germany, where widespread testing has helped limit fatalities, the 2020 downturn would be 6.3 percent. The rebound in Germany in 2021 is, however, expected to be less pronounced than previously estimated." (July 8, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the targeted killing program. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They're immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they celebrate seasonal holidays. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. There was a drone strike earlier this year that was aimed at a two-car convoy. It's controversial about drone strikes that are aimed at cars. "...defining the future of U.S. troops in Iraq." (July 8, 2020)

Iraq 1


It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Chemical munitions have been reported in Syria. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. Dresden is across the border from Prague. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. The Russian news is reporting on Prague. "Safronov's lawyer, Ivan Pavlov, earlier told TASS that in the case file of his client, the United States is referred to as the country that received secret information through Czech special services." (July 8, 2020)


Notice this reference to a Dutch fort near Taiwan. There are reports about the internal security in both Hong Kong and Taiwan. It seems like the East Germans used to send hardware to Taipei from the Gulf of Danzig. There are historical anecdotes about Prussian merchants trading by way of ports in the Lowlands. The Gulf of Danzig is in Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There are reports also about labor strikes in Germany. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. "Zelandia. A fort and town established on a small islet off the coast of southwest Taiwan in 1624 by the Dutch."

Taiwan 11


There are reports about the internal security in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Notice this description of Pyongyang. It's possible that the East Germans used to send tanks to the North Korean military. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are accounts about roadblocks and barbed wire fences in North Korea. It seems like the same hardware is used in both Hong Kong and Taiwan for the purposes of internal security. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Gulf of Danzig is in Poland. Warsaw trades in zloty. "...having been a colony of Japan from 1910 to 1945, North Korea is run on essentially Stalinist principles."

North Korea 1


There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near Fez and Marrakech. The inflation likely resulted from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There are military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. The Spanish news is reporting on the Spanish economy. "Those with properties in Spain still have until the end of the 2020 to apply for residence status under the EU rules. But time is drawing short." (July 7, 2020)

London, England

Chelsea is winning 2-1 over Crystal Palace at halftime. Both teams are using the 4-3-3 formation. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There might be radio signals sent between Warsaw and Dublin pertaining to organized labor. There are concerns about the players in the Premier League from Spain. The Spanish players seem to pass the ball to players from specific countries. For example, there used to be a Chilean striker named Alexis Sanchez who played for Manchester United. He would begin the game on the left side of the field and then shoot from the right. Both Santiago and Buenos Aires trade in peso. There are complaints about inflation in Venezuela. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. (July 7, 2020)

Warsaw, Poland

Watford and Norwich City are playing today. The score is 1-1 in the first half. Both teams are using the 4-2-3-1 formation. It's controversial about the formations in the Premier League that use a single striker because there aren't many goals scored. There would be more goals if there were two or three strikers in the formations. There are concerns about the labor unions in Manchester. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are routes to Ireland from the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like there are large airbases near Warsaw. (July 7, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on China. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like the East Germans used to send hardware to Beijing. There have been tank battles in North Korea. Lubeck is a German port near the Gulf of Danzig. The Chinese might use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. "TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Chinese police on Monday seized a Tsinghua University professor..." (July 7, 2020)

China 1


East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Today Bosnia trades in Bosnian convertible mark. Bosnia remains and import port for the German military. There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. There are dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden is the capital of Sachsen. It's not clear about any radio signals sent between Dresden and Tripoli because they might be pertaining to military research. The Serbian news is reporting on Sarajevo. "Mujanovic was sentenced in Belgrade to 10 years imprisonment for war crimes against Serbs who were in the war prison in Hrasnica near Sarajevo." (July 7, 2020)

North Korea

The Russian news is reporting on Pyongyang. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were accounts about barbed wire fences and roadblocks in North Korea. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Pyongyang from Lubeck. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. It's a German port near Poland. There have been tank battles in North Korea. North Korea trades in North Korean Won. "Earlier, North Korea's First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choe Son-hui said in comment on reports about a potential summit with the US that Pyongyang did not need to hold talks with the US." (July 7, 2020)

Ankara, Turkey

This is a reference to the military in Iraq. There are Kurdish populations in Mosul. It's controversial about trade deals negotiated in Mosul because the Kurds there allow the Turks to trade by way of Iraqi ports. It's never clear about how Baghdad can defend its ports from the Turkish military. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "...and served as an Ottoman officer."

Ankara 2


It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are military academies in Berlin, Dresden, and Potsdam. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Frankfurt is the German banking district. There seem to be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. The German news is reporting on the German security services. "German policing is dealt with at the state level, with the rules varying somewhat from state to state as to how police are allowed to carry out controls on members of the public." (July 6, 2020)

Tabriz, Iran

The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz, Iran. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. Notice this reference to Tabriz in the 'Historical Dictionary of Iran'. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "...cities to the west of the Caspian Sea such as Tabriz."

Tabriz 1


The Philadelphia Phillies list twenty two players on their active roster. Five players are from Latin American countries including the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Venezuela. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela. There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. Jose Alvarez is from Barcelona, Venezuela and Deolis Guerra is from San Felix, Venezuela. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark. The league likely uses labor unions to recruit players. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. (July 6, 2020)



The Spanish news is reporting on Catalonia. There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. The inflation might have resulted from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. There are accounts about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near Fez and Marrakech. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There were descriptions of his army that they marched slowly and their uniforms didn't fit. "The move came as the summer holiday started in Spain and the country began re-admitting foreign visitors from 12 countries outside the European union." (July 6, 2020)


The German news is reporting on the military. There are military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. "In 2011 compulsory military service in Germany was suspended. The Bundeswehr thus became a volunteer army." (July 6, 2020)

The Levant

The Russian news is reporting on the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It seems like the tanks were sent to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark. The East Germans probably sent military personnel to assist in teaching the Israelis to drive tanks. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are accounts about chemical munitions in Syria. Chemical munitions are likely transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. "TEL AVIV. Palestinian radicals have fired two missiles at Israel's territory from the Gaza Strip, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Sunday." [...] "Previous rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip were reported on June 26, June 15, May 6, and March 27. The Israel Defense Forces retaliated by delivering strikes at Hamas' military facilities." (July 6, 2020)


The Bulgarian news is reporting on Croatia. There are strategic ports in Albania and Croatia. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. "They had also highlighted HDZ's history of corruption, which was brought back to the spotlight by a recent scandal involving a top official." (July 6, 2020)


This is a description of the military in Taiwan. It seems like the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. East Germany traded in East German mark. The East Germans probably sent radios to Taipei from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are reports about the internal security in Hong Kong. The same hardware is likely used in both Hong Kong and Taiwan for the purposes of internal security. "...indicating that he was giving the Chinese Communists a free hand to invade Taiwan."

Taiwan 10


Windhoek, Namibia is inland. There are probably military research facilities in the Namib desert. There are German-speaking regions of Namibia. This is a reference to labor strikes in Namibia. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. In Venezuela there are military academies and tank driving schools. It seems like there are tank driving schools in Namibia. East Germany might have sent tanks to Windhoek from the Gulf of Danzig. "The first legal strike in Namibia took place in November 1992..." "...in settling labor disputes outside of the export processing zones."


New York City

The NY Yankees list twenty eight players on their active roster. There are seven players on the active roster from Latin America including two players from the Dominican Republic, as well as one player from Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela. There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Venezuela from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. It's possible that the league uses labor unions to recruit players. (July 5, 2020)

Yankees Roster


The Washington post is reporting on Iran. There are reports about chemical munitions in Syria. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "A chlorine gas leak at a petrochemical center in southeast Iran sickened 70 workers..." (July 5, 2020)

Tehran 5

Stonewall Jackson

This is a reference to Stonewall Jackson. Stonewall Jackson died from friendly fire while on horseback during the evening hours. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they work for labor unions. It's never clear about the defense budget or if there are labor strikes in Virginia. The Virginians speak in a regional dialect and they celebrate seasonal holidays. It's controversial about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. There are different laws pertaining to organized labor on either side of the Potomac River. "General McClellan had been educated at West Point, and had graduated first of the class in which Jackson was seventeenth."

Stonewall Jackson


This is a description of the Chinese military. It seems like the Chinese use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. The East Germans might have sent the Chinese radios for use by their military. "...the treaty was the direct outcome of an attack by Chinese Communist forces on Nationalist-held Quemoy (q.v.) in September 1954."

Taiwan 9


Notice this description of organized labor in Germany. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. "Ironically, for someone who opposed general strikes, it was Legien who issued the call for the general strike in Berlin that defeated the proto-fascist Kapp Putsch in 1920." (July 4, 2020)

Berlin 3


The Virginians are Prussian immigrants. They work for labor unions. The Teamsters Union is an ethnically German labor union that hauls hardware on public highways. They are 'car men' or 'cart men'. Virginia is formally the 'Old Dominion'. Frederick II founded Potsdam. Fredericksburg, Virginia is south of Arlington. It's controversial about the defense budget because it seems like the Virginians lobby to import hardware that was built in Germany's eastern provinces. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor strikes in Virginia. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany. There are dive bomber training schools in Dresden, Germany. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. (July 4, 2020)


Brighton defeated Norwich City 1-0 today. There are complaints about the formations used in the Premier League because of three reasons, (1) there aren't enough strikers in the formations and so there aren't many goals scored, (2) the formations often use four lines instead of three and so there are too many passes and not enough shots, and (3) there are too many midfielders in the formations and so there are fewer goals scored. There is a statistical relationship between quantity strikers and quantity goals scored. When the ball is in the midfield too much then there are more passes and fewer shots on goal. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There might be labor strikes in Ireland. (July 4, 2020)

Norwich City 2


This is a description of the military in Taiwan. There are reports about the internal security in Hong Kong. It's likely the same hardware is used in both Taiwan and Hong Kong for the purposes of internal security. East Germany traded in East German mark. The radios seem to be built in Germany and sent out through the Gulf of Danzig. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. There are reports about the prisons in Catalonia. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia. The inflation probably arises from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. "Sky Bow missile. Surface-to-air missile produced in Taiwan to defend the country against invading aircraft from the People's Republic of China." "Sky Sword missile. Air-to-air missile made in Taiwan and carried on locally built (under contract) F-5E jet fighter planes. It resembles the Sidewinder missile (q.v.). It was test fired in April 1986." (July 4, 2020)

Taiwan 8


The Spanish news is reporting on the prisons in Catalonia. There are sometimes efforts to upgrade the prisons in Virginia with defense spending. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. "The Catalan prisons administration in northeastern Spain on Thursday proposed a semi-open regime for separatist leaders jailed over the failed 2017 independence bid, the regional government said." (July 3, 2020)

Arlington, Virginia

It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's never clear about the defense budget because there might be labor strikes. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The Virginians are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they celebrate seasonal holidays. The Virginians seem to lobby to import hardware that was made in Germany. They are inclined to support NATO defense postures. The Virginians seem to think NATO allows for the Pentagon to import hardware from Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark. (July 3, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the German military. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. It seems like the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. Francisco Franco attended a Spanish military academy. There were descriptions that his army marched slowly and that their uniforms didn't fit. "BERLIN - One sergeant major suspected of far-right ties had a cache of weapons in a bunker in his home. Other officers were reported to have used the Hitler salute, listened to neo-Nazi music and played a game that involved tossing a pig's head." (July 3, 2020)

Berlin 2


This is a reference to the military in Iran. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. Chemical munitions are likely transported from Germany to Syria. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. It's likely the Turkish military uses German-made radios to control their infantry movements. "...an ill-fated rescue attempt in April 1980 caused the deaths of eight American servicemen."

Tehran 4

Havana, Cuba

Notice this description of the Spanish military. There are historical anecdotes about prisons in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. There were accounts about how the prisoners wanted to grow their own food. There are modern reports about inflation in Venezuela. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It seems like the East Germans used to send tanks to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. The Germans also trade weaponry through Spanish ports. Madrid is inland. It's likely the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian training methods. "By comparison, Republican labor camps in the Civil War imposed a stricter penal servitude. A decree of June 9, 1939, stipulated that those convicted by military tribunals could have their sentences reduced by up to one-third if they volunteered for labor units."

Madrid 1

Madrid, Spain

The Spanish news is reporting on England. Madrid is inland and Barcelona is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. It's controversial about the ports in Catalonia because there are historical anecdotes about inflation there. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near Fez and Marrakech. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. It's not clear about organized labor in Dublin and Manchester. There are accounts about Prussian merchants buying land in Ireland. They would assume titles and they would become active in government. It seems like the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. "While the Withdrawal Agreement was ratified in January this year EU countries have the task of implementing the rights it guarantees British Citizens in the EU." (July 2, 2020)


The Spanish news is reporting on Catalonia. There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. It seems like the inflation results from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are accounts about labor strikes in East Germany in Czechoslovakia. The news reported recently about labor strikes in Germany. It's controversial about labor unions in Catalonia because it's not clear about what is traded through those ports. There are sometimes weapons garrisons in Morocco. There are reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. Chemical munitions seem to be transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. "Nine Catalan separatist leaders jailed for their involvement in the 2017 independence bid may be granted greater freedom if a decision by three prison assessment boards is ratified by the Catalan regional government." (July 2, 2020)


There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Washington Post is reporting on mortar weapons in Afghanistan. It's controversial about the targeted killing program because the drone strikes are sometimes aimed at cars. There was a drone strike earlier this year that was aimed at a two-car convoy. "...its findings indicate that the Afghan military mistakenly fired the mortar rounds this week at a busy market in Helmand province..." (July 2, 2020)

Kabul 5


The Washington Post is reporting on the Turkish military. There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. The Germans tested warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. There are modern accounts about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Syria. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. "...operation in the Mediterranean Sea after a standoff with a Turkish warship..." (July 2, 2020)


North Korea

The Russian news is reporting on East Asia. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There are accounts about roadblocks and barbed wire fences near Pyongyang. It seems like there are radio signals sent between Brandenburg and Pyongyang about military affairs. There have been tank battles in North Korea. There might be tank driving schools near Pyongyang. "In 1956, the Soviet Union and Japan signed a joint declaration on ceasing the state of war. The two countries resumed diplomatic and other relations, however no peace treaty has been signed until now." (July 2, 2020)


Notice this description of the military in Taiwan. It's controversial when weaponry is traded between Taipei and the Xiamen harbor. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near the Xiamen harbor. There are reports about the internal security in Hong Kong. It's possible that the same hardware is used in both Taiwan and Hong Kong for the purposes of internal security. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It seems like the East Germans used to send hardware to Taipei through the Gulf of Danzig. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. "Sidewinder missile. Air-to-air missile the U.S. provided to the ROC Air Force in 1958..."

Taiwan 7

Asia Minor

The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Notice this description of Asia Minor. There are reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Damascus. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. "It played a great role in defending Asia Minor against Arab (q.v.) raids."



The German news is reporting on the German economy. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. There are reports about labor strikes in Germany. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and Syria. "The European Union must prepare for the possibility that talks with Britain on their post-Brexit relationship could fail, Chancellor Angela Merkel warned Wednesday as Germany took the helm of the bloc's rotating presidency." (July 1, 2020)

Havana, Cuba

The Washington Nationals list twenty six players on the roster. There are five players from the Dominican Republic, two from Venezuela, one from Brazil, and one from Cuba. It's controversial about the labor unions in Virginia because there are concerns about the defense budget. It's possible that the league uses labor unions to recruit players. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. (July 1, 2020)

Nationals Roster

Maracay, Venezuela

Anibal Sanchez is from Maracay, Venezuela. There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. Sanchez plays baseball for the Washington Nationals. There are concerns about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's not clear about picketing and labor strikes in Virginia. It's controversial generally about labor unions and defense spending. The league seems to use organized labor to recruit players. (July 1, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on the Levant. Beirut, Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Gaza are ports. Damascus and Amman are inland. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It's possible there are tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. The tanks were probably sent to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany used to trade in East German mark. Tel Aviv trades in shekel. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. There is likely inflation in the Levant because of weaponry traded through these ports. "Reflecting the deteriorating conditions in Lebanon and sharp increase in food prices..." (July 1, 2020)

Beirut 2


The Russian news is reporting on Tehran. Tehran is near the Caspian Sea. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz, Iran which is near Turkey. Ankara, Turkey is inland. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. There are reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. There are concerns about the military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. Chemical munitions seem to be transported between Germany and Syria. "The Russian top diplomat recalled that under UN Security Council Resolution 2231 the procedure of arms supplies to Iran had a temporary nature." (July 1, 2020)


This is a description of the government in Taiwan. There are reports about the internal security in Hong Kong. It's likely the same hardware is used in both Hong Kong and Taiwan for the purposes of internal security. The radios might have been built in Germany's eastern provinces and sent out through the Gulf of Danzig. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. East Germany traded in East German mark. It seems like the East Germans used to send military hardware to Taipei. "...mostly as a military policeman."

Taiwan 6

The Balkans

Notice this description of Germany. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and in Poland. Lubeck is a German port near the Gulf of Danzig. There are military academies in Berlin, Dresden, and Potsdam. East Germany traded in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Warsaw trades in zloty. It's controversial about German trade through the Balkans. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. "ALEMANNI. Germanic people who first attacked the upper Rhine and lower Danube (qq.v.) in the third century A.D...."



Ukraine reported a trade deficit in both mineral fuel/lubricants and machinery/transportation equipment to the World Bank in 2018. Kiev imported $13b USD in mineral fuel/lubricants and $17b USD in machinery/transportation equipment that year. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern province. Warsaw is inland. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw that manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. (June 30, 2020)

Kiev 1
Kiev 2


The Washington Post is reporting on Afghanistan. There are concerns about labor strikes in Virginia. It's controversial generally about labor unions and defense spending. There was an explosion in Helmand province. There are defense contractors in Virginia who make a living coordinating military operations with the Pashtun tribesmen. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. They are immigrants from Germany's eastern provinces and they celebrate seasonal holidays. It's never clear about the defense budget or about any imported hardware in Virginia."...though the Taliban and the Afghan military blamed each other." (June 30, 2020)

Kabul 4

East Berlin

Notice this reference to the bilateral relations between Tehran and Pyongyang. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were official cars and nonofficial cars. The nonofficial cars were searched thoroughly. There are also accounts about roadblocks and barbed wire fences in North Korea. It seems like the Germans send radio signals to Pyongyang about military affairs. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz, Iran. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. Tabriz is near Anatolia. Ankara, Turkey is inland. "2005 16 December: German Intelligence warns that Iran has purchased long-range missiles from North Korea. Iran denies these allegations."

Berlin 1


This is a description of organized labor in West Africa. Notice how there were secret labor union meetings in Guinea-Bissau. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. It's possible that the Germans send hardware to Guinea- Bissau and that the police there use these German-made radios. "GUINEA-BISSAU. Only independent of Portugal since September 1973, organized labor had to operate in secret before then because of Portuguese rule."


Lviv, Ukraine

This is a reference to German military operations in Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. It seems like there are labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. Warsaw trades in zloty and Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. "On June 29, 1941, the Germans, having launched their invasion of Soviet territory, entered and occupied Lvov, Ukraine..."



The Bulgarian news is reporting on a police department. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There used to be a large communications relay in East Berlin. "Sofia, June 28 (BTA) - The Specialized Criminal Court has remanded in custody the recently arrested head of the drugs enforcement department in the Chief Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (CDCOC), Tsvetan Pankov, and the head of a drugs enforcement unit, Kiril Vankov, Bulgarian National Radio reported here Sunday. The prosecuting magistracy demanded that three Interior Ministry officers, who took part in an organized crime group busted days ago, be remanded in custody."

Warsaw, Poland

The German news is reporting on Warsaw. Warsaw is south of the Gulf of Danzig. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. There are concerns about the military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Warsaw trades in zloty. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's not clear about any imported hardware in Lafayette Square. There are likely radios in Virginia that were built in Germany's eastern provinces. It's controversial about labor unions and defense spending. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. "But Trump, meeting at the White House on Wednesday with Polish president Andrzej Duda, said Wednesday that Poland would be one of the European countries receiving US troops." (June 28, 2020)


Minsk is the capital of Belarus, Kiev is the capital of Ukraine, and Warsaw is the capital of Poland. Warsaw is south of the Gulf of Danzig. There seem to be large airbases in Warsaw that coordinate regional trade. Lviv, Ukraine is a regional hub for labor unions. The German security services uses controversial hardware. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. It's possible there are German-made radios used in Minsk for the purposes of internal security. "Lukashenko, 65, has ruled the nation of 9.5 million with an iron fist since July 1994 and relentlessly cracks down on the political opposition and independent media." (June 27, 2020)


The Washington Post is reporting on Beirut. "Lebanon's currency hit new lows Friday..." Tel Aviv is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark and Tel Aviv trades in shekel. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It seems like the tanks were sent to Tel Aviv from Germany's eastern provinces. Lubeck, Germany is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. There are routes south to Sarajevo from Dresden. Both Lubeck and Dresden used to trade in East German mark. It's possible there is inflation in the Levant because of German weaponry traded through those ports. Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Gaza are ports in the Levant. (June 27, 2020)



The Bulgarian news is reporting on the police in Sophia. There is a controversy about police corruption. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There might be radio signals sent between Brandenburg and Sophia about police matters. Virginia is south of the Potomac River. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. The Virginians seem to lobby to import hardware from Germany's eastern provinces. It's never clear about the defense budget and if there are labor strikes in Virginia. There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. "Sofia, June 26 (BTA) - The head of the drugs enforcement department in the Chief Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (CDCOC) and the head of a drugs enforcement unit, as well as two more officials from the service, were arrested on Thursday evening after taking a bribe. The news was announced by Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev and Interior Minister Mladen Marinov at a special briefing on Friday. Later in the day, CDCOC head Ivaylo Spiridonov and Interior Ministry's Deputy Chief Secretary Georgi Arabadjiev tabled their resignations, and the Interior Minister accepted them."


The German news is reporting on Brandenburg. Potsdam is the capital of Brandenburg but Berlin sits within Brandenburg. There are historical anecdotes about a large communications relay in East Berlin. There were roadblocks and watchtowers around East Berlin. There were official cars and nonofficial cars. The nonofficial cars were searched thoroughly. Today there are concerns about the military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. There seem to be prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. The German security services seem to send signals between Brandenburg and Kiev. Lviv, Ukraine is a regional hub for labor unions. There are accounts about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. It's controversial about the hardware used by the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. "The U.S., allied with the U.K. and France, occupied West Berlin until 1991 and Germany continues to house more U.S. troops than any other country in the world..." (June 26, 2020)


Madrid is the capital of Spain. There are real concerns about the military academies in Spain because they seem to have adopted Prussian tactics. There is sometimes inflation in Catalonia due to German weaponry traded through Spanish ports. Barcelona is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid.


The Spanish armed forces allows the Germans to use their land for weapons tests as well as to transfer weaponry to Africa. Catalonia sometimes requests to be an autonomous region. It's because of the trade through the ports in Catalonia that the government there wants to be autonomous. The military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. The Spanish military receives German weapons and they coordinate military operations with the Germans. The German military maintains bases in the deserts of North Africa. There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. It's been suggested that Barcelona was founded by African peoples.

Washington, DC

There are complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they might not have much formal education. There are ethnically Prussian regions in Virginia. There are concerns about imported hardware on the public highways in Virginia. There are several federal buildings near Lafayette Park. There might be imported military radios in those office buildings. There are city ordinances in the federal district. There are disputes generally about organized labor in the District of Columbia. It's not clear if hardware can be brought into the federal district from Virginia. It seems like some of these radios were built in Germany's eastern provinces.

Bosnia and Kosovo

The Serbian news is reporting on Kosovo. Both Bosnia and Kosovo are Muslim enclaves in the Balkans. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. There are concerns about the military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. There are dive bomber training schools in Dresden. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmission with precision. It's not clear if military radios are used for international trade. There might be German airbases in Kosovo. "Former member of the Kosovo Liberation Army's General Staff, Adem Zogjani, was sent to the Special Court in The Hague..." (June 26, 2020)

The Iranian infantry

This is a reference to the Kurds. It's controversial about Turkish military operations in northern Iraq because the Kurds often let Turkish merchants trade by way of Iraqi ports. It's never clear about how Baghdad can defend its ports from the Turkish military. There are large Kurdish populations in Mosul, Iraq. Herat, Afghanistan is sometimes included in maps of Iranian territory. There might be Iranian military operations in Herat. The Iranians seem to use German-made radios to control their infantry movements. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "...individuals who fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan and have since returned to Kurdish areas."



Meshed, Iran is across the border from Herat, Afghanistan. Herat is sometimes included in maps of Iranian territory. It's controversial about any Iranian military operations on the Afghan side of the border. The Tajiks speak a language that is similar to Farsi. It seems like there are radio signals sent between Meshed and Dushanbe pertaining to military affairs. Notice this reference to the Iranian infantry. The Iranians likely use German-made radios to send these signals. "1998. 1 September: Iran begins military exercises on Afghan border..."


Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is a port on the Mediterranean Sea and they trade in shekel. Tel Aviv reported $15b USD in chemicals/products exports to the World Bank in 2018. It's controversial about any airbases in the Golan Heights. There have been tank battles in the Levant. It's not clear about the military academies in the Levant. There seem to be tank driving schools near Tel Aviv. The tanks are likely sent to Tel Aviv from Lubeck, Germany. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There are military academies in Berlin, Dresden, and Potsdam. There are also concerns about the labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. (June 25, 2020)

Tel Aviv 3

Warsaw, Poland

Prussia is in East Germany and Poland. Today East Germany is considered Germany's eastern provinces. Brandenburg and Sachsen are German provinces that used to trade in East German mark. Tel Aviv is a port in the Levant. There are likely tanks and military radios sent to Tel Aviv from Lubeck, Germany. Lubeck is a port near Poland. There are reports about the internal security in Hong Kong. There seem to be military radios sent to Taipei and Hong Kong from Lubeck. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near the Xiamen harbor. (June 25, 2020)


The German news is reporting on Lufthansa. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Warsaw trades in zloty. There seem to be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. "The overall rescue comes to 9 billion euro with Lufthansa also receiving 3 billion euro in public loan guarantees." (June 25, 2020)

Minsk, Belarus

"Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko disclosed that he intends to discuss foreign meddling in the Belarusian presidential elections with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin." The Russian news is reporting Minsk. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's possible there are German-made radios in Minsk that are used for the purposes of internal security. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. It seems like chemical munitions are transported between Dresden and the Syrian desert. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. (June 25, 2020)


Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. Lviv is across the border from Poland. Gdansk is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. The Russian news is reporting on Ukraine. "Despite the conclusive results of the referendum, Kiev has refused to recognize Crimea as a part of Russia." (June 25, 2020)

Tabriz, Iran

This is a reference to the bilateral relations between Berlin and Tehran. Tabriz, Iran is near Anatolia. Ankara, Turkey is inland. The Austrians have for centuries maintained military outposts in Tabriz. Tabriz is sometimes included in maps of Ottoman territory. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. There are likely radio signals sent between Ankara and Tabriz pertaining to the German military. It seems like the Turkish military uses German-made radios to control their infantry movements. "1995. 22 February: Germany lifts trade restrictions on Iran."

Tehran 1

Inflation in Catalonia

There are historical anecdotes about inflation in Catalonia. Madrid is inland. The Germans used to test weapons north of Madrid. There are likely military research facilities in the Libyan desert. Barcelona is a port on the Mediterranean Sea. There seem to be radio signals sent between Sachsen and Tripoli pertaining to military research. There are military academies in Berlin, Dresden, and Potsdam. There are concerns that the military academies in Spain have adopted Prussian tactics. There might be an overlap in command structure between the German military and the Spanish military because of the military academies. Sachsen used to trade in East German mark. The inflation in Catalonia likely resulted from German weaponry traded through Spanish ports.

The Germany military

Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and in Poland. Western Prussia is in Germany and eastern Prussia is in Poland. The Gulf of Danzig is sometimes considered a Prussian territory. Gdansk, Poland is near the Gulf of Danzig. Warsaw is inland. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Labor leaders in Warsaw likely manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. There exists a Prussian calendar. The Prussian calendar combines numerology and moon phases. There is an observable increase in German military operations during two months of the year, October and January, as well as the first and fifteenth of each month. This means that there are more quantity radio signals sent during those times from German airbases.


The Levant

The Russian news is reporting on the Levant. There have been tank battles in the Levant. The tanks seem to be shipped to Tel Aviv from the Gulf of Danzig. The East German military probably sent personnel to assist in teaching the Israelis to drive tanks. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark and Tel Aviv trades in shekel. There are complaints about the targeted killing program because the drone strikes are sometimes aimed at cars. There was a drone strike earlier this year that was aimed at a two-car convoy. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "Syria's air defenses are firing at air targets in the sky over Hama, SANA news agency reported." (June 24, 2020)

Frankfurt, Germany

The German news is reporting on Frankfurt. "It marks the latest twist in what is fast turning into one of Germany's biggest ever financial frauds, drawing comparisons with the Enron accounting scandal of the early 2000s in the United States." "Wirecard was plunged into crisis last week when auditors Ernst & Young said 1.9 billion euro were missing from the company's accounts." East Germany traded in East German mark. Lubeck is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. Frankfurt is the German banking district. Warsaw trades in zloty. (June 23, 2020)

Czech exports in 2018

Prague reported a total of $203b USD in exports to the World Bank in 2018. They exported $118b USD in machinery and transportation equipment that year. There are concerns about organized labor in Germany's eastern provinces. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden, Germany is across the border from Prague, Czech Republic. There are dive bomber training schools in Dresden. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. (June 23, 2020)



Notice this description of organized labor in Europe. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. "...a lobbying body for organized labor, but at its 1991 congress it resolved to take an active role in collective bargaining for the whole of Europe."


Trade through Bosnia

The news is reporting on the German economy. There are concerns about the German defense budget and organized labor. Lubeck is a German port near the Gulf of Danzig. It's controversial generally about German trade through Bosnia. East Germany traded in East German mark. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. Warsaw trades in zloty. It's difficult to evaluate the German economy. "Weidmann, who has never minced his words against expansionary policies ramped through in the past by the European Central Bank, on Sunday also voiced support for the unprecedented economic rescue and stimulus packages unleashed by Berlin to shield German companies and jobs." (June 21, 2020)

The Polish economy

Warsaw submitted a trade report to the World Bank in 2018. They reported $98b USD in machinery/transportation equipment exports that year. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. Warsaw trades in zloty. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw. (June 21, 2020)

Warsaw 2018

Albanian ports

These are words translated from Albanian into English. 'Bejlufte' means 'wage war'. There are strategic ports in the Balkans. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. It's controversial generally about German trade through the Balkans. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There seem to be radio signals sent between Dresden and Sarajevo pertaining to trade.


The Gulf of Danzig

There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. Notice this description of the military in Uruguay. There might be tank driving schools near Buenos Aires. The tanks seem to be sent between the Gulf of Danzig and Caracas. Caracas is a port on the Venezuelan Basin. Buenos Aires is a port on the Atlantic Ocean. "FLORES, VENANCIO (1803-1868). Uruguayan general and political leader involved in Argentine affairs in 1850s and 1860s."

The German Bundestag

The German news is reporting on the Bundestag. There are labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. The German security services might contribute hardware to these prisons in Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine is across the border from Poland. "The decision was carried by narrow majority of seven party committee members for with five opposing. The Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend is one of a number of far-right organisations which the AfD's conditions of membership prohibit association with." (June 20, 2020)

Labor unions in West Germany

Notice this description of organized labor in Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. "...the DGB was allowed to extend into their zones in West Germany and in their sectors of Berlin in October 1949." There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. Chemical munitions are likely transported between Germany and Syria.

West Germany

Labor unions in Prague

Notice this description of organized labor in Prague. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Chemical munitions might be transported between Germany and Syria. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia. "CZECH REPUBLIC. In January 2001, a new labor code was introduced which strengthened the legal position of organized labor but excluded the public sector from collective bargaining."



There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It is likely that tanks are sent to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck is a German port near Poland. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. It's possible that East German military personnel assisted with teaching the Venezuelan military to drive tanks. The Washington Post is reporting on Caracas. "Venezuelan video shows jailed U.S. executives" (June 19, 2020)


The German defense budget

The Russian news is reporting on Germany. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. There are concerns about the military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. "Reuters reported in early June citing a US official that President Trump had ordered the Pentagon to cut the American military personnel in Germany, because Berlin had failed to meet the target of NATO's defense spending." (June 19, 2020)

Germany NATO

The Bosnian economy

This is the report that Sarajevo submitted to the World Bank in 2018. Notice they imported almost $3b USD in manufactured goods and more than $2b USD machinery/transportation equipment. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. Lubeck is a German port near the Gulf of Danzig. There might be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig.

Bosnia Trade 2018

Trade with Venezuela

There are military academies in Caracas, Maracay, and Valencia. There are tank driving schools south of Caracas. It seems like there are tanks transported between the Gulf of Danzig and Caracas. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. The Russian news is reporting on Venezuela. "The futility of pressure on Venezuela is becoming obvious to foreign actors, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told an online news briefing on Wednesday." There are concerns about inflation in Venezuela. It's possible there are military research facilities in Namibia. There are German-speaking regions in Namibia. Windhoek is inland. There are likely radio signals sent between Windhoek and Caracas about military research. (June 17, 2020)

Labor unions in Germany

This is data that was reported to the World Bank in 2018 about chemicals exports. Germany reported $243b USD, Belgium reported $142b USD, and Switzerland reported $106b USD in chemicals exports in 2018. There are concerns about the military academies and labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. Lubeck is a port near the Gulf of Danzig. There might be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. There seem to be large airbases near Warsaw.

Chemicals Trade 2018

Lviv, Ukraine

Notice this map of Ukraine that was published in the Washington Post. Lviv is across the border from Poland and it seems to serve as a hub for organized labor. There are concerns about the labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. There are military academies in Brandenburg and Sachsen. East Germany used to trade in East German mark. There are likely prisons in Ukraine that have been upgraded with defense spending. It's controversial generally about organized labor and prison upgrades. It seems like there are German-made radios used in Ukraine for the purposes of internal security. (June 15, 2020)


Kosovo and Bosnia

There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. Bosnia trades in Bosnian mark. East Germany used to trade in East German mark. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Dresden is the capital of Sachsen. There used to be dive bomber training schools in Dresden. There might be airbases in Kosovo that manage trade through Bosnian ports. "Vucic: Resolution 1244 is tough for Serbia, I'm afraid there's no solution for Kosovo" (June 15, 2020)

Trade with Albania

This is data from the World Bank WITS database. It is the report that Tirana submitted in 2018. Notice there is a sizable total trade deficit and specifically they have a trade deficit in Machinery/transportation equipment. Bosnia is an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. East Germany used to trade in East German mark. There are strategic ports in Albania. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial when military radios are used for international trade. Albania reported a trade deficit of $3b USD in 2018.

Albania 2018

The Prussian festival calendar

There exists a Prussian festival calendar. Prussia is in East Germany and Poland. The Gulf of Danzig is a major Prussian trading port. Additionally, Bosnia serves as a Prussian trading port because Sarajevo trades in mark. It's called the Bosnian convertible mark. The Prussian calendar is a calendar used by the German air force to communicate with distant airbases. There is a noticeable increase in German military operations during two months of the year, October and January. Additionally, there is an increase in German military operations during the first and fifteenth of each month. As the months pass, it is noticeable how the Germans are using their airbases based on the month of the year and the day of the month. As Americans, we can sit and monitor these German radio signals. I think it works best if we are unmoved by events that are consistent with the Prussian calendar. It is a Greek concept about anger at what is inevitable. For example, it is irrational to be angry when it rains. But, the Germans should be held accountable for these military operations if they are unlawful. Today is June 14, 2020. It is the summer time and so there is a lull seasonally, but there is a small spike during the fifteenth of every month. It is predictable every month and every year about German radio signals because they consistently follow this calendar.

Lviv, Ukraine

"A former Ukraine president is charged with abuse of office." The Washington Post is reporting on Ukraine. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. Lviv is across the border from Poland. Warsaw trades in zloty. It's controversial about German trade through the Gulf of Danzig. It seems like there are labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. There are also land routes south to Bosnia. Sarajevo trades in Bosnian mark. (June 14, 2020)


The Libyan desert

Notice this description of the Libyan desert. There are historical anecdotes about military research facilities in the Libyan desert. The Germans tested warplanes near the border between Egypt and Libya. There are modern reports about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. It seems as though chemical munitions are transported between Germany's eastern provinces and the Syrian desert. It's not clear about any military research facilities today in Libya. "The easternmost part of the Maghreb, Libya is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea..."

German machinery exports

Notice this chart from the World Bank about German regional trade. The WITS databank allows patrons to search for chemicals exports as well as machinery and transportation exports. This list includes those two groups of trade data regionally. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmission with precision. It's controversial when military radios are used for international trade. East Germany traded in East German mark.

German Machinery Exports
German Chemicals Trade

Irish ports

"...German bombs dropped intensively on Belfast industrial sites (April-May 1941)..." Notice this description of German military operations near Belfast. It's famous in modern history about the trade between Warsaw and Dublin. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. There are likely radio signals sent between Lubeck and Dublin about organized labor. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There might be labor strikes in Ireland and Manchester, England. Prussian merchants trade by way of Manchester.

Trade with Scandinavia

Dublin, Belfast, and Galway are Irish ports. Dublin is a large city. The Gulf of Danzig is in Poland. There are large airbases near Warsaw. Lubeck is a German port that used to trade in East German mark. There might be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through Irish ports. There are sometimes labor strikes in Dublin. Sweden and Denmark trade in krona. The Czech Republic uses the koruna as its national currency. Brandenburg and Sachsen are German provinces. They both used to trade in East German mark. There are routes to Dublin from the Gulf of Danzig.

Routes between Czechoslovakia and Poland

Dresden is across the border from Prague. Prussia is in Germany's eastern provinces and in Poland. Notice this description of the land routes between Czechoslovakia and Poland. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Dresden used to trade in East German mark."...led further to Prague, where Cracow merchants..." It's possible that chemical munitions are traded through the Gulf of Danzig. There should be scrutiny over Polish trade through Irish ports.

The Libyan desert

"Sept. 1, 1980. Qaddafi calls for unification of Libya and Syria." There are modern accounts about chemical munitions in the Syrian desert. There are likely chemical munitions traded between Libya and Syria. The Germans used to test warplanes in the Libyan desert. There are dive bomber training schools in Dresden. Dresden used to trade in East German mark. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Bosnia remains an important port for the German military because Sarajevo trades in mark. The East German mark was worth less than the West German mark.


Tank driving schools in Argentina

There are military academies and tank driving schools in Venezuela. Caracas is a port on the Venezuelan Basin. Buenos Aires is a port on the Atlantic Ocean. There are reports about inflation in Venezuela. The tanks seem to be sent to Caracas from the Gulf of Danzig. Lubeck, Germany is a port near Poland and it used to trade in East German mark. "...Argentina experienced a general strike in 1907 in which 93,000 took part." Notice this description of organized labor in Argentina. It's possible there are tank driving schools near Buenos Aires. It's likely there are radio signals sent between Brandenburg and Argentina about military affairs.


Airbases in Taiwan

"Large airbase in central Taiwan..." "The base was called CCK for short." Notice this description of the air force in Taiwan. It's controversial when weaponry is transported between Taipei and the Xiamen harbor. There are sometimes weapons garrisons near the Xiamen harbor. There are reports about the internal security in Hong Kong. It's possible that the same hardware is used in both Taiwan and Hong Kong for the purposes of internal security. The radios seems to have been built in Germany's eastern provinces. There used to be a drive bomber training school in Dresden.


The German infantry

Notice this data from the World Bank about the German infantry. There are historical anecdotes about labor strikes in East Germany and Czechoslovakia. There are likely chemical munitions transported between Sachsen and the Syrian desert. Dresden is across the border from Prague. Bosnia is an important port for the Germany military because Sarajevo trades in mark. The Germans maintain airbases in Anatolia.

German Infantry

Labor strikes in Virginia

"...the strike that was in Saxony, as in the harbors on the Baltic coast..." There are concerns about the labor unions in Germany's eastern provinces. Lubeck used to trade in East German mark. This excerpt is a description of labor strikes near the Gulf of Danzig. There are likely large airbases near Warsaw. There might be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through the Gulf of Danzig. The Virginians are ethnically Prussian and they speak in a regional dialect. It's never clear about any labor strikes in Virginia and there are concerns about the defense budget.

German radio technology

I am writing about the German security services. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. There are labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. It's controversial about any military radios used for the purposes of internal security. Notice this description of East Berlin. "...then President of Police in East Berlin..." There are labor unions in Virginia. There have been complaints about the defense contractors in Virginia because they make high salaries but they might not have much formal education. It's not clear about any imported hardware in Virginia. There are concerns about the defense budget. There might be labor strikes in Virginia.

Trade with Germany

Notice this chart about Europe. East Germany traded in East German mark and West Germany traded in West German mark. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. Lviv, Ukraine seems to be a regional hub for labor unions. The Germans have developed radios that can send long distance transmissions with precision. It's controversial when military radios are used for international trade.

German Infantry